Chapter 2: Pilot Episode

Words Count: 5111

Words alone couldn't describe the Hell that had manifested.

Charred corpses laid as far as the eyes could see.

Screams were heard and snuffed out almost instantly.

Then, there was me– Waking up in the center of this Hell.

I felt nothing as I stared at my hands.

Even as the Flame licked my skin.

Even as people called out to me– Hoping, begging to be saved.

My palms, free from the callouses I had accumulated over my admittedly short lifetime.

My arms, free from the darkened tone that had overtaken my skin from years of exposure.

My voice– Previously damaged from half a decade of smoking to alleviate stress, was now crisp and clear.

It even held a tinge of childishness to it.

"Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore..."




[Quest: Kansas No More!]

Difficulty: Hard

You've been taken from the afterlife! Find out where you are and survive this nightmarish Hell!

Reward: Your life, Exp, Title, ?

Failure: Death, Expunge Of The Game

"Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore…" Was this God's way of saying 'fuck you', 'cause this was pretty fucking metal. I wouldn't lie and say I had no regret whatsoever, but I had made peace with my Death. I had even come to like, if not love the nothingness. I had no desire to be a Gamer, the old me might have been thankful for this new chance, but I just felt irritated for being so callously taken away from the Void. "Welp, there's only one thing left to do."

I picked up a piece of debris, and slammed it against my head. Pain. The brick shattered against my skull, too charred and brittle to cause any permanent damage, but I distinctively saw a notification about my HP. Minus 27 HP. I crouched, holding my bleeding forehead as frustrated curses escaped my mouth. "FuCK. FUCk. FUCK. MOTHERFUCKIN– FUCK!" My anger came fast and burnt as bright as the stars themselves, yet it left just as quickly as I clutched my head and sobbed. "Have I not suffered enough?"

Thankfully, after that momentary breakdown, my brain decided that I should probably get my shit together. "Fine. Fuck it. I'll play this Game . And I'll play it well so I can beat the shit out of the cunt that sent me here." Let's be honest here, logically, I likely had no chance of ever growing strong enough to rival something that literally took my unattended soul from the Void and gave me the Game. But, it felt nice to say it out loud. Pleasurable even. It helped calm my fraying nerves as I collected myself. "Alright, Leo. You can do this."

I was surrounded by remnants of collapsed buildings and what seemed to be the charred, smoked remains of their former residents. There's only one path out, one that wasn't consumed by Fire that was. So logically, I made my way there, running as fast and as far as my little legs– Short, stubby and inconvenient as they were, could carry. Which, frankly, wasn't that fast or far. I managed to get about a hundred meters away from my original spot when I fell to my knees, coughing as smokes entered my lungs. "S-Shit."

My vision began to blur as my HP trickled closer and closer to Zero. Seriously, what was the point of bringing me back to life, giving me the Game only to kill me half an hour after? Just which idiotic God or R.O.B did it? If I survived this mess, I'd sue the shit out of them, I'd sue them so hard they would be living on the street once I was done. "Motherfucker…" I stood shakily, dragging my feet along the melted sidewalk. It felt like I was treading through lava.

Each breath was a challenge to take.

Each movement made my joints ache.

'Should I just give up?' The thought was oh-so tempting. I didn't want to live anyway, and I certainly didn't sign up for this shit. But then, as I was just about to give up, I saw him– No, her. She was smaller than me, hair like the very flames that surrounded us. She wore a white and blue hooded jacket, blackened by soot and ashes. Her eyes were a beautiful shade of amber, yet that wasn't what captured my attention. It was the look on her face, that emotionless face as she fought for each and every step she took. It reminded me of myself, a few weeks before I chose to take my own life.

The look of someone who had nothing left to lose.

She wasn't continuing because she wanted to. She was doing so because she felt obligated to. "Fuck." For the very first time in my life– Or rather, lives, I pushed. Gathering every little bit of strength as I forced myself to catch up to her. She was slowing down now, almost at snail-like pace. I wasn't doing much better myself, but in her I saw Hope . Hope that I might have a positive impact on someone, anyone with this second chance. It was that Hope that pushed me forwards. Finally, she fell, right into my awaiting arms.

