Before Shiroi returned to Earth, he stopped somewhere. The place has a beautiful lake and the water was not clear but colourful. Each minute, it will change into a different colour. Shiroi brought up a bottle glass and filled it with the water of the lake.
"Your Majesty, what do you want to do with that Eternal Water?" Asked someone who suddenly appeared behind him.
Shiroi looked back. "Halifer..." He called the name of the angel.
Halifer was the guardian of this lake. He has sleepy green eyes and wild grey hair that looks like he has just gotten up from his bed.
"My wife is a human. She will be your future queen someday." Shiroi explained straightforwardly.
Halifer's sleepy eyes awoke and his eyebrows rose in surprise at the announcement.
"Your Majesty, are you aware that there would be a problem with allowing a human to live as immortal? It might cause chaos for you later." He sounded worried.
Eternal Water just like the Eternal Flame was a special substance. Anyone who drinks the Eternal Water will have an immortal body and they will stop ageing at the time they drink it. Another advantage to it was they would be like the angels that can recover if they were killed multiple times or lost their limbs.
But, there was a difference. The angels and the special beings can still die if their important hearts were crushed or destroyed. But the immortal would not. The Eternal Water was not effective on the angels or the special beings who drank them because they already had immortal bodies.
Shiroi knows the consequences of turning a human into an immortal being. He nodded at Halifer.
"Yes, I understand but I only wanted her as my queen, no other," Shiroi told him seriously.
Halifer went silent for a long time before he let out a heavy groan. He realises that he can't change Shiroi's mind. He slowly smiled afterwards.
"As your wish, Your Majesty. Since your queen is a human, this might help her if she gets in danger from the other angels who don't like her later." He made a rainbow marble appear in his hands.
He approached Shiroi and put the rainbow marble into the bottle of Eternal Water that was held by Shiroi. The rainbow marbles turn to powder before dissolving in the Eternal Water. Soon after, the colours of the water changed to colourless and many sparkles of lights appeared in it.
Shiroi frowned at his actions. "Halifer, how did you have this God Pill? I thought only Zarikei and Junira have it?"
Halifer grinned. "I didn't possess it before. This was a gift from both Majesties for your future queen."
Shiroi was surprised to hear that. His mouth also was opened slightly.
"Haha. Your Majesty, you can't hide your lover from both Majesties. They had already known about it for a very long time. They're the ones who told me to give this God Pill to you if you come here. It seems they were very sure that you would choose a human to be our queen someday."
Shiroi looked disbelieving. He could have never thought that Zarikei and Junira would help him. After thinking about it for a long time, his heart was relieved to know that Zarikei and Junira supported his relationship with Aries. He apparently needs to meet them first before going down to Earth.
"Thank you, Halifer!" He said while making the bottle disappear into his storage dimension.
"You're welcome, Your Majesty. Hope you live happily with your future queen forever." Halifer replied while bowing respectfully to him.
Shiroi nodded at him before he disappeared from the lake. He went to the palace belonging to Zarikei and Junira next. They have already concluded the trial in the palace hall.
As for Dark Chronos, he doesn't know what happened to him. But Revioryx has been returned to the Hell realm. His body will remain inside the sealed boxes and stored in different places and levels to ensure he can never be in complete form anymore.
"Hey, I don't think you're needed here. Go back to Earth again."
Zarikei appeared as soon as Shiroi took a step up the stairs to enter the palace building. He appeared directly in front of Shiroi. Shiroi raised his eyebrows at Zarikei's mood which seemed to be angry with him.
"Zarikei, are you mad at me? Because I haven't stayed here for a while? Or because you have to continue the task of solving the angel's problem after we left before?" He guessed the reasons why Zarikei was angry.
"Yeah! Since you know it, then scram!" Zarikei barked at him.
"Heh! You're not even angry. If you are, the sky above us would have turned red and emitted a fire like your mood right now. By the way, thank you for the wedding gift. I really appreciate it."
Zarikei stared at him for a long time before he laughed out loud.
"Ah... You know my deception. It's not fun like this because you're not afraid of me." He looked sad.
"Yes. And by the way, what happened to Chronos? What did you do to him?" Kairi did not forget this angel since he was important to Dark Reammut.
"Him? Since he had become a fallen and was involved in Revioryx's evil scheme, I and Junira agree to punish him by turning him into a mortal. This is the only mercy we can give him since he did help to capture Revioryx in the end and because he was the formal God of Darkness and Calamity."
"But, he becomes a fallen because he was betrayed. Didn't you find them yet?" Kairi felt injustice for Dark Chronos.
"We are still investigating. If the reason for him becoming a fallen was from these beings' evil scheme and mistreatment, then we will call for another trial for him. For now, Chronos will just stay wherever he is right now."
"Hope they got what they deserve. I still believe Chronos is innocent."
