After the prisoners- *Ahem* guests have been secured by my lovely ladies, I call a quick meeting to discuss the plan with everyone.
This was a rather delicate situation and just killing them was not an option. I had to reiterate this point several more times than I would have liked.
"So...we kidnapped two strangers...That is not something I thought we would be doing today." I say with a tired smile. "Takasone hasn't said what he wants, but Ria would like to join the harem. To be completely honest, I am attracted to her and not completely opposed to it, but I can't help feeling like that is a really superficial reason. Samantha has already voiced her approval of Ria saying that she has a lot of potential...but I want to hear what you all think. I really don't want to add any more after this, and I truly mean that. This is getting way too complicated." I say to my harem as we lounge on one of the couches in my living room.
I was in the middle of a dogpile, to be honest. I brush a strand of my silver hair from my face and scan the women around me with my ruby red eyes. Like always, instead of taking their seats around the room like normal human beings, each of my harem members, with the exception of Samantha, was seated on or around me with some part of their bodies touching me.
Hagiwara Kitinara, my Kitsune Finance and the first "wife" in my harem, sat on my right with her arms crossed. The "wife" title is in reference to her position in the harem, but we were actually just engaged at the moment. She was very clearly not amused with the current turn of events. Hagi wasn't in her Kitsune form currently, as we had just come home from school, so her current hair was a short bob of bright red locks and both of her eyes were green. It was honestly a little odd to see her this way. I much preferred her natural state of one blue and one green eye as well as her long wavy, golden auburn hair that matched her adorable fox ears and 5 fluffy tails.
Her personality was sly and calculating, but her tongue was as sharp as a honed dagger. She always challenged my wit and I had to constantly watch out for the next trick she might play. She had an athletic body with more than a decent amount in the chest and ass department. She was also incredibly fit and flexible, something that I quite enjoyed in our private moments.
"I will always defer to you, Zenny...but 9 women seems like a bit much to manage, even with the harem rules in place. If you want her, then I will accept her, but I really don't think we should take more than 9. In fact, now that I think about it, 9 seems like the perfect number!" Hagiwara says with a coy smile.
"Of course a Kitsune would say that... " I answer with a grin of my own.
"Doesn't make it less true~!" She retorts in a teasing tone.
"Hmph. Onii-chan is a trouble magnet! You only started your harem a week ago and already have 9 women? Are you trying to earn a high score or something!?! ...Ultimately, I agree with Hagiwara however. If you want Ria, then take her. That is the dragon way, after all." Diana, my step-sister and the 2nd wife in my harem, says with a nod as if it was obvious. She sits on my other side and has her arms wrapped around me, forcing my arm into her cleavage.
Diana was the image of an "Ojou-sama" stereotype from most anime and manga. She had long, permanent ringlets of blonde hair, shining blue eyes, and a heart-shaped face. She had an hourglass figure and curves that always drew my eye, especially when she flaunted them. She was just as imperious and fierce in her love for me as she was about anything and everything else in her life. While she was still considered young for a red dragon, I would swear she was becoming a mature beauty by the day.
"...I still want to kill the wolf, but I guess I am outvoted." Suki, my fallen angel fiance and the 3rd wife in my harem, says with a pout from her place leaning on the couch in between my legs. The pout falls off her face as she glances over at the brown-haired woman restrained in the chair. A rare vulnerable look takes over her features. "Um...Zeneff? Can you fix my brother?"
"I can if you want me to," I answer her immediately.
She smiles up at me from the floor, the bratty act she is always portraying now nowhere to be seen. Before me sits the good girl I met crying and alone last week. She has been doing her best to act as if nothing was wrong and that she doesn't care at all, but I can tell it is just that. An act. The 3 days she was alone without anyone's help, scared, and suddenly homeless had affected her far more than she wants to let on. Her rapid change in personality was a huge indication of this.
She was lost and felt broken, and she was clinging to me to help her find her way again. Even with her parent's unsealed, she cannot take away the scars those days left on her heart or the anger she feels at her parent's unnecessary violence towards me when I was just trying to help. I have no doubt in my mind that she truly loves me nor do I doubt that her new personality is not, at least a little bit, genuine, but I can't help but fear she is just using it as an excuse to run away from her problems. This was the biggest reason Azuza, my new Godly wife and Hagi's mother, wants to start therapy sessions with her right away.
