Cindy woke up sweaty, covered in a bit of blood, and with a creeping headache, It reminded her of her previous life when she was still a male named joseph. When he drank up a lot of beer cause it was a party, he woke up nearly naked and a fuckload of ketchup covering his body and a giant headache about to come up.
Good times but those times are over, instead of ketchup she was covered with his own blood and a headache not of a hangover but of a computer doing bs with her body.
'as she looked at her left arm to see that she was not bleeding anymore, but felt as the pip-boy as part of her body, not as something that was stabbing bullshit hours earlier'
*DING* 'a message appeared on the pip-boy screen'
[synchronization complete: Wellcome, joseph, to pip-boy 3000 MK V.III]
It seems that the pip-boy read some of my memories but still classifies me as female since I'm in a feminine body. But still, how do I operate this pip-boy model cause there are no buttons or knobs to choose any options
I tapped with anger as if I was markiplyer on night 2 in fnaf: SL a couple of years ago, to my surprise, it responded to my angry tapping. The screen started up with my S.P.E.C.I.A.L. showing all four, sad times.
As I cried internally in my average stats I saw a tab called [Perk Tree] with the number two glowing next to it. I clicked on it hoping for the screen to show a chart or tree that the tab indicated.
I was dumbfounded when the screen turned black but before I could do, say, or think anything, the [Perk Tree] appeared in front of my eyes. No, It was literally in my eyes and I could feel and see the Tree clearly.
Like holy shit, the tree is big as hell?! there were two trees, the big boy which had all perks in different categories, and those categories were divided further. The small one was just seven straight lines next to the tree and fifteen dots in those seven lines, four of each lit up.
Both trees had dots, and as I clicked on some dots in the [Perk Tree] I saw some perks of fallout 4 like Barter, Animal Friend, and Blacksmith. some are new to me like Builder, Tracker's instincts, trenchenier (Made up words cause why not), and some other fun-sounding Perks.
Of course, not all perks are useful for combat but instead for survival in the wild, like Immuno solder.
1/5 [Immuno Solder: Gives a small chance of contracting an infection, shortens the time needed to recover from infections, slightly increases the chance of becoming immune to the said infection]
Wow, it seems that I'm in a survival world, This seems to be extremely useful. now, let's see the max version of this perk.
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5/5 [ Immuno solder: Gives a huge chance of not contracting an infection, Greatly shortens the time needed to recover from infections, Greatly increases the chance of becoming immune to said infection, mediocrity decreases symptoms]
This is good and all but why 5 levels and there's this skill called [Climber].
1/3 [Climber: Increases climbing speed by 15% while decreasing stamina consumption while climbing by 7.5%]
I could see this being useful(flag), Oh, and This seems useful.
1/4 [Blueprint engineer: Any blueprint that you draw or find of any weapon, armor, building, or vehicle will receive a boost in constructing said items]
This will be useful for constructing better quality weapons and armor, let me see the requirement. oh, another pip-boy message about the [Perk Tree] although it's late.
[Wellcome to the Perk Tree, it's very different from all our other Perk charts by the quantity, quality, and even the variety of Perks that you can get. But like the other perk chart systems, you need to meet certain requirements to unlock or continue in order to prevent the user from focusing on only one branch.
[Something else to remember about the system is that some perks require some of your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. to be at a minimum requirement to get or advance, for example, Nuclear Physicist Requires a minimum of 9 Intelligence and 7 Endurance, All Perks take one point to level up. That's all for this guide for Perk Tree]
Welp, that was confusing.
Ayo, Drago here, I was planning to post on Monday or Tuesday but my imagination went from full to not found. but thankfully touching some grass and some IRL stuff bored me so I started imagining for this chapter.
Drago out