Chapter 4: Chapter 4

The area was larger than the third floor with a forested area and illuminated with what seems like the sun.

"This is natural sun light in the dungeon or is it just artificial light?"

Carefully observing the surroundings, he walked forward.

*Sniff Sniff*

"Huh? What's that smell here?"

*Sniff Sniff*

There was a familiar scent in the area, it smelt like rust.

Nero quickly drew his blade and looked around.

That scent brought back some vague memories for him of his past before he came to Asterisk.

It was the scent of blood. Taking a few more steps, he spotted a few drops of blood on the ground

Deciding to follow the bloody droppings now, he walked to the apparent source.

With each step revealing larger blood drops then a trail of bright red blood as if the victim had been dragged 

He held his breath as he quietly walked among the trail

There he saw it a human body leaning against a tree trunk, his armor covered in his own blood

Nero got closer and examined the newly discovered body

First he held the arm then felt for a pulse.

Nothing. Not even a heart beat or a faint breath

He released his light grip on the cold arm that fell on the lap of the recently deceased

After further inspection of the corpse, he noticed something.

The man's neck had been cut

"A murder? No it looks like something bit his neck piercing his jugular and crushing his windpipe"

Looking to the side of him, he noticed a dagger that looked fresh with no blood on it.

"Hmm this guy didn't even get the chance to defend himself"

Nero picked up the dagger and walked away from the corpse.

While walking, he thought to himself

"That kill looks fresh so that means the creature might not even be that far away"

Nero wanted to find it before whatever it is found him.

The first thing he did was look for tracks.

Thoroughly inspecting the area for around five minutes. He discovered indents in the soil

Multiple indents that led in an eastward direction.

"The creature has multiple legs so it might be agile so letting down my guard may mean instant death"

Nero followed the tracks that just stopped after a short bit. It was more like they disappeared 

Observing the area now, he looked for anyway the tracks could have theoretically vanished. There were no rocks or trees to climb on near here.

"That's a bit strange, unless this thing can fly then that maybe an issue"

Nero then felt a rumbling close to his feet and the ground broke.

Suddenly there was soil flying everywhere, a large creature pounced on him, causing Nero to fall to the ground and the dagger flying out of his hand.

It was the creature that killed the male adventurer earlier.

A six feet giant centipede, it's thirty six legs flailing in the air as Nero held it's head away from his neck.

The centipede's long sharp pinchers mere inches away from his exposed throat. Nero held the man killing creature in place with his right hand and used his left hand to search for the dropped dragger, not daring to take his eyes off his potential killer.

The pinchers rapidly snapping at him

You are reading story White Fang at

*Snap Snap*

His frantic searching yielding no results so far

*Snap Snap*

"Soil soil and more soil, where is it?!"

*Snap Snap*

He felt something metal like and exhaled a sigh of relief.

"Ok you're starting to get a bit heavy now"

*Snap Sn-*

Nero swung his left arm, driving the sharp dagger deep in the neck of the creature then pushed it off of him.

The six feet centipede started to scamper away 

The creature that tried to kill him a few moments ago, began to run away after taking some damage.

"Now Now unfortunately you won't be spilling my blood today"

With an expressionless look on his face, Nero walked towards the injured insect with the dagger in his left hand.

Ominously approaching the centipede, he stepped on the end of the creature with his boot. Causing it to immediately go for an attack on his leg.

Before the pinchers could reach in close proximity of his leg, he came down with a stab that pierced the middle of the creature's head and came out of the other side with the dagger.

The creature's body went limp when he pulled the dagger out and then he looked at the now deceased thing.

"I just realized that the dagger I used to kill you belonged to that man. So ironically it's like I avenged him"

Nero looked at the dagger and chuckled to himself

Pushing forward now, he came into an area with more trees than usual.

The area was dead quiet, so he decided to climb one of the trees to get a better view of the area.

Gracefully scaling a fifth-teen foot tree, he stood on one of the larger branches that could support his weight.

The sea of trees reminded him of broccoli which is ironic because he disliked the taste of it.

He scanned near and far for threats but found nothing.

Then something caught his eye.

It wasn't a monster but a human being.

The person he saw yesterday. The slave girl belonging to the slave trader Elik

She was tied to a base of a tree with rope

Nero sat down on the branch he stood on and rested for a bit

"How interesting, more like very interesting"

He observed her for a while out of curiosity with no intention of being her savior. 

Different adventurers walking past her, not even looking in her direction which says a lot considering that the tree was on a path adventurers usually frequented.

She looked like a zombie, not even moving her body just tied up like some animal or criminal.

An hour passed and she didn't move an muscle

Nero yawned while he stretched his arms

"I wonder if she is dead as yet"

He then got up from his seat and jumped off of the tree.