Suki Hikaru was of average height and build and dressed in a gothic lolita style. She was not as curvy or buxom as the others in the harem, but she more than made up for it with her enthusiasm. She was thin and pale as snow, almost looking doll-like, and gave one the deceptive image of a girl in need of protection. Her strength and power were nothing to scoff at, however, and she was a force to be reckoned with when mad...or when turned on.
She had long, deep purple hair with fuchsia highlights on the underside and pale blue eyes that usually glinted with mischief. She rocked a B-Cup and made it fit her body and style perfectly. Her clothing was all black and purple lace and fabrics with white frills, though when she changed out of her school uniform, I have no idea. One thing was for sure though, she positively reeked of sex appeal. Her every move tempting me into scandalous action. Like a delicious apple that you know is poisoned, but can't help taking a bite of. She was the kind of girl that could ruin a man, demanding more and more of his affection while diving him nuts with her seductive bratty attitude and teasing personality. This was a recent change, but it seemed to fit her like a glove, and, more importantly, she seemed to have fun doing it.
I have said it before and I will say it again, out of all of my harem members, Suki is the most dangerous to me. She has me wanting to rip off our clothes, pin her to a bed, and punish her at all hours of the day. I have not yet had a night alone with her, but I already have many, MANY plans on what I will do when I get that opportunity.
I also feel incredibly guilty that her first time was not alone with me, but I fully intend to make that up to her. Besides, she didn't seem to mind all that much as she was one of the main instigators of Orgy Night...Which is still not a thing by the way...
"We should use Zen's ability to change Takasone back as a bargaining chip. I'm sure that will tilt the coming talk in our favor." Sophia, my Demon Lord Fiance and the 4th wife in the harem, comments from her position at the side of my left leg. She has her arms crossed on my lower right thigh and knee, and her head is tilted on top of her wrists contemplatively.
Suki scowls at Sophia, but the demon ignores it brilliantly.
Sophia Akura was a horrible succubus and the most recent Demon Lord of The Untouchable Realm in Russia. She had blood-red eyes and long silver hair that was often tied into an intricate braid. Her skin was like porcelain and she had a soft and kind demeanor about her. She often reminds me of a little rabbit, however, she is anything but docile. She is very intelligent and quick as a whip. She also has studied in many fields such as military strategy, business, economics, politics, law, and criminal justice, just to name a few, while she was holed up in the Demon Lord Castle.
Her parents and sisters shunned her because she was unable to find a strong mate, and her plan had always been to get revenge on her family who made her feel so inadequate. What she never expected, however, was for me to be the one to claim her. Since she has been with me her self-confidence has grown in leaps and bounds...but she also turned into a Yandere because of there was a trade-off... Regardless, this change has let me see a rather unexpected side of her.
She really is a Demon. She is absolutely ruthless in her pursuits and that of her family - Me and the harem.
Case in point, her comment just now.
"I agree." Aki, my emotionless (Kudere) and diminutive 5th wife in the harem, says from directly on my lap.
"As do I." Hagiwara chimes in.
"As for Ria...More than anything, Master's happiness is my top priority." Aki nods and smiles slightly, -For her a bright and cheery smile- continuing the conversation from earlier.
Akirina the (soon-to-be-not-so) nameless ice dragon was TOTALLY NOT A LOLI. She is old enough to have bought your first ancestor a beer. Get that point straight or she will kill me. *Ahem* She stood just over 4 feet tall and had an adorable face. Her silver hair fell down to her shoulders, and she had yellow-topaz-colored eyes.
Aki had lived most of her life being treated like a child for her stature and cool personality, and she hates that above all else. The reason she liked the original Zeneff so much was that he never treated her like a child. He didn't treat her well, but he didn't treat her like a child. I am working to correct his past mistakes. I will spoil the hell out of this cold little dragon. She may seem emotionless at times, but getting her to break that shell is quickly becoming one of my favorite pastimes. The faces and little moans she makes...I am getting distracted.
She was as quiet as she was capable, and she served as my head maid for many years before becoming my fiance. Ironically, Aki decided to do almost the same thing as her wifely duties in the harem. She and Ares are basically in charge of everything in the manor and all of my assets as of now. They organize the staff, deal with the investments, furnishings, and precious items, and they manage the family finances - A really arduous task when you have an asshole for a fiance who keeps adding more new finance's estates and wealth to the workload, or so I have been told.
