As we were flying around the Eldritch Giant, who was in anger trying to attack us in vain, it was apparent that the Eldritch Giant looked troubled and pretty pissed off. He couldn't defeat either of us, as we were pretty good at dodging his attacks, and we were also constantly restraining him so that he couldn't command the goblinoid horde around.
I saw that the two Flesh Golems that were created from corpses of the Ultimate-Class human barbarians were at a disadvantage against two General Level Orc Chieftains, but that was understandable, as they were just brainless zombies with colossal power.
Fortunately, General Borke Zagan managed to kill the Orc Shaman in a relatively short time and started commanding his two Flesh Golems directly.
At the same time, General Amyke was wreaking havoc among the goblinoids, shooting spells here and there, massacring them like cabbage, making rivers of blood.
What I didn't like was that my soldiers started dying faster. Something not pleasurable but inevitable. Most men and women never participated in the war, so this would at least steel them to a certain amount, but I saw that I had lost tens of thousands of soldiers, so that was enough.
I created several Dark Light portals as Venelana got behind me and started concentrating Power of Destruction in three orbs. Suddenly, as the Eldritch Giant was closing, chains of Dark Light shot out, coiling around the Eldritch Giant like a snake, not allowing it to move an inch.
The Eldritch Giant looked angry as he tried to break the chains to no vail; in turn, he was even being burned by the Dark Light Chains. As he was struggling in the trap I cast on him, Venelana was done with her Power of Destruction orbs, and I started creating a highly compressed Dark Light Spear with a large part of my reserves.
It wasn't huge, rather small, only two meters long, but had a concentration of energy worth 80 Units, which was a terrifying amount. As the orbs of Power of Destruction hit the Eldritch Giant, he screamed in pain as I saw how his skin and muscle tissues were dissolved; apparently, the Arcanic Defense was broken for some time, giving me precious time.
As I saw the Eldritch Giant wriggling in pain, as he screamed from the pain that his injuries were causing him, I released the Dark Light Spear at him, which I even boosted with a lightning spell to give it even higher speed.
The Dark Light Spear shot with speed and ferocity like tribulation lightning as it aimed at the head of the Eldritch Giant, piercing his head in one go.
After several seconds, when I was sure that the enemy was already dead, I released the Chains of Heaven, as I called that technique, dropping the corpse of the mighty Eldritch Giant on the ground.
As the corpse hit the ground, deathly silence took over the battlefield. Remaining General Level goblinoids, two Orc Chieftains looked at each other before a silent nod; they started retreating as other goblinoids started screaming and then running away.
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Altogether five General Level powerhouses fell here, including the leader that was General Level Eldritch Giant, so as the horde lost its leaders, they did what they were best. Run.
Run as hell.
But I wasn't giving any chances.
I looked at Venelana and General Amyke, who stopped his onslaught and flew to my position as all of us flew to two General Level Orc Chieftains giving them pursuit. It would be best to kill them here, so they can't return back and reorganize their forces, giving resistance when conquering them.
Meanwhile, with heightened morale, my Legions started pursuing fleeing goblinoids, killing them with ease. Bodies of goblins, orcs, bugbears, and hobgoblins were accumulating in small hills with tremendous speed.
After pursuing for several minutes, Venelana managed to kill one of the Orc Chieftains by blasting his head with Power of Destruction, while General Amyke killed another one, as I restrained it with one of my chains.
I must admit that they were pretty good at fleeing.
Regarding what to do with two corpses, I left them to General Borke Zagan, as they would be helpful and could create another two Ultimate-Class Flesh Golems boosting his power several times.
The siege of the Skull Valley Pass was finished, and we had won. With the death of all those General Level powerhouses, practically the entire Ewor Subcontinent would be under my rule within several days, at the slowest.
Now the only thing was to clean the battlefield; I went and stored the corpse of the Eldritch Giant in my dimensional storage, as I wanted to use Devour on it; that one would significantly increase my power.