"Kairi, I have invited someone to train you. He might be able to help strengthen your body while I help strengthen your power." Ziphoteninx told Kairi who was resting beside his body.


He had become bigger again after seeing Kairi believe him.


"Oh. Is that why you prepared another two glasses?" Kairi pointed at the drinking glasses.


Ziphoteninx laughed. "You're smart, Kairi. I didn't assume you would guess it by the glasses."


Kairi gives a shy smile. "I just guessed. So, who is it?"


"You'll see soon. Ah, they have arrived on time." Ziphoteninx turns his head to the side of the lake.


Two people in black attires were seen moving towards them.


"Wh, what?! It's you?!" One of the people yelled in shock after seeing Kairi.


"Hm? Yes...?" Kairi doesn't think he has ever seen that person. 


"But, he knows me. Who is he then? He's not in Antonia before." Kairi silently thought with a confused expression.


"Shut up, Dark Hartina. You are in front of a great being." Dark Kurumi, the other person, kicked his side but Dark Hartina jumped back.


His finger was pointed at Kairi with his mouth gaping. Then, he realised a huge wolf almost as big as a royal carriage resting behind Kairi. Its eyes move to him, making him tremble in fear. He could feel a warning in those eyes.


"Let me introduce them to you, Kairi."


The wolf stood up, making it more huge. Dark Hartina could feel the wolf's shadow almost reach him.


This wolf...! What is this wolf?! He can talk too!


Dark Hartina's body sweated profusely. He feared that if he moved a step, the wolf might eat him. Such being, its aura was enough to make him kneel. It's almost like he was seeing Dark Revier again.


"Kairi, this is your blood-brother, Draco. He's also one of the Bright Star users. As for the other..." Ziphoteninx narrowed his eyes at Dark Hartina, making the latter gulp.


"Does it want to attack me?! Wait! What did it say just now? Draco? Draco?!" Dark Hartina snapped his head at Dark Kurumi in horror.


He finally found out that Dark Kurumi was actually hiding his true self as one of the Bright Star users. A moment later, he snapped his head back to Ziphoteninx with eyes widened big and mouth gawking in disbelief.


"He's also a Bright Star user called Hydra. Oh, he is also a pitiful user, Kairi. He has many personalities because Hydra has many heads. Each is its own. That's why, you don't need to feel surprised if Hydra changes into someone else later, okay? And I am called Ziphoteninx. Pleased to meet you, Hydra." Ziphoteninx grins, making Dark Hartina tremble again.


Kairi's eyes blink at Ziphoteninx before he turns back to Dark Kurumi and Dark Hartina.


"My blood-brother? I have a sibling?! And they are also Bright Star users?! Wow!" 


Kairi was shocked to know about it. In Antonia, no one mentioned it before. Dark Kurumi walked closer to him and stared at him. His cold face makes Kairi feel a little bit uncomfortable.


"You might want to tell him your story, Draco. Kairi after all has lost his memory to someone..." Ziphoteninx's eyes went to Dark Hartina again.


Dark Hartina was startled. "He knows?! How'd he know?! What exactly is this wolf?!"


"Come and sit. There's plenty of space on this tatami. Draco, you can explain to him while we drink something." Ziphoteninx laid back behind Kairi who also followed him and sat while his back rested against Ziphoteninx.


Dark Kurumi pulls off his black boots and sits in a position with his knees folded under him. Dark Hartina was still frozen in his place. So, Ziphoteninx used his power to directly put Dark Hartina on the tatami, shocking them all.


"What the heck?!" Dark Hartina screamed internally but his body couldn't move at all.


His body was sitting like Dark Kurumi style with his boots disappearing and appearing behind him. Such a position humiliated him. It was like he was doing a dogeza to someone to ask for his or her forgiveness. 


But then, he remembered he did something unforgivable to Kairi. Such a position seems appropriate though...


"What the hell am I thinking?!" He felt complicated inside.


"Kairi, you and your brother are from the Knight Seeyer clan. You are also a descendant from Queen Siarah." Ziphoteninx first explains their relationship.


"Huh? Then, where did Draco come from?" The question wanted to be asked by Dark Hartina but Kairi did it first.


"Draco is the one who married Queen Siarah." 

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Dark Hartina turns to Draco in surprise. He never thought such a thing happened 500 years ago. As for Kairi, he was amazed. It's no wonder Dark Kurumi can become Draco from the same generation as him.


"Wait, wait, Dark Kurumi. When did Dark Revier change your emblem?" Dark Hartina finally asked something he was clueless about.


