Chapter 60: Chapter 56 – The battles begin

“‘Fire Lance’!”, multiple red fiery lances were shot outward towards an adventurer. “‘Solid Defense’!”, the adventurer held out its shield the size its body and protected himself from the barrage of flaming lances.

Tch, to think I’d be in trouble this early I to the game…”, the person behind the shield muttered, he took out a couple of daggers the size of a finger, and threw them towards the other adventurer on top of the hill.

A magic circle appeared before the adventurer, and a wall of stone erected from below the ground to protect him.

The daggers stuck themselves to the wall and exploded, the stone wall whose defense was unknown crumbled to pieces of ruble, but the adventurer was already gone.

“You think such a cheap trick will work on me?”, the man behind the shield said out loud as if he were talking to somebody present.

“‘Shield Bash’.”, his shield glowed in a magical color, he bashed forwards towards nothing. But, the sound of it hitting something upon impact could be heard.

A shape of a person was thrown off by the huge shield. “Ho, as expected of a dwarf, so sturdy yet idiotic.”, the opponent took off his mask showing his golden hair and pointy ears.

“I knew one of you forest dwellers would be here.”, the dwarf shielder frowned towards his opponent’s temptation. “What a compliment but coming from you it means nothing, though.”

“Do you want to die?”

“As expected of a dwarf, so uncivilized.”, the dwarf lost its patience, he started chanting. “‘Rock Throw’.”, small hand sized rock bullets were shot towards the elf.

“Earth attribute magic, I’m not quite shocked to say the least.”, the elf leaped out of the range of the Blavatsky of stones.

Trees were destroyed leaving behind a straight line of destruction. “Ups, it seems like I couldn’t hold back.”, he muttered as if it was on purpose.

“As expected of a dwarf, all of you are so simple minded beasts, even your barrel shaped women are as brusque.”, the dwarf popped a vein on his head showing his clear irritation. “Oh shut up, ya damn smart ass elves always think so highly of themselves, no shit y’all are virgins.”

The elves ears twitched towards his words. “Now you’re really pissing me off.”

“As if ya weren’t doin’ any better.”, the dwarf and elf prepared themselves for battle when rustling came from the bushes.

“YoI lot have to be more careful, you almost killed me there.”, a pair of dog ears came from the bushes, a long curly tail and brown eyes. “How amusing, to think we’d have a small audience observing our chitchat, and a Demi-human at that.”

A Demi-human, it’s appearance is similar to a human, but they have animal like traits. For example, they have animal ears and tails, but that is not all. Some of the Demi-human race variations receive skills from birth. Like the wolf-kin race have the skill ‘Enhanced Five Senses’, that increases their senses.

“Good, now my job is two times harder…”, the dwarf muttered, while sweat dripped from his cheek. “I can hear you, you know?”

“Of course, I do, that’s why I said it.”, both the Demi-human and elf were displeased by his comment. However, their attention was drawn to a pair of footsteps in the distance.

“Are we going to get a human in this small party now? Or what?”, the elf’s eyes reacted to the slow footsteps, then they suddenly stopped. “Not goin’ to show yer self?”

The three did not move their gaze from the location of where the noise came from.

“‘Flamethrower’.”, a turret of Fire came from inside the forest. “‘Solid Defense’.”, the dwarf held his shield and hid himself behind it.

The fiery red torrent shot towards the three adventurers didn’t waver not even a single bit, it gave you the thought that it would shoot out forever without stop.

The dwarf was being pushed back, it was a miracle that his shield was able to withstand the sheer power of the fire.

‘Damn it, I won’t be able be able hold out much longer…’, the steel shield started melting, the heat was barely bearable.

 “‘Stone Wall’!”, a stone wall erected in front of the shield. “Huh?!”, a pair of hands supported the shield sustaining the blast of heat.

“I know this is shameless, but our circumstances as of right now are quite dire.”, the elf showed an expression unbecoming of a elf.

“‘Minor Heal’.”, the Demi-human joined them. “Alright, hold on just a little more.”

The flamethrower disappeared and the adventurers separated themselves from each other. The floor was pitch black, charred by the flamethrower.

‘It’s my chance, it’s probably low on mana.’, the dwarf took out a huge axe. “Come at me!”

From behind the burned trees, an ominously red blade glowing from the shadows along together with a person appeared.

The person had a mask and was covered by a cloak that served as a cape. It wore rookie equipment that anyone could own, a chain mail hidden under leather armor.

“A magic sword user, just my luck.”, the demi-human on the right muttered. “Tell me about it.”, the elf on the opposite side was sweating due to the extreme heat.

All four of them in perfect alignment, they all looked at each other with anticipation to see who would move first.

The masked person aimed the tip of its sword towards the dwarf and leaped forward. The sword was created in fire, and the movement speed of the wielder was unbelievable.

Everyone else moved instinctively towards the charging opponent. “Are ye an elf or somethin’?”, the dwarf held its shield to parry its opponent once more.

In a Battle Royale, it’s everyone against everyone. And only one survivor shall stand, however the game isn’t played that simply.

