"What in the name of gods did you children bring home?!" 


Zagan, the twins' father asked them with a gaping mouth. He also stared at the puppies. Even their mother, Fina, looked stunned. They just got home from their work and found two fluffy balls in the basket in the living room. Coming closer, they finally realised what it was.


Shiroi and Kiroki were confused. They're dog puppies, right?


Ziphoteninx and Kironinx were sleeping now and curled cutely into a ball after having their stomach filled. They still looked a little dirty and Shiroi thought he would bathe them after their nap.


"Dear children, do you even know what kind of animals you brought home?" Fina asked them gently.


"Doggies?" Both said simultaneously.


"No, it's a beast pup! And it seems it belongs to that kind of group. We need to return them to where they belong before something happens!" Zagan turned to his wife with worried eyes.


Fina nodded. "I'm sorry, Shiroi, Kiroki, you can't have these pups as pets."


"But, but…" Shiroi and Kiroki looked sad.


"No but! These pups are not something we can tame when they grow up. And it's a special kind too. Look at them. They are still small. They should still have a mother and father. They could be very worried right now." Zagan slowly explained to them.


"And… The pups' parents would be anxious like both mom and dad. We would be worried if you both are gone and upset if anything happens to you. Do you want us to be separated from you like them?" Fina continued her husband's sentences and asked them.


Shiroi and Kiroki immediately shook their heads.


"We don't want them… To be separated… From their mother…" Shiroi started to sob.


Kiroki beside him nodded vigorously. If they were like the pups, they probably want to get back to their family.


"Bring them home, dad, mom," Kiroki cried out. He was sad because he pitied Ziphoteninx and Kironinx.


Fina got closer to them and hugged them. "Shh, don't cry. Mom will get you other animals later, 'kay?"


"Huu… 'kay…" Shiroi and Kiroki hugged their mom tightly.


They were also depressed because they couldn't keep Ziphoteninx and Kironinx anymore. Fina turned her eyes to Zagan, asking him to return them to where they belonged. 


Zagan understood and got closer to the basket. He lifted it and then disappeared. Fina stays at home to calm her children. 


Zagan, who was in the sky, flapped his white wings at lightning speed in one direction.


"Zagan, man. What are you doing flying so fast?" 


Gasper, Zagan's best friend, coincidentally saw him and followed behind at the same speed. Then he saw Zagan was carrying a basket and looked over. His eyes widened.


"What in the name of gods are you carrying, man?! That's a Rusilac Beast! And you even have two of its pups?! Are you insane?!" Gasper exclaimed in worry and fear.


Rusilac also means destroyer which can be understood easily as what it would do. They also have tendencies to get violent if their pups or family members were threatened, killed or gone from their side.


"You don't have to remind me. Sigh… My children brought them home. I don't even know how they got them." Zagan swallowed.


"You forgot to ask where they found them?! It's dangerous! I need to contact the Cosantóir Team at once! Who knows if there are more of them sneaking into our area."


Zagan nodded in relief for his help. "Thanks."


He actually forgot he could telepathically communicate with that team. Suddenly, Ziphoteninx whimpered. As for Kironinx, it growled at Zagan after seeing him. It immediately barked loudly.


Where are the children they were with? And where are they? Where is the warm home they got themselves into? How come they were in these human hands?


They were confused and anxious. Could this angel be one of them and want to capture them again?


Kironinx won't let it be and jumped along with Ziphoteninx from the basket. White and raven wings spread from their back but due to the unstable wind current from Zagan and Gasper's wings, their flying was in jeopardy.


"Oh no!" Zagan and Gasper quickly capture one each.


"Ouch! Hey, I was saving you!" Gasper chided when his hand was bitten by Kironinx that he had saved.


Kironinx snarled and struggled but Ziphoteninx in Zagan's hands stayed quiet with a shivering body.


"God, this one is already fierce like the adults. Zagan, they need to be killed!" Gasper suggested.

You are reading story Bloody Friendship at


Zagan didn't answer immediately and stared at Ziphoteninx. The white body looked small and cute but also so afraid of him. It didn't do anything like the black pup. Only whimpering in fear and shivering.


