Chapter 62: CHAPTER 62: DARK REAMMUT (1)

Kairi stares in one direction from his chamber balcony. His eyes brighten with a serious expression. Leo, Auriga and some Bright Star users stood behind him with the same expression. A moment later, Ziphoteninx and Kironinx appeared beside him.


"How's the situation?" Kairi asked them.


"The Deorc Star users have all gathered with Revioryx leading them. Kairi, there were hundreds of thousands of armies with them." Ziphoteninx looked grim.


"Fear not, Sir Ziphoteninx. We too have the same amount of armies." Auriga explained.


Kairi nodded in understanding. "Prepare for war!" He ordered.


"Yes, Your Majesty!" Everyone replied while kneeling to him before some of them left.


Rafiz and Dark Hartina went near Kairi.


"They're finally coming, huh?" Rafiz frowned.


"Kairi, we're ready." Dark Hartina said to Kairi.


"Please. I'm counting on you to divert Dark Spincer or Dark Sethan's attention away from Revioryx." Kairi had given them a task.


Since Dark Spincer and Dark Sethan were the strongest among the Deorc Star, he needed people to ensure both were not nearby Revioryx. Leo and Auriga were already busy enough with controlling their armies. He can't ask them to do it. And among everyone else, only Rafiz and Dark Hartina were suitable since they used to be allies to their enemies. They should be able to figure out both user weaknesses.


"Leave them to us, Kairi. You, please be careful." Rafiz looked a little worried.


His brother was going to face Revioryx alone. They were ordered not to interfere because they might disturb his focus when he was fighting Revioryx. 


"I know. I pray that you both and everyone else stay safe until we defeat Revioryx." Kairi smiled at them.


Rafiz and Dark Hartina nodded and then left too. Now, Kairi was alone with Ziphoteninx because Kironinx went to follow after Rafiz.


Kairi and Ziphoteninx flew into the air using their wind power and moved to the north wall of Antonia City. That direction was where their enemies were coming from. The soldiers arranged there, saluted him before they returned to their scout position. Their duty was to watch for their enemies' movement. 


Below the wall, hundreds of thousands of Syarantonia armies were standing in a straight position with weapons in their hands. Kairi could see they were tense and hear their nervous heartbeat. He knew among these people would lose their life and he couldn't save them unless he was nearby.


But… This war may take a longer time to end or a short time if he managed to capture Revioryx.


Kairi who sensed the incoming danger raised both his hands up quickly. His body emitted light before a semi-circle barrier surrounding the city. He floated in the air once more. After the first wall, a second and third wall appeared instantly.


He frowned when a red laser beam blasted his third wall. The impact was so strong that it caused tremors around it. Even the soldiers, some couldn't hold on and finally fell to the ground. It was like a huge earthquake knocking them.


"Maintain your position! The enemies have started to attack!" Leo, who still stood without feeling the earthquake, walked to the front of the armies he led.


Half armies were led by Auriga. Auriga summons his weapons and shoots at the ground in front of him. Monsters of various shapes and elements appeared one by one. From ten to hundreds more.


Pisces and Aquarius walked beside Auriga and then summoned their weapon. One was a harp and another was a sceptre. Aquarius played her harp. An aura of something spread wide to their armies and monsters. The aura gives more energy to them and calms their frantic thoughts.


As for Pisces, she used her power to summon a defence shield on everyone's bodies. This shield can only protect their life once. At least, she hopes it would give them one more chance to live.


As for the other Bright Star users, they too were nearby and stayed in front of the armies. They looked fearless even if the laser beam attack came shockingly. Soon, another laser beam appeared.


Kairi frowned. His third wall was destroyed and now it almost broke the second wall. Kairi guessed the laser beam was made from many power stones.


He smirked. "I think someone on the other side has created something bizarre."


"That person must be Dark Kage that was mentioned by Rafiz and Dark Hartina." Ziphoteninx nodded in agreement.


They were told about each member of the Deorc Star's power and skills by Rafiz and Dark Hartina. So they would guess who invented something huge like the strong laser beam. After all, Revioryx couldn't use his power this early. Revioryx could be saving his energy to fight Kairi.


"Still, he must be punished after we get him back!" Kairi was irritated.


He was angry because after using his far sight eyes, he could see many destroyed villages, cities and towns that were in the laser beam direction. The laser beam came from a man-made mechanical cannon from thousands of kilometres away. Of course, no one died since Leo ordered them to take cover in their shelter. 


Anyhow, who's going to pay for the rebuilding of those places?! And it definitely would come from his money!


