The hero is dead. The hero is dead. The hero is dead. theheroisdeadtheheroisdeadtheheroisdeadtheheroisdeadtheheroisdeadtheheroisdead
Over and over these words ring in my mind. This is my fault. I did this. All these people are crying now because of me. I tried to avoid being a villain and I ended up destroying the whole fucking plot!
'What the fuck? ...this wasn't supposed to be like this. He was supposed to be here, alive and well, and defeat the forces of evil with his harem. He was supposed to take Diana off my-'
Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Diana. What the hell do I do with her crazy now!?!
'Deep breaths Zen, deep breaths. We got this. Just do what you always do. Analyze the situation, connect the dots, and start damage control.'
What are the facts and problems?
How do I know all this? Because she is standing at the front of the class right now.
'Fucking shit nuggets! Give me a break!'
"Now class, I know this has already been quite the eventful day, but we have 1 more announcement to make. This is our new transfer student Sophia Akura. She has come from Russia and will be studying with us until the end of next year. Would you like to give your introduction, Akura-chan?" Sasumi-sensei says with a strained smile.
She nods and stands tall and proud, "My name is Sophia Akura, my hobbies are dancing and fighting, and," here she collapses in on herself, hunching over and touching her pointer fingers together while hiding her blush with her long bangs, "I am here to meet and marry my fiance Hikaru-kun."
Silence greets her words.
"Oh, dear...Sweetheart...Let's step out into the hall for a second." Sasumi-sensei says, tears brimming in her eyes.
The class watches in silence as she leaves and 5 seconds later there is a loud scream followed by a *Thud.*
Sasumi-sensei rushes back into the classroom and scans the students. "Kuronobu-kun can I ask you to transport Akura-chan to the nurse's office, please? ...Silverscale-kun, would you join as well? We might as well show you where it is and he will probably need your help to carry her."
The male class rep, apparently named Kuronobu-kun, and I nod and stand up. We walk out in the hallway to see Akura-san passed out on the ground, swirls in her eyes. I look at him expectantly and he pushes his glasses up with his middle finger dramatically, strikes a pose, and clenches his fist which is wrapped in bandages.
"Sorry, Silverscale-kun, but I do not dare touch her with mine hands. The great power that I have sealed within my right hand and left eye might be release if I touch someone such as herself."
I roll my eyes. Great a Chuuni. How original...fucking author, can't you give it a-
I freeze when I sense a dark and powerful presence set its eyes on me. Scratch that, two very dark and powerful beings are now paying full attention to me. I look up at him in horror and scan him magically. Big mistake. I cut it off immediately and pale as cold sweat runs down my back. I saw two somethings no mortals should ever see. Holy shit, he really does have two powers sealed in his right hand and left eye. Old Gods, no is he still alive?
I smile at him and bow as if there is nothing wrong. The beings saw me see them and they know exactly what I am. Time to kiss some ass.
"I had no idea you were the vessel of two such powers, Kuronobu-dono, forgive my rudeness. I will of course be happy to carry her for you if you would be so kind as to lead the way."
He looks at me in shock for a second before a wide smile appears on his face...he...he does know they are inside him right?
I feel both presences laugh in a way that makes me want to claw my eyes out and tear my ears off. Nope. He doesn't know. Well, he is fucked. Both presences leave, or rather are no longer focused on me and I sigh in relief. Adding that to the growing list of #NotMyProblem.
"I am glad you know of my true powers, perhaps we can be comrades in arms against the forces of The Night Council?"
"Sure, count on me anytime Kuronobu-dono, but might I suggest something?"
He nods and I continue, "Instead of openly assisting you, what if I infiltrate this Night Council and provide you information on their movements? You can better prepare yourself for the inevitable battle to come. I am nowhere near as strong as you or your patrons, as I am sure you are aware, and I feel this will be a much better use of my skills." This was all technically true. I am not sure how this kid knows, but The Night Council was the name of the leadership group in the organization I was in charge of them must be pulling some strings.
He looks crestfallen, the poor kid just wants to make some friends, but he quickly agrees. "O-of course! That would indeed suit you best... M-maybe we can exchange phone numbers?" He starts out strong and confident but by the end, he just sounds sad and hopeful. I nod to him respectfully and give him my number. I am not going to hang out with this walking nightmare, but I will be kind to him. No need to make enemies that could destroy this world.
