Chapter 11: Chapter 6-Beginning of Everything 2

After giving birth to my first child i was happy that i had a someone else i love expect mother. Even though many criticise delvi and me i still had a happ life with my daughter.

Time went like that for 4 years. I got to know that i was pregnant with an another child. I knew if this child were to be a girl or boy their will be people always trying to harm our small family then the time to give birth came after another 9 months. I gave birth to beautiful baby boy i knew at that moment castle will not be a safe place for my children anymore.

Most of the people in Empire wanted to crown my child as the crown prince. This brought the dissatisfaction of many parties among them most dangerous was that old cunning lady. I got to know one thing during these 5 years that is despite the outer appearance of the Queen Andriya she is rotten from the inside so i always  kept high vigilance toward there activities. As i suspected they made their movement today.

“Lyra, Delvi Listen this castle is not safe for us or your brother anymore tonight we will leave this castle to a village i know. It pains me to take all this good foods and clothes from you but i must do this for your two and your brother” i said while caressing my two daughters hair.

“It's okay as long as i have my family i don't want an of these things” Delviny said while cutely smiling which Lyra also nodded to my suprise i felt a small hand tightly holding my fingers. Velian was holding my fingers like to say everything will be allright.

“We will leave tonight pack some clothes and come to this room quickly” i said

Velian POV

No matter what world I'm in problems always follow me. I promised myself that i won't allow anything to happen my family in this life. I already consider mother and two sisters as my real family but I'm helpless in this infant body even though i have storage magic skill i can't even use it because my mana core is still not a wakened.

“We will leave tonight pack some clothes and come to this room quickly” i hear mother advice the other two. Actually it's the best option now even though mother is a A rank she can't fight protecting 3 children. It's either fight or flight.

After few hours sun took it's break and the new moon is visible in the sky. I heard two footsteps coming closer to our room. Mom got ready to use magic but she didn't because it was two sisters with a small bag.

“Girls, are u ready to go now?“ She asked

“Yes mother” both girls said at the same time

We went through the passage and somehow after few minutes we were able to get to the capital main gate. There were two guards but they were half asleep. 

“SYLPH'S HYMN” mother chanted a spell to put two guards to sleep. Slyph' hymn is a wind elemental skill which brings drowsiness and decreases the agility of the enemy then we entered into the carriage to leave the capital at the same time i used apprisal on mother to see her status.

Name: Daphnia Bersa

Sex: Female

Age: 24


Race: Human

Overall Rank: A

Blessings: -

You are reading story True King’s Ecstasy at

Elements: Water, Wind

Magic skills: Cryogen Wall(A), Freeze Blast(A), Watershot(B), Aqua Buckshot(B), Sylph's Hymn(C), Boost(C)

Martial art skills: -

Woah! She has two A rank skills now i know she is not to be taken lightly.

3rd person POV

Royal palace was at panic as there were many attacks on servants aswell as guards and also royal family. Crown prince also got injured by this attack but only few individual knows the real reason of this farce that's to kill the Queen Daphnia and Prince Velian.

“Where're they how can they escape without us knowing? Did someone sell us out?“ Gilmorton asked from the others angrily.

“Lord Gilmorton, we got information from a guard that they escaped from the north capital gate in a carriage.“ A man clad in black suddenly said while running toward Gilmorton.

“I'll follow them send 2 more C rank to help me.” Gilmorton said while quickly running toward the carriage.

After twenty minutes in the forest a carriage sound can be heard running toward the direction of Rapidclaw kingdom.

Suddenly the carriage stopped without any sign of obstacle or anything. A sound of a man can be heard from the outside. Daphina tried to look at what happened to the driver but it was too late there was dagger stuck to his neck.

“Your highness Daphnia, Come outside i don't want to make this anymore harder we'll give you all a painless death” Gilmorton said while getting close to the carriage with his other two companions. 


Suddenly a pillar of ice pierce the head of one assassin and he fell on the floor lifeless.