Chapter 1: The Other Me – One Shot

It was another sweltering day of school. But thankfully it was the last of these long hot days. As the last minute of the school year was ticking to its end, I immediately got out of my chair and began running down the hall. Shortly after the school bell rings after me and before I knew it I had made my way out of the school. I turned back to the school and started it.


"Today's my last day of being a sophomore! Now I can enjoy my long summer!"


I rejoiced before making my way back to my grandfather's house. 


"Hey pops! I'm back home!" 


I shouted from the beginning of the house and began laying my shoes at the side of the corridor. 


"Pops, are you there?" 


I asked once more.


"I'm here! I'm here! Just so that you know I am not deaf! So there is no need to blast my ears off with your voice, Arel." He grounded me as he flicked the top of my forehead with his old crusty fingers. 


"I know that you aren't deaf but still I wanted to tease you." 


"It's just so good seeing you like this. You are just so much like your grandmother."


"Pops. What kind of person was my grandmother?"


"She was kind and gentle, just like you. But just like you she tended to fool around with me. And now that I'm remembering this. There is something that she wanted to give you."


"A gift?"


My grandfather handed me an azure colored ring. 


"This is what she wanted to give you. But it was a shame that she never got the chance to give it to you."


I stared at it as it entered my hand.


"Isn't it beautiful?"


"It really is." 


"Right. Also since today is the last day of school I'll be cooking something special for you!"


"Don't tell me! Is it a bacon pancake!?"


"That's correct!"


I smiled and before I knew it the day had come to a close. 



It was now night and I found myself now lying in bed.


'So this is grandmother Marcia's ring.'


I thought to myself as I stared at its beautiful amethyst glow.


'It's beautiful but does it have to be so shiny?' 


I thought as I slipped my hand over it.





I screamed loudly as I fell right onto my ass. 


'My ass hurts.'


I thought to myself as I began looking around. 


'Where am I?'


I wondered as I stared down a long crimson hallway decorated by many golden ornaments. 


'Is this where rich people live? Wait… Shouldn't I be in bed!? Wait, did someone kidnap me!?'


"Stand up and put your hands over your head. If you don't follow my will, I will burn you with my magic."


The voice of a cold hearted girl said from behind me. I hesitantly raised myself from the ground and placed my hands above my hand. 


"You said magic right?"


"Did you hear me wrong?"


"I didn't but you should know that magic isn't real."


She chuckles.


"Turn around and I'll show you real magic."


"Alright. Whatever you say. Just don't show me the secret to hiding an uno card."


I turned around and a spark lit up in her hand. It instantly combusted into fumes and she smiled. 


"So what did you say about fake magic?" 


She blinked before zooming right onto me.


"Hey punk. Why do you look so much like me?" 


She said as she pressed me against the wall.


"Are you some kind of fan or something?"


I shook my head madly.


"I don't even know you!"


"That's a shame. But the fact that you look so much like me really doubts that. It's like you're some kind of spy. Perhaps a spy sent by the Cardios. Or perhaps the Bornets."


She continued to press me against the wall.


"I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about but please stop doming me against the wall!"




She asked with a raised eyebrow.


"What kind of word is that, you punk?" 


She said as she pulled away from me and gave me a look of disappointment.


"Also. Why the hell is your accent so weird." 


She said as she grabbed my chin.


"Uhh… This is just the way I am."


"So retarded?"


"I'm not retarded. You meanie. You don't even know me."


"And you don't even know me. So you can't exactly call me meanie."


I began to blush and looked away from her.


"You're pretty defiant so how about I take you out with me."


She said as a smile broke across her face.


"What do you mean by that?"


I said as I grew increasingly flustered.


"I'll be going out to a social event where there will be many socialites and to not lose some of my prestige, I'll bring you along with me. You'll be serving as good eye candy."


She said as she licked her lips almost seductively. I knew she was just trying to play with me. But I couldn't help but give in.


"And let's say that I happened to go to this party or whatever. What would I have to gain out of it?"


"There will be nice food which you will surely enjoy and also if you are going to attend it. I might as well arrange a special relationship between the two of us."


She said as she licked her lips once more. Staring at me seductively. Her amber eyes were just drawing me in. Like a bear to honey. 


"Looks like we have a deal." 


She said as she began to run her fingers down my black hair. 


"I will have to admit. That I really enjoy being around you. It's as if you are my sister or something of a similar nature." 