I pick up Akura-san in a princess carry and quickly follow the ecstatic teen as he shares what he knows about The Night Council and the great battle to come...I pale again when all of it is true or likely to happen. I keep silent, though, and drop Akura-san off at the nurse's office, explain she collapsed, and we continue back to class. Before we enter, I bow to him again and say,
"Kuronobu-dono, thank you for the information. I will text you progress reports as I can and we can communicate by phone to keep our cover. Let's continue the ruse of being only classmates for now and we can decide on times to meet up and exchange information. Public areas like movie theaters, arcades, and shopping malls would be best for this." I smile up at him and he looks so happy he could cry.
'Alright, I admit to hypocrisy. Sue me. I felt for the guy... I didn't have friends in my past life either...I will hang out with him every once in a while. No reason for me to be a dick to him, old Gods or not.'
"Yes!" He shouts loudly, then blushes and continues more quietly, "That would indeed be agreeable, Silverscale-kun...but please call me Asuda, if you don't mind....and maybe I can call you Zeneff? J-just so I will know it is you, mind you!" He says stuttering and giving the lame excuse.
"You got it Asuda-san." I say with a smile and he beams at me.
We head back into the classroom and I take my seat. I sigh in relief again at being away from them.
{That was incredibly sweet of you.} A genderless voice says in my mind.
I turn slowly, as to not draw attention to myself, and see the normal-looking girl sitting next to Asuda-san staring at me with a sweet smile. She is the one that teases him about being a Chunni the most in the manga...She has normal long black hair, a slender figure, and....fathomless black voids for eyes.
My eyes bug out. A fucking Cosmic Entity? Really? Why...just...just...Why!?! He has 3 beings that are stronger than anything on this planet watching over him...I nod shakily to her and her smile grows wider. She knows I know what she is. Fuck.
I turn forward again and her gaze eventually leaves me.
'What the fuck is wrong with this story! I thought I was overpowered as the main villain, but a fucking nobody side character is actually infinitely more powerful than I am. This is all kinds of fucking nope.'
I take a deep shuddering breath to center myself as we begin Math class.
'Okay. Chill, Zen. Let's get back to things I can handle - My first plan worked out well...for me at let's make a new one.'
You are reading story Silverscale Paradise (A Yandere Harem Adventure) at
I will be offering protection to the harem members and their families. Based on what I remember, Kitinara-san will be the first to lose her entire family and clan. I will start by stalk *Ahem* following her home tonight and will stake out their compound. The attack should happen either tonight or tomorrow night. Rinse and repeat for the rest. A bit troublesome that I will need to go to The Untouchable Realm in Russia, but I should be able to avoid or overpower their wards.
After they all are saved, that is the end of my assistance and involvement with them. The remaining 2 chapters were harem romance shit and that doesn't apply to me at all.
The next critical step for me is to think of a way to deal with Diana. I don't love her as anything more than my sister, but that hardly seems to matter anymore. I can't dump her on Hikaru-san any longer, for obvious reasons, and I need to accept and deal with her Yandere tendencies. 1 night a week at mom's place is not going to be enough for her. I might need to let her come visit me at my place 2 or 3 times a week as well. We can have dinner and watch some shows or movies together...I just need to keep us in the open and our contact Rated PG. I need something to control her, but I have no idea what that could possibly be. I still don't want to use my magic on her, but I will do it if I need to. For both our sakes.
The next mess is mom...I just need to be careful and we will be fine. I am sure of it. Everything will be fine. It is not like she will make a move on me while we are watching movies with everyone else around. I picked the right time to visit and so I should be safe. Hopefully.
After I assist the harem girls and find a way to deal with Diana, I am done. I can go back to my original plan and live my life peacefully. There are a couple more speedbumps now, but otherwise, I am fine. Everything will work out fine.
I smile to myself and commit to the plan. First up is Kitinara-san. I will cover my body in illusion magic to make me blend into the surroundings. She is powerful compared to those around us. Maybe even on the same level of power as Diana, but she is nowhere near my level and this should be a cakewalk.
* | * | *
I text Aki and Ares to let them know I would be home late this week taking care of some stuff and follow through with my plan. I get up right as the bell rings to leave first. I had made some friends at lunch but explained that I had plans after school this week so no one bothers me. I make it to the doorway and into the hall before I sense something approaching, fast. I spin around and catch Diana by her head as she tried to dive into me and tackle me to the ground.
"Mu~! Why did you stop me Onii-chan?" She asks, puffing out her cheeks.
"We would be blocking the hallway. Come, let's go. I will walk you home." I lie and offer her. I need to get her out of here as soon as possible.
She smiles up at me with genuine happiness and it kills me that I am gonna have to crush it. "Okay!" she yells and glomps onto my arm as we walk down the hallway towards the shoe lockers. I see people we pass staring at us, but I ignore it. I don't have to feel bad about showing affection to my sister. Call me a brocon if you are technically correct anyway...Never again. I pledge to myself. I never want to do that with her again.
"How are you feeling?" I ask her as we walk.
"Amazing. I was still dripping your stuff out of me Sat-"
I cover her mouth quickly. "Please, don't talk about that at school."
Her eyes turn dangerous and her smile a bit broken as we walk into the footlocker section of the school entrance. "Why not? Hmm? Why can't I tell people of our love? Are you embarrassed about it? Are you...are you dating someone else here?" Her grip on my arm could crush iron, but it doesn't bother me.
"Of course I am embarrassed about it! People don't talk about that kind of stuff openly. And no I am not. Stop talking nonsense and get your shoes so we can leave," I order her. She stares at me hard for a couple of seconds before pouting and moving to do as I say.
'Urg. Every day. I am going to have to deal with this every day. Whatever. What's done is done. I will come up with a solution eventually.'
I change out of my indoor shoes and into my outdoor ones and wait for Diana by the door. I see a lost-looking purple-haired girl standing there. I do not know her, but she seems vaguely familiar. I am interrupted from my musings as I hear the sound of paper ripping. Looking behind me, I can see Diana ripping up a stack of Love letters that must have been in her locker.
Oi! People put their hearts into those! Go meet them and fall in love with a normal boy!
"Oh...hey are you doing? You spent most of the day in the nurse's office..." She says walking up next to me.
Right. That explains it. This is the hero's sister and only surviving family member...
She is about Diana's height. 5'5" or so and has striking blue eyes. Her purple hair is long and she tops it with a red bow. She looks lost and sad and not really present.
"Hmm? Oh...Hello Diana-san, I am just waiting for big bro-" She stops, her eyes widen, then she squats on the ground and starts crying.
'Poor girl. First name basis with Diana too, they must be friends.'
Indeed, this appears to be true as Diana quickly lets go of me and squats down to hug and comfort her.
I stand there awkwardly for a few seconds and am considering my options, when Diana asks, "Onii-chan, can you teleport us to my house?"
"...Diana...?" I ask in a warning voice. Talking about our powers in the mundane world is a huge no-no.
"Relax. She is an angel. Her mom and dad are archangels. She is in the know."
Oi! You need to say spoilers before that shit! I am certain that is how the hero was supposed to defeat me. Lightbringer indeed.
'How the hell did the organization manage to kill two archangels? I would even have trouble with two at once...not really. Maybe 10 at once?'
"I see, alright then," I answer. "Come with me."
I walk around the building to a magically sealed door. Placing my hand on it, I push some magic in and it open. Diana had mentioned these to me before, so I knew what to look for. They were small rooms set up by the school staff that was safe for teleporting out but could not be teleported into. That was one good idea this world had going for it. Diana is supporting a clearly falling apart Hikaru-san as they walk through the door.
"Why is she going with you to mom's place?" I ask in confusion as I close the door behind us.
"Her family compound was destroyed and she is living alone in an apartment nearby...I...I don't think it is good for her, Onii-chan. I want to help her. She can stay with us until her parents are unsealed from that barrier, I doubt mom will object. She always loved Suki-san."
'Huh. Yandere she may be, but she is still a good person. I guess that's why she ended up in the hero's harem...Still...'
"Barrier?" I ask with a tilt of my head.
"Yes, they were sealed in a barrier talisman...If only you had your memories were always good with barriers- Onii-chan..! Your...pressure...too...much..."
I didn't hear her. Rage built in me like never before. Those were my fucking barrier talismans. They wouldn't have been able to make ones strong enough to hold archangels. I took them all back! I burned them and destroyed them...did...did they steal from me before I left? These fuckers. They actually stole from me? Me!?!