Chapter 39: Chapter Thirty Nine: Roar

“[Summon Minor Angel]”

Mana leaves Jessica’s body in a harsh wave, almost two-thirds of her total mana pool flowing out of her hand and into the air, immediately summoning her angel Ezina.

The angel Ezina seems to spontaneously form into reality, looking around herself curiously before landing, her faceless head turned towards Jessica.

If Jessica had to be honest, then she would wholeheartedly say that she dislikes the angel. Yes, Ezina possesses a flawless physical form and has the ability to communicate, but all of that is still a far cry compared to Mule. Mule, though an undead, feels more calming to be around than the angel. This is because she knows that any order she gives him, Mule will try to follow to the best of his ability.

But Ezina, on the other hand, looks as though she merely follows orders because Jessica is her summoner, not because she wants to.

“Ezina,” Jessica calls out, pointing towards where Quasi had deposited the centaurs which are injured but still alive. “Heal all of those injured. Prioritize those closest to death.”

“Confirmed,” Ezina voices before flying towards the injured.

One thing that Quasi had tested about the angel beforehand was that Ezina possessed her own mana pool as well as having mana regen. As a result of this she is able to spend and regain mana without using any more of Jessica’s, except for what is required to keep her physical form in this world. Which is slightly more than half of jessica’s mana regeneration.

Sighing, Jessica stands up from her kneeling position behind a wooden building and moves around it to see how the battle is progressing.

As she is moving around, she watches in shock as Quasi is hit hard by a tentacle and thrown through a building, before slamming into the ground and continuing to roll further for several meters.

Her mind stops as all of her senses focus upon the prone figure of the [Hero]. She stares at his body and only manages to take a breath as she sees his head move slightly. He had survived.

She follows his gaze towards the boss, quickly realizing that the boss wasn't finished with him.


Without thinking, Jessica panics and starts sprinting as fast as she can towards Quasi. She is however a considerable distance away and the boss had already once again raised a tentacle and was preparing to strike. She looks to Quasi, tears starting to form in her eyes.

“Eir… please save him!” she shouts, right before a black streak moves from the top of a nearby building towards the [Hero].


An explosion goes off at Quasi’s location, creating a huge amount of steam and dust.

And then the tentacle strikes, the sheer force of the impact disperses the enormous cloud.

She stops running completely and halts, her mouth wide open as she looks at Peter. No longer a spider the size of her head, instead, he now resembles a small house.

“Peter… is a Weaver.”


Peter quickly readies his body, strengthening his muscles right before the tentacle slam into him on the top of his head.. The impact forces him to crouch down slightly, hurting his insides. The vibrations caused by the hit pass through his whole body, down to his legs and into the stone floor below him.

Though painful, Peter feels that nothing important internally had been damaged by the blow. Granted, he would have normally preferred to avoid such a strike, but if he had done so in this case his charge would have perished and Anansi would have been saddened.

Opening all of his eyes and wiggling every hair follicle on his body, Peter glares at the monster which had forced him to transform. A being that has just managed to earn his ire.

The boss blinks, staring surprised at the unexpected opponent before opening its mouth.


The boss screeches at Peter in a high pitch tone. One which Peter finds utterly annoying… and pathetic.

The pincers on Peters mouth open wide, seemingly moving to the side, allowing him to open his mouth further, revealing sharp teeth similar to that of a predator.

And then Peter Inhales.



Peter, Peter, Peter. That little guy really turned out to be something amazing. Granted, I already knew he was special from the moment I first saw him. I just had this feeling. I felt some kind of weird kinship with the guy. So I let him follow me into the dungeon. I figured he was sent alongside me as a guide anyway.

That was until I found him eating the insides of a monster. It was then that I started thinking that the little spider was far more capable than what meets the eye. But I had no proof, so I largely just ignored it.

Until Now.

My body vibrates as Peter quite literally roars. Not a screech, not a yell, but a motherfucking roar. Like a massive tiger combined with a ferrari. The ground is literally undergoing a miniature earthquake.

Taking one look towards the boss, I smile with glee as I watch its eyes widen in surprise, clearly not expecting the sound.

And when the roar ends, Peter moves, jumping from his position over me and straight towards the boss with enough speed that it causes the air to vibrate around me.

[Advanced Analyze]

So, it turns out Peter is the highest level being I have met so far. And he is a Weaver… a race of giant spiders with unique abilities… and they can roar. Damn this is both awesome and kinda annoying. It would have been sooooo fucking useful to know that Peter was an overpowered goddamn super magical spider… that roars. Roaring spiders… I just… awesome. Just awesome.

I watch with interest as Peter jumps from side to side, avoiding the tentacles as they are swung towards him. The speed at which he dodges is impressive. He doesn't go high. Instead, he jumps from side to side, his eight legs keeping him from sliding on the floor, giving him grip.


