As Amelia slowly drove the truck closer to the town of Maplekeep, the excitement in Ash's chest grew.
"Whoa," Ash exclaimed once he spotted Maplekeep in the distance. "Those walls, they aren't wood?" He asked as he turned to Amelia.
"They're wood but reinforced with bone-steel. I told you this town is more advanced than your village was since it's now under Unity Kingdom rule." Amelia said.
"What are those things on top of the wall?" Ash asked with awe in his voice, completely ignoring her words. Amelia rolled her 'eyes' at his question.
"Well, since I can't see, I'm just going to assume you're asking about the cannons and chain guns, not the guards. Those are weapons used to protect the town from monster attacks." Amelia explained. Ash started to feel his skin crawl as he saw those weapons; he didn't know why but they made him feel uneasy. "Feel free to walk around the village on your own when we get there," Amelia said, snapping Ash out of his thoughts.
"Yes, I have some business to take care of. But I'll get it done faster if you aren't around acting like a bored child. Just don't cause any trouble, and I'll find you when I'm done."
"Alright! I won't cause any trouble!"
'Wooow.' Ash thought as he aimlessly walked down the stone brick roads of Maplekeep. His eyes were on the brick buildings. All of the buildings in his village were made of wood. That’s what made them easy to burn when the bandits attacked. 'This place is amazing' Was all he could think, but then he turned his attention to two men wearing leather armor and carrying weapons.
'T-That!' He thought as the blood started to drain from his face. 'Those are like the weapons some of those bandits used…' One man was carrying a sword on his back. Ash ignored him. Instead, the boy's eyes were drawn to the metal weapon on the second man's hip. He remembers the bandits pointing the same weapon at people in the village and launching small metal objects. 'He isn't a bandit!' Ash quickly told himself as he forced his legs to carry him away. 'If he were a bandit, he would be killing people. So no, he isn't one of them.'
"Hey kid, want to buy a kebab?" A sudden voice startled Ash and caused him to turn to a man on the side of the road who spoke to him. The man was standing next to a large metal cart, and once Ash noticed the cart, the smell hit him. It was a delicious smell that made his mouth water and his stomach rumble.
"Sure," Ash replied as he walked up to the man.
"Two credits." The man said while he held out his hand. Ash quickly pulled two small thin metal plates out of his pocket from the twenty Amelia gave him.
While Ash's village used copper and gold coins, Amelia explained that all kingdoms use 'credits.' Credits were thin metal plates that could fit in the palm of Ash's hand. The metal was strong, and was etched with Unity Kingdom's official seal and a value of how much the credit is worth. Amelia explained to him that bigger credits were worth more. But, once the man saw the credits, he pulled out a stick with a piece of meat stuck on it.
"Here ya go, kid." The man said as he handed Ash the stick and took the money. The man quickly turned to help another customer before Ash could ask any questions.
'Well, here goes nothing.' Ash thought as he took a bite of the meat. The flavor hit his tongue instantly, and his eyes widened as he devoured it. 'It's so good!' He thought as he finished off the stick. He turned to ask for another, but the man was speaking to an ax-carrying woman, and Ash didn't want to interrupt.
Luckily for Ash, he noticed a second man with a metal cart standing down the street and another cart a few feet from that man. Ash licked his lips and felt the credits in his pocket once he saw the carts. After that, he knew what he wanted to do while he waited for Amelia.
'So good!' Ash thought as he rubbed his now stuffed stomach. After the young boy bought and ate all the food he could, he found himself sitting on a park bench.
"Did you enjoy yourself, Ash?" Amelia's voice caught the boy off guard, causing him to stumble.
"Y-Yes," He quickly replied. "Oh, um, can I ask you something?" Ash asked as he looked up at Amelia.
"I plan on training you, so I assume you'll have an endless amount of questions, so never be afraid to ask."
"Oh, well, I guess you can't see them. But in the air over there, there are these floating things? What are those?" Ash asked as he pointed to the far distant sky. Amelia turned her head to where he was pointing.
"You must mean the air balloons. Those are armored flying vehicles created by the Explorers Union. The ones you see in the distance now are flying around Newport patrolling the forest and keeping an eye on monsters."
"Flying?" Ash's eyes widened as he looked at them. "Vehicles? Does that mean we could ride in them?" Amelia smiled, then padded his shoulder.
