Running down the road in the Forest, I use my speed away from the monster chasing me. The thing that was chasing me had eight limbs and four eyeballs and tried to sting me with its tail various times, this huge black creature was aiming to slaughter me. I continued sprinting, grinning confidently as I ran to my destination knowing I won't be hurt. I didn't say a word and focused on the task I was bestowed by my dad. I kept running baiting it into a trap. I kept running, after a few minutes of running, My dad springs out ambushing the monster and stabbing the monster in the head with a spear killing it immediately. I looked at my father with a smile that was still evident, he nodded at me with a smirk on his face. He walks up to me ruffling my curly blond hair like his. "Well done Kyle." He said complimenting me. I just nod at him smiling and cackling. "Still don't talk much huh?" He added. I shrugged. I am a man of few phrases, I usually am silent, but I can communicate through. Just not much to let out. "Let's get back home to your mother." My Dad said putting his hand on my back leading me back to our house. After entering the home, we walked in and smelled something cooking. We went into the kitchen seeing my mother at the stove cooking wearing her apron. "Desmond, Kyle welcome back? how was the hunt." She asked giddily running up to my hugging him and kissing his face. I turn away not wanting to see. As she got done, I hear her say my name, and she pulls me into her grip kissing my face all over. This is my mother, her name is Hannah Protalsky, and my Dad's name is Desmond Protalsky. Both are ex-military members. As I was still being hugged by my mom tightly squeezing me hard. I try to break away, but she just doesn't let go. The first time she's done this to me like that.
"M-mom..." I say trying to talk. She pulls away snickering.
"Sorry, it is your birthday, your fourteen now." She said smiling softly.
I look at her confused. Why does she look so bothered? She moves back to the stove to set up food. after done she sets it on the table for me and my dad. "Dinners ready, Eat up!" She said. My dad and I went to the table and sat down. When I saw my food, my eyes lightened. It was lasagna with meatballs, garlic bread, and salad. It made me happy. My dad took a bite first making sure I ate mine first. Once I ate enough I snatched the knife and fork and started to dig in. "Kyle, you are going to ruin your teeth!" My mom scolds laughing. I look at her surprised as I continue to devour the food. After I finish I start getting my second helpings. After eating my dinner I clean my plate and wash my utensils. My parents watched me as I cleaned the plate and put everything away. When I was finished my parents helped me put the dishes away. After all that was done, I started heading upstairs to bed while saying goodnight to my parents. "Night Kyle." I hear my mom and dad call out. I fell asleep soundly feeling peaceful. The next morning, I hear knowing on my door, I slightly open my eyes, to see who it was. It was my mother and father. "We need to talk Kyle." Said, my Dad. They both pulled up a chair and sat down looking at me. They were wearing their pajamas, I sat up looking at them waiting to hear what they have to say.
"Sweety, we are gonna send you away." My mother said looking down. I was taken aback. Why would my parents send me away?
"Kyle listens, you will be going to a place called righteous School, you will be living there this time." Said my dad in his usual monotone voice. I tilt my head in confusion. I didn't understand why they would send me over there.
"sweety, you will be learning there, you did nothing wrong, it's just how the system works. Trust me you will be fine." Said my mother trying to reassure me but with a sad look in her eyes. "Why can't I stay here?" I ask. "Because if you are to set your future straight, you must go to a school where you live there until you pass all four grades." Said my dad with a usual monotoned voice. He smiles at me reassuringly. Yet I still feel like they are trying to get rid of me for some reason.
"Think of this as an opportunity to meet new people." My Dad added. I just look at him with a blank stare and do the same to mom. They were serious about this, they were going to send me to a school for four years.
"You think I'll make it?" I asked. "Of course, you will sweety, but you're not going today." My mom said. "Your father and I want to spend quality time together for the day, I want to have this family spend one final time together." My mother Added. My dad just nods in agreement. I look at both of them. "ok." I responded. "I'll make you some pancakes kiddo!" Said my dad rubbing my hair and then heading downstairs to the kitchen. "Take a shower sweety, I'll prepare you something too!" Said my mom following my dad. I stood in front of my bathroom mirror combing my hair into a ponytail. It is my only ponytail which I keep short and straight so that my hair will be free when I comb my long blonde locks. I look at myself one more time admiring my appearance in the mirror. The image in the mirror shows my beautiful pale skin, hazel brown eyes, my blond Curly hair that glows in the sun. My lips were plump red, my cheekbones were prominent and defined, and my chin is sharp and pointed with my ears poking through. My neck was thin and toned, I know that I was skinny but that didn't stop me from working out and eating plenty of food. When I was younger, I ate a lot, a lot even when I got older. I am fourteen years old now. I have an eight-pack, and I am ready to take on anything. "Kyle Pancakes Ready!" My Dad called out. I quickly grab my towel off the rack, wipe my face with a small towel, throw the towel over my shoulder and run downstairs to see my dad and mom waiting at the dining room table waiting for me.
