Cindy wakes up feeling refreshed as hell and not only that but when she checks her current status to only find buffs, good buffs.
[ Fully rested: after sleeping for eight hours or more you will receive a boost to your stats lasting four hours; stat buffs depend on sleep length
Time left for <fully rested>: 3 Hours 59 Minutes and 43 Seconds]
The stats are quite good and these would've been good back when i was still in high school. After that, i go to the overseer's shower and turn on the faucet. Putting the pip-boy near the running water indicates that there is no radiation, so i take off my 111 jumpsuit and undies.
In the shower, i notice how plump my boobs are and the scar on the ear is now gone. Stimpacks are miracles. But i then have shower thoughts of how this womanly body will affect my personality.
Like how women dance around the subject they talk about and then get angry when the other person doesn't understand. maybe i would still have my dense mentality but be direct on the subject. Maybe a combination of both if I'm sorta lucky.
I get off the shower to only realize that i don't have a shower, only to see a white towel with a note on top. the note only said, "Forgot to add, my bad" to which i responded by covering my breast and bottom lips with said towel.
After quickly drying up and putting all my clothing and armor on, i looked to where the towel and note were with disgust. disgust to whatever pervert is "helping me" while thinking he can watch me naked as compensation.
Up in the sky, a being looking human with white droves sneezes while the other beings with different skin colors and robes ranging from white to red either snicker at him or look at him distrustfully
Cindy moves all her thoughts away from the incident with an angry blush while opening the locks to the sliding door on the terminal. after she does the doors open up sees a roach just wondering why the door opened. quickly she shoots her 9mm pistol and that shot alerts the other roaches.
She quickly unlocks the baton for the inevitable melee i will face. Then she spots three roaches near their dead sibling or something, then i activate VATS on them three bitches getting three bullets each.
I miss all three shots on the closest roach, then killed the second roach one the first shot, and i hit the second roach on my second shot, the third roach dies after the third shot. The surviving roach made a sound, which i think is a call, and with two smaller roaches, they made a B line towards me.
I then activate VATS again and i notice that have six bullets and i need to make them count. so all three roaches, even the big one, will get two shots before they reach me.
the first one dies at the second shot after it makes a big hole in its torso. the second one dies at the first shot after it over penetrates its head. The last Radroach dies after one shot hit its big sack after being immobilized by the first bullet (sorry it sounded weird)
[+103 EXP, level up, 51/300 EXP, HP increase 105-> 109, and HP is fully restored]
I quickly got out of my cover and started to reload my gun and remember that i need to check what perks i want from the perk tree. going in i decide i will choose the Endurance perk cause i need more HP and i then choose the Weapons crafter.
[Weapon crafter: when crafting a weapon/mod you will have a slim chance to gain a few materials back and when trying to repair a weapon you will repair 5% more]
I then go to the hallway where the roaches were while holding the 10mm pistol heading to the end of the hallway. there will be two roaches and the terminal that will lead me to the outside world.
September 23, 2287, 1134 hours
You are reading story Fallout 4 | Cindy’s weird adventure at
210 years after the great war
Nate woke up from his cryostasis with memories of different timelines even though they ended differently, they started the same. Shaun gets kidnapped, Nora is killed, and every other vault dweller is dead in the cryo pods. well everyone except some girl in the other cryo room.
He noticed this change when saw a quick glimpse of a cryo pod open with no one inside. He was shocked by this surprise but was even more surprised to see rotting Radroach corpses where he would fight them.
In the old security guard's office was a puddle of water like any other timeline, but with the difference of dried-up blood and an old piece of paper in it. When he tried to grab the paper, it turned out to be wet for so long that it would easily fall to shreds.
Then was the biggest surprise out of all he's seen so far, the vault door was opened. He quickly saw that his pip-boy wasn't stolen which confused him.
"How?" Nate wondered "How would someone be able to open the door without wearing the pip-boy?" Nate then put on the pip-boy and ran back to where the open cryo pod was at.
he quickly got in the terminal of that cryo room to find the name of the person's mission. "Cindy" Cindy Cofran, as he knew her, was just an adult when the bombs fell 210 years ago. she lived in the next house near her parents and was trying to find a job to help her parents during these difficult times.
He then hacked the terminal to see when the pod opened.
[384 days ago]
His eyes got wide when he read 384 days ago, it represented how long likely she is still alive. Of course, its literally less than a hundredth of a chance that she is still alive but something still does not add up.
before that, she was also registered dead a day before that but suddenly it detects vital signals. This has never happened before in the other timelines. Then sees in his pip-boy a marker, and it's leading to the platform where it goes to the outside.
5 minutes later
Nate is now in the outside world at exactly 12:00 pm but the marker now leads to a crate where he finds a not nailed on top.
"Your belongings Nate"
He is shocked on who left this here and what do they mean by "my belongings". He then opens the crate and in it was his combat armor, power armor, weapons, rations, medical supplies, and ammo from the last timeline.
Another note was there with the words of
"This is your last life, use it wisely"
Ayo guys, sorry i didn't make this chapter during the weekdays but i had IRL work to do and i had a brain-dead imagination. I will start posting on Wednesday, may 17. so yeah, i feel that the chapter was rushed but tell me about it
Drago out