Chapter 8: 8. Meting Lady

" Tang...klong... Tang... klong ... "

A sound of Town bell woke me up...

I open my eyes and sat up straight. 

I turning my head to side... 

The young sister were sitting there,  rubbing her eyes before facing me.

It's looked like I, unconsciously, had woken her up!?

" Yaawwnn... You should really stop that bad habbit of yours, Mister." 

" You should also stop copying that bad habbit of mine, Sherlly "

" Instead! Shouldn't you be gratefull because you wouldn't get any neck pain when sleeping sitting up ? "

I focused my view to her shoulder. 

There was a trace of mine using it as a pillow. 

Then, I looked at her eyes once more.

" ...Thanks "

" Yourwelcome "

" I do hope you wouldn't get any shoulder pain  "

" I won't, see-- ack... "

She was warming up her shoulder to show up how true what I was afraid of. 

" See? Now I have to fill the water in your private toilet... Again "

It was actually one of her daily task, but...well, It's my way to show my gratitude. 

" You don't have to-- "

" I will "

" I must consider to call you Mr.Rock head, from now on. "

" Yeah yeah "

I stood up from the seat and look a around. 

It a few older children were still playing around by them self. 

" I wanna to clinic now. Will do that hardwork after "

" And take a bath! You are smelly and dirty Mister "

" Will do "

I wore my bag, Inside were my laundries and my repaired outfit. 


" See ya "

" See ya soon "

A few children came after me to give their own greeting as I walked away.




I went to nearby adventurer clinic while bringing a few fruits on the way.

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Sadly, the sign of  [Close]  was still hanging  on the door. 

I ignored that and knocked the door while screaming laudly 

" Lady... Are you there?  It's me! Owl "

A sound of unlocked door could be heard Only after three times of repeating that.

" Nywaannn! Aren't this too early, Owl?"

" It's almost midday, Lady "

" It's still too early for me " 

" Shoul I come back later? "

" Nah, come in "

The clinic was so dark with a few tiny sparkles on the wall as the only light source. 

Any other kind of light would be absorber by the black wall. 

That's the unique charm of this clinic that made less people came there. 

" Ugh, You are smelly, you should take a bath "

" So do you, Lady " 

" You are still smell more worse than me, like a zombie "

" Have you look at the mirror? "

Yep, She was "one kind" who evade the light to certain extend

" ugh, You know that's my way to praise you "

" I just give you the same praise "

Then, we finally arrived at her lab.

I put the fruits nearby before she began the examination 

" Let's see, a few curses and poisons huh?  You should came here sooner "

" If only you have woken up then "

" You can always come back earlier in the morning "

" And gain less Fortune? Sorry "

" Who is talking now? Someone who happily laze around and throwing their money at the day? "

" At least, I have some savings. Not like a certain woman "

" You are the weirdo here! A true mercenary need no savings! "

" Er... I am an adventurer "

" What's difference? You can also die anytimes "

" hmn... You are right " 

I wanted to argue that anyone could...but I held my self. 

I didn't want a useless debate and I did know that death always couln't be predicted. 

I had sawn with my own eyes about those who never woke up from their sleep, those who couldn't ever come out of their house, those who crossing the line of death while having conversation. And Etctera...

Death was always unpredictable, as if told us to be ready anytimes.