Speaking of Ares...
"You're updating the books, Lord husband," Ares, a fierce drake and 6th wife in my harem, commands in a monotone.
'Lord Husband? That was new.'
"Ah...Yes. I understand...Honored Wife?" I answer after a pause at the title.
She beams a million wat, full tooth smile at me and nods several times. Ares squeezes my hand that she is holding from next to Hagiwara on the couch. My arm is actually reaching over Hagiwara's lap as she holds on to my forearm...for some reason. Hagi also presses into my side, so she has the most contact out of anyone other than Diana.
I cannot understand why or how this is comfortable for them. Luckily I can use magic to cool my body because otherwise, I would be suffocating just from the heat right now. This concludes the Zeneff-Touching-Extravaganza.
Back to my hot-headed drake fiance.
Ares was a spunky woman with light red hair and matching red eyes. She was tall, muscular, and busty, and her enthusiasm was addictive. Ares had a regal air about her, just as her father did, but she was quite a bit more impulsive than him. It is hard to appear refined when she wore her emotions on her sleeves as much as she did, but in moments like this, I can tell she is still her father's daughter. Ares was, in fact, my head butler for many years until she became my fiance. Now she manages my estate and assets with Aki.
She had fallen in love with a blue dragon, causing her to become the black sheep of her family, but the old me had saved her in the end. Since then she has been invaluable to me and I cannot think of anyone more dependable in my life. If something needed to be done, she could get it done. She was not particularly powerful, but she was really good at her job and very dedicated to me and the harem.
I mean, she doesn't need to be strong. I can be strong for her.
'Please no flags...Fucking please?'
"I also agree. It is for the good of the harem, Suki. I am sorry." Samantha chimes in next from her chair across from the couch. "You know my stance on Ria, and, anyway, they will be waking soon without intervention. What should we do, Zeneff?"
Samantha Teke was my Elder Thing fiance and a wife that was not technically in the order of the harem, but she acts as my left hand and the mediator of disputes. Her word was law in the family, and not even I could talk her down if she truly believed something was in our best interest. She was immeasurably old and used a shoggoth as her avatar...I don't think I can explain how insane it is that she uses a shoggoth as a more normal representation of herself...
Sam was almost as tall as I was and had flowing black and purple hair? I mean, it was made to look like hair, but it was actually part of her body. In fact, all of the clothes on her body were actually part of her flesh. She originally took on the appearance of a Kraken before revealing her true form, so the fact that she had tentacles and not legs was not that odd to us. The revolution that those tentacles were inky black, dripping, and oozing pseudopods with yellow glowing pits for eyes was an odd and horrifying experience, to say the least. Even with all this, she was quickly growing on me and becoming someone I know I can trust and depend on.
She may be a literal monster of a nightmare, but she was also one of the kindest and most caring individuals I knew. She was the most powerful existence I have ever met, and she can do things that I would think were impossible as if they were common occurrences. Plus...she could turn me on in ways that made me feel like I had already gone crazy.
Getting fear boners was really weird.
"Alright. Here is what we will do." I say, taking charge of the situation now that I had heard all of their opinions. "First, I will accept Ria into the harem, but I will tell her that I need to deal with Takasone before we can talk more about it-"
"That isn't going to work Zeneff." Hagi interrupts me with a frown. "She is in heat. She needs someone to take care of that or she will be in constant agony. We both know how hard it is to deny our instincts. You will need to take care of that as soon as you accept her."
"A...fair point." I concede. "Okay, I will take care of that when she wakes, preferably quickly, and then we will return and have a discussion with Takasone. We need to find out what he wants, other than just calling me evil. If there is a huge plan from the Night Council, I am not aware of it. To be fair, however, from what memories I have recovered, I was not really the leader. I was providing the funds and assisting them, but my main purpose was watching over Takasone whom I thought of as a potential enemy."
"Why didn't you just kill him?" Sophia asks an honest question.
"I am...not entirely sure..." I answer honestly.
There really was no good reason for the Big Bad Evil to not dispose of someone whom they thought of as their greatest potential risk. The old Zeneff was just an arrogant prick with a god complex. He never thought The Light Bringer would amount to much but wanted to keep an eye on him anyway. I guess that is plot armor at work...Oddly enough, however, Takasone's plot armor seemed to disappear as soon as I arrived and took over.