"Maybe one day, but for now, it's time to go." The woman said as she walked away. Ash couldn't help but sigh as he followed her. "Tell me, Ash, would you like to stay here?" Amelia suddenly said as they walked down that park trail.
"What do you mean? Like instead of that old Church?" Ash asked while whispering the second part. He remembered Amelia telling him not to bring the Church up in public. Amelia's eyebrow twitched since he said 'Church' at all, so she placed a hand on his head, gripping it.
"No, I mean you live here. There's an orphanage that will take you in, and you could live here. You can grow up, have a normal life, grow old, and have a normal family." She explained.
"Huh? What do you mean? I thought you wanted me to be a mem-" Amelia quickly placed a hand over his mouth. Thanks to her heightened senses, she knew no one was around, but she just wanted to be safe.
"If you stay with me, your life will be hard. Your training will be tough and painful. You will fight and kill monsters. You will bleed, your bones will ache, your muscles will burn, and some days it will feel like you can't keep going." Ash nervously swallowed as he felt his mouth go dry. But before he could say anything, Amelia kept talking. "Or you could stay here. You could live a normal, easy life. So, do you want to stay here?"
"No," Ash didn't hesitate to reply. The young boy made his mind up the day he left his village. He couldn't live an easy life while bandits roamed free.
A small smile appeared on Amelia's face. "Okay," The woman said with a slight nod as she stood up. "Let's get going then."
After two days of travel, the abandoned Church's serenity was interrupted once more when a large truck made its way down the gravel pathway. Tiny monsters fled the Church as the loud noise caused by the wheels bouncing across the small stones grew louder.
The truck Amelia was now driving was slightly larger than the one she left in. While she was in Maplekeep, the Church gave her the new truck and all the supplies she needed in it.
"Umm, Amelia," Ash asked while looking back at the truck full of goods.
"What is it?"
"How did you afford all of this?"
"I'm blind, Boy, not poor."
'Plus, the Church's pockets will never be empty.' The blind woman thought as she pulled the truck to the side of the gravel pathway, slowing to a stop. Ash looked at her, staring at her bandaged eyes.
"It'll be dark soon. We need to start getting ready." Amelia said as she got out of the truck and walked to the back.
"Here, take this." The woman said as she reached into the back of the truck, pulling out and handing Ash a hatchet. He took the small hand ax and gripped the wooden handle tight. It felt heavy in his hand, but it didn't compare to the weight of the sword he brought from his village.
"Huh? What do you want me to do with this?"
"I want you to hunt us some dinner. I feel like having some Rippez meat tonight."
“WHAT!?" Ash paled at the thought, and he nearly dropped the ax in shock. "R-Really?" He asked as he looked up at Amelia.
"No," She replied. "Use that hatchet and start collecting some firewood. Cut down some branches, collect some leaves and twigs. I don't care; bring enough for the fire tonight. We will need a lot, so keep piling it up inside the Church and don't stop until it starts getting dark. Oh, and stay around this path. Don't go too far unless you want to be a chew toy for a vicious jaguar." Amelia ruffled Ash's hair as she said that last part, which caused Ash to shiver at the thought. His mind flashing back to a vicious creature Amelia described to him as they traveled. Amelia told him about many monsters in the area, mostly the ones that would rip his face off if he wandered to far from her protection.
"Well? What are you waiting for? Get to work." Amelia said as she pulled a crate out of the truck.
It was now nighttime as Ash struggled to catch his breath while lying on one of the wooden benches that filled the massive church hall. While Ash spent his afternoon collecting firewood, Amelia spent her time creating a makeshift fortress. The blind woman built a wall of benches that formed a ring in the center of the room. A small fire pit sat in the center of the ring of benches, and the firewood Ash gathered laid next to it. Two of the wooden benches sat on either side of the fire pit to be used as beds.
"Well, it's not the best campsite, but it's better than sleeping in the truck again," Amelia said as she stacked pieces of firewood and dried leaves into the fire pit. The woman then pulled out a small vial of liquid from her sleeve. She pulled the lid off the vial and poured the liquid onto the dried leaves.
"What's that?" Ash asked as he watched her work.
"Refined monster fat, didn't your village use it?" She said as she sparked a match and pressed it against the liquid. A fire sparked to life as soon as the flame met liquid.
"Monster fat? I think so; I think I remember my mom and dad talking about it before."
"Refined monster fat is one of the most important things in the world. It's fuel, and just about everything uses it. Even the truck we use, you've seen me stop to pour some into the fuel tank. We get it from hunting monsters and taking their fat, obviously." Amelia explained.
"So monsters are hunted for monster fat?"
"Monsters are hunted for many reasons, but yes, that's one of them. But the most important reason monsters are hunted; is because they breed and multiply much faster than people. If we don't hunt monsters, they will overrun the world with their numbers." Ash paled at the thought, and he couldn't help but imagine an army of Monos attacking him. "Here, take this and wash your hands. I'm going to start cooking dinner." Amelia said as she handed Ash a bottle of water. His stomach started rumbling at the thought of eating.
Ash yawned as he leaned back on the wooden bench. He let out a satisfied sigh and patted his full belly. He turned his attention to Amelia, who was sitting on the opposite bench. The blind woman held a small bowl of dirt in one hand as she held her second hand above it. Amelia flexed and wiggled her fingers, causing the dirt to lift out of the bowl and dance around her palm. The dirt slowly hardened and shifted into the shape of a small figurine of the Goddess. The figurine was perfectly sculpted to depict the Goddess holding her arms out as if she would embrace you in a motherly hug.
"Um? What are you doing?" Ash asked as he walked up to Amelia.
"Training," The woman said as she handed the small figurine to Ash, and he was stunned by what he saw. The figurine was a near-perfect copy of the large statue in the ruined Church. He couldn't help but wonder how she knew what the Goddess looked like to make the figurine.
"A-Amazing." That was all the boy could say as he held the small Goddess. The miniature figurine was also completely solid, even if he squeezed it in his hand as hard as possible. It wouldn't even crack. He imagined he would hurt himself more than he would damage the Goddess. “But, um… How do you know what the Goddess looks like?” Ash nervously asked.
Amelia gave Ash a slight smile. “I wasn’t always blind. Fortunately I was able to see the Goddess before I lost my vision.” Amelia explained as she held a hand to her bandaged eyes.
Ash wanted to ask Amelia how she lost her eyes, but Amelia’s strained smile kept him from doing so. Instead, Ash held up the small figurine. "Are you going to teach me how to do this?" He asked.
"Teach you how to make figurines of the Goddess? Hmmm, if that's what you want, but we'll start with wood first."
"N-NO! I-I mean, are you going to teach me how to do things with dirt like you do? What was it called? Geo? Geocity?" Ash tilted his head trying to remember the word.
"It’s called geomancy, and over time, I'll teach you many things. But geomancy might not be one of them."
"What? Why not?"
"My geomancy ability comes from the Mist unlocking my magical potential. But, it will be years before you can unlock your magical potential because first, you have to unlock your physical potential." Amelia placed a hand on Ash's head. "Don't worry about magic for now. You can become strong without it, and in the future, you'll have a chance to unlock it. But, your ability probably won't be geomancy." Amelia smiled as she ruffled his hair, but she stopped to tug some of Victor's long hair messy hair a moment later.
"OW!" The boy cried out, but Amelia ignored him.
"We will start those lessons another day; for now, take a seat and face that way." Amelia ordered. Ash rubbed his now sore head and was about to do as the woman said. But he froze once he noticed the woman pull out a knife from her robe.
"Wh-what's that for?"
"Just do what I say." She ordered. Ash nervously gulped as he slowly sat down on the spot facing her. "Turn around and face the other way."
"O-Okay, but what are you going to do?" Ash said as he slowly turned around. He winced when Amelia grabbed a handful of his hair.
"I'm going to cut your hair. It's far too long and will only get in your way."
"Hold still! I'm blind, remember? If you keep moving around, I might cut off your ear."
Ash groaned as he rolled over on his makeshift bed. He ran a hand over his still aching head. Where long locks of messy black hair once laid was now replaced by a buzz-cut and bald spots.
"S-Stupid blind lady." The boy muttered as he tried to soothe the pain.
"What was that, Boy?" The poor boy in question froze as the ice-cold voice of Amelia filled his ear.
"Go to bed, Ash."
"O-Okay!" Ash let out a sigh of relief since Amelia wasn't going to kill him. He closed his eyes and tried to force himself to sleep, but he couldn't. An unsettling feeling washed over his body, causing him to shiver. His eyes snapped open and were drawn to the statue of the Goddess. He didn't know why, but he felt like he was being watched every time he looked at the statue. His throat grew dry, and the urge to run away filled his body. "H-Hello?" He timidly called out to the stone statue. Then he froze as her head snapped towards him.
