Chapter 15: Episode 13

Disclaimer: I don't own Nasuverse or any other franchise that can be found in this fanfiction.

Words Count: 5124

Here's my usual spiel:

You can read up to 10 Episodes in advanced plus my other fic: Ars Goetia– Antichrist here.

p a tr e on . com (/) LiamThePoor

The flight back to Fuyuki was… Interesting to say the least. One passenger five seats down on me got restrained by the attendants with tapes after slapping the ass of another. I meant, did you know they could do that with total legally-protected rights? I certainly didn't. Then there was the crying babies, the nightmare of anyone who had ever gotten aboard an airplane. Last, but not least was the smelly feet of the passengers behind you. It's a horror show. Guess you could take them from Kyoto, but you couldn't take Kyoto from them. "Jesus H. Christ, I'm finally home."

The air in Fuyuki was no different from Kyoto, but I embraced the rushing sense of nostalgia with open arms. I had missed this shitty City, even down to the dreary atmosphere, the downtrodden people lining the streets and the paranoia seemingly present in almost every single person. It wasn't a welcoming sight, but in all fairness, every place had its own attractions, charm and feel that made it unique, Fuyuki's just happened to be the paranoid locals and the Supernatural War, occurring every half a decade, fought by the Spirits of Ancient Heroes for the prize that was the faux Holy Grail, often leaving parts of the City in a pile of rubbles.

"Home, sweet home." I was ready to get back to my daily routine, consisting of training and teasing the tsundere. Talking about tsundere… There she was, standing with arms crossed, hair made into a pair of twin tails that fluttered along the winds as she tapped her feet impatiently. Rin was talking to the Kotomine, whatever they were discussing couldn't be good, since Rin looked angrier than ever. Fingers latching tight on her biceps as she seemed to growl. With my hearing, I managed to catch a few words from the exchange such as: 'Inheritance', 'Money' and 'Ruin'. Uh-oh, Rin must have found out about her swiftly dwindling family fortune.

I rushed over the pair, squeezing my small frame through the sea of people. "I'm back! What are you two talking about?"

Rin turned towards me, expression was that of a startled deer, while Kotomine appeared as calm as usual with naught but a slight twitch of his eyebrows to show his irritation. Whether that was thanks to me, or due to the fight between the two was anyone's guess. Though I reckoned it was the first, given there was no possible way Kotomine hadn't noticed my presence amongst the shifting crowds. "I– It's nothing… You don't have to worry about it." Rin paused, taking in several sharp intakes of air to calm herself down, then shouted, seeming to have finally realized who I was. "Leo, you're here!"

"In the flesh, your Majesty." I bowed teasingly and she jumped, pulling me in a bone-crushing hug. "Idiot, you really are back…"

I laughed, returning her hug with my own. "I was going to ask if you missed me, but I guess that's kinda redundant now, isn't it? How are you doing, Rin-sensei?" Rin tightened her arms. "As… Touching as this is, I must interrupt. have I not accomplished what you required of me? Do I not deserve a hug too, Prince Leo?" Both of us threw disgusted stares at Kotomine as I pretended to gag, the sado-masochistic priest just chuckled warmly at that. "Let alone hug you, I'd be fine with never seeing you again. Why don't you go back to the Church? I'm sure you have things to attend to there, like the proverbial skeletons in your closet popping out, or something?"

"Such hostility…" He half-giggled at that, sending shivers along my skin and deep into my spine. "Okay, that's it. I'm calling the Exorcists…" Kotomine rubbed his chin as his eyes shone and his mouth raised into a smirk. "I am an Exorcist, your Highness." Suddenly his face turned serious. "It's good to have you back, Prince. The Church has not been the same without your presence, and Rin only visits when she needs something from me, it's quite hurtful." He paused. "I'm sure you two have a lot to say to each other, but I'm afraid this will have to wait, she wants to see you." My eyes narrowed, jaws clenched painfully as I swept a few strands of hair from my vision.

You must understand this, talking to Gilgamesh was the same as keeping a tiger. If she was in a decent mood, you might be gifted with the treasures in her Vault, but she wasn't, there's a real chance you might be obliterated from the face of the Earth. It's almost like a coin flip. And after wandering the Modern World for a month, I doubted the odds would be in my favor. Though, perhaps tales of my Hunt could distract her somewhat. "Wait, who is this she? And I haven't thought to ask, but…" Rin looked at each of us with suspicion in her gaze. "Why do you keep refer to Leo as Prince and your Highness? What's up with that?"