If the circumstances are right, all players would gang up on one enemy. Not because they want to help each other, but because it would be easier to eliminate someone who’s a target of everyone.

The masked person, center of all attention, kneeled down. It looked like it had tripped and suddenly fell to the ground, that gave the others more confidence.

For a single moment, everyone was equally close to the kneeling person. And that was the moment, they had all regretted coming closer.

You are reading story I got reincarnated into another world, but I didn’t even reincarnate properly?! at


A pillar of Fire spurted towards the sky, everything in its surrounding got either turned to dust or got completely obliterated.

Due to that occurrence, many adventurers were drawn towards the shining red light.

And thus, the real slaughter began.




“I’m so bored…”, I muttered while drawing on the floor with a stick, I wasn’t low on mana, but I wasn’t feeling really energetic. “Uhhh…. I feel like I could die from boredom.”

My body was feeling sluggish, and my head felt like it needed to do something to pass time.

‘I was even sort of eager to use my new abilities….’, I had not seen a single monster or living being. I was even beginning to question if I was in the right place.

I received a huge increase in my status, I wanted to see how strong I was since the last time I fought against somebody it was Athena.

Well, since I don’t have anything else to do, except for executing my plan which is. “Hiding from everyone else, though I wasn’t expecting to succeed in it.”, that was my plan.

In most Battle Royales, everyone is fighting everyone. Mostly because it’s fun or they have a explicit reason for it. Though this is real life, that’s why I’m sure everyone else would preferably choose the option of not dying.

In my case, I am sure that after what the announcer said. All the contestants changed their tactics to following the rules and fight. That is why I’ll be the only one hiding, I know it’s a big brain move right there.

Though I am not saying that I’ll be the only one hiding from the battlefield, I bet there are other players who are hiding.

“My plan is working too perfectly.”, no it was not, it was just that I didn’t move from my initial position. I am still in the same forest with the same trees.

“I think it might be time for me to change locations.”, I stood up from the ground and brushed aside the weird drawings I made and took off to find a new suitable place for my whereabouts to be.

In the meantime, I will be explaining you some stuff I conjured in the months I have been here in this world.

A normal average human has around one hundred to two hundred status, that means that when I was a spirit, the only thing I had in a normal human level was my mana and intelligence if my memory does not lie to me.

A ‘F’ classed adventurer has all its stats or at the very least one of them around two hundred to three hundred. A ‘E’ classed adventurer has five hundred to six hundred. A ‘D’ classed adventurer has seven hundred up to one thousand. A ‘C’ class has one thousand up to one thousand five hundred. A ‘B’ class has one thousand five hundred up to four thousand. A ‘A’ class has four thousand up to ten thousand. And from here on out we have beings above the thousands of thousands.

In a way I’m ‘A’ class but being ‘A’ class doesn’t mean that I just need the strength to be one. One also need the needed experience which I do not have.

“Other than my stats, I can’t evolve yet, it’s been taking quite a while.”, I was inspecting my status while searching for a place to hide.

“YAAAAAAAAARGGHHH!”, I heard a scream come from the bushes, and a human like shape fell onto the ground from the other side.

“Is it me, or is your luck decimating, Gray?”, I spoke to Gray who was face flat on the cold and hard floor, he slowly raised his head up and leaped towards me.

“SHIRO! THANK GOD I FOUND YOU, I WAS ALMOST KILLED!”, he dug his face deep into my clothes leaving a trail of snot and snivel.

‘At this point, I’m used to it.’, I pushed him back and he fell back onto the hard ground. “Ugh, is it me or did your stats increase?”, he growled in pain.

“You’re not wrong, but I think we shouldn’t have this friendly conversation.”, I sighed at his stupidity, and he made a confused expression as an answer. “Look, we’re not supposed to be together especially in a situation like this.”

Gray with a dumbfounded expression took a couple of moments to understand what I meant, he then took a couple of steps back. “Are you going to kill me?!”

I sighed and extended my hand. “Nah, I’d rather not. Here let me help you stand up.”

He took my hand and stood up. “It’s not like they would observe us specifically.”, I conjured, while Gray was confused by what I meant.

“This is a tournament, obviously there would be people watching, but of course they would only set their sights towards the most interesting parties. That’s why we won’t be looked upon… for now.”

Gray had a surprised look in his face. “You’re really smart Shiro.”, he had sparkles in his eyes, like a child looking at its hero.

‘No, I’m not. It’s just something I guessed I might be wrong though.’

“But that does not mean that we can stay together like a team, we’re inside a reality marble, they might have some spell that can sense the participants and their locations.”

“It would be better if we split up, I’ll forget that I saw you and we’ll continue our wa—“, I saw Gray who had tears in his eyes. “Are you going to abandon me?”

‘Hey, don’t look at me with those eyes, I ain’t your father.’, I tried resisting his eyes pleading eyes, but soon gave up.

“You’re hopeless, okay fine. Come with me if you want to live.”, I decided to help this hopeless soul once more.

‘This makes my job just a little bit tougher.’