You are reading story Servant of the Goddess at
"AHHHHHH!" The boy screamed, but before he could run away, a dirt spike impaled the statue's chest.
"SSCCRREEEE!" An ear-piercing screech filled the room as a black smoke-like creature fled the statue. A blood-red skull appeared in the smoke, its hollow eyes staring at Ash as it floated. After a brief second, the creature tried to float away, but another spike flew towards it and impaled its skull. Killing the creature and instantly causing it to dissolve, leaving behind only a shattered skull.
"Wha-w-What was that?" Ash asked as he tried to control his shaking body.
"That was a Specter. A rare and highly dangerous type of monster that normally only appears in the deepest parts of labyrinths. You've surprised me, Ash; I didn't expect you to notice that creature."
"W-What do you mean? And what's a labyrinth?" Ash was able to steady himself by taking a few more breaths.
“Don’t worry about labyrinths, you won’t see one until you’re much, much older… As for the Specter, well, I knew it was there. I was waiting for you to fall asleep before dealing with it. I didn't think you would notice it." Amelia explained in a calm voice. But Amelia’s mind was scrambling. 'Dammit, I know She wanted to watch over us, but why didn't she send her dumb crow. I mean, I had no choice but to kill her Specter, especially after he found it. I hope it doesn't piss her off too much. I mean, I remember how much she complained about how hard it was to tame that Specter's soul. Crap, I hope she isn’t a pain in the ass about it. Well, let's see if I can at least salvage this with the boy.' Amelia thought, then she shivered as she thought of the punishment she might face.
"Y-You knew it was there? How?" Ash nervously asked, snapping the woman out of her thoughts.
"You felt it, didn't you?" Amelia spoke slowly, thinking of what to say next. "That feeling deep in your stomach? That feeling of dread? As if your mind was telling you to run away?"
"Y-Ye-" Ash stuttered as he tried to speak, but the words wouldn't come out of his mouth. So he nodded his head.
"That was the Goddess warning you," Amelia said with a nod, happy with her own words.
"T-The Goddess? What do you mean?"
"This is a church that worships the Goddess, and you don't think she isn't going to protect you the best she can? The Goddess gave her life to create the Mist. So while she can't protect you physically, she was able to warn you. That's how you knew the Specter was there. You could sense it, and you could sense the malicious intent that filled that monster because she wanted to save you. That feeling was the Goddess warning you of danger. Trust that feeling, trust the Goddess."
Ash gulped as he put a hand over his stomach. He glanced up at the statue, that feeling of dread, the feeling of something was watching him, was gone. Ash let out one last shaky breath, then fell back into his bed. He looked over to Amelia, who was now standing in front of the statue.
"What are you doing?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.
The Priestess didn't answer him; instead, she threw a handful of dirt onto the statue. Once the dirt landed on the stone, the hole in the Goddess's chest instantly closed, and the head turned back to its original position.
"Go to bed, Ash. Nothing else is going to bother us tonight." Ash held his blanket tightly. He was still shaking slightly, but the mention of sleep caused the exhaustion to take over him. He slipped into dreamland moments later.
"GET UP!" Amelia shouted into Ash's ear as he slept on his wooden bed. Unfortunately, the shout caused the poor boy to fall off the bench and land on the stone floor.
"I'm, Up." The boy grumbled as he laid on the floor, not moving.
"Fine, Boy, stay on the floor if you wish to. I'll eat your breakfast myse-"
"I'M UP!" Ash shouted as he jumped to his feet and held out his hands.
Amelia could only sigh as she placed a bowl of stew into his hands.
"Here, eat quickly; there is a lot to do today."
"Umm, I only get one bowl?"
"Just eat, Boy."
Two bowls of stew later, with Ash working on his third. Amelia walked towards him, holding a box in her arms.
"Here, take these," Amelia said as she reached into the box and pulled out two items. She dropped the two objects next to Ash as he slurped down the last of his meal.
"What are those?" Ash asked as he wiped his mouth with his shirt.
"A hammer and a chisel." The woman said as Ash put the bowl down and picked up the tools. The hammer was much heavier than the hatchet he used the day before. The hammer was nothing more than a dense metal block on a stick, and the chisel was nothing more than a long metal spike.