As for their enemies in the north who didn't know Kairi was angry at them…


"Woah, it seems the strength of that barrier is so high. Must be their king who makes them." 


Dark Kage commented while using his long-range binoculars to see Antonia City. He was the one who fired the laser beam.


"Are you sure your toy can break the barrier?" Asked Dark Amilia as she looked at the hundreds of thousands of their armies behind them.


Each ten to hundreds of thousand soldiers were led by one Deorc Star General.


"Hey, this isn't a toy. This is my fifth thousand and two secret weapons."


"Why do you even make so many toys? That's not it, why are you remembering this numbering for? It's ridiculous!" Dark Ceilius chided.


"Well, it's because your brain has no memory chip and is not as smart as mine."


Dark Ceilius glares at Dark Kage.


"Shut up, Dark Kage. Hurry up and destroy that barrier. I can't wait to cut off their king's head." Dark Sethan cut in.


"Tsk! Fine!" 


Dark Kage ordered his soldiers to transfer more power stones into the 20 feet mechanical cannon. He had used these same types of power stones to unleash the laser beam just now. And now, he inputs some data to the cannon that rapidly sucks the energy from the new power stones.


He looked in the direction of Antonia again. He grinned widely. 




He pushed a red button and instantly another laser beam came out of the cannon, stronger and faster than before. The colour of the laser beam also had changed to dark blue.


"Kairi, I don't think your barriers are strong enough for this third attack. It's too big!" Told Ziphoteninx.


"Heh! You look down on me, Ziphoteninx." Kairi replied.


Then, he built three more barriers before summoning earth power to cover Antonia City. The cover was made of soil mixed with stone and metal.


Kairi could feel the laser beam breaking the fifth barrier and rapidly breaking the fourth and the third. While the beam was still destroying his last two barriers, he used his power to move Antonia City burrowed into the ground, letting the laser pass through the city. 


Everyone watched the laser beam pass through above them and it destroyed the cover ground until there was nothing left of it. Now, they looked like they were in big holes. Their breathing went frantic because they could imagine how strong the laser beam was. 


Kairi ignored the low noise coming from them. When he felt the laser beam was no longer there, he turned to his people.


"Listen here, everyone! We're going to the enemy's camp now! Prepare yourself! Just so you know, we are doing this to protect everyone in the world! Including your lover, family, siblings, cousins, and friends! So, let's defeat them and show them for endangering our lives and the whole world! Are you with me?!" He asked them aloud as he channelled his words to the whole armies and the Bright Star users.


Everyone was silent for a few seconds before Kairi heard their replies.


"Defeat them!"

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"Kill them!"


"We're with you, Your Majesty!"


They all roar vigorously in high spirits. This made them feel stronger and no longer fear their enemies.


"Good! Let's go!" Kairi shouted back. 


After gathering his powers, he summons multiple teleportation fields under all of them. One by one, the group of armies and the Bright Star users disappeared from the place along with Kairi and Ziphoteninx who took off first. Their first target was to destroy the mechanical cannon since it threatens their safety.


Before the war started…


"Mmph… Huff… Huff…" 


A young teenage girl was startled awake. She had a nightmare. Her eyes also showed anxiety and fear. Her breathing was a little tight while her body was sweating profusely. She can hear her heart beating so fast, almost suffocating her.


"Damn it! It's that nightmare again! Why do I have to dream something similar every night since meeting the leader of the Bright Star three years ago? What did he do to me?!" 


Dark Reammut growled angrily and hit her pillow. She blamed Kairi for making her sleepless every night. She couldn't get rid of those nightmares no matter what. Even a little nap would lead her to the nightmare.


What did he do to her?!


She sighed heavily and brushed her long hair away from her face. Frustration can be seen in her expression while she went into her bathroom to clean herself. 


Her room was located south of Luguom Palace with several other Deorc Star users in the same building. Several pieces of clothes were scattered around her room and she was too lazy to clean them up. Her room was painted black and yellow, and the only thing that was out of place was a thin bracelet with a tiny pink bear on a shelf beside her messy bed. Someone she loved had given it to her and it was now the last precious thing she had on her.


After Dark Reammut finished her bath, she opened her cloth cabinet and took a shining black armour and its matching helmet out. After wearing the armour, she looked at the bracelet and contemplated whether to bring it along or not. In the end, she still took it and clasped it on her right wrist and covered it under her gloves.


She came out of her room with her helmet. Her dark emblem chain swayed from her neck. Today, they were finally going to have a war with the Bright Star and put an end to their enemies once and for all. For centuries, the accumulation of soldiers belonging to them has reached hundreds of thousands who can now be deployed to destroy Syarantonia Kingdom and take control of it.


