Nighmora looks up, her eyes staring at the undead [Myrmer Queen] under my control. Her expression is one of curiosity. She then looks beyond it, to the army of undead monsters in various states of injury. Her underground chasm is large enough to house several times the number, but 2,132 monsters is still a significant number, especially considering most are the size of cars.
“So, our deal. Half the monsters are yours and you heal the other half and give them to me. I also got the [Myrmer Queen] in good condition like you asked.”
Nighmora continues to gaze at the army. She frowns.
“There is a bit of a problem.”
I frown and try to read her expression, but my lacking understanding of her personality and her facial movements makes that impossible. While she resembles a Gejan and will mimic their expressions, she is covered in chitin, preventing me from spotting some of the more subtle changes. The only thing I can interpret is a slight sense of… Is that a blush?
“What problem would that be?” I ask.
“Well, I am fully capable of healing all of these monsters, but I cannot control that many.”
“What do you mean you can't control that many?” I say, pointing at the [Myrmer Queen] in front of her, “This one can control several thousand. Possibly even more than that.”
She reacts by pointing at her antennae, “This structure on our heads allows us to have full mental control of our spawn,” she then points at the significantly larger ones on the undead [Myrmer Queen], “Our antennae size dictates the number of minions we can control at once. Only the [Swarm Queens] can change their size to increase the amount. I can barely control five hundred.”
I nod slowly, “Well then, that's fine. Just take the highest leveled and heal the rest. I plan to assault the [Grand Queens] with as many as I can control.”
I look up and gaze at the weakened form of the undead [Queen].
“So, why did you want the [Myrmer Queen]’s corpse intact?”
She walks directly in front of the undead [Myrmer Queen] and turns to me.
“Lower the head,” she says and I comply.
As the head lowers, her tail flicks out and enters through the eye and travels deep into its body. The tail quickly moves around, seemingly searching inside the body cavity.
After a moment, Nighmora perks up and her tail bulges as something is sucked from the undead into her. Her tail then exits a moment after.
“Well, that was weird. What did you do?” I ask, curious of the whole process. It looked as though she ate or absorbed something.
She extends her arm, seemingly pointing. Her arm slightly bulges and from the bulge sprouts a very sharp, meter long spike.
“Oh, shit! You absorbed her ability?” I exclaim, quickly casting [Advanced Analyze] to see if there are any other changes.”
“Shit, you gained some stats and six levels. You also gained the [Spike Formation] ability. That's pretty neat.”
She nods, “When I was first born, my instincts were screaming at me to consume the [Myrmer Queen] that had created me. Unfortunately, her core was destroyed in the battle that took place. It seems that my instincts were guiding me to do this. This will be very useful, far more than the knowledge I obtained from its body.”
She turns to me, “On that note, it seems that your music had caused a great deal of panic to this [Queen]. I would suggest opening combat with music more often. They seem to regard it as a threat.”
“You gained her knowledge too? Wait. Doesn't that mean that other [Myrmer Queens] may have additional abilities?”
She shakes her head, “Only if the core survives. In all normal fights, the [Queens] die due to their cores being destroyed. I doubt anyone other than me will have so many abilities.”
“Good. Now then,” I tap my fingers and every single undead besides Joker and Mule fall to the floor. Their bodies are no longer moving nor glowing purple. Their connection has been cut.
“Make me a strong army. Add spikes if you can. The more powerful they are, the easier it will be to overtake the other [Myrmer Queens].”
“I shall. It will take me a few days, but I will have an army ready for you.”
I nod and turn around. My legs take me up the tunnel and into the city proper.
In the darkness of the night, Arecia worked with chitin and fire. A deadly, dangerous flame that burned a clear blue, that drew in oxygen at an alarming rate and produced a deadly but beautiful light.
Within her smithy, it shone brightly and she was at home in both its warmth and its soft, flickering glow. The fire burned and heated a chitin shin guard, one created with five pieces melded together from her skill.
At such density, bending the chitin is difficult to do, but she has the levels and the strength to do so. With a loud grunt that doesn't bother the sleeping Aldonis, she finally finishes the process of bending.
But alas, her work is not at all done. She quickly grabs her hammer and starts tapping the sharp sides. This results in the chitin bending inward and blunting anywhere it might brush against the wearer. With that done, she needs to create an opening for the bindings.
Quickly, before the chitin dried, she grabbed a crystal-like spike and started stabbing a hole through one side and then through the other. The spike was able to penetrate the chitin with surprising ease.
“I didn't know crystals were fireproof.”
Arecia practically jumps, dropping the heated chitin and turning towards the entrance. Quasi stands, gazing with a knowing smirk on his face.