"Okay? Well, what do you want me to do with them?" The young boy asked as he turned back to his caretaker.
"Follow me." Amelia placed the box she held onto her bench and made her way to the Church's entrance. Ash quickly followed her but was having trouble carrying the hammer. It was just too heavy for his frail arms to hold correctly.
The blind woman stood patiently waiting as Ash shuffled his way towards her. She could hear him awkwardly carrying the two tools in his arms. The tools banged against each other as Ash held them like a newborn baby.
Once Ash finally reached Amelia, the blind woman pointed towards the Church. Ash turned to look at what she was pointing at. It was a large pile of broken stone that crumbled off one of the walls.
"As you can see, this place is falling apart. Your job for the day is to collect all of this fallen stone. I want you to pile it up over there near the truck. If you cannot carry a stone, use those tools I gave you to break it into pieces until you can carry it."
Ash raised an eyebrow as he looked at one of the stones, then at the tools in his hands. "You want me to collect rocks? But I thought you were going to train me?"
Amelia placed a hand on his head, lightly squeezing. "Just do as I say." Ash winced as the blind woman squeezed his head harder.
"O-Okay!" Amelia smiled and patted Ash's head.
"Good Boy, now get to work," Amelia stated as she patted him on the head once more than walked away.
"Y-Yes, ma'am." Ash sighed as he walked over to the pile, he dropped his tools and tried to pick up the smallest piece of stone rubble he saw, but it wouldn't budge. "Great," The Boy groaned as he dropped to his knees.
One month passed as Ash laid on the forest floor, struggling to breathe. After a month of hard labor. His arms ached, and a shot of pain pulsed across his body, seemingly in time with his heartbeat.
"No sleeping on the job, get back to work." Amelia's firm voice filled his ear, causing him to shudder. She worked him to the bone over the past month, only allowing him a few breaks. The blind woman forced him to move broken stones all day, every day. Once he was finished with his first pile of rubble, she told him to start another and then another. Every hour of every day, he was even moving piles of broken stones in his dreams.
"I'm finished, ma'am!" Ash managed to shout back as he pointed at a large pile of crushed stone lying near the truck.
"Are you sure you're finished?" Amelia asked. Ash groaned then sat up.
"Yes, ma'am, I got all the rocks from inside the Church. Then all around the outside, and piled them up near the truck. So unless you want me to pick up all the gravel on the pathway, there are no rocks left for me to collect." Ash crossed his arms and rolled his eyes as he replied to the woman.
"Don't give me lip, or you'll be eating those rocks for the rest of your meals."
"Good, now come over here." He could only groan as he stood up and followed Amelia, who was walking toward the back of the truck.
Ash stood next to Amelia as she lowered the tailgate, allowing him to see inside. The once full truck was now almost empty. Amelia was steadily unloading the supplies over the past month. The only things left in the truck were a large plastic tub, several large bags labeled 'mortar,' a few five-gallon buckets, a shovel, and a book.
"Here we go, let's start with this," Amelia said as she grabbed the book. She handed it to the confused child, allowing him to read the title.
“Masonry done easy. What? Why did you give me this?"
"It's your next job. I want you to read that book and learn everything you can about masonry work."
"Why?" Ash asked in a confused tone, but he quickly stiffened as Amelia placed a hand on his head.
"Are you questioning me?" She stated in a cold voice.
Ash shivered as he gripped the book tightly and looked up at the woman.
"I-Its just. I thought we would be starting my training now!" He started speaking with a slight stutter, but he was able to finish his question with confidence.
"No." Ash's newly found confidence was shattered as Amelia turned to walk away from him. But she was stopped in her tracks as Ash rushed to stand in front of her.
"We will not start your training until the Goddess's church is restored."
"Restored? What does that mean?"
"It means what it means. Your job will be to restore the Church. You will patch the walls, install new windows, repair the floors, and get started on the roof. We will not start your training until our Goddess gets the Church she deserves." With that, Amelia started to walk away once more.
"THAT'S NOT FAIR! YOU PROMISED TO TRAIN ME! YOU SAID YOU WOULD TRAIN ME!" Ash shouted, causing the woman to stop mid-step once more. She turned to face the young boy, making him freeze up in fear. He was sure if she had eyes, they would be glaring daggers at him.