"Yeah, yeah. Now, leave us! Shoo!" Zarikei narrowed his eyes at Kairi.
His expression looked exhausted and Kairi could understand it. He too has heavy responsibility like Zarikei and Junira were.
"Zarikei, Kiroki and I will just be on Earth for a few more years. Hopefully, you and Junira can handle everyone just for a little more time."
"I know that! And after you guys return, I will dump all my tasks on you two! Wait, that still doesn't sound fair! How can you guys have your fun while I'm doing my work with Junira! I want to be alone with her too…" Zarikei complained.
A moment later, an idea came up in his mind.
"Oh, I got an idea! Hehehe... Shiroi, you're not going to be reborn as a human again, right?"
Shiroi felt uneasy. "No. I'm staying as I am now. Why?"
"Hehehe..." Zarikei disappeared with his creepy laugh.
Shiroi couldn't help shuddering. It seems Zarikei was planning something for him. Well, let's just face it when it comes later. He doesn't need to meet Junira since he had met Zarikei. So, he was ready to go down to Earth again.
His chest without a heart in it was beating with joy because he would meet with everyone again. At the same time, he figured out what he needed to do with his dead human body. He cannot allow the body to be buried. That was his body and he would take care of it himself.
On his way to the mortal portal, in Econia…
All the Bright Star users including Dark Undria, Dark Markia, Angelote, Aries' parents and Rafael gathered in the hall. Kairi's body was placed in a flowery glass. Aries was sobbing beside it with her parents hugging her from each side.
She regained consciousness an hour later and realised everything was not a dream but a reality she needed to face. Currently, she was touching Kairi's face gently. She was a little surprised because the body was still warm. It should have been cold by now.
"Kairi..." She thought with tears falling down her cheeks again.
She tried so hard to restrain herself from sobbing in front of everyone again but it was so hard not to cry. Outside, the residents of Dorothia and Antonia feel the loss of Syarantonia's king. Everyone had a sad expression and some were crying in grief for his loss.
Rafael, who stood next to Rafiz, had red eyes. He too was saddened by Kairi's death. He could hear his son beside him sniffing hard but didn't let a tear fall from his eyes.
Suddenly, all of them were startled by a powerful presence inside the hall. Their bodies were pressured by it. One by one fall to the floor in a sitting position. Anxious feelings cover them because they don't know whether the owner of that power was their enemy or their friend.
Time ticked by until they saw a light appear above them. A man emerged from the light with his wings slowly unfolded behind him. They instantly looked up at him and took a deep breath after seeing his beautiful appearance.
"Oops! Sorry! I forgot my power is too strong for you guys!" He looked worriedly at them before enclosing his powerful presence inside him.
Everyone there was finally able to breathe comfortably again and all stood up once more. Aries and Rafiz took a moment to look at him for a very long time. They seem to have seen him before but have forgotten where. It was until he landed and smiled gently at them that both immediately realised who he was.
"Kairi?" Both said his name at the same time.
Huh? What?
Everyone there looked dumbfounded. They thought their ears were hearing the wrong thing. But, Rafiz and Aries already ran to him. Rafiz hugs him tightly first before he lets go and lets Aries hug him next.
Kairi too hugs them with happiness. It seems both of them still remember his angel appearance. Rafiz remembers from the memory that Ziphoteninx and Kironinx showed them. As for Aries, he already saw her memories where she was chatting with his soul in his deep consciousness.
"You really came back? You scared us so much!" Rafiz smacked one of his shoulders.
"Sorry… I did want to return after capturing Revioryx but it seems I exhausted all my power and it killed my human body." Kairi explained.
"Sobs… You, You… Won't… Leave, right…?" Aries asked with tears flowing down.
Kairi was still hugging her and didn't let go. He shakes his head and looks at her lovingly.
"No. And I am no longer a human anymore. But I will stay with you forever from now on." He told her before he kissed her lips quickly.
He still has some business and that was… Explaining about his true identity to everyone. They all were surprised after listening to his, Aries and Rafiz's chatting. They couldn't believe their eyes and ears at all.
Kairi was still alive! But he is not human?!
Well, they can see he has wings. That explains one thing already. They watch Kairi walk to his human body and a bright light appears that makes them have to close their eyes. When the light was gone, they saw him again.
The human body was gone and the angel's appearance now looked like his human self. However, his white hair and yellow eyes had changed back to his human original colour, red. Then, he turned to them with a big smile.
"I'm home… And starting today, we have a lot of work to do. But, let's heal you all first." Once he said them, all of the power users were healed and their body was cleaned off.
If there were a cut anywhere to their attires, it was patched up again in complete new by Kairi's power.
"Alright! Even if Revioryx was gone now, his underlings were still around. Come on, let's clean all of them up." He told them with an order.