Kotomine and I traded looks, then nodded as we both answered. "It's just a running joke between us, don't worry your pretty little head about it." – "Nothing for you to worry about, Rin." Guess which of those two sentence was mine!

Rin didn't let up, opting to I increase the intensity of her stare as those beautiful blue eyes bore into us. "Have I told you, you have beautiful eyes?" Rin blushed bright red, the momentum behind her interrogation seemingly lost and scattered to the winds. Smooth, Leo. Real smooth. Kotomine seemed to agree with the sentiment as he gave me a discreet nod. That should distract her for a while, but I had no doubt this subject would be brought up again the next time we met, and when I said 'next time', I meant tomorrow. I'd have to think up better excuses than the flimsy one I just gave Rin, but that's fine with me, there's no way I couldn't think of something good tonight, right?

That was a rhetorical question, don't answer that.

The three of us quickly left for the parking lot, there waiting for us was our ride to the Church. Instead of any other cars, Kotomine had chosen an ugly, suspicious looking black van. It didn't look new, but neither did it look broken down or old. It was an average vehicle that seemed to scream kidnappers, bellowing the old ideology 'Stranger Danger'. It's practically a miracle no one tried to intercept us, given both Rin and I were a relatively handsome and beautiful pair of young children following a creepy priest into his 'rape van'. That's fine by me, I had had enough of that during my short stay in Kyoto.

Another difference between the two cities, while Kyoto, despite its multitudes of criminal elements, the people there were surprisingly… Nosy? No, that wasn't the word, more like concerned. Whether that was a good thing or not, I couldn't really decide, but it was getting quite irritating to be constantly held back by the local populace and questioned if I needed adults to accompany me. Fuyuki was the exact opposite. Nobody cared, and even if they did, the Holy Grail War had taught them that the only means to surviving this City was by avoiding every and all sketchy characters, lest they became just another name lost within the pile of statistics.

We all went to the waiting van, each occupied with our own train of thoughts. Rin and Kotomine didn't speak, while I watched the passing lines of cars and streams of people, some simply enjoying their afternoon, others milling about their days. It was serene, more so than I had ever seen in Fuyuki. To be fair, I had never seen Fuyuki without the seemingly ever-present doom and gloom as a result of the Grail War, so this might be its usual. "How was the Apostle Hunt?" – "That's right! Tell us."

Unexpectedly, the one to ask wasn't Rin, but Kotomine himself. Honestly, I had thought Rin would be the first to break under the uncomfortable silence, but she had kept quiet so far, though I did notice her ears seemed to peak up at the mention of my rather eventful Hunt. I slumped back on my seat, head rested against the leather as I gathered my thoughts. There wasn't much to tell. The battles lasted no more than two, three hours at best, Regul and his abominations weren't a real challenge. It was only after the merge that it had proven too much for me, then I… I saw something?

"We almost lost. We were ambushed when we got there, lost our entire team with the exceptions of a Glascheit and I. Took us a few days to find where the Apostle was hiding, two hours for us to deal with him and his puppets. In the end, he fused with one of his creations and went on a rampage, Glascheit was put out of commission, leaving me to deal with the new Regul alone…" I didn't know what to say next. What should have been the stand-off, the grandiose finale that would open a brand new chapter for me and closed Regul's forever never happened, both Sven and I got our asses kicked, plain and simple.

Perhaps, sensing my reluctance, Rin and Kotomine didn't try to push for more information, which I genuinely appreciated, I got that Rin was a sensible girl, but I never knew Kotomine Kirei could tactful as well. "It wasn't ideal to be honest…" I slapped my forehead, hands reaching for the non-existent pack of cigarettes like a force of habit. "I was careless, I wasted resources that could have otherwise been spent to help us and save lives. Worst of all, like an idiot, I let myself be caught up in emotions and nearly paid for it with my life."

