Chapter 45: Chapter 41 – Silver Life Lily

“Uwaahh…”, the guild receptionist yawned laying down on the desk. Soon after the two newcomers left she had been starting to feel quite tired.

“Psst, you shouldn’t slack off on your job.”, her friend right next to her warned her. “I’m sorry, I haven’t been able to sleep well recently.”,

“If you’re having trouble, you could try over using your mana.”, her friend recommended. “Haha! Do I look like I know how to do magic?”, the receptionist joked sarcastically.

The guild receptionists friend took out a small flask from her pockets and placed it on the desk. “What is that?”, the receptionist asked.

“It’s a potion a certain alchemist made, apparently it is used to to heal fevers and colds. It channels your mana throughout your body to heat it up to fight the sickness.”, she explained the potion with the weird red purple color.

“So by depleting your mana you will fall asleep.”, the receptionist took a look at the flask in astonishment. “You sure do know a lot.”,

“Nah, it was the alchemist who told me. All this is like a different language to me.”, the receptionists friend shook her head.

“How did you get your hands on this?”, the receptionist asked her friend and she scratched her head. “My little brother got sick and I went out searching for a potion and eventually I found my way to the alchemist. I bought one and the second one was on the house.”

“I see, then are you sure it’s okay for me to keep this?”, the receptionist asked after her friends explanation. A potion isn’t exactly cheap, it depends on the quality and materials.

“Don’t worry, it would be troublesome to have you sleep on your job and me having to take care of everything.”, her friend told her to keep the potion.

The receptionist inspected the potion, it didn’t have anything abnormal. But it was just a small glass flask with nothing written on it. “Hmm… I wonder who the Alchemist is?”

“EXCUUUUSEEEE MEEEEEEE!!!”, a voice can from the entrance to the guild. Everyone was looking towards the sound of the voice.

The girl was wearing a robe and holding a book in her right hand, she had glasses which made it difficult to identify her eye color.

All adventurers started gossiping about the girl who just entered, some of them thought she was a court mage sent by the kingdom, others thought it was a random mage.

The girl ran towards the receptionist and held her hand in desperation. “PLEASE CHANGE MY QUEST DIFFICULTY!!!”, she screamed.

The receptionist who was barely awake was stoned without knowing what to do, until her friend came.

“Oh hey, it’s you. How have you been?”, she asked the girl holding onto the receptionists hands. “Oh-ho-ho it’s you. How is your brother doing? Is he feeling any better?”, the girl asked.

The receptionist who was stuck between the two suddenly snapped out of it and asked. “Uhm, who is she?”,

“Oh, she’s the person I’ve been talking about. She is the alchemist.”, her friend answered.

The girl unhanded the receptionist and cleaned her robe and repositioned her glasses. “I’m sorry for the sudden intrusion. My name is ‘the alchemist’, you probably heard of me from this friend of yours.”, the girl introduced her name in a joking manner.

“Okay, what did you come here for?”, the receptionist asked returning to the previous theme of the conversation. “Oh yeah, I wish to change my quest difficulty.”

“Unfortunately, someone already took the quest. Why is it that you wanted change?”, the receptionist asked and the alchemist fell to her knees holding her head in despair and crying. “Heh?? What’s wrong?”,

The girl in the robe looked towards the receptionist with tear in her eyes. “I CANT BELIEVE I SENT ADVENTURERS TO THEIR GRAVE, AND IT WAS ALL MY FAULT!!!!”, she cried even further.

“Uhm, Miss please calm down. Everyone is watching.”, the receptionist warned the alchemist as she looked around. All the gazes including the people passing by were targeted towards the crying girl.

The alchemist calmed down and rubbed her glasses from the fog. “What exactly did you do?”, the receptionist asked with a serious look in her eyes.

“Umu, my quest was simple. All I needed was a flower called ‘Silver Life Lily’. Unfortunately, it is only findable in ‘Snowy’ mana zones. I wrote down the location of one that I had been to once and wrote down where exactly to find it.”, the alchemist explained.

“Alright, but I don’t see the problem.”, the receptionist said. The guild already knew where the mana zone was and already rated it as a ‘safe’ area.