You are reading story Inexorable Chaos at
She frowns, “What do you want?” she asks while picking up the burning gauntlet.
Quasi walks through the doorless entrance, taking a moment to gaze at the surroundings of the room. Tools of various types are perveyed on tables and racks. Many of the instruments are crystals obtained from the awakened monsters.
“Well, I was told you were the best [Smith], and considering Darrow's new shield, I have to agree. I was surprised it even had a special effect called [Force Dispersion] that doesn't use any mana.”
Quasi moves to one of the tables while Arecia gazes at him apprehensively. Overall, his actions so far have been beneficial for the Gejan, but he has not been around long enough to fully earn her trust.
A heavy pouch of powdered crystals is placed on the table. He turns to her and opens it slightly so that she can see the glitter.
“I have the [Enchanter] class and I can [Enchant] any items you create with powerful and diverse magical effects. All I need you to do is mix some of this crystal powder into your products. Before giving them away, let me see them and I will empower the items.”
Arecia gazes at him and then towards the powder. She slowly nods, “That should not be a problem.”
Quasi quickly claps his hands, “Perfect. Well then, find me when you need me.”
He turns and begins to exit and then stops. His gaze lands on Aldonis.
“I’m still proud of you.”
Quasi walks out just as Aldonis's eyes open and his face begins to frown.
“So, he knew I was awake.”
Quasi walks relaxedly through the chilly night. There are some fires burning on the empty streets, but not many. There is only enough light for innate [Night Vision] to be usable.
He takes a calm breath, quickly making his way towards the central area of the city and the spike extending upwards.
He walks towards the spike and carefully places his hand on the crystalline surface.
He begins to chuckle with glee.
Flavion, the [Emperor] of the Amphitheatre, the largest and greatest of all coliseums, hums a slow song. His vibrant robes and long mustache do little to detract from the [Emperors] serious expression. He sits upon a lavish chair, while scantily clad [Courtesans] feed him fresh fruit. They giggle as he takes a bite, constantly spewing compliments to him so as to keep their families alive.
The doors to his room squeaks open. A single man enters. He moves to the [Emperor] and hands him a scroll with a lightning bolt seal.
The [Emperor] looks down, unrolls the report, and reads while waving the [Courtesans] away.
He frowns.
“[Spymaster] Destro, are you sure this information is correct?”
The [Spymaster], an elderly man with a destroyed right eye answers slowly. “Yes, Imperial Majesty, this information is recent and accurate. The seal is authentic.”
Flavion hums. “So, the pantheon fears Odin’s [Hero] and requests the usage of my coliseum for leveling. Are you sure that the [Hero] which was taken by the long ears isn’t the one to have overtaken them all in levels?”
The [Spymaster] nods.
“The [Hero] named Franky is currently unaligned to any gods. Without those… quests, his [Hero] class will level far too slowly.”
Flavion sighs. His gaze moves to a large map on the wall that dictates the single continent of Orbis. His empire is in the middle of the eastern section of the continent and is surrounded by ruling [Kings] and [Lords]. Unlike the west where the Asgardian Gods hold a lot over the ruling elite, the east is much less restricted. Granted, respecting the Olympian Gods is always important considering the powerhouses that are under their control. The strongest and most dangerous would be the Amazonians, female only elites that many nations must offer respect or risk destruction. Currently, they are training two female [Heroes]. Two other male [Heroes] are also under training, though by different but still very powerful groups.
And now, all of them want to level their [Heroes] at his coliseum.
“They fear that unknown Asgardian [Hero].” he whispers while holding his chin and looking at the [Spymaster].
His [Spymaster] says nothing for a long time. His eyes seem to glaze over for several seconds before suddenly refocusing. Flavion takes no offense. The [Spymaster] is merely making sure he has the most accurate information available.
“A week ago, the two [Heroes] under the Amazonians were ranked one and two in level. The two males were ranked three and five respectfully. ”
He pauses once more. Eyes twitching in milliseconds as information becomes available to him.
“Three days ago, those in the top five were all pushed down as someone else instantly took the first ranked position. I believe the Olympian Gods are currently panicking.”
The question of whether or not to allow the training of [Heroes] is a grave one, to be sure. On one hand, they can be used against the west if that little fighting at the border gets too dangerous, but on the other hand, Flavion does not want the gods to have a strong amount of control over his empire. Working with them is one thing, but he will not accept any kind of servitude. He is an [Emperor] after all.
“We will allow it, but the fights will be under my discretion. I also want to fully know their capabilities. Skills, classes, levels, all of it. Those will be my restrictions.”
Destro nods. “As you wish it.”
He turns around and began to walk out of Flavion’s chambers.
The [Courtesans] converge towards the [Emperor] once more.