"Yes, Your Majesty!!!"
Kairi nodded at them. "Aries, Perseus and Lyra are still going to stay here. The rest can go do your work. Ah, Orion, you and I are going to rebuild Antonia once more. Damn that Revioryx, he destroyed our entire home."
You are reading story Bloody Friendship at
Kairi looked angry but sighed when he thought they would need to rebuild it once more. Aries, who was now beside him, patted his back. She understands his feelings. Not just her, everyone too.
"Alright. Let's go then, Your Majesty. Finish it fast and we can go home fast too. And I think we need Kage." Orion said before looking at Dark Kage.
Dark Kage smirked. "I already have a planner to build Antonia that is different from before."
"Really?! When did you even make them?! Dark Ceilius was flabbergasted.
"Tsk! Remember the war? If Antonia falls in our hand, Revioryx asked me to reshape it because he doesn't want Antonia to look like Antonia."
"Oh, right… He did ask that." Some of the formal Deorc Star users remembered the order again.
"Then, let us see your planner, Kage. Hope it becomes more impressive." Kairi nodded at him.
"Of course!"
Afterwards, everyone walked out of the building along with Kairi. The residents were shocked to see him and he told them that he was given a chance to live because his power awakened to become a more powerful one. He apologised to them because he made them sad. Everyone forgave him and cheered happily after knowing he was alive again.
"I've forgotten to ask. What kind of god title do you have, Kairi?" Dark Kage wanted to know.
And not just him, but everyone wanted to know too. Even Rafiz couldn’t figure it out.
Kairi smirks. "Guess then?"
"God of Light?"
They guessed one by one.
Kairi chuckled. "I think my title should have to do with all of your power, don't you think?"
"What?! That makes you the badass god ever alive then?!" Virgo was shocked, along with everyone too.
Kairi shrugged. "I didn't choose to be but that might be the reason I was chosen to be your leader."
"Ah… But Queen Siarah was the first Master of Stellars."
“Yes, but she didn’t have all the stellar spirit beast following her. As for me, they all will listen. I am the God of Stars. I control them. As for how the stellar powers came upon the world, it is because the source has predicted it. Don’t ask me about its existence because it is a secret that I too won’t understand or know.” Kairi explains to them.
“No wonder then… Okay, let’s finish our work. Man, I hate those monsters.” Dark Sethan sighed.
“Tsk! Those monsters are puny monsters. Why don’t you try to fight the sea dragon that Revioryx controls? It is still waiting near the Eridan Kingdom. It’s like it was guarding it even though Revioryx is no longer here.” Dark Kurumi rolled his eyes at him.
“I'll go release it from its control. The dragons are peaceful creatures unless you disturb his home.” Kairi told them.
Then, everyone leaves Econia with their respective groups again. It was about a month before they got rid of all the monsters but there were some who ran away and went back into the Ethina Zone.
Kairi activated the barrier around the zone once more and strengthened it so that no one can enter or exit it anymore. Though, he still put a portal there if these guys were tired of lazing around and wanted to fight some monsters.
During the month, he also starts rebuilding Antonia City along with other residents' places that were destroyed by the monsters. It was a long time and hard work from both him, Orion and Dark Kage. Since the other kingdoms were complaining about it, of course.
Kairi could have compensated the kingdoms for allowing Revioryx’s monster to attack them, but he rather built for them because it was much faster and low cost. So for almost a year, he and others were doing the rebuilding project on their kingdom and other kingdoms too.
Once Antonia City and Antonia Palace were rebuilt into bigger, more impressive and majestic places than before, they finally held a celebration ceremony. Same for Luguom City and its palace. The inhabitants of Dorothia soon returned to their kingdom from Econia. Since there was no king, Kairi proposed a vote for everyone to choose a new king.
Dark Undria got the most votes and he was so shocked when he was told to be the new king of the Dorothia Kingdom. He tries to refuse but in the end, he was forced by Kairi and their friends to become the King. This was because Dark Undria helped the people of Dorothia Kingdom when Revioryx attacked them. Almost everyone has voted for him to be their king. In conclusion, he must accept the position as the king even if he didn’t want to.
After the monsters were eradicated, most of the formal Deorc Star users wished to stay in the Dorothia Kingdom since that was where they lived for a long time. They have made their home there for centuries and it was hard to leave it now for the Syarantonia Kingdom.
Other Bright Star users were sad about the separation but as long as there was Dark Kage’s teleportation device, everyone could see each other again. Dark Kage even built communication devices for them to communicate with each other.
Eridanus, who was told to kill Dark Spincer by the latter himself, didn’t do it. Instead, he urges himself to forget his revenge and continue to work hard to protect everyone's life from becoming like his past. Same for Dark Spincer who had gone everywhere he eradicate and built a grave for all he had killed.
