[For the start of this lesson we will first discuss the basic functions of the Pip-Boy 3000 V.III. we'll start with each tab in this order; Status, Inventory, Data, Map, Radio, and lastly Perk tree.
We'll start with Status... We will be learning all-important and non-important functions in the tab, on the left side of the screen you will see a bar going up, This is the exp bar, and next to it is a number, that is your current level
On the bottom center are three lines on top of each other; the top one(Red) is your health, the middle(White) one is your body fatigue and when the bar is full you will gain a movement penalty, lastly, the bottom bar(Blue) represents your mental fatigue and if it drains then you will get a VATS and accuracy penalty.
On the bottom right corner is the stamina bar(Yellow); When you run, use VATS(Vault-tec's Assist Targeting System), and other things that require excess strength, you will consume your stamina depending on your Agility, Endurance, and Strength. A combination of body and mental fatigue can reduce your maximum stamina cap, this is the main reason you must take around 6+ hours of sleep to get rid of these side effects. Speaking of side effects.
On the top right of the screen will be three arrows pointing left, pressing it will reveal a small sheet that on top states "Buff/Debuffs". Here you will find effects that benefit and disbenefit you in some kind of way, most of these can be removed by Addictols and similar substances. debuffs that come from fatigue or injury will require sleep to cure, the latter of which will take longer.
Now moving on from the STATUS tab, we'll be going to the Inventory tab which will have sub-tabs of its own. Weapon, Armor, Ammo, Miscellaneous, Consumables, mods, and lastly junk.
The weapon tab will automatically organize items that can mainly inflict lethal damage to creatures, this will not stop you to store a rock here to attack someone but it will mostly not be effective. Throwables like grenades, Molotov cocktails and such will be included here since they as long as the effect will bring damage to anything later on after use. Some non-lethal weapons can be used, for example, flare guns.
There are different types of damage you can receive damage from a weapon. there are physical weapons, bullets, and melee weapons with no mods are in this category. Energy weapons have higher accuracy and damage than physical weapons but can be deflected depending on armor, Lazer, plasma, and some modified melee weapons. Radiation damage comes from most foods and liquids if the bombs do drop, if your hearing this then it did, air can contain radioactive particles into your lungs and there are gamma weapons that bring in lots of radiation towards you. lastly its poison, its easy to guess what it means but basically watch out for projectiles, cause you will never know what is on them.
The Armor tab refers to wearable clothing that protects your skin from dangers of the outside, like physical, energy, radiation, and Poison damage. Some clothing are thin enough that you can more armor on top of it, you can combine and create new clothing/armor to make better ones. To make this, you need to be near an armor workbench or a workbench.
Misc (miscellaneous) is the tab where things of importance can't be scraped, some items are automatically added into this tab, others you can add for reasons like, not scraping a certain item, or you feel like its important, etc. Bobbleheads and magazines will be automatically added to this tab and can't be removed.
Mod is short for modifications and here is where you can organize weapon and armor augmentations. You can also store blueprints of weapons, armor, buildings, and vehicles.
Last is Junk; in this, you can organize anything that you'r planning to recycle.]
Ello Drago here, currently I'm sick but I don't give two flying fucks cause if it does not care, then I don't care.
Drago out
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