She said as she continued to draw me into her. Drawing me onto her bosom.


"So how about we start preparing for the party." 


I said as I noticed the situation becoming especially dangerous to my purity.




She nodded.



"Do you seriously want me to wear this?!" 


I protested as I covered my bare chest with my arms.


"Why not. After all this will show how close you are to me." 


I continued to blush. 


"If you're going to be like that then how about I chose my own clothes with you micromanaging me at every step."


She smiled. 


"If you wanted it to be like that, you should have said so a long time ago. But shame that you didn't because my little bluebird is arguing with me." 


She said as her soft and delicate fingers ran their way up my back.


"Can you not do that?!"


She smiled. 


"Alright, sister." 


She chuckled.


"Also. I haven't gotten your name yet."


"It's Areru." 


She said with a smile.


'That's so much like my own name!'


"It might sound weird to you but my name is kind like yours." 


Her eyebrows raised. 


"My name is Arel."


She smiled.


"It's like you are the other me." 


I smiled.


"Looks like you are finally getting to respect me."


"Yeah of course. After all, you're me but not me. Also for fucks sake just wear the dress already!"


I hesitated as I slipped the dress right on. She gave me a thumbs up.


"You are definitely looking good!"


I began to blush before turning away.


"About this magic stuff you've mentioned earlier. How do I use it? I really want to!"


She smiled before handing me a dark blue gemstone that reminded me so much of my grandmother's ring.


'Was the ring made out of this item?' 


I pondered to myself before touching the gemstone. A silver explosion of light took before me, prompting me to shut my eyes. Before returning my gaze back to the world. There was a light blue streaming silhouette running down the side of my body. It was like an outline.


'Is this magic…'


"Looks like you have finally unlocked your ability to use magic!" 


She smiled.


"Now that you know how to use magic, how about I show you a few tricks."


I nodded and I was in her court yard.


"Please use this sword." She said as threw a wooden sword over to me.


"Do I hit you with it?"


"What do you think?"


She replied somewhat disappointed.


"Alright. But if it hurts make sure to tell me!"


She grinned and ran towards me. I barely had the time to grip at the wooden sword.


'To think she would be this aggressive with me!'


As I tightened my grip onto the wooden sword I could feel the wind pressure coming from her becoming increasingly stronger. I gripped the sword and began to point it right onto her sh- 



My eyes flashed with light and darkness.


"Sorry. I didn't think you would fall unconscious after that."


She said as she gave me a set of pleading hands.


"It's alright. I've just got a bit of pain on my chest."


She stared at my chest before draping my white hospital robe off. Practically forcing me nude.


"It's not that bad. You've just got a bit of a red spot around your right shoulder and that should probably heal in two hours or less."


She said as her eyes then jumped to my breasts. Staring disappointedly.


"Are you really the other me? Because your chest is seriously disappointing."

You are reading story The Other Me [One-Shot] at


I had no idea how to reply to this.


"I thought your chest would at least be a C but it's a shame that it's like a double A."


She said as she patted my head as if I were some sad cat.


"Stop patting me like that and please give me back my robes."


"Alright. But you will have to give me a kiss."


I felt my heart beating inside of me.


"Did I hear you wrong?"


"Give me a kiss, little princess."


"Hell no."


I replied as I began to gaze down on her with absolute abhorrence.


"I won't be doing that anytime soon. You disgusting creep."


"Awh. What a shame."


She threw the white robe back to me and extended her hand out to me.


"How about we go and learn some magic in the library?"


I took her hand tightly and allowed her to take me.



"To use magic effectively you will have to pull it from your heart."

"Pull it from my heart?"


I stared at her with a confused look.


"In other words just put your emotions into your magical spell."


She clarified as I stood up and began to conduct the following. Activating my magic circuits.


'I love bacon!'


A calm fireball appears before me.


"Where are you thinking about food or something because that's really weak."


She chuckled as she walked up to me and a raging fireball appeared before her.


"Your magic should be something like this."


I nodded.


"I just thought about killing drug dealers."


She said as she gave me a glance and threw me onto the couch.


"What do you hate?"


She asks as she continues to push me against the couch.


"I don't exactly hate this but I don't exactly like this situation."


"I don't mean body to body stuff but what the fuck do you want to rid from this fucking world!?"



She nodded before giving me a glance.


"Wait, how old are you?"