"Oh…" Rin let out a disappointed sigh, reaching to tap my head gently. I'd say it was painful, but that would be lying, what she did was barely a love-tap at best. "Well, I guess I'll have to up your training then. No apprentice of mine is going to die to a newbie Apostle…" Then she grabbed my hand with hers. "Don't worry about it, 'kay? It's your first Hunt, it's fine to make mistakes. I'm just happy that you're alive." Damn, I was getting teary-eyed over here. "But–" Rin pinched the side of my stomach as I yelped. "You do realize it's protocol to have a team of at least five to six Enforcers hunting Apostle, correct?" I hurriedly nodded, where was she going with this?

"Then explain to me… Why on EARTH did you decide to two-men the whole thing? Did you want to die? Are you stupid, you IDIOT?" Ah-Right, I was hoping she would gloss over that. Apparently not. "I– Hmmm– I really wanted to win?" We were almost to the Tohsaka Mansion, I needed to buy time if I wanted to survive this. Drive faster Kotomine! "I'll let you off this once… But tomorrow–" Rin's claws twisted into my ribs. "You're going to write me an essay about all the reasons why you should have waited for Reinforcements, or should have abandoned the entire operation, understood?"

She was smiling ear-to-ear, but her eyes were a scary, bottomless ocean that conveyed only wrath and the promise of retribution should I dare contradict her words. "G– Got it." – "Good."




We left Rin at her residence and continued back to the Church. We didn't speak, which was fine with me, seeing as both Kotomine and I weren't exactly the most talkative. Not like we had anything to talk about anyways. Our journey to the awaiting Queen was filled with a sort of tense anticipation, mostly from me to be honest. "Did she say what she wanted from me?" Kotomine shook, emotionless as his arms hung loosely to the sides. He looked like he was trying to restrain something, giddiness perhaps? It could be fear, though I sincerely doubted it. Kotomine Kirei wasn't afraid of anything... Not even Gilgamesh herself.

Don't get it twisted, Kotomine knew Gilgamesh could kill him, and if that were to actually happen, all he would and could feel would be a deep sadness for not having achieved his dreams and that's all. Nothing more, nothing less. "Her Majesty has merely asked for your presence, she did not say what for, but you need not worry, while initially she did appear rather… Angry after her journey, Queen Gilgamesh's mood seems to have taken a sharp turn upwards in recent days. Thanks to you, I believe." That's a relief. "Couldn't you have told me this like, an hour ago?" I deadpanned at the now chuckling priest. "Why did you make it seem so ominous?"

"My apology, but watching you squirm uncomfortably in your seat like a child you are was quite a rare sight, and that was the perfect chance given to me. I merely took advantage of the situation at hands." Kotomine gave me a half-hearted apology as he continued to snicker to himself, voice mocking… Needless to say, I wasn't too amused and had to physically restrain myself on order to resist the overwhelming urge to plant my foot up his ass. "You're a fucking dick, Kotomine. I hope you know that."

"You aren't the first to say that and likely won't be the last, Prince Leo." I grumbled beneath my breath as we walked to the formerly abandoned section of the Church. This place used to be a confession booths, but after the whole Nagasaki and Hiroshima thing, the already weak influence of Christianity began to dwindle even further in the country, leaving the many Churches desolate and lacking in funds, Fuyuki's was no exception. Although, by the looks of it, the section had been completely renovated during my short time away, the walls were decorated with weapons of Ages long gone, none that could be said to be truly legendary, but all of which were things of Arts and Beauty.

I also couldn't help but notice the many differences and changes made to the Church. Although the renovations were the most obvious, I could see decorations and furniture that hadn't been there when I left. Some were bought recently according to [Structural Gasp], others brought straight out of Gilgamesh's [Gate Of Babylon]. That was unexpected… I never thought of Gilgamesh as someone who would care to decorate the Church, Cannon!Gil definitely hadn't struck me as such a person, but maybe the gender-change did something weird to her? Wouldn't surprise me if it did.

After all, while their ideologies were the same, male and female Arthurs had been the exact opposite to each other temperance wise. Artoria Pendragon had been cold, almost unfeeling with little to no expression when interacting with people. Meanwhile, Arthur from Fate/Proto was a ball of sunshine and an unknowing… What did the Japanese call those type? Riajuu? Yeah, that's the word. Still, the thoughts of Gilgamesh of all people wearing a pink apron, working around the Church, doing chores and cleaning the place managed to pull a quiet giggle out of me. Though probably should keep the thoughts to myself if I didn't want to get skewered.