"Hey, good morning!" Greeted someone to her from behind while yawning.


"Dark Chronos... Morning." Dark Reammut nodded to him.


Dark Chronos also was wearing the same colour of armour as her.


"Want to go for breakfast? I'm also on my way..."


"Yes. You look cheerful even though today your life might end in the war."


"Heh! Maybe I'll die today or tomorrow. But, please  don't underestimate my abilities, Dark Reammut." Dark Chronos told her with a wink.


Dark Reammut rolled her eyes at him. He chuckled at her expression and then, they both walked to the eating chamber for generals. Since they were going to war soon, they must eat first. They can't go on an empty stomach or they would have no energy to fight their enemies.


Dark Reammut found Dark Amilia already in the eating chamber along with Dark Kage and Dark Ceilius. Her eyes immediately looked away. Her action was noticed by Dark Chronos and knowing her mood, he led her to a faraway table from the trio. He doesn't want to see Dark Reammut in a bad mood again or to him, it was known as upset.


Yes, Dark Reammut was upset with her blood-related sister. He doesn't know what happened but these two siblings were not on good terms.


"Hey, don't steal my fish balls!" 


Dark Amilia was angry when Dark Kage swiftly took her fishball from her plate and ate it.


"What? Your plate is full of them. Sharing is caring, you know." Dark Kage grins.


"You! Huh? No!" Dark Amilia slaps the hand of Dark Ceilius who also wants to steal her fish ball.


The two people tease Dark Amilia and their banter makes Dark Reammut so irritating. 


"Shut up! How can they eat in peace like this?!" She shouted but only in her mind.


She didn't want to cause any dispute before they went to war. But, she started to have no appetite to eat anymore. She got up from her seat and carried her half-finished food and threw it inside the trash can by the exit door. 


Dark Chronos has been silent since the banter from the trio. He followed her out too. Unbeknownst to them, Dark Amilia's eyes slightly went to them as they stepped out of the eating chamber.




She called in her heart silently before continuing to enjoy her meal while hitting Dark Kage and Dark Ceilius who were still messing with her.


Not long after, Dark Reammut as well as other Deorc Stars users and soldiers gathered in the field outside the palace. Dark Reammut stood in front of her nine thousand five hundred soldiers while giving a few words to encourage them. Dark Chronos and his soldiers were situated next to her.


"Heh! She looks more mature than three years ago. Could it be because she's getting older? Oh, wait, she is eighteen this year. She's not old." Dark Chronos thought quietly while staring at Dark Reammut.


Not a moment later, Dark Revier, their king, emerged from the high stage giving them all a glance. Dark Revier didn't say much other than telling them to kill all their enemies and wipe Antonia off the earth while saying he would give some awards if they manage to kill the Bright Star users. 


All the soldiers cheered and shouted his name afterwards. At once, the armies one by one disappear from the place through a teleportation field that appears below them. The teleportation field was made from Dark Kage's unique invention. He only needed to give the leader of the armies some type of machine button to hold onto and then, they would be transported to the north of Syarantonia Kingdom.


"Dark Reammut, here is yours." Dark Kage said as he handed the transport machine to Dark Reammut.


"Thanks… What?" Dark Reammut looked at him in confusion.


"I heard that you have trouble sleeping every night. It seems to be true. You have a black circle under your eyes and your skin is a little pale. Are you sure you can survive in this war?" Dark Kage asked.


He sounded worried but Dark Reammut knows Dark Kage has no feelings.


"I am fine." Dark Reammut replies while giving her back to him, signalling she doesn't want to chat anymore.


However, Dark Kage did not move or leave.


"What are you dreaming about?" He asked, wanting to know the problem that disturbed Dark Reammut's sleep. 


He just wants to know because he wanted to build a sleeping device after this. He's been thinking about it for a long time. Building a dream tool that can give nightmares to anyone he dislikes.


"Sigh… I don't remember..."


"You're lying."


Dark Reammut turned her head back to Dark Kage and stared at him sharply. 


"Leave me alone, Dark Kage." Her anger showed on her face with a little dark aura released by her.


Dark Kage looked at her for a moment before he sighed. He walked to leave but he told her something first.


"Dark Amilia wants me to tell you to be careful."


Dark Reammut was startled to hear it. 


"Impossible!" She didn't believe it.


Her eyes glared at Dark Kage's back when he left. Then, she pushed the button on her hand, making her and her soldiers disappear.