Chapter 29: Chapter 28 – Of Blood and War (3)

Hearing this, all Blood Lords present fell into deep thought and were thinking about the possible outcome of their decision.

"You can l; for now, we will decide among ourselves."

Said Blood Lord Alexstrazs Brunestud with a neutral voice as Zekram slowly left the meeting hall. As he exited the meeting place, he saw Viktor already waiting there for him.

"So, what do you think their decision would be?"

Asked Zekram, his friend, as they sat down at nearby chairs.

"Hard to say. I can be sure that Blood Lord Kyrstia Carmilla would be against interference. That woman is isolationist to the core, so she won't support any kind of military expedition, especially that which is attacking Heaven. You have the support of Blood Lord Valerian Tepwho, will support this with all his might for several reasons, but most importantly, aside from his battle lust, Church almost killed his daughter when she was young. For him, it is personal."

Said Viktor with a low voice as he looked at the closed door which led to the meeting room.

"What about the other two?"

It was apparent that the votes of the two remaining Blood Lords would be crucial.

"Blood Lord Marcus Corvinus and Blood Lord Alexstrazs Brunestud are hard to predict. They will look at profit first and only then at consequences. If they judge that profits of this alliance are overshadowing its danger, then both of them would agree for sure."

Explained Viktor.

"What now?"

"We have approximately several hours before they call you back. I am hungry and thirsty, so we should go to eat. We have good dragon steaks and fresh dragon blood."

Said Viktor as he licked his lips.

"I am not a bloodsucker, but that steak sounds good."

Laughed Zekram a bit as both of them went away.


The meeting room of the Blood Lords.

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"So, what do you think about the proposition, my fellow Lords?"

Asked Alexstrazs Brunestud with a neutral voice.

"I oppose. We don't need to provoke Yahweh even more than we did. True Ancestors together are not a match for that man, and if he brought here several of his Archangels, our losses would be astronomical, and we could only depend on the Holy City to survive. We are good as we are now. On top of that, this is not our conflict but the conflict between Three Christian Factions. Let them kill each other; this has nothing to do with us and will only bring unnecessary damage and danger."

The first one to oppose was Kyrstia Carmilla.

"On that, I don't agree with you, sister; this has everything with us. What do you think will happen if Heaven wins? If devils and fallen are annihilated? Who would be next? How much of our blood will die, then? If they lose, the blade of Yahweh and his armies would be turned on us next time, and we alone are not enough. Yes, we could escape with the help of True Ancestors somewhere in the Dimensional Gap, but what about our offspring and race? Do you want to spend your life as a hunted rat? I say we should fight! This is our fight, as much as devils! We are enemies of Heaven and the Church. Those shitty priests are hunting our young ones and killing small children just because of their stupid faith! This is our time to strike back! And I will personally lead the charge on the Vatican if it is possible!"

The outcome was expectable, but the process not. No one among them awaited emotional speech for a "brute" like Valerian.

"What about you, Marcus? At least you should be the voice of reason!"

Said Kyrstia as she looked at Marcus Corvinus in the hope of finding an ally.

"I must disappoint you, Kyrstia, as I agree with Valerian. Our Faction, too has enemies, and Heaven and Church will do anything to annihilate us. We could save our hides by escaping to other planes in Dimensional Gap, but that cannot be said about everything in our species. Sooner or later, Yahweh's blade will be pointed at us as we are the so-called creatures of the Darkness. With Four Great Satans restraining Yahweh, we could join and attack Church and Heaven, fearing not his retaliation, while we four could deal with Archangels."

Said Marcus Corvinus as Kyrstia's smile fell down.

"What do you think about this, Alexstrazs?"

Asked Valerian as he looked at the last Blood Lord.

"Kyrstia is fundamentally right... but she is also wrong. Yes, it is dangerous, but this is also our fight. We need to fight; Church has labeled us as their target of extermination, and what are we doing? Small skirmishes and small fights. We need to cripple them, destroy them, and leave them with no power to even think about attacking us for the next thousand years. Without Heaven, Church is nothing; we all know it. Thus I agree, we should help Devils and deploy our Crimson Paladins and Battle Mages."

With this being said, everything was already set in stone. It was three against one; the majority of the Blood Lords felt that it was suitable to be no longer passive and start an active counterattack.

If Four Great Satans would really restrain Yahweh, then they could safely attack the Church and the forces of Heaven.

"Then it is decided. Divine Blood Faction will participate in the war against Heaven and Church."

Stated Alexstrazs in a deep voice.