“The problem is that the flower is located within a cave. Back when I was exploring that area, I found a cave with a lot of questionable things. One of them is that it was full of ‘Magic Crystals’ which are very rare, normally such caves would’ve been mined out already or at the very least have less than the average cave.”, the alchemist continued.

“Second, inside the cave I found some corpses or rather human skeletons. I had already guessed what was wrong with the cave and what awaited me, but…”,

“But what?”, the receptionist very interested by the alchemists story wanted her to continue. “My curiosity got the better of me and ventured deeper into the cave, what I found further inside were frozen corpses of adventurers.”

“I deducted that it was probably a ice related monster that resides within the cave, I broke some pieces of the frozen body’s and placed them within an magic item. Eventually after going in further into the cave I found the flower I am requesting today.”, the alchemist finished her explanation and sighed.

“If you knew what was in there, why didn’t you write it down and chose a different rank for the quest?”, the guild receptionist asked the final piece for the dilemma.

“I… forgot…”, the Alchemist Bowes down in shame and apologized. The receptionist and her friend sighed at how hopeless this girl was.

“Please next time you make a quest, please write down every important information.”, the receptionist told her and her friend nodded in agreement as well. “Well, now there’s nothing we can do. The adventurers already took the quest, the only thing we ‘can’ do is hope they come back alive.”

The alchemist clenched her fists. “If they come back alive I’ll pay them double, no TRIPLE the amount I promised.”, the alchemist said with a determined look while the receptionist was altering the quest information.




“Achoo!”, Alice sneezed due to the cold temperature inside the icy cave. “Are you alright?”, I asked concerned for her well being.

“Yeah, I’m alright. It’s just sort of cold in here.”, she said rubbing her arms making sure to not lose heat.

Ever since we’ve entered the cave, the air has been getting heavier and heavier, and the temperature was decreasing considerably. The light source we had were the crystals hanging from the ceiling.

‘We’re already quite deep into the cave, I can’t even see the entrance anymore.’, I thought while I wondered how much further in we had to go.

“What’s that?”, Alice asked pointing towards a huge blue crystal with something inside. “That’s not a crystal, it’s ice.”, I inspected the ice crystal.

Inside the ice there was a human body frozen inside. “How horrible!”, Alice was shocked by the appearance of the person inside the ice.

Tch, it seems that we’ll have to finish this quick.”, the more we stay here the more dangerous it’ll get.

The mana inside the cave is was interfering with my spell ‘Sense’, I could use ‘Corruption’ but the thickness of the mana surrounding me is making it hard to corrupt, or rather the mana is too strong.

You are reading story I got reincarnated into another world, but I didn’t even reincarnate properly?! at

My skill ‘Mana Manipulation’ makes it easier for me to manipulate mana, it’s almost like moving a limb that I didn’t know it existed. If I took some time to find a small opening in the mana around me I might be able to corrupt the whole cave, but I don’t  have time to do so.

There was something I wanted to do after this quest, if I tried corrupting the mana now it would probably take me half an hour or a whole hour if I’m unlucky.

“What do you think did this?”, I asked Alice as I prepared myself to continue on. “If I had to guess then either an ‘Ice Wyvern’ or a ‘Frost Wraith’.” Alice conjured.

“The size of this cave is only big enough for a small dragon, or an orc. ‘Frost Wraith’ is the evolved version of ‘Ice Wraith’, they’re a ghost type monster and are only killable by using magic or magic items.”, Alice explained.

“‘Frost Wraith’ is probably the case, it is able to freeze a whole human in just one breath. A dragon would be too big to fit in this small cave, so it could be a wyvern.”, Alice thought hard about what monster could be awaiting us.

“Don’t worry, one way or the other we have to continue let’s go.”, I told her and she stopped trying to figure out what monster could be in this cave.

We wandered into the cave even further and eventually the light form the magic crystals started dimming.

I made a small black flame to light the dark way, Alice clung onto a small part of my shirt to make sure she wouldn’t get lost.

After a little while, I saw a light at the end of the tunnel. I looked towards the light and found something strange. The light wasn’t white it was glowing in a bluish color.

The moment we reached the end of the tunnel my doubts had been cleared. “Wow!”, Alice awed in amazement by the visage right in front of her.