"But he is going to be my brother-in-law, so I will help him regardless. I am fine using my ability to transform him back as a bargaining chip, but, I am telling you all now, using it in this way will be a lie. I will change him back regardless of if he tells us or not. Not for him, but for Suki." I say with conviction.
My fallen angel fiance looks up at me in adoration as the other women give begrudging nods. None of them really care about Takasone, but they do care for Suki.
"About Takasone," Samantha says, staring at the busty woman strapped to the chair still out cold. "He is...strange. He is not from this reality and seems to believe he has come back in time to correct his past mistakes. This is all I can read from his surface thoughts. Do you want me to look deeper, Zeneff?"
"Not really. I don't want to get dragged into the Light Bringer's business...but is he reincarnated?" I ask with a sense of dread in my heart.
"That is an accurate description." Samantha nods.
I sigh.
'Anime world, why must you torment me so? The hero returns to right his wrongs? What a cliche turn of events. Was that part of the original story or are we completely off the books now? As much as this manga's story sucked, I can't help but wish I had more than 12 chapters to go off of. I have no idea what is original and what is not anymore...'
"Alright, then the plan is set," I say adjusting on the fly to include this new variable. "We will discuss his problems and what he knows of the future, but we will take it with a grain of salt. Takasone is from another reality entirely, so it is unclear if what he says will actually happen or not. There is no guarantee that any of us are as they were in his original world, but he seems to have not made that realization yet. I know for certain that I am, at the very least, an outlier."
"Once we have the details we need, we can discuss what to do as a family. Ultimately, I doubt he will be willing to work with us, so we will likely have to work separately to ensure whatever comes doesn't affect us or our future too badly. Does anyone have anything to add?" I ask the girls around me.
"Do we have time for a quickie?" Diana takes advantage of the situation to ask.
"No." I answer her in a deadpan.
"Then I am set." She responds with a beatific smile.
I roll my eyes as the other girls in the room all chuckle.
* | * | *
Takasone is the first to wake and does so loudly.
"Wha? Where am I? Zeneff!?! You captured me!?! Finally showing your true colors, huh!?!" He freaks out and yells when he notices me.
He attempts to release some of his, admittedly pathetic, power, but the runes on the chair he sits in dully glow red suppressing his magic.
"Could you shut up and listen for like, 5 seconds?" I demand, not wanting to drag this on for too long.
"I have nothing to say to you-" Takasone starts, but is interrupted by his furious sister.
"Brother, if you don't shut up right fucking now then I will tell Zeneff not to change you back into a man after all," Suki says with cold fury in her eyes.
Takasone's jaw snaps shut.
Silence. Blessed silence comes as even Takasone realizes that prospect is too good to ignore. He does look up at me as if I am going to trick him, however.
"Right. Thanks, Suki-" I say moving my hand to pat her head.
"Don't you touch her-" Takasone starts to growl out again, but he is silenced once again by his sister's glare.
"So, I think we have gotten off on the wrong foot Takasone-san. Let's try for introductions again. I am Zeneff Silverscale and I seriously couldn't give two shits about you. The number of problems I have are numerous, but you are not one of them. Please stop trying to make yourself one of them. I am not sure why you are so adamant about hating me and calling me evil, but I think it is fairly obvious that you are missing the bigger picture here."
You are reading story Silverscale Paradise (A Yandere Harem Adventure) at
He blinks but then sneers at me. "Oh? So you are not the leader of the Night Council and are not a massive evil silver dragon?"
"Well, I am the latter, minus the evil part, but I am not the leader of the Night Council any longer," I answer him with a straight face. He is annoying to talk with. All holier-than-thou and thinking he is hot shit.
"Your lying!" Takasone shouts out again.
"He is not. And to prove it..." Samantha says then summons a zone of truth under us. A golden circle forms under everyone in the room. Samantha explains what it is and that it will shine red if someone lies. To prove this, she asks Takasone to tell 2 truths and one lie. After he does so and sees it is working, he nods and looks back up at me.
"I am not the leader of the Night Council nor do I want anything to do with you," I say simply.
He looks at the golden circle under us for several moments and then mumbles out, "...She is in your harem...It could be rigged-"
"Oh, give it a rest Take." Hagiwara shoots him down immediately.