She asked as sweat ran down her forehead.




"Looks like we are the same age." 


She said as she began to stretch and handed me a gun.


"You should train with this."


I nodded before walking outside and shooting a bullet into the sky.


"This gun really is a gun."


She stared at me.


"What the fuck do you mean by gun gun?!"


"I didn't think it was a real gun!"


She stared at me.


"Do you really think I would be giving you some toy gun!?"


I shook my head madly.


"Of course not! Of course not!"

"Then why did you think that!?"


"I wasn't thinking!"


She flicked my head.


"Since you are going to be with me as my girlfriend, you better have a brain."


I nodded.


'Wait!? I'm going to be the girlfriend of Areru!?'


"Also. It's not a real relationship but for my plans you should pretend to be one."


I nodded.



The night of the party


I nervously stood in the longue hall. 


'There's so many strangers here! What if one of them finds out that I'm not actually Areru's girlfriend but some actor!? What if some big fat dweeb tries to hit on me!? What if-'


She pressed her hands onto my wrist and pressed her lips onto my ear.


"I'm by your side so there is no reason to worry. This will be finished before you know it. Also, don't worry about the dance."


I nodded but still felt worry lurking in my soul.


"Also, here's a bacon sandwich."



She gave me the bacon and began to pat my head as I continued to nom on the sandwich. A man with combed right black hair and a 6 foot height walks up to the two of us with an inviting smile.


"Hello Areru. Who might this be?"


He asked in a slick calm voice.


"She's just my girlfriend."


I begin to blush.


"Girlfriend you say… I never expected that you would have swung that way."


"Guess that love is just like the wind. It is inevitable."

She said with a smug smile.


"Just like the love I have for you."


He commented as he began to throw his hands onto her hips.


"How about a dance."


He asked as he topped her over.


"How about you die in a hole."

He smiled.


"Guess the two of us will be dying together."


"Just you."


I continued to watch Areru dancing with the man. He glances at me and stops his dance.


"This girlfriend of yours is surprisingly cute. It's as if she is another you."


Areru began to sigh and held her pride in.


"Yeah. In fact she might as well be me."


"But just unlike you she is just so beautiful and sweet. Would you mind it if I took her out on my own."

He said as he turned around and gave her a wink. Areru turned around to grab a wine bottle.


"But first let's have a drink."


'Wait!? Are you going to sacrifice me to this guy!?'


"Looks like we have reached an agreement. I'm definitely going to enjoy this wonderful gift of yours in the n-"

She splashed the crimson alcohol onto his white collared suit.


"Whoops. Looks like my hand had accidentally slipped."

She said as she directed a wink at me.


'That's the code to run away!'


"A mistake? Well how about you begin licking me dry!"


I began running as the man began to push Areru against the wall.


"I'd rather not."


I ran into the halls.



Areru pov


'It's a real shame that everything couldn't go according to plan but at least the princess has gotten away.'


I begin to smile before turning to Leon.


"Oh what a shame. I thought you would be sucking yourself."

I began to chuckle as I extended my hand out and manifested fire onto the edge of my palm. I slapped him across the face and his head exploded into crimson. 




Some of the blood drips onto my body and I begin to lick the blood at the side of my lips.


'Its sweet.'


"You! You!"


Some goon from behind me begins to rage.


"What makes you jealous because he died to such a beautiful girl?"


I smiled as he began to retreat and fall to his knees.


"D-don't approach me! My father is the duk-"


"Shut the hell up."





Arel pov:


'I wonder when big sister Areru will be coming back.'


I thought to myself as I sat by the hillside. 


Watching the setting sun as my legs curled up to my chest. I blinked and before I knew it her silhouette had appeared in the background. My eyes lit up.


"Your back!"


I stopped as the blood dripped down her face.


"It's so good being back."


She smiled as she continued to creep towards me.


"Do you love me?"


She asked as she pressed her hand onto my cheek.


"I do."


She pushed me to the ground and kissed my forehead.



"What do you think of me?"


I asked as my heart began to skip a beat and I continued to pant.


"You're like a little sister to me. Also, let's make our way back to town."


"Alright. Areru nee-chan."


This moment was the beginning of my new life in this other world. My new life with my older sister. My new life of being an accomplice in Areru nee-chan's genocide. I kill for her because she is my beautiful crimson queen and I am her crimson princess.


End of one shot