Kirei gave me an odd look, but I waved him away as we kept on our way. At the corner of the room was another door, it wasn't unnecessarily big, nor was it too out of place compared to its environment, but the wooden door, reinforced and decorated with processed irons seemed distinctively newer than its counterparts. Queen Gilgamesh must be in there. Suddenly, Kotomine stopped, his gaze trained on the door as he turned to leave, but not before gesturing for me to enter. I could see light seeping through the cracks, the warmth of candles and the scent of alcohol.




You are reading story Fate: Dead Man’s Lament at

"You may enter." Gilgamesh's voice sounded behind the door, as velvety and seductive as I remembered. I swiftly opened it, lo and behold, there was the Queen Of Heroes, her golden locks cascaded the white mattress, shinning like actual sun rays molded and made into hair, her eyes crimson, sparkling with traces of amusement and mirth. Best of all, she was nude. The tattoos that lined her body, coupled with accessories and jewelries only served to further enhance her already supernatural beauty. "Are you done looking, mongrel?"

"Well, in my defense, you're the one who call me in looking like that. Besides, you and I both know you like having people… Peasants gaze on your magnificent self." Gilgamesh glared, I raised back a challenging eyebrow. "Well, I heard you wanted to see me? Here I am, what's up?"

Gilgamesh continued to sip on her wine, sight trained on the swirling liquids. One of her arm had rested itself on her shapely behind while I wasn't looking. Damn, what I wouldn't do to trade places with that hand… "You've returned victorious from your first ever true battle, how are you feeling?" Holy shit, what's this?! Was the sun going to rise from the West starting tomorrow?!! "Don't make that face. I might not be a merciful Queen, but I do care about my subjects, especially ones who hold my interest... You have travelled to the belly of the Beast, slain the creatures that resided there, surely you must have something to say?"

"Well…" I started, glancing at the chair nearest to me. Only when Gilgamesh signaled did I take seat. "To be honest? I'm feeling quite terrible. It was a close call, I don't even know how I killed the Apostle… Not to mention, all the lives lost. It– It's hard to explain, I'm in a state where I feel both remorseful and angry at myself for not doing better, but I'm also happy that I get to come back, ya' know?" Gilgamesh hummed. "It's natural for you to feel that way, I'd be disappointed if you get prideful for crossing such small hurdle…" Gilgamesh waved for me to come closer, I obeyed and was pulled into bed with her. "W– What?!"

"Sit still, mongrel." She pushed my head into her soft breasts, close enough that my lips touched her rose-scented skin. I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks and another undisclosed body-part. "You're not ready, you're even a tenth of what you could be, mongrel. But, for now, this is enough. Perhaps, you might become a Hero worthy of your own songs and legends one day." That said, Gilgamesh clicked her fingers and I instantly felt a surge of Mana forming over our heads.

I managed to pry my head back to look up at the glowing [Gate Of Babylon] that had appeared, dropping out what seemed to be a sword. Yeah, it's definitely a sword alright. A one-handed sword to be exact. Its blade was slender and double-edged, its end was sharp and pointy, the hilt had been made from a silver-colored metal, wrapped with dark leather that shone as the lights hit its surface, it was long and curved in a complex pattern to make a protective barrier for where my would lay. It was a rapier, beautifully made and better yet, magically enchanted. "Is that…?"

"Yes, it is yours. It's only fair that you are rewarded after having taken care of the pest that had hidden inside my garden." I wrenched myself out of her embrace, all lewd thoughts disappearing likes smokes in the winds as I grasped the rapier in my hand. It was heavy, about 2.5 Ib, which wasn't much for me, but another child would have likely had a hard time raising it properly. I quickly used [Structural Gasp] on it, the rapier had not been named, it hadn't even been wielded since its creation, but a combination of [Structural Gasp] and [Observe] easily revealed me its enchantments.

[Weapon Gained: Unnamed Rapier]

Forged by a long-forgotten bladesmith of a bygone Era, enchanted by Mages of Old to be nigh unbreakable, shock-absorbing and capable of de-materializing in motes of silver light, this is a weapon fits for a Hero. Once the shock-absorption bar has been filled, for a short period of time, it can encase itself in Magical Energy to enhance it reach and damage. It won't shoot out Magical Beams, nor is it a weapon capable of altering Fate, but it is entirely possible for this rapier to become a decently powerful Noble Phantasm.