I looked at her. She looked at me. I didn't know what she saw in my eyes, but whatever she it was, it had managed to bring light back to her formerly lifeless amber orbs. "C'–C'mon." I threw her arm over my shoulder. "We're getting out of here." She nodded in response as we walked, shoulder-to-shoulder. Every step she couldn't take, I did it for her and she mine. Finally, we dragged ourselves to the edge of the Hellish landscape. I could actually hear shouts of rescue teams searching for survivors. The sheer relief I felt nearly brought me to my knees, but that hope was soon dashed when the building next to us started to creak.

'Fuck my life.' I gathered my strength… And threw the girl ahead, she turned to me in disbelief as she stumbled forwards. The scream that tore through her throat when the building collapsed right on top of me was unnaturally guttural. Raw. Like she was seeing her family being murdered in front of her. I sighed at that. Lamenting at how easily attached children were. 'This is fine. I'm okay with this. She deserved to live. I don't.' I died with that thought in mind, grateful that I had at least managed to save someone.




'Or not…?' I woke up to smoldering ruins. The girl was gone and half my waist was trapped underneath a massive debris. Chances were I'd choke to Death. 'Damn, couldn't even let me die heroically, Gods must really hate my guts.' There's nothing to do. My muscles were heavier than leads, I had no strength left to try and lift the debris off my body, and even if I did, my legs were most likely broken anyway. Be too much of a drag to try and look for help.

'Heh, get it? Drag. 'Cause I'll have to drag myself to safety. No? The pun was bad? Okay, I'll stop.'

"… I'm talking to myself. Damn, that building must have really fucked me up." I muttered, half-awake and half-delirious from blood loss and pain. "You are indeed– As you put it, fucked up, mongrel."

… Whose voice was tha– Wait, who the fuck actually talked like that? Who did you think you were? Gilgamesh? "So you know of the True Queen then, mongrel?" – "… Did I say that out loud?"

"You did, mongrel."

"Well, to answer your question, who doesn't? Gilgamesh, the Golden Asshole – And that's Asshole with a capital A by the way, who was given everything on a golden plate and who feels entitled to the whole World and Humanity simply because some ancient, faded Gods said he could have it. Ridiculous if you- Cough- ask me."

The voice, female if I were to guess, laughed. Seemingly stuck between anger and amused, but ultimately settled on curiosity. "So you don't believe in her kingship, even if by rights, all of Earth and its treasures are hers?"

"We- Cough- Can we have this discussion later…? I'm dying here." The voice hummed. Suddenly, I felt the pressure on my lower half disappear as the debris were thrown off, yeeted away like they were naught but feathers. "You should be thankful that I decided to grace you with my presence, mongrel." The voice, now that I could actually see who I was talking to, belonged to a woman with hair like molten Gold, feline eyes that shone like the brightest rubies and a body to die and kill for. She wore a simple white sheet thingy, it draped over her shoulder like the cape of a Superhero.

'I was talking shit to the person's face… I'm so fucked.' It didn't take a genius to realize who I was talking to. Even if he had been genderbent, Gilgamesh's presence and looks were very recognizable. He was one of those people you hated with a passion, not because you genuinely disliked his character, but because you desired the life he had and the powers he held even long after his Kingdom was gone. 'Huh… Apparently Gilgamesh doesn't believe in shaving.'

As a healthy(?) male, my gaze naturally went up the opening of her cape, I could see everything, from her slit to the small bush right on top to her breasts. Damn were they a sight for sore eyes. "I'm talking to you, mongrel." – "Ah, well. As- Cough Cough- As you can see…" I pointed at my crushed lower half. "I'm dying, might as well take in the sight, get some wanking materi– COUGH- als!"

"Hmm… Vulgar, but interesting. Consider it your lucky day, mongrel. This Queen shall bestow mercy upon you." The Gate Of Babylon opened without much fanfare as an octagon-shaped bottle fell into her waiting hand. Even with my blurring vision, I could tell the bottle was expensive. Not even the liquid substance inside, just the bottle alone would likely cost an arm and a leg to get if the gold plating and jewels adorned on it were anything to go by.