"You want me to teach you? Fine. Lesson one, never! Put your desires above the Goddess! Without the Goddess, the people of this world would have been wiped out a long time ago. Without the Goddess's sacrifice, everything you know, have known, and will ever know would have never existed!"
Ash's knees started to shake at the pressure Amelia was giving off, and he felt his throat beginning to go dry. Amelia didn't move, but at that moment, Ash was far more afraid of her than any monster he's ever seen.
The frown on Amelia's face deepened as she continued her rant. "You want to put your selfish desires above her? Have you not learned anything from the stories I've told you? Selfish people are the reason the Goddess is not known. The reason she's not worshiped even though she saved this world and everything on it. But maybe, she was wrong about you, boy. You have the potential to become a great warrior, a great savior of the people. But selfishness is something no worshiper of the Goddess should have."
Ash stood in place, stunned by the woman's words. His shoulders slumped, and tears started to fill his eyes. Amelia could only sigh as she listened to the boy, try to stifle his cries. She knelt in front of him, placing a hand on his shoulder. He was startled by the contact but didn't move.
"Listen, Ash. I promised to train you, and I believe the Goddess wants you to be a Church member. But you have to remember one thing. The Church lives to serve the Goddess. Everything you do is for the Goddess and in the name of the Goddess. To a member of the Church, there is nothing and no one more important than the Goddess. Ash, how old are you? Thirteen years old? Fourteen? There will be plenty of time to learn and plenty of time for you to train. As long as you remember, the Goddess always comes first." Amelia sighed as she stood back up. "It's already almost time for lunch. We can start restoring the Church after our meal."
"O-Okay," Ash mumbled as he wiped his eyes. No other words were spoken as the two started walking towards the broken and old Church.
"Ash, take a break and come here," Amelia called out, causing Ash to drop his shovel and follow the woman into the Church. Ever since his outburst, nearly a week ago, he had been nervous around her, so he quickly followed her orders.
"Sit down. It's time we talk about your future." The woman said as she sat down on one of the wooden pews.
"My future?" Ash asked as he took a seat in front of her.
"Yes, I told you I brought you here to train you and make you a member of the Church. Haven't you ever questioned why?" The woman's words caused Ash to scratch his cheek nervously.
"Umm, I guess I haven't?" His reply caused Amelia to sigh and softly shake her head.
"Well, I'm still going to tell you, so pay attention… You are here to be trained to become an Inquisitor for the Church. Meaning we want you, to put it simply, become a spy for Church."
"A spy?" Ash only knew what a spy was because of one of the books he read with his mother.
"Yes, you see, I’ve told you before about the Explorers Union. They hold a lot of power, not only in Unity Kingdom, but in nearly every kingdom. The isolated Mayan Nation is the only place the Explorers Union has no influence in. But, the power and control the Explorers Union has over the rest of the world makes them dangerous... You'll join the Explorers Union and work your way up their ranks until the Church calls on you. The Church has a mission we are currently working towards. A mission that you and every other member of the Church will be working towards."
"What mission?" Ash asked; his full attention was on Amelia.
"To understand the mission, you have to understand this world a little more. I told you about all of the kingdoms: the United Front of North Americas, Mayan Nation, the Nippon Outback, the kingdom of Everfrost, and Unity Kingdom. These kingdoms cover all of the known world. But, to the south of every thing, there is one last, unexplored, unknown, and most importantly unclaimed land. Reaching that unexplored land is one of the reasons the Explorers Union was created. Reaching that land is the reason Unity Kingdom created the coastal city, Newport. Unity Kingdom built Newport in order to send Explorers Union ships to this new land. But after decades of trying, the town was only met with failure. Every time Newport sent a ship to this land, it would be destroyed before it ever got near. From powerful storms to powerful monsters in the ocean, reaching the land by ship seems impossible. But one day, we will reach that land; it's only a matter of time. That's why we have members like you." Amelia explained.
“Members like me?” Ash asked.
"One day, the Explorers Union will reach that land, they will have their members explorer that land… If you can reach the Union's highest ranks, you will be sent with them, which is important because we have plans for that land. We, the Church of the Mist, will one day claim that land in the name of the Goddess. Then we will build a kingdom devoted to her glory, but it will not be easy. When we finally reach this land, there will be another war for who gets the right to claim it. The Church of the Mist will finally reveal itself, and we will take part in this war. With all of our members scattered around the world, and we will win."