“I see, so the location she had sent us to was a magical garden”, I investigated the silver bluish flowers on the floor.

The inside of this cave was filled with flowers to the brim, a single step would destroy a bunch of flowers. All the flowers appeared to be of the same kind all of them had the same size color and proportions.

“It all makes sense now! The closer we are to the center of the mana zone the thicker the mana, that’s why these flowers can only grow in here.”, Alice amazed by the solution awed.

“Good, now lets start plucking them out before something ba—“, I was about to say, when the ground suddenly shook as if a small earthquake was about to happen.

‘I just had to open my mouth…’, I cursed my own foolishness.

We started hearing footsteps approaching, they were too loud to be considered human, but they were also too few to be many monsters.

From the other side of the cave filled with glowing flowers, in this undefiled garden of moonlit flowers. A huge humanoid monster appeared.

It had huge long arms and ice growing on its arms that made you think  it was armor. It was holding a huge stone club with ice spikes growing on it. The monster had clothes made out of fur and bluish white skin.

“Due to the dense mana in a mountain, it evolved into a ‘Frost Giant’. This is just our luck!”, Alice trembling slightly said.

“OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH”, the Frost giant released a huge wave of frost breath from his mouth. “Alice, get behind me!”, I shouted in my usual emotionless voice.

I erected a wall of dark flames and shielded myself for impact. The moment the breath had reached my flames it immediately froze and turned into ice.

‘What the hell!’, I thought in astonishment. The flames were trapped inside ice, I could still feel them or rather the mana used to make them.

“Alice, collect as many flowers as possible. I’ll keep the Frost giant busy.”, i told her after shielding her from the breath that would cast death upon us.

Most of the flowers around us have been frozen and recoverable. I took out my two blades and prepared for battle.

I ran towards the left side and Alice took the right. “HEY!!! OVER HERE!!!”, I tried getting its attention and it worked.

“OOOOAAAAARGGHHHHHH”, the Frost giant took a huge leap towards me and I parried his club with my swords.

‘He is strong alright, but I fought against someone stronger!’, I cut his club in two and retreated.

“————————“, the monster made a indescribable noise of rage and wrath. He extended out his hand and a new club out of ice formed itself within his palm.

‘Hey that’s cheating!’, I ran towards the other side of the cave which the Frost giant came from and taunted him.

“HEY YA BASTARD ILL BREAK THAT TWIG OF YOURS AGAIN!!!”, I shouted towards him without any fear. The giant started accumulating the mana around him.

“Shiro! The bag is full now! Let’s leave!”, Alice with a bag filled with flowers told me from far away. I nodded and I prepared myself to escape, but before that there was something I wanted to do.

I breathed in and cleared my mind, I started taking in some mana and tried corrupting the surrounding area. I knew that I needed a lot of time to be able to corrupt the mana around me, but now that the Frost giant is taking in mana himself it’s making the mana less thick, thus he is making it easier to corrupt.

‘This feeling…’, I felt a familiar sensation upon corrupting the mana.

The Frost giant shot out a beam of ice towards me, I did the same thing as before but this time I shot the flames towards him.

The flames got frozen and turned into an ice spear with dark fire trapped inside , but that didn’t stop its movements. The ice spear pierced the Frost giant.

“———“, the giant writhed in pain, it grabbed the giant ice spear and tried pulling it out.

The ice spear had my dark flames trapped inside of it, thus I  could still manipulate the flames from the inside.

‘Got you!’, the ice spear went even further into his body, blood gushed out leaving a taint of red all over there flowers.

The giant searched for its opponent that was gone form the place it was. He found his opponent on the other side together with the girl.

“Now ‘Freeze’”, The Frost giant who was supposed to be the incarnation of ice, was frozen to death.



<< You have acquired the skills ‘Water Attribute Resistance’ and ‘Liquid Manipulation’.>>

<< The levels of ‘Fast Healing’, ‘Enhanced Mana’, ‘Automatic Mana Recovery’, ‘Chant Revocation’, ‘Mana Manipulation’, ‘Dark Attribute Magic’ and ‘Flame Manipulation’ have increased. >>