"God of Death, have mercy on this poor beast soul that I'm going to end!" 


Gasper had enough of Kironinx who was violent to him and went for grabbing the pup's neck. He wanted to choke it to death before this pup got bigger and harm anyone.




Zagan stopped him while grabbing the arm that was holding Kironinx. 


"Let it go, Gasper…" He told him with eyes that had turned from blue to gold.


Gasper's eyes widened. "Zagan, are you crazy?! Are you pitying these beasts?!"


Zagan sighed. "I'm not… But, the pups are not very dangerous right now. It's better to return it to the Beast Domain rather than killing them."


"What?! You, you! Have you forgotten that these beast groups were stated as one of the most dangerous beings once they were found? Killing them is already enough mercy rather than bringing them back to Hell! They won't have an easy life there!" Gasper frowned.


"I know that! But I'm a parent! I have children too!" Zagan shouted.


Gasper went quiet when he understood what feeling was playing in Zagan's heart. He sighed and shook his head.


The shouts scared Ziphoteninx more and also made Kironinx finally let out a whimper. Zagan took Kironinx back and put him and Ziphoteninx in the basket. He manifested a lid and put it on top of the basket to enclose the pups in it. Then, he looked at Gasper with pleading eyes.


"God bless you! You are really so stubborn! Why the heaven that I become your best friend?!" 


Gasper cursed politely though he really would like to use hell or something in his words that would make him Non-Angel like. He folded his hands on his chest and glared at Zagan.


"What are you going to do with them now? It's impossible that you are going to return them to the Beast Domain."


"Did you contact the Cosantóir Team?"


"Not yet."


"Then, I would like to keep them as my children's companions."


Gasper's red wings curled because of Zagan's words that shocked him to his core. He fell but returned to Zagan's side again. His finger pointed at Zagan with a gaping mouth.


"You're crazy!!!" He yelled.


Zagan gives Gasper his back. 


"Please don't tell anyone about them. I'm going home... And can you search for a house that anyone wants to sell outside our area? Better far from anyone disturbing us."


Gasper's eyes twitched and then sighed heavily. It was impossible to change Zagan's mind once he made his decision.


"I'll go look and tell you later." He left after Zagan thanked him again.


Zagan looked at the basket. "It's hard when you are really sentimental towards cute and small things… But! I must be prepared if anything bad happens later."


Zagan returned to his home again. Fina was waiting for him in the living room while their children fell asleep after crying. She noticed the basket and then looked at him. She gave him a small smile and shook her head.


"I'm sorry, my heart. It seems I…" Zagan looked at Fina sheepishly.


"It's okay, love. I understand. Come, let me take a good look at them." 


Fina can sense the pups before Zagan enters the house. Zagan gave the basket to his wife and opened the lid. Ziphoteninx and Kironinx were nestled to each other while looking at them in vigilance.


Fina smiled at them. "Don't worry. We won't harm you and no one will take you from my children. Welcome to our home, Ziphoteninx, Kironinx…" She softly said while letting her hand sniffed by them.


She knew their names from Shiroi and Kiroki. Her hand has a calming scent that soothes the fear in Ziphoteninx and Kironinx's eyes. A moment later, they let Fina pat and brush their fur. Then, Fina took them to Shiroi and Kiroki's shared room. She put them on the bed of her children. 


Ziphoteninx and Kironinx, who smelled the children that gave them food, approach Shiroi and Kiroki. Anyone kind to them was acknowledged by them as allies. They began to cuddle on their side and close their eyes tiredly. Soft snoring sounded soon after.


Zagan hugged his wife from behind and looked gently at his children and the pups. It seems his family was growing larger and he must work harder to make their life better. He also needs to train the pups to follow his children's orders and protect them. 


It's just he needs to worry about whether they will listen to him or not in the future. And… The anger of this mother pups and her group of Rusilac Beast if they were still looking for Ziphoteninx and Kironinx. He hoped they didn't come.