You are reading story Kyle Protalsky. 3,000 years later. at
After having breakfast, I washed the dishes along with them. "Kyle, what would you like to do today?" Asked my mom. I thought to myself for a bit, and came up with one. "sparing?" I asked. My mother and father looked at each other. "You want to spar with us?" Asked my Dad. I nodded. After we got done with the dishes. We went outside in the dirt. I was wearing my cotton soft pants with a dry-fit red shirt. My mom was wearing ad black tank top, and shorts and her bare feet were covered by thick brown socks. My dad was wearing dark jeans and white converse. His brown hair was in a short bob cut. My mom has light tan skin, her lips full and pinkish, and her blue ocean eyes were bright, like the sky. I looked like my dad but my hair is curly, I guess you could say my father is pretty tall and slender. I also have my mother's eyes, which look exactly like my father's, and hazelnut brown eyes, a nice contrast with my own light blue eyes.
My father was in a guard stance, his muscles flexed perfectly. My mom on the other hand has her arms crossed resting her elbow on her palm. I smiled to myself. I always loved fighting with these two, they both were trained military soldiers. I charge at my dad going for a headlock, but his skill made him evade that easily. My Dad was just dodging and evading me when I was throwing some attacks at him. I was starting to grow tired, and frustrated, as he wasn't stopping. Eventually, after a while, I get tired and I sit on the ground. for a moment, I get back up. "My turn!" Yelled My mom running in front of me, she charges at me. I try to dodge but she hooks my leg. I fall to the ground on my Stomach. I tried to stand up but my mom hops on my back. I roll to my back trying to keep her off of me. She stands over me grappling with her trying to get up. She Finally can sit on a mount. I grappled with her some more but I couldn't get her off. After a few min of trying to get her off. I get tired, and I lay down in defeat with my mother still in a mount. "Got you!" She said smiling. "Ok you can get off me now," I said trying to get up. "Nah I'm tired." My mom responded. She puts more force on her mount. "You might leave already." She added. I just look up at her confused, I just wanted up. "Mom, let me up! You're killing me!" I whined struggling under her weight. My dad walked up and picked her up off of me. "Hannah comes on, he's tired." He said. "I know but he could try." My mom responded to my Dad. Eventually went back into the house. We decided to watch a movie together. A while later when the movie ended we had dinner and my mom and dad headed upstairs to their bedroom and I went to my room, lay in bed. As soon as I closed my eyes I fell asleep dreaming.
Early in the sunrise, my dad wakes me up with a uniform in his hand. "Get ready." He said throwing me the clothes. it is a white dry-fit buttoned-up shirt with black pants. He goes to the bathroom to shower first before putting his uniform on. I dress up in the uniform my dad gave me. I first put on my black pants, then my why collared long-sleeved button-up shirt. After that, I head down to the kitchen where my mother is setting a plate of food down. "Here Kyle!" She said. It was scrambled eggs, sausage, and bacon. I sat down at the table and ate the food. After finished, my dad gave me a backpack. it was dark and had up to four pockets. We all head outside where we say our final goodbyes. My mom pulls me into one tight hug squeezing me again. "I'll miss you so much." She Said. I couldn't move, she held me very tightly for a few min before letting me go. "You will be good for me right?" She asked smiling. I nodded giving her a blank stare. "Good." Said, mom. my Dad puts his hand on my head. "Remember what I taught you Kyle alright?" He said smiling confidently. I nod in essence. My dad hugs me for a few seconds before letting me go. "Now go, make your future." Said, my dad. I nod smiling and put on my helmet and got on my motorbike and started riding to my School called Righteous.
Desmond Protalsky pov:
Watching my son ride away, as my wife Hannah leans on me watching with Mr. Soon he got too far away to see. I look at Hannah, she looks at me teary-eyed. "I'm worried about him." She said hugging me and crying. "You have nothing to worry about," I said reassuring her. She looks at my face and touches the scar around my eye. She tilts her head and smiles. "I know." She said. She's always been a little bizarre. "We can only hope for the best," I said. As I walk her back into our house.