Chapter 24: Smelting is hard man

I’m surprised that Codsworth wasn’t here, which is a relief, so I went to the weapons workbench. The workbench looked bigger and more reliable thanks to the tools ready to be used. Then I saw a message pop up in front of my eyes to help me explain the mechanics that were newer.

[Welcome, this message is to show you how to use the crafting tables and their various tools. To start, place your hand over the crafting bench and say “start”]

I did what it said and a menu of all weapons showed up in front of me with specifications like weapon/parts durability, mag capacity, maximum deadly range, and the list goes on. The point is that everything became more complicated but more customizable, almost like game mods.

[Now that you have done that we’ll start with something to get you ready to create, upgrade, and repair. We’ll be choosing the weapon with the least amount of durability to show the basics]

[Baton unequiped]

[Since you don’t have the materials to repair the baton we’ll make an exception] 

[Added x5 steel, x6 spring, and x1 gallon of oil]

(Drago, another edit: dam google docs be doins something to me)

[Look toward the left side of the workbench, there would be a red lid with the word 'oil'] 

So I looked at the left side of the workbench and saw two lids. One was blue with the word aqua and a red one with oil. On top of each was a bar with the former a third full and the latter empty. A yellow button was there but i chose to ignore it since i didn’t know what it was used for.

opened the red one and grabbed the one-gallon canister of oil and started pouring. It was heavy but something I could do without much trouble. The pip-boy was able to tell me how much oil the canister left and I only stopped when I used half. The bar was now five-sixths of the way whole.

[Great, now press the yellow button on top to start the weapon workbench]

*press* after pressing it a roaring sound came to life as i was more surprised by this new system.

[now head back to the table to continue] i do what it says [Great, now place three steel bars into the smelting furnace on your bottom right, then turn the knob to 8]

I placed three steel bars into the cylinder-shaped furnace and after i turned the knob to 8 i felt how hot the flames were in just a couple of feet. 

[Great, now break down the baton till the separate parts remain and find any molds that fit enough in the big grey tool box]

After five minutes of searching, i found three molds that fit quite well with the original. A while later my vision had a y/n box displayed asking: [Have you found the right items?] of course I pressed y (yes) 

[Now dig as many holes as large as the molds and place the molds there. Make sure the molds are tightly closed and a small hole on the side is facing skywards. After that wait for further enstructions]

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In a span of 10 minutes, i followed its instructions using a shovel that i found in the large interconnected workbench space. The ground was hard on the first 2 inches but became softer after that.

[Now that you’ve finished digging the molds grab the tongs from the workbench and use it to grab the cylinder that holds the molten steel. Try to pour the steel into the small holes in the molds]

So i went ahead got the tongs and prepared for the heat that's to come (no lewd). There was a hellish gush of wind as i opened the furnace doors to more than a thousand degrees of heat. 

I, as a normal human, did what was logical at the time. I turned the knob back to zero and waited a minute for the heat to” die down” a little. After a minute i noticed the heat died down, by died down i mean never so i just went along with the flow. (pun: molten steel, I know my puns suck ok)

I quickly, yet steadily, used the tongs to grab the cylinder holding the molten steel towards the buried molds. I identified the spout of the cylinder and had it on my left that way it would be easy to pout the molten metal to the hole.

It was terrifying to do it since I had the fear that I would spill the hot liquid at my feet. Not only that make me nervous but also the fact i had never done this before.

It took a minute or two for each one but it felt like hours to my nervous ass. After like 6 minutes all molds were full to the brim and now, like always, the pip-boy gave me more directions.

[Although the mold would take 13 hours the system would give you your rewards]

[+200 EXP | +1 Agility | +5 water, + 5 irradiated instamash]

[43/200 EXP -> 43/250 | Level up, 3 ->4 | 121HP ->137HP | +1 PT (Perk Tree) point] 

[There will be missions like these  spread out in the old continental us, some may be hidden in small/medium quests, others in plain sight]

“...13… hours huh. Welp, off I go to concord to see what else changed”

Without knowing it, everything got bigger by like 2~4 times than the game. 


Hello guys, drago here. while i was in this "break" i realized that without school to bore me i can't type more than 100 words a day without being involuntarily outside my house and get bored. this was proven to me when i was a zoo and a fair few days apart. in those two times i was able to write ~250 words each. 

Also the original work was more of a suggestion than a real tutorial which rewards. So this "break" actually helped this chapter a bit but expect the next chapter to be 500 to 1k words cause i haven't even started sadly :'(

thanks for hearing my problems, Drago out