"Why then!" He yells back at her, tears glistening in his eyes. "Why did you choose him over me? Why won't you come back to me now that I am here again? Why won't you help me as you did in the past? You are supposed to belong to me! You are supposed to be my wife in the future! Why is this all so fucked up!?!"
My harem members look at him like he is a particularly gross bug.
"I believe I can answer that." Samantha chimes in again. She is completely unphased by this situation and is smiling congenially.
"Who and what are you!?! You look scarier than even Zeneff's dragon form does-Ow!" Takasone yells as Hagiwara, having enough of his words, hits him, none too softly, straight on the top of his head.
"Mind your manners, Take." She growls out in warning.
Something happens then. I only barely notice it, but it is like there is a glitch in reality for a short moment. When the moment ends, Takasone starts panting and turns white as a sheet.
"I...I understand. Please...Please, no more. I will behave, great one." He stammers out breathlessly as tears and snot freely fall from his face.
The women around me look at each other confused at his sudden turnaround but have no idea what caused this change. I glance over to Samantha out of the corner of my eye and see her smiling prettily back at me.
"So, as I was saying, you don't understand the full picture. You are not the Takasone of this reality. You are the Takasone of a different reality. This means that the events and people of your past may be vastly different. Claiming that any of the women here are 'belong to you' is incorrect, and, frankly, a pretty douchy thing to say. They have chosen me of their own free will. That is the first point I need to get across to you."
'Yeah I'm a hypocrite, but I at least waited until they were my fiance's to call them mine...'
"I...I understand." Takasone says docily.
'What the hell did Sam do to you? ...I probably don't want to know. Hopefully, she didn't drive him insane or anything. That would be bad.'
"Secondly, I am willing to help you to prevent the world from falling into chaos. I just need to know the events of the future in your world so that we can prepare. Even if they don't happen exactly the same, it will give us a place to start. If you don't want to work together, then that is fine. We can work separately towards the same goal. I have no illusions of being friends with you when this is all over." I say, continuing my interrogation.
He looks up at me and the fire of hatred burns in his eyes. "Yeah, we will never be friends. You stole 4 of my harem wives." He grits his teeth as he says this, but then sighs and hangs his head as he continues. "But I can tell you what you want to know. The second option works for me. I want as little interaction with you as possible once I leave here."
"Wait...4 wives? I am guessing that you are talking about Hagiwara, Diana, and Sophia, but who is the 4th? Did you know Aki or Ares in your world?" I ask in confusion.
He looks at me for a long moment, before looking over to his sister. "...Suki." He answers.
This causes shudders of revulsion from all the women present, and especially from the wide-eyed Suki who is just saying "Ew..." over and over again as she shakes her head.
"What are you looking at me like that for! Zeneff is engaged to his sister!" Takasone tries to defend.
"Do not compare him to you, scum. I am his half-sister and not even related to him by blood, not to mention he is separated by hundreds of generations and millions of years from me. How far are you and Suki from each other?" Diana snaps and bears her teeth at the restrained man-in-a-woman's-body in front of her.
'Huh. I thought she wasn't supposed to know about that...Oh well, not important right now.'
"1 year. He is my actual brother and is only 1 year older than me...I...I think I need to drink bleach now." Suki comments in complete shock and horror.
"Alright, calm down, we are not even talking about the same dimension. Maybe that was socially acceptable where he was from. Let's be respectful to his culture." I say, trying to prevent another shouting match from breaking out.
" was not...It just kinda happened..." Takasone trails off, all the light in his eyes seems to leave as he digs his hole deeper for no apparent reason.
An awkward silence greets his words.
I clear my throat and pull Suki into a side hug to distract her from that bombshell. "Well...Why don't you tell us what happens in the future from what you remember." I say, trying to move the conversation on.
Takasone then regals us of a truly epic story.
* | * | *
That is, truly epically bad.
It is the most random and nonsensical story I have ever heard. It spans the next several centuries and ends with just as many cliches as it started with.
" summarize," I clarify rubbing the bridge of my nose, "In 5 years portals from other dimensions will be opened due to something the Night Council did in the past. Mythical monsters will enter and the world will be nearly destroyed as most governments and countries fall. Humanity survives, however, by ushering in a new age of sword and magic mixed with technology. New countries and kingdoms will sprout from the chaos, one of which was 'The Kingdom of Light' that you founded with your future wives?"
"Yes," Takasone answers.
