Woodgrove Police Department…
August 22, 1996, 2:20 am…
Special Operations Officer…
Samuel H. Pike…
(Height 6ft 3 inches,
Weight 220 pds,
Age 26,
short dark brown hair,
Dark gray eyes.)
"Alright, ladies and gentlemen, we are sending you out to the old Mills cottage. We sent Tony and Nick out there last night, and they haven't reported back. I need you to go out there and see what is going on and if those guys are alright. Any questions?" Asked captain Andrews. Sam just looked at the rest of his team, "No sir, if they are still out there, we'll get them back! Nate, start the chopper."Got ya Sam, see y'all in the bird." Nate waved as he headed out to start the helicopter.
"Are we seriously heading out to find those two? they're probably at the bar getting a drink." Anna, (an athletic 5ft 5-inch copper skinned black haired woman with a very symmetrical face and brown eyes.) says as the team of four head to their individual lockers in the armory. "We were called in Anna. It's our job. Even if Tony and Nick are probably just out chasing tail." Replies Barry, (a gruff, large built African American man who stands around 6ft 8 inches, he has a large scar down his right cheek from a childhood accident. And dark brown, almost black eyes.), chuckling as she looks at him with a raised eyebrow.
The last member of the team walks up to Sam, asking, "Are we sure they headed to the old Mills cottage? Could they have just actually gone out drinking instead?" He looks at the man Daniel Ledford, (they stand the same height but Daniel is more built and muscular, he has a buzz cut with light blond hair just barely visible and a few minor scars along his face, with light blue eyes.), "Yes we are sure, you heard the captain's report, just like me. Their patrol car also hasn't been spotted in the city, so we are headed to where they last reported in, from on the road to the cottage." He nodded and walked past Sam to his locker to retrieve his gear. 'Man that guy is odd,' Sam thought as he opened his locker and started pulling out his gear, first a tactical vest, with the S.O.D.(Special Operations Division), then his shoulder holster for his 1911, and his drop leg holster for his Beretta, then his mp5 smg. As he closes his locker, he sees Daniel looking at something that looks like a GPS system.
As they head out to the helicopter, Dan keeps staring at the device that shows text giving directions to a blacksite and telling him to retrieve the origin samples at any cost.
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As the helicopter takes off, Barry looks at Sam, seeing that he looks like he's lost in thought, "You alright boss man? Not anything else we need to know before we get there, right?" Sam snapped back to reality, "Huh! Oh no, just… remembered that my brother used to come out here a lot when we were kids before he disappeared.". "Oh shit, sorry man, I forgot, that was right near the cottage, wasn't it? How long has it been since Errick disappeared now?" Barry asked, Daniel finally coming out of his own thoughts to hear what Barry and Sam were talking about. "Your brother? I never knew you had one Sam." Dan said as he looked over at him. "Yeah, that's because I don't talk about him. He's been gone for over 12 years now. I'd hoped that by not talking about him, I'd move on."Itlooks like you were wrong then." He said as he was looking out over the forest, Daniel tensed and turned to Nate, " Hey Nate circle back around I think I saw something that looked like a police cruiser off to the side of the road down there!" As the chopper banked back around the spotlight shined on the spot Dan pointed out, Sam could now see what made him tense up; the cruiser was on its side. He signaled Nate to take them down so they could get out on the ground and find out what happened.
Woodgrove Police Department…
August 22, 1996, 2:30 Am…
Rookie Officer…
Jake A. Roosevelt…
(Height 6ft 2 inches,
Weight 180 pds,
Age 25,
Average length dark blonde hair
Blue, green eyes)
"Seriously, Jake! Late! For your first day on the job! Well, you just earned a fun time being the receptionist for the night." Captain Andrews said after looking Jake up and down making sure that he hadn't forgotten something important to yell at him for, after a few minutes he just nods and walks off saying over his shoulder, "make sure you wear the proper equipment Jake, hate to walk out here and see you in riot gear."
Jake just shook his head. "First day, and I overslept and almost forgot to put my uniform on, man, you're on fire today." He walks over to take his seat behind the reception desk, looking out at the large double doors that serve as the entrance into the police department; he can only hope that the night goes by without any issues. 'I wonder where Sam and the alpha team went, kind of odd considering it's all been quiet around the city these past few months.