"Hm? How do I know? I was appointed as Dark Kurumi because 'our uncle' chose me. He left Knight Seeyer when he was young, the same as other Dark Kurumi before him. Every one of the chosen ones would return to Knight Seeyer when the time comes to choose the next Dark Kurumi." 


Dark Kurumi shrugged before he explained. He also included the words 'our uncle' so Kairi wouldn't feel he was excluded by him. Kairi noticed it and smiled at him in appreciation. His smile makes Dark Kurumi's heart soften.


"Cough... Until I met Sir Ziphoteninx that I knew my emblem actually belonged to a Bright Star user and finally found out that Dark Revier has been deceiving us." Dark Kurumi continued while looking away from Kairi.


Dark Hartina was startled after listening to it. So, Dark Kurumi didn't know before. He turns his head to Ziphoteninx. Who is this wolf who knows them?


Ziphoteninx grins again. "I know a lot of things. But first, let's start from the beginning. The first question is who is Dark Revier."


Of course, Kairi and Dark Hartina want to know. So, they listened to Ziphoteninx stories. Dark Kurumi already knew about it a long time ago. He sipped his drinks while again listening to the stories. As for Kairi and Dark Hartina, their eyes and mouth couldn't widen more during the explanation.


"My god... If all this is true, then, then..." Dark Hartina couldn't finish his words.


There's no way Ziphoteninx would lie to them. Their emblems that shine during Kairi's first time awakened his power, which was already enough to prove that the dark emblems were not what they seemed. He knows it because he had seen Kairi's memories before he destroyed them.


"Wait! We have fifteen users of dark emblems. Does Dark Revier make them or...?" Dark Hartina looked at Dark Kurumi.


Dark Kurumi shrugged again. "No idea where the other comes from and... It seems only you who might know who have their emblems shine before. Who are they, Dark Hartina?" 


Dark Hartina recalled. He has seen everyone's memories of the Deorc Star users except Dark Revier. Now that he thinks about it, Dark Kurumi's thinking and memories, he was no longer able to see. No wonder he was shocked to find Dark Kurumi had already changed sides. As for how it happened, he doesn't want to know. It must have something to do with Ziphoteninx.


"All of them include us two except Dark Undria, Dark Chronos and Dark Markia. These three, why did they have the same dark emblems...?" Dark Hartina looked lost and confused.


Kairi gasped. "So, this means... All 32 Bright Star users were all alive?!"


Dark Kurumi and Ziphoteninx nodded. Their eyes become serious. Same as Dark Hartina who finally understood everything. He stood up which startled everyone. Dark Hartina also realised he could move again. He turned to Kairi and Ziphoteninx before he looked at Dark Kurumi.


"I need to go back." He stated with eyes darkening.


"Why? You know what'll happen if you go back. Can you hide your thoughts from Dark Revier?" Dark Kurumi chided him.


"But, I must go back. Dark Lordany..." Dark Hartina looked at Kairi. "No, Rafiz, I must make sure he doesn't change."


The name somehow makes Kairi feel pain in his heart. Why does he feel it? He was confused.


"Kairi, no, leader of Bright Star..." 


Dark Hartina kneeled to one knee and bowed to him. His action startled Kairi.


"My past mistake is impossible to atone. That's why, please forgive me. I can only do one thing for you now and that is to make sure Rafiz returns to you. It may take a longer time and I hope you can forgive me for that."


"Huh? Wh, what? Sir, I don't understand. Who is this Rafiz?" Kairi asked with a bewildered expression.


Dark Hartina's eyes show guilt but later, he was determined about something.


"Then, go. I have ensured that your memories about us here would be protected and shielded from Dark Revier examination on you later. Don't worry about him. We, after all, are the same being, not from this world." Ziphoteninx told Dark Hartina.


"Thank you, Sir Ziphoteninx!" Dark Hartina stood up again.


After nodding at them, he left. Kairi watched his back until he was gone.


What is going on?


"Will he be okay going back? Won't Dark Revier hurt him?" He asked them with worry.


"You don't need to worry about him. Dark Hartina is smart so he would make sure he stays safe. By the way... I'll tell you more about the Knight Seeyer clan. After that, we can start your training. We can't have you stumble or have a weak leg when you meet Dark Revier later." Dark Kurumi smirked. 


Kairi chuckled. "Okay. Thanks for that."


He then listened to Dark Kurumi's information about their family clan. Unknowingly, he doesn't seem scared after hearing that Dark Revier was a being escaped from... Hell, the underworld of death.