Moving my sight away from Peter, I turn to find a tear-stained Jessica staring at me. Her hands are shaking and it's clear she is panicking.

“So I kinda made a bit of a mistake. My plan was, umm, doomed to fail…”

She lunges forward and hugs me, forcing me to suppress a scream of pain.

“Hurts, hurts, hurts. Adrenaline is receding, pain is coming back. Please stop.”

Realizing what she is doing, she moves away from me. But that only causes the pain to lessen slightly.

“Should… should I heal you?”

No, Just let me grovel in pain here on this stone floor. I’m clearly enjoying it.

“I would appreciate it, preferably starting with my left leg. The one that looks like someone tried to make a pretzel out of it but failed magnificently.”

She nods and I suppress my screams as she straightens out my leg with incredible accuracy, somehow manipulating my bones back into place without even being able to see where they are.


And then she starts the healing process, her mana enters me and I feel my bones starting to move, my muscles forcing them into the correct place. Now that the process has started I estimate I will be fully healed in about five minutes… Hopefully, Peter can last that long. Because It doesn't look like he can win alone.


Damair frowns from the top of the wall, staring down the battle between a giant spider and this floors boss.

He feels completely useless. All of his skills as a [Guard Captain] are utterly meaningless in this battle. The whole fight he had been working to organize the [Soldiers], [Guards] and [Archers], trying to simply overwhelm the monster. That plan however had been a complete failure. Its hide was too strong to do any damage and its ability to heal wounds made it impossible to whittle down.

Looking away from the battle, he turns his attention to the Gejan named Tessa who is staring not at the fight between the boss and spider, but towards the individual being healed. The [Hero] Quasi.

“He is still alive. I’m sure he will make a full recovery after a couple of weeks, so do not worry about his health” Damair voices confidently. One thing the [Guard Captain] has learned over time is the effectiveness of a [Healer]. The class is still rather new, having been introduced by the Kitsune alongside the various teachings of magic.

The class is extremely useful. Being able to heal a shattered hoof in a mere few weeks instead of months is nothing to scoff at. Heck, if you had enough [Healers] casting the [Minor Heal] spell, they may even be able to reduce the recovery time to just a couple of days.

Tessa looks away from Quasi, gazing instead towards the [Guard Captain] who is feeling just as useless as she does.

“I wouldn't be worried about him if it took him that long to heal those injuries. However, Jessica is going to have him fully healed in a couple of minutes.”

You are reading story Inexorable Chaos at

Domair shuffles in place as he digests her words. Minutes? That can't be possible.

Domair turns his head towards the women.



Level 81 [Priestess]

Blessing of Eir.

Domair slowly nods, having gained a better understanding of the situation. [Priestess] is clearly a far more powerful class than [Healer]. On top of that, most of the [Healers] he has met were only half her level.

“Then shouldn't you instead worry less? He will soon be fully healed and able to walk away from the battle on his own.”

Tessa chuckles.

“You make it sound like he’s going to actually walk away.”

She shakes her head, frowning again, ”No, he will more than likely think up some complicated plan and join the battle again. Especially since it seems like Peter can't win on his own.”

Confused, Domair once again turns his attention towards the battle and watches with interest as the giant spider named Peter jumps forward, its mouth opening and releasing a net of web that covers the boss, restricting its movement.

“The web isn't strong enough.”

He voices aloud as he watches the boss move and dismantle the web with seeming ease. The sheer strength and force that the boss is able to produce is exceptionally impressive and also quite horrifying.

“It doesn't need to be.”

Tessa says from besides him. Her hands tightly woven around a dagger of bone while her eyes are focussed upon Peter.

“Peter only needs a single opening.”

Before Domair can ask why, he finally notices what is happening. Peter is constantly throwing out webs, faster than the boss can break them. The web is slowing the boss down.

He then watches as Peter jumps forward, the ground cracking from the sheer force of the jump. Not even a moment passes before Peter latches onto the boss. His pincers stick out and he rams them into the boss’s side, easily piercing through the tough hide. Peter waits there for a couple of seconds before jumping away just as fast, leaving a trail of green liquid from its pincers and the wound.

“He’s poisoned it!” Domair excitedly yells out.

Unfortunately, what happens next destroys all of that excitement. The wound starts to visibly heal… and the green venom is forced out of its massive body.


The boss screams again in rage and rips apart the remaining webbing which had restricted its movement. It glares at the spider with anger and discontent before flicking its arms out again, forcing Peter to once again dodge from side to side.

“This is bad. I don't believe we can win. It's clear that poison is ineffective.”

Domair voices quickly, looking around, trying to think up a plan. He could order the [Archers] to release more volleys, but he knows from before that it would be useless and a waste of effort. The boss outright ignored the arrows. On top of that, sending centaurs to attack the boss's legs will do nothing but enrage it and cause the already large body count splayed on the ground to further increase.

Then Domair looks around and finds his mentor, Dragkenoss, standing next to the three Gejan from earlier. It's clear to Domair that Dragkenoss is out of the fight; his armor is covered in cracks, his spear is blunted,and he barely manages to remain standing up.. The [Heavy Halberdier] will not be able to do much in his current state.

Except, when he looks at Dragkenoss’s face he doesn’t find a look of defeat. Instead, it is a look of confusion. He is talking to the three Gejan, and all of them are smiling.


Domair shudders and takes a step back as his whole inner being trembles. Fear grips him as his eyes focus on the [Hero]. He is standing, his hand in the air and his face completely expressionless. Devoid of emotion.

Every fiber of his being is telling him to run. To flee. And that feeling only continues to grow stronger the longer he stares at the [Hero].

Domair takes another step back.

“What is happening here.”

He turns and looks at Tessa. She is smiling, her breathing erratic and her eyes utterly focussed on the [Hero].

She chuckles, a low throaty chuckle.

“Quasi is pissed. The boss is as good as dead.”


Dragkenoss’s aura trembles, feeling as though a powerful weight is slamming in on it. Memories of when he was training with the kitsune flood his mind. Specifically of the aura training which involved his own aura being attacked by an overwhelmingly superior force.

This is similar to that time, but at a much higher concentration. His own aura only just barely manages to keep it away. He can sense its strength, its sheer oppressive power, and the fact that it is not focused on him at all. This is merely a taste.

He stares at the origin of this display of power, at the [Hero] who stands there, emotionless, calculating. He had only uttered one word, but still every eye had turned to him. Dragkenoss’s own people are cowering in fear, but the Gejan…

“I do not understand what's happening. Has something changed?” He asks the three smiling Gejan next to him, all of whom are staring at the [Hero] in anticipation.

“Heh, watch carefully. The commander has gotten serious.”

Darrow is quick to answer, the largest of the Gejan. His arms are folded while he stares forward with a smile. It's clear that the Gejan are affected by the aura, but they seem to perceive it differently from what he is feeling.

Turning back towards the [Hero], he finds the man mounting the spider named Peter. He flattens himself on its back, grabbing onto its hairs before the spider accelerates.

“Watch carefully centaur. This is why we follow him. Watch as your boss is defeated.”

Dragkenoss doesn't answer the red-scaled Gejan, instead, he focuses on the spider and quickly notices that its movements had completely changed, having seemingly become random. The spider is jumping around, avoiding the boss’s strikes while releasing strings of web which are wrapping around the buildings surrounding the boss. These threads are thicker, probably stronger too compared to what was used earlier. This scene goes on for many minutes, resulting in several layers of web connected between the buildings. This creates what Dragkenoss would consider to be an arena; with Peter and the boss in its center.

“The birds are moving, it will happen soon.”

The red-scaled Gejan voices out loud, causing Dragkenoss to look up. Above the boss, circling around are about a dozen flying undead, flying quickly, their wings flapping with tremendous speed.


Looking down, Dragkenoss watches as the spider jumps towards the boss, landing mere feet away from it. The spider's legs bend… and then extend, cracking the ground below it. The spider rises into the air, straight up, above the boss.

Dragkenoss watches, his mouth agape as the arena of web starts to tighten quickly, breaking the buildings and flicking towards the center, wrapping several layers of web around the boss… constricting right under the domed crystal shell which houses its head.

And then, to its utter surprise, the boss rises into the air.

Looking up, Dragkenoss finds a great deal of webbing connected to the spider, which is currently being carried by several of the large flying undead.

As he stares at the spider flying in the air, he watches as the [Hero] slides down, off the spider’s back and lands atop the boss’s domed head.

“Heh, that's one way to do it.”

Dragkenoss is forced to agree with Lilly as he watches the boss, a monster that could withstand an immeasurable amount of force, being choked to death thanks to its own extreme weight.

All the while the [Hero] sits on top of its head, gazing out towards the city. His one leg out, the other bent in, while wearing a strong gaze, one bordering on looking bored.

He continues to keep this gaze the entire time as the boss below him panics, wiggling its body erratically. Its movement however quickly starts to slow down as it becomes incapable of breathing. Regeneration requires resources, and air is one of them. Stop the acquisition of that resource, and death will soon follow.

And that is what happens in this case as well

The boss stops moving, the [Hero] smiles and a moment after, loud cheering commences. The monster has died and still, Dragkenoss can do nothing but stare at the corps. He marvels at the ingenuity necessary to achieve this victory, at the planning involved in creating this outcome. He could never compare, but such is life. Some beings are born to live a peaceful life, others a violent one, and then there are those who are fated to change the world.