He even apologises to the still alive family members. Some scorn him and throw filthy things at him but some forgive him and wish he does his best to keep the world in peace and no more killing from him. Dark Spincer promised them he would not kill anyone anymore.
As for Aries, after Kairi ordered everyone to eliminate the monsters, he brought Aries into their temporary room in Econia. He makes love to her for two days and doesn’t leave the room even once. Their nourishment was popped by Kairi so there was no need for them to get out of the room to eat or drink. Afterwards, he gives her the bottle with Eternal Water and explains to her about it.
“Will you accept to be my queen and the leader to watch over the universe with me?” He asked her gently while kneeling in front of her while she was sitting on the bed.
“Kairi, tell me. Is this a proposal for marriage for the angels?” She wanted to know this answer first.
Kairi nodded his head. “Yes.”
“Then, I am willing to be your queen forever.” Aries pulled him up and kissed his lips.
Kairi was so happy to hear her answer and kissed her back. Then, he watched her drink the Eternal Water and could feel some kind of power awakened inside of her. Not the stellar power but power as a god.
He also didn’t forget that he had made a promise to meet with King Loar from the Beilton Kingdom. Since the world was affected by the monsters, Kairi directly met with other kingdom kings too and they made a meeting where every king except Eridan Kingdom’s king, attended it.
Eridan Kingdom royal members were still missing and no one found anyone yet and concluded that they were all dead and killed by Revioryx and the monsters. As for the meeting, it was held in Antonia Palace. For the first time ever, everyone agreed to have a meeting once a year to talk about their kingdom condition and any problem they cannot handle from now on. They were forced to work together now and had to accept it whether they like it or not.
Nine months later, Kairi and Aries' child along with Perseus' and Lyra’s child were finally born in the same month. Kairi named his newborn son, Shiroi, with his angel’s name. He hopes the name will bring good luck to his child. Seeing the three children, everyone was so happy and the ones who hadn’t married yet or were in love were teased to marry soon by their friends.
Rafiz rolled his eyes when Rafael asked him to find a partner soon. He wouldn’t live much longer than them, so he also wants to see another grandchild from him. Rafiz just made his ear listening to his father's rant while his mind was elsewhere.
Rafael was now living with them in Antonia Palace. He had given his restaurant in Ryam Town to an employee whom he felt was fit to take care of it. He wouldn't have left Ryam Town if it wasn’t for Kairi to make his wife's grave disappear and be put in the royal graveyard. So, he was forced to stay with his sons from now on, while Kairi and Rafiz smiled sweetly at him. They were worried for his safety after all.
Rafael has also opened a new restaurant in Antonia City and his restaurant has become a well-known restaurant in the whole world. The restaurant was a favourite place for everyone and if they were lucky, they might have seen bizarre things there. And that was… Kairi and other Bright Star users become their waiters.
It was truly a shocking scene but attracted a lot of people to come there. Well, the people with bad attention were kicked out before they could get in by Dark Hartina. He used his mind power to see which customers have ill will toward their king and not just kick them out but also jail them for their evil thoughts and crimes they had done before.
Kairi just lets him do what he wants. Since he had come back to Earth, he was very happy with his life now. But…
“Your Majesty, King Zarikei wishes for you to take a task on another planet. There seems to be something going on there and Your Majesty wanted you to investigate it. You can bring some help if you want to.”
A male angel appeared in front of him when he was about to eat his lunch with all his friends and family that gathered for his and Rafiz's meeting date, June 15th. They looked at him with shocked eyes.
“Finally, huh. Alright, tell him I’ll meet him later.” Kairi slowly smiled.
He had known that Zarikei was planning something for him. The male angel bowed to him before he disappeared. Everyone there turned to him.
“Well, guys. Our peaceful day would be interrupted again. So, are you guys ready for a new adventure?”
Some smirk at him while the rest sigh before they nodded at him.
“Then, gear up! Let’s finish the task fast and have our next long break again later.”
“Yes, Your Majesty!”
A month after Revioryx was defeated…
"Pegasus, he will be condemned to death for his crime." Kairi's sentences surprised everyone in the meeting room he held for them.
“What?! Why?!” Everyone shouted out.
Agi, who knows the reason for it.
"No, Your Majesty! I won't allow it!" Agi opposed it at once.
Pegasus, who was jailed by Kairi…
"I am willing if this is the only way I can atone for my mistake to you, Agi..." He told with guilt in his eyes.
And two new members who had stumbled into the Bright Star users' circle.
"Father, mother..." Tarius looked sadly. He knows the tragedy happening to them.
"Tarius, we must return. We have changed too much in this period of time." Fariz, his partner said to him.
“I know… I just wish I could change it. Not for me but… For them…” Tarius looked away and left Antonia City with Fariz.