"120 years later, when humanity seems to be recovering, a virus originating from one of these other dimensions will infect the entire planet and cause humans to mutate or die. This leads to the surviving humans gaining superpowers and the ability to grow stronger by defeating strong opponents. Like a game, this is considered to be 'Experience Points' and the world quickly reorganizes and rebuilds again, now with the powers more balanced. Also, your kingdom ends up being one of the few to survive the ravages of the virus?"
"Correct," Takasone answers.
"A further 80 years later fucking aliens from outer space come to invade the planet for its resources. You, along with your ever-growing harem, help to defend the world from this catastrophe Once again, the world is thrown into chaos and the technology and power of earth grow to new levels after reverse-engineering the alien technology. You defeat the aliens, but let a friendly group of them stay on the planet to co-exist with you, the monsters, and the technologically advanced super-powered humans?"
"Exactly," Takasone answers.
"A full 200 years later your sprawling futuristic metropolis is under threat of civil war and you decide to step down as king to allow for elections. The government changes from a monarchy to a Republic and the most unlikely person is elected as the first President of the newly formed Republic of Bastion, Me. Shortly after, you find out that I orchestrated the growing tensions in the country with the remnants of the Night Council to remove you from power and to force you into a corner. I then, systematically, start taking everything from you, framing you, and turning the people you loved against you. We finally have a continent-destroying battle where I kill all your harem members in front of you, one by one, until you are left with nothing. I then imprison you inside a metal box and sink you to the bottom of the ocean where you eventually lose your powers and die?"
"That's right, you fuckin bastard." Takasone answers with suppressed rage.
I slap him.
"Ow! What the hell was that for!?!" Takasone demands, clearly shocked I actually hit him.
"I'm sorry. I couldn't help it. That was uncalled for...but your was just...just so very, very stupid. The plot is all over the place and there are enough holes to sink the US naval fleet. How did the world recover just fine from 3 extinction-level events happening within 200 years of each other!?! I am calling bullshit. That is so dumb it makes me want to slap you again."
Takasone scowls at me and grits his teeth, but I ignore him as I put a hand to my head and think.
'From harem romantic comedy and school life, to swords and magic, to superpowers, to an alien invasion...JUST PICK A GOD DAMN GENRE YOU FUCKING BRAINDEAD AUTHOR!!!!'
'This is dumb. This is so fucking dumb. I don't want it. I don't want to do it. You can't fucking make me!'
And then everything suddenly clicks into place.
'Fine. You know what? Fine!'
Why was I living by other's rules? Why was I following this god-awful script?
No. More.
I will deal with these problems. I will keep my family safe through all this madness, but I am not following your dumbass plot, author. I am doing it my way. You can choke on a fat dick and die.
I was living how I wanted from now on. Fuck the rules, and fuck what others thought. I was going to live and survive, and I was going to ensure that all of those I care about did as well.
They may be clinically insane Yanderes, but they were my future wives and I would not let the bullshit from this world affect them or our futures together.
"Well, that changes things," I say, a feeling an odd sense of calm wash over me.
"Great. Good for you. Can you let me and Ria go now?" Takasone demands as he glares up at me tiredly.
"Ria is staying here," Hagiwara answers in a matter of fact tone.
Takasone looks at her, then looks at me with the fury of a million suns burning in his eyes. I know that at this moment I have made an eternal enemy. He says nothing more, however, and just shakes with restrained fury.
I release him and he stands up. He stares me down as if waiting for something...
'Oh! Right. I forgot.'
I change him back into a man through a particularly challenging piece of magic.
His massive tits shrink back into his chest and his soft features become hard lines.
He is completely silent through the ordeal as he glares at me.
Once it is completed, he unceremoniously pulls open the front of his pants a bit to check if everything was right.
"Gross." I hear Diana say, but if Takasone heard her, he ignores it.
Satisfied, he turns and walks towards the front door.
He opens it and pauses to look back at me over his shoulder.
"Mark my words Zeneff Silverscale. One day you will die by my hands. I promise this on my very-"
6 bolts of different kinds of energy slam into him and send him flying through the air and out of sight.
I sigh at my 6 wives who just used magic out of nowhere, including his very own sister.
"Really?" That is all I could manage to get out as I shut the door in defeat.
We all needed to have a long talk, but first, it was time for me to claim a Fenrir. One who has been pretending to sleep for much too long.