Unbreakable [Rank: E]

De-Materialization [Rank: D]

Shock Absorption [Rank: C]

Phantasmal Edges [Rank: D]

This was huge for me actually. That last fight with Regul would have been so much easier if I had had a decent weapon instead of Black Keys. Honestly, I'd trade the Damage Bonus to Undead and Apostles from Black Keys for just an Unbreakable enchantment any day of the week. Shock Absorption would prevent my arms from breaking like it did during the fight and Phantasmal Edges, if it worked the way I believed it did, would synergize very well with [Sword God Style].

"It's beautiful." I swung the blade around, feeling my muscles coil in satisfaction at the weight. Then, I looked at Gilgamesh, who was smirking to herself on the bed. "I think I might be in love with you…" Gotta admit, not my smartest, nor smoothest move, but that's all I could manage after being gifted an actual Magic Sword. I meant, which kid hadn't dreamt of owning one once in their life? "You aren't the first and you won't be the last, mongrel." Gilgamesh seductively put a finger to her lips, her expression thoughtful, then laughed. "Continue to amuse me and I might consider letting you enter my bed."

Now that's what I called motivation! 'Good Gods, I'm really a simp...'




Magecraft was weird… Like, it's an established fact that Magecraft were all things that could be replicated with technology, but then later series retconned this idea totally. An example would be Curse Branch, technically, technology couldn't achieve the same effects, yet it's not considered True Magic. Another would be Julian Ainsworth's [Flash Air], allowing him to displace entire mountains and even a person's heart by displacing their body, which was basically a more powerful and versatile version of Hassan Of The Cursed Arm's Noble Phantasm. So the question here was: 'What makes something Magecraft and not True Magic?'

The answers were fairly simple. "First is theoretical. While technologies can't replicate some of the effects in Magecraft, it is theoretically possible for the same effects to be achieved under the right circumstances…" Rin lifted up a another finger. "Second, versatility. For example, the Second True Magic: Operation Of Parallel World is far more versatile than anything technology can do. The theory of Parallel dimensions has existed for decades now, but none has managed to make it work, not to mention recreate the Second Magic's abilities to transfer knowledge and even Mana from infinite-selves into a single being."

That made sense actually. Of all the five True Magics, none was simply a spell with one mere effect. The Second could pull Mana from his alternate-selves to further empower his spells, the Third could pull Mana straight from the Well of Souls and allow the User to achieve true immortality without the degradation of the Spirit, the First, theorized to be Denial Of Nothingness could create something out of nothing. All were ridiculously powerful abilities, all were physics-breaking, which meant nigh impossible to replicate with any kind of technologies. "But, that isn't important for you at the moment…"

Well, she wasn't wrong. Right now, I hadn't even developed my own brand of Magecraft. To be honest, I wasn't sure what I wanted for my Magecraft yet, Magecraft covered a wide-range of abilities and theories, each one way harder than the last. How would I even begin to develop my own Magecraft in the first place? "The thing you must be mindful of is idea. Do you have anything you might be interested in? Alchemy, or Curse perhaps?"

I shook my head, dejected. "I'm not sure, I want something more complex than mere elemental Magecraft and fit well with my existing abilities, no? I can probably use [Future Calculation] as a base for something, but what that thing is, I still have no clue." Sometimes, I wish Sven had been more of a cunt so I could steal his Crest, Beast Magecraft was definitely interesting, and frankly, I could have made use of it far better than Sven himself. This wasn't a flex, it's simply a fact. Given enough time, I likely could have added Phantasm Beasts to the Crest itself. "That's fine, you are a first generation Magus, nobody expects you to make something ground-breaking…"

Damn, harsh much Rin? "Don't give me that look, it's the truth. First-Gen Mages rarely ever create interesting Magecraft, there is a reason First-Gens often can't get Nobility, you know?" She crossed her legs. "Don't get too disappointed, just make something you have passion for and you should be good. Doesn't matter if it's not too amazing, everyone has to start somewhere, right?" I chuckled back. "It's cute that you are trying to console me, Rin-sensei. But don't worry, I think I just got an idea…" Rin blushed, stammering. "W– Who is trying to console you? I'm just worry your lackluster Magecraft will reflect badly on me!"

"Yes, yes." I patted her head patronizingly. "Whatever you say, Rin-sensei." While Rin struggled to push my hand away, I was deep in my thoughts. [Future Calculation] was a powerful ability, but maybe it could be more? Its inner-workings were reminiscent of a certain Second True Magic. Now hold on, let me speak. Think about it, the Skill calculated percentage by perceiving different timelines, then sorting it into groups, right? What if I could recreate the Skill through Magecraft? Dinah Alcott was able to single out one single timeline in the original, maybe I could do the same somehow?

Thousands of thoughts circled my mind. Finally, I had an idea that might work. It's still in its initial stage, but it had potential. "So, what have you got?" Rin questioned, gazing at me from below. Yeah, I had grown taller. No longer was I a short stack that stood at the same height with Rin, no sir. I smirked, finger held to my mouth as I whispered in her ear, smiling at the heat that had risen to her face. "That's a…" Rin's ears perked up as her nose twitched cutely. "… Secret."

"I HATE YOU!" Rin huffed. "Just go back to that Church, idiot." I sniggered, walking towards the sofa where I had hidden my presents for Rin. "You sure? Guess Rin-sensei doesn't want my gifts then." Last night I had taken the time to wrap the whole thing up, turned out Gilgamesh did indeed have paper-wrappings in her Gate. According to her words, they weren't exactly expensive, nor were they valuable so I could take as many as I could. She said that, but I was quite certain the wrappings were made with gold gilding. Rich people just had different mindsets to us peasants I guessed?

Seeing the presents, Rin jumped up, pulling me back as I laughed teasingly. "What's wrong? I thought you wanted me to go back to the Church?" I yelped as Rin pinched the side of my stomach. "Give me. Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!"

"Alright, here you go Rin-sensei." Unexpectedly, Rin didn't rip the wrappings off, instead opting to carefully unpack the presents. Another cultural difference in Japan, I didn't quite remember, but as I recalled, to Japanese everything was part of the gift, the wrappings included. Pretty sure traditions also dictated she shouldn't open the presents in front of me, but eh. Who cared? It's only Rin and I here anyways. "So…" I paused, searching Rin's expression. "Do you like my presents?" She had taken out the outfit I bought, her other hand fondling the beautiful garnet stone.

Then, she turned to me, pulling me in a tight hug as I awkwardly stood there. "I… LOVE IT. Thank you, Leo." I nodded, embarrassed by the sincerity in her voice and the sudden display of affection. I pushed Rin away, grimacing at the hurt look. I still had something to give her. I rummaged through my pockets, finding the small stacks of money I had divided yesterday and handed them to her. "Here, it's money for the suits you bought. Two of them are kinda, sorta ashes now thanks to the Apostle, but I want you to know that, well…" I struggled, feeling the words being choked in my throat.

"I just want you to know that I appreciate everything you have done for me… And I get that I can be a dick sometimes, but your friendship has helped me anchor myself, does that make sense? Basically, when I first got here, I didn't care if I lived or died, I always felt out of place, then I met you. I can't put into words just how much I like having your presence in my life. Thank you." Rin didn't reply, but the gigantic blush on her face was telling enough. "I– I… Thank you too. My parents are gone, my…" Rin whispered almost inaudibly, but I caught the distinct sound of 'sister' with my hearing. "I don't have anyone left, and having you around has been fun."

She hugged me, biting back tears that had gathered, not the forceful and tight hug from before, but something softer and far more vulnerable. I stroked her head, running my fingers through her brown hair. We didn't speak, there was no need to. In fact, I felt like speaking would have cheapened the moment. After minutes of that, Rin muttered into my chest. "W– When are you leaving for the Tower?" Ah right, I did have a scholarship waiting for me in the Clock Tower, didn't I? "I'm not sure, maybe in a few years? I don't want to leave for the Tower just yet…"

"You should go. It will be good for your Magecraft and future prospect. I can only teach you so much…" What did we learn today, kids? We learnt that Rin could be incredibly cute without even trying. Although I knew I had said I needed to protect this girl, that was me joking, now I really felt responsible for her safety and wellbeing. "I will wait until Rin-sensei can go with me. It won't be fun otherwise, no?" She grumbled, but I had a feeling she wasn't actually angry at me. "Don't be stupid, idiot."