Chapter 11: apology bag

Ayo Drago here, i was planning to speed run these vault chapters into 2 but failed. so 3~4 it is till we reach the wasteland

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Morse code started to sound and repeat, I sadly know only know morse for w h y from Dr.Stone. But it's sad how the tape was getting to the good part and ended corrupted.

But I can't freet over spilled milk, 200-ish-year-old milk. But I need to get outa here to figure out at what date I woke up; cause the DT&W feature needs to recalibrate on the outside.

So I gab nearly a full vault-tec body armor and underneath the helmet was a gas mask, so i wear it like i was some Krieg soldier. Then i turned around to grab the 9mm gun and its ammo when i spotted a military bag on the desk, but the bag was never there when i first went to the room. So who put it there?

Grabbing the bag and checking inside i find 10 blueprints, a bottle of Rad-X, a prescription bottle of antibiotics, 2 empty magazines, 4 nutrition bars, and a note. automatically my pip-boy registers the who thing as [Oppoligies Set] but i was more focused on the note.

-I'm terribly sorry about what happened back there, it was never meant to happen with you having good karma. As an apology, i gave you a bag to start your adventure and gave your gun a Unique Stat only active for you and your true decedents. 

I grabbed the now different 9mm gun and a truly unique stat, [Karmadic sin crawler] (Drago: yes, i got it from sans. I got bored ok)

[When you hit an opponent they will receive the Karma. When active, the opponent will receive DOT damage, depending on the Sins they carry will determine the amount of damage they receive. the effect is stackable by 4 times]

Well dam, that is some good stat against raiders, super mutants, feral ghouls, and other hostile forces in the wastelands. Now let me read the things i got from the [Oppoligies Set]:

You are reading story Fallout 4 | Cindy’s weird adventure at


Name: Cindy Cofran

Special: 4:4:4:4:4:4:4 (Strenght 4) (Perception 4) (Endurance 4) (Charisma 4) (Intellence 4) (Agility 4) (Luck 4)

Capacity(everything included): 44.7/130lb | 29.8/50lb + 14.9/80lb (Bag lb capacity + User capacity) 




that's all folks I'm tired. finished at 9 50pm good night and good morning ya'll