Chapter 31: Chapter 28 – First target

It was a peaceful night in Sintel, especially in a particular mansion on the right side of the kingdom. Raymond was residing in that mansion, he had a been called by the king in the capital, so he had to open up space in his schedule to be able to attend it. He also used it as an opportunity to finish something he had to do in the meanwhile.

Life was going perfectly for him, almost too perfect to be true. He was thinking about how perfect his life was while taking a sip of his cup of wine when suddenly he heard a noise, it was his door slowly creaking as it was being opened.

“W-who’s there?!”, Raymond asked looking at the shadow of something that was supposed to be a person. The shadow slowly stood out of the door and revealed itself.

“Since we don’t really know each other, I guess I would be your murderer.”, I responded casually without a hint of emotion in my voice. Raymond stood from his chair and shouted.

Me and Athena parted ways from Willow shortly after speaking with the old man’s spirit, I found some spirits on the way and asked them where nobles would reside if they came to the capital. I guessed that nobles would not stay in Inn’s, where commoners would reside.

Spirits can be found almost anywhere, it’s been said that there are more spirits than people with the ability so see them. Spirits are different in every way, some are animals some are humans and some have once been monsters as well, thankfully animal spirits can easily understand spiritualist by intent solely.

The spirits I had spoken to said that there was a noble’s mansion nearby that was used as a hotel mansion for nobles and or important people only, the spirits were probably thieves or people who had strong feelings of hatred against nobles.

Willow went back to the shop together with Azure who was tired from walking for so long, and since Raymond the noble who killed the old man that helped me was the only one in the mansion, we decided to strike today.

“Guards! There’s an intruder!”, he tried calling for his guard, but nobody responded. He started sweating a little as he saw me slowly walking forward in a bold stride.

“Where are my guards?!”, he asked while backing away from me, but that didn’t help since I didn’t stop approaching him slowly but steadily for a single second. “They’re being taken care of. Now, I have something to ask you. Why did you kill that old man?”, I asked him.

I told Athena to take care of the guards while I would be going after Raymond, I didn’t tell her to kill them, I hate meaningless killing and also I didn’t want her to kill somebody just because they were doing their job.

I walked close enough to touch him, he was trembling in fear due to my ‘Dark Aura’ oozing out of me giving him the thought that I was after his life. “Who are you?!”, he asked instead, ignoring my question. I kicked him to the ground, ignoring his shout I held his jaw. “I’m the one asking questions. Now, I’ll ask one more time. Why did you kill that old man?”

I was using my Skill ‘Dark Aura’ to instill some fear into him. He was trembling with every movement, it was as if any moment he could break out into tears. “Who are you talking about?!”, he said confused as to whom I was referring to.

“You know who I’m talking about! The old man that came to the capital, because you told him to!”, I was angry at the fact that he didn’t remember someone whom he had killed.

Raymond’s expression became clearer. “Y-y-you mean ‘that’ old man.”, he said falling on his words. “Yes, ‘that’ one. Why did you kill him?!”, I said as I was losing my patience.

If he did not tell me than I would have to just finish the job right here and now. “I didn’t kill him I swear!”, Raymond begged for his life, however I was no fool. “Is that so? Then, tell me why his spirit told me it was you!”, I asked him while increasing my ‘Dark Aura’.

‘Damn him! Even dead he still causes me trouble!’, Raymond thought in the middle of this situation. “Look. I’ll give you anything that’s within my power, so please don’t kill m—“, Raymond was dodging my question once again, so increased my grip on his jaw and I started hearing something cracking.

“Alright! Alright! I will tell you! I killed him because I needed back his territory, I made a deal with him twelve years ago. And now I needed his territory back for a project I was planning, so killed him! I knew he wouldn’t return it back to me…”, Raymond confessed the truth.

“So… you’re telling me… that you killed…. an innocent man…… because of ‘that’ reason?”, I asked in a freezing cold voice that didn’t even sound human. Raymond tried to get rid of my grip on his jaw, however it was useless.

I had more strength than the average human thanks to the status system, it was a little unnatural to have so much strength. I wasn’t even gripping his jaw that hard.

‘Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?!’, I asked myself why he’d do that? Even though I could already guess the answer. Greed, that was it, there was no other explanation. This bastard just wanted something back and he knew that the old man wouldn’t give up on it easily, so he chose to kill him! Just because of that!

I increased my grip on him even more to the point where even blood was starting to form itself on the corners of his lips, however suddenly I felt a chill on my back as if something were warning me.

Raymond’s mouth formed an evil smile, I let go of my grip on his jaw and dodged the sudden attack from behind.