She held my head, gentler than I thought possible for someone like her as she prepared to pour the content down my throat, yet it wouldn't come down as I choked and spat up a mouthful of blood. Gilgamesh didn't look too happy at that, her brows wrinkling in a way that added to her overall hotness. 'Goddam, I'm a simp.' – "Sorry beautiful, might want to try it mouth-to-mouth." A chuckle bubbled up my throat, she was powerful, but I couldn't care less about that. I wasn't scared of Death. I was dying anyway, what could she do? Kill me harder?

"Careful. I might be interested in you, but I could very well leave you to your Fate, mongrel." Even as she said that, Gilgamesh threw her head back to down what I assumed was the healing substance. Then she… Pressed her lips against mine?!

Despite the softness of her lips, the wafting scent of her flesh, I wasn't excited. I knew what this was, there's not a hint of anything sexual in her movements. She wanted me live in order to entertain her, nothing more, nothing less. I was sure should I survive past this day, she would kill me regardless. Not tomorrow perhaps, but once her interest died off, I was as good as dead. Still, that didn't mean I couldn't enjoy it. I felt my eyelids grow heavier and heavier as my broken bones shifted back in place, as my torn skin and flesh mended.

My HP was going up by the second as more and more of the Health Potion entered my body. 'Guess this means I don't have [Gamer's Mind-Body] then… Shame.'





I didn't get to see my Health reach 100%, having been too exhausted to even breath, but I didn't need to. I was safe, for now and for as long as my presence continued to hold her interest. None on this Earth could truly be said to rival Gilgamesh, not when she's serious anyway. Instead, I slept. Sinking into that ever-welcoming Darkness. The same nothingness that I had grown to adore pulled me in its embrace and I readily slacked into its bosom. I was home.




Gilgamesh carelessly threw the sleeping boy onto the bed. His presence amused her, his lack of faith and disregard to the Gods were merely added bonuses. She could tell he recognized who she was, the fact that he continued to act the way he did was both vexing and exhilarating at the same time. She hadn't been in this Era for long, but from what she had seen, Gilgamesh was solely disappointed by Modern Humans. Indeed, they had created wonders, technologies that could stand toe-to-toe with Miracles of Old, but they had also regressed as individuals.

They were selfish, greedy as they had always been since the Dawn Of Time, but now they were selfish, greedy cowards.

Hence why it was refreshing to see someone so young having so much courage. To stare THE Queen straight in her eyes and flirted. Yet, her pride as a Queen couldn't take this lying down. She wouldn't kill him, he was far too entertaining for that, she still wanted to see the person he would grow up to be, the ideal he would live to serve, especially since he held in him a Power that eluded even her Sha Naqba Imuru, but a punishment was definitely in order. "Your majesty, I see you have found another who holds your interest?"

"Yes, quite the special child we have here, Kirei."

"You wish to keep him?" She grinned, an amused, yet manic glimmer shone in her catlike, ruby-red eyes. "No… I wish to raise him."




#Day 1

"… Why am I here again?" I asked drily, staring at the Genderbent King who seemed just a tad too proud for my liking. "You are here because I've found you entertaining enough to be my… Servant. Yes, let's go with that."

I brought a hand to my open mouth, squeezing my eyes to force out tears. "I'm so honored."

"Enough with your sarcasm, mongrel. I may still yet choose to end your miserable existence." I chuckled at that. "Your Majesty, we both know you aren't that fickle. You saved me because I was entertaining, and as long as my presence still has significant to your purpose, you won't kill me… Probably."

"Hmmm, you are smarter than you look. Now, enough. I'm here to tell you that you will have the honor to be taught by the first Hero and Queen in all of history, take pride in that, mongrel." – "Let me guess, you're going to make Kirei do all the teaching while you laze around and claim the credits afterwards?"

"I do not appreciate that tone of yours, mongrel."

"And I don't appreciate having to live with a homicidal, maso-sadistic priest and his arrogant, resurrected girlfriend tag-along, but here I am. We can't all get what we want."




#Day 3

"Firstly, you have everything in that Gate of yours, can't you just take out some ingredients? Why do I have to go? Secondly, I'm a child who has recently been exposed to some very disturbing and traumatizing experience in which I nearly died. You, supposedly, are a Hero, shouldn't you offer to go instead? Thirdly…" I rubbed my glabella tiredly. "It's 5AM. The Fuyuki Fire was two days ago, people are still mourning, nobody is going to open their shops at this time.

And lastly, in case you haven't realized, I'm an amnesiac orphan living in a Church with some very sketchy characters, I have literally. NO. MONEY!"

Surprisingly enough, Gilgamesh did look thoughtful at that. "You made some good points, even if you were quite rude about it." Suddenly, a pile of meat and vegetables poured onto my bed. Like, not even the bedside table, she dumped the whole thing on my bed. "… Are you for real?"

"Quite, now get on your feet and go prepare breakfast."

"… Fine. You and Kirei can't cook for shit anyway." Moments like this made me wonder why I didn't throw myself into the fire that day. "What do you want?" She smirked. "Surprise me."

A very early meal with spicy, egg-washed bacons, omelets and toasts later. "Your official education as a Mage will start today. Kirei, I trust you can handle it? If I'm not wrong, I believe you are already mentoring the daughter of your late teacher, no?" – "That is correct, your Majesty."

"Good. Well, aren't you happy? You might even make a friend, mongrel." I just sighed, there's no winning against Gilgamesh. I couldn't push her too far, interested or not, she still had the powers to obliterate me. Granted, that wasn't the only reason I chose to obey. Ever since coming back to life, I had had this overwhelming need to prove myself. To prove that I was better than the person I was before and Magecraft was simply a means to that end. I was never special, not in my first life, but I could be in this one– No, I was already special.

I had the Game, even if it seemed to be a nerfed version, but with its assistance and a formal education in Magecraft, I could be great. I too could possess the powers so many in this Universe had. The powers to stand steadfast against changes . I could have it if I so chose… "When?" – "Rin will get here at 6PM, so tonight, your Grace." I nodded absently at that. Dealing with a bratty tsundere would be hard, but I dealt with Gilgamesh and Kotomine- fucking-Kirei on a daily basis, I shouldn't have any problem with Rin. "What about our… Martial Arts lesson?"

"That will be pushed up to 3PM so you can have some time to rest and bathe before meeting your new… Friend." That made senses, I guess. "Alright, anything else?"

"Queen Gilgamesh will teach you manners whenever she feels the need to, seeing as she was the one to adopt you, your Grace." That didn't sound good at all– I stared skeptically at the priest, then at the Queen in question who was sipping what I was fairly certain was her fourth cup of wine at 7AM and sighed. " Ugh… Got any information on the girl I saved that night?" – "I do, from what I've heard, she survived and was adopted by someone with connection to the local Yakuza." That sounded suspiciously like the memelord Shirou himself.

I cupped my chin. 'So Gilgamesh isn't the only one who was given a sex-change then?'

You are reading story Fate: Dead Man’s Lament at

"Prince Leo. If I may ask, why the interest in this girl?" I glanced at Kirei, his face carefully masked from any emotion, yet I could see curiosity shinning through those dead eyes. "Just a feeling I had." I said, then lazily added. "Under the right circumstances, that girl could become someone great, someone to rival even Heroes Of Old." That got Gilgamesh's attention as she hummed appreciatively. "High praise, especially from you of all people. I suppose I'll have to meet this girl myself then."

" NO!" I shouted. Gilgamesh herself wasn't ever truly evil, even in the Visual Novel, their actions were always driven by their love for Humanity, even if said love was more of what an owner would have to a pet. Their anger and irritation at the Modern Age was a result of having travelled the World and finding Humanity lacking. This Gilgamesh hadn't done so, thus she was rather tamed compared to her counterparts. That said, I had no doubt she would be downright murderous should she learn of Shirou's ability to make flawed copies of her treasures.

"Oh? Tell me, mongrel, why shouldn't I visit her?" I shut my eyes thoughtfully. "Because she merely has the potential to be great and your presence will compromise her future values. Now…" I stood up from the table. "If you will excuse me, I have something I must attend to." That something was the Game which I had neglected for the last two days and counting. Hadn't even checked the rewards for my first Quest due to how hectic things had been and how utterly exhausted I was.

I left the room under the intense gazes of the two psychopaths, but wasn't stopped, thankfully. Once out of the door, I immediately pulled up my Status.

[Game Ver.a3.2]

Name: Leonis Magnum

Title: None

Age: 8 21

Race: Human

Level: 1(0%)

HP: 100%

MP: Locked

STR: Unranked - 13/100

AGI: Unranked - 19/100

DEX: Unranked - 11/100

VIT: Unranked - 54/100

INT: Unranked - 28/100

CHA: Unranked - 79/100

Points: 0


[Status: Strength – Agility – Dexterity - Vitality]

Physical Stats dictate how strong, fast and durable you are, but Dexterity is arguably the most important of Physical Stats. Sufficient Dexterity is required for you to properly control Strength and Agility. Ex: If DEX is twice higher than AGI, you can make turns almost instantly even while running at full speed. VIT dictates how fast you heal and how long your lifespan is. At a certain VIT, you can heal from almost any wounds as long as you're still alive.

Made senses.

[Status: Intelligence]

INT doesn't actually make you smarter, it will make actions that require cognitive efforts somewhat easier, while increasing your MP pool, production and output. INT also makes active skills that need MP to function more efficient and powerful. Ex: A [Fireball] is more powerful for a Mage with 10 INT compared to a Mage with 5 INT.

Disappointing, but not entirely unexpected.

[Status: Charisma]

CHA directly affects how charismatic and attractive you are. It increases your presence, improves your chances in negotiation, trading, threats…etc. At a higher level, it will act as a sort of spell(curse) inherent to you which is cast as soon as you make your presence known. There are other factors involved, but certain skills and spells that affect others cognitive ability and emotions are reliant on CHA to succeed.

So CHA basically acted as Love Spot, Charisma and Devilish Face all rolled into one then? That's convenient, and very exploitable. Frankly, I could probably go full Bard mode on everyone, but that sounded way too boring for my taste.

[Reminder: All Stats are increasable in ways other than leveling up. Physical Stats can be increased through training, INT through actions that require Mental Faculties, CHA through acts of leadership,… etc. Additionally, certain Quests will have unused Points as part of the rewards. Rituals and Modifications that directly affect the Body can also be a source of Points, albeit an unreliable one.]

I nodded at the explanations. My plan was to increase all Stats through sheer hard work first, then look into other ways, Rituals, Modifications that weren't too risky and then, and only then would I use my stash of Points. This plan would fall apart if I was thrown in combat, but I was sure Gilgamesh wouldn't off me right now, which meant Kirei wouldn't either. I was safe to freely develop at the moment, and I could– Must abuse that to my advantages if I wanted to have a chance of surviving past the Fifth Grail War.

And given all the Unranked I had in Status, that chance was quite slim. "What about my rewards?"

[Quest Completion: Kansas No More!]

You suicidal bastard– You've done it. You survived the cursed fire of Angra Mainyu, the same fire that nearly consumed Fuyuki City and even got the attention of a certain Queen. Good job!

Objective: Survive (Complete)

Rewards: Your Life, Exp, Title: A Queen's New Pet, Skill: [King's Engine]

[Leveled Up x2: 1 – 3]

I checked my Status, smiling at the 10 unused Points waiting for me. "Nice."

[Title Gained: A Queen's New Pet]

Congrats! You have gained the attention and interest of the Queen Of Heroes. Now, can you keep said interest is the real question, your continued existence depends on it.

Bonuses: Gilgamesh's attention, 25% in Skills Development.

That got a frown out of me. I disliked the degrading Title immensely, but the bonuses equipping it offered were simply too important to pass up. "Ah- Fuck it. Being prideful never helps anyone anyway."

[Skill Gained: Hell King's Engine(Semi-Active) – Lv: Max]

King– The rumored Strongest Man On Earth. His heartbeats along with his intimidating appearance can send even the most hardened of criminals running. The Rumbling of his heart is known as King's Engine and it has a profound impact on his opponents' psyche. It is even rumored to possess the capability to shake the Earth itself. It's this Skill that defined King's status as a Hero, and now you have it too, but yours is a little different… Maybe treading through literal Hell On Earth has changed it somehow?

"… So fake it 'till you make it?" It's a decent first Skill for sure, but in order to be truly useful, it needed to be paired with an intimidating stature and face, both of which the current me didn't have. "It could be worse, I guess?"




"So, how do we do this?" I wondered out loud as Kirei led me to an abandoned part of the church. Grimacing at the implication, especially since I knew how attached some of these Holy Men can get to little boys. Then again, Kirei wasn't the type to be interested in that, the only thing he would want from me was my suffering… 'Which, in hindsight, is even worse.'

The priest didn't speak, simply throwing me a bokken as he took up one of his own. "When it comes to fighting, I've found spars to be far more effective than simple knowledge. Most forms can be corrected through trials and errors, but why waste time when it can be easily fixed through sparring?" I didn't like the sound of that… "Don't worry too much, Prince Leo. I'll be gentle, I promise." The priest quickly lunged at me.

I fell backwards, his bokken barely missing my head. 'This piece of shit.' Throwing myself to the side, I winced at the deafening crack as the bokken hit the ground, shooting up pieces of the formerly flawless, if a bit dusty marble floor. "Are you insane, you walking pile of dogshit?!" – "Less talking, more acting Prince."

I managed to get to my feet, glaring at the sadistic priest. I swore, if my eyes could shoot laser, the priest would have been dead. On a side note, I seemed to have found the perfect target practice for my Skills and Abilities. I grinned. 'Activate [Hell King's Engine].' The effect was instantaneous, the thumping of Heart, the crackling of Hellfire, the screams and shouts of Souls forever lost in that Hell. Nothing had truly changed, but it was I had manifested that Hell once more.

Kirei seemed to have sensed it too if the tightened grip on his bokken were anything to go by. "You are more interesting than I thought, little Prince."

Thus began my one and half hour of pure fucking torture…




"So you're telling me I'll have to learn with this–" Rin Tohsaka pointed at my swollen face. "– Guy?!"

"Indeed, Rin. A friend of mine has asked me to take care of her charge. She is quite the terrifying woman, I wouldn't have survived had I refused her."

"Ughhhh– Fine! But don't expect me to wait on him!" Well, that was rude. I wasn't a genius, but I wasn't dumb enough to slow down our education– 'I think?' Though I supposed her reaction was warranted, since I looked like a someone had dropped a bag of rock on my face. Not exactly the best look for a first impression. The Game appeared to agree with the sentiment, since my CHA had dropped from 79 to a measly 35. Thankfully, this affliction on my person was temporary and should disappear once I had fully healed.

On that note, I finally found what the somewhat average Stats for a child my age should be.

[Game Ver.a3.2]

Name: Rin Tohsaka

Title: Average One

Age: 7

Race: Human

HP: Healthy

STR: Unranked - 19/100

AGI: Unranked - 21/100

VIT: Unranked - 34/100

INT: Unranked - 48/100

CHA: Unranked - 84/100


Apparently I couldn't see others' MP, DEX and Level for whatever reason, found that out days ago when I tried to Observe Kirei, but the disappointment still lingered. Damn, with the exception of VIT, Rin out-stat'd me in every way. I kinda expected this, but to have it slammed in my face like this was rather disheartening. "Hi there, I'm Leo." Rin looked disgruntled at my attempt at making peace, then sighed and shook my hand. "Rin– Rin Tohsaka."

She puffed up at her introduction. It was oddly adorable– Like a pet asking for its owner's attention. "Nice to meet you, Rin." The tsundere blushed bright red. "You- You idiot!" … Why–? Oh, right. Japanese had this weird thing about their first name, didn't they? At least she didn't seem to hate it, though I wouldn't have been too surprised if she did with my current look. "Sorry, I'm still getting used to this whole 'first name' thing. But, Rin is a cute name– It suits you." I didn't think it was possible, but she blushed even harder at that.

[CHA: 5 Added]


"As entertaining as this has been, I must insist we continue with our lesson. Leo, if you would please come over?" The priest called, gesturing at the Magic Circle that sat innocently on the floor. "This will help you open your Circuits and check your Origin and Affinity." – "Coming." I sat inside the Circle, waiting patiently as Kirei finished setting things up. Half of what he did went right over my head, but I assumed we would learn about it later so I didn't bother to ask. "You might feel a slight pain."

"I can handle it." The Magic Circle bursted to life and all I could feel was pain.

I was wrong, I couldn't handle it… Everything faded as I fell face first to the floor.




I was back. Back in that motel room, clean and white.

A razor sharp knife to my throat.

A phone laid right next to me.

A newly written will left unattended on the carpet.

BloOD PouRIng frOm mY ThRoAT.