“Yes! Good job!”, Raymond said to the person who just attacked me. The attacker steadied the sword that he had used and slashed at me from above.

I unsheathed my two materialized swords and blocked his sword by forming them in an x shape, there was a loud sound of metal clashing on each other that came from the swords. I felt a heavy pressure on me, he was probably stronger than me in terms of ‘strength’, however I was not going to give up just because of that.

I twisted my two swords slightly and activated a sword skill. “‘Dual Slash’”, I activate the skill and it broke the attacker’s sword. He noticed that his sword was gone and used the back of my blade as a foothold and retreated.

“Tch, it seems he’s tougher than I thought.”, the attacker said holding the broken sword towards me. My expression was unchanging, it could even make somebody think that I’m not even trying.

“What are you waiting for?! Kill him already!”, Raymond ordered the attacker, but he didn’t move an inch. He was probably Raymond’s bodyguard, some nobles have one for protection against assassins or thieves.

“I can’t.”, the bodyguard answered to Raymond, you could see a drop of sweat flowing down his cheek. “What do you mean you can’t?!”, Raymond was freaking out by his bodyguard’s insubordination.

“There’s something telling me…. That I won’t win against him.”, he answered while holding his sword in a defensive manner. “Just do it! If I die here, I won’t pay you!!!”, Raymond complained.

I was using the spell ‘Brainwash’ the whole time towards the bodyguard, but it seems he has either the skill ‘Mental Corruption’ at a high level or ‘Mental Fortitude’.

You are reading story I got reincarnated into another world, but I didn’t even reincarnate properly?! at

“I’m sorry, but I have to end this quick. There’s somebody waiting for my assistance.”, I warned them the end of my patience as I slightly moved my finger upward. Raymond’s mouth contorted to my warning. “Shut up! He’ll kill you dead!”, he said looking at his bodyguard whose head was missing.

Raymond looked at the ground to find his guards head lying on his lap. “YAAAAAAAHHHGGGGG”, Raymond screamed in terror after processing what happened in front of him.

I walked back to him and looked at his terrified expression, I could still see the marks of my hands around his jaw, including the marks where my claws dig into his flesh.

“W-w-w-w-what d-d-did y-you do?!”, Raymond asked trembling as fluids started running down from his pants together with the blood of his bodyguard.

“What did I do you ask? I killed him, isn’t that obvious?”, I said in a manner of fact tone. Raymond crawled backwards without losing his sight over me. “GET AWAY FROM ME MONSTER!!!!”, he screamed in exasperation and fear, hoping that somebody would hear his shout.

What I did to the bodyguard was that I used ‘Thread Reeling’ to create steel threads from the tips of my claws. After that all I did was move my finger to trigger the thread that I had placed to cut the bodyguards head off and it went perfectly.

“IF SOMEBODY FINDS OUT, YOU’LL BE DONE FOR!!!”, Raymond was losing his mind, because I was attacking it with ‘Mental Encroachment’.

I bent down, so that we could be on same eye level. “Well, that’s ‘if’ somebody finds out about it. That is.”, I told Raymond.

“YOU’RE KILLING ME JUST BECAUSE OF A COMMONER!!!”, he shouted at me while trying to bite me, he was slowly losing his mind and started using his instincts instead of his mind.

I gripped his jaw again and forcibly closed his mouth. “No, not just him. This is also for a dear friend of mine whom a relative of yours have hurt.”, I told him as his last moment was about to fade.

“Huh? That’s it?”, I asked disappointed that Raymond died from insanity, I was hoping that I could see his despaired face a little longer.

I saw Raymond’s spirit leaving its body, I felt irritated to think that somebody might be able find out about what happened. “Seriously? Why the hell do I still have to deal with you?”, I complained.

I grabbed his spirit out of spite and used ‘Brainwash’ to delete his memories, I was frustrated by him still existing even though he’s dead. His spirit soon after disappeared without leaving a trace.

“Finally, I feel way much better.”, I said feeling amazingly after killing Raymond, it was a feeling as if almost all my burdens were gone.

I looked outside the window, the moon was as bright as always. ‘I wonder how things are going on Athenas side?’, I thought.


<< The levels of ‘Enhanced Muscular Strength’, ‘Swordsmanship’, ‘Dark Aura’, ‘Thread Reeling’, ‘Wrath’ and ‘Distorted Mind’ have increased. >>




Name: Willow

Race: Dwarf

Age: 126 Years Old

Titles: None

Job History: Ordinary Person, Blacksmith, Weapon Artisan, Armor Artisan, Fire Attribute Mage,

Job: Greater Blacksmith

Job Level: 43

Passive Skills:

Active Skills: