Chapter 5: Chapter 4

"Mr. Richard! Mr. Richard! Can I ask you a question?!"

I look at my watch and nod my head. I look at the reporter who is holding me back at the Indonesian Hunter Association building.

"I have three minutes before I need to go and have a meeting with the Chairman."

"Can you give us the name of the guild you created?!"

"Ah, I guess I can give you the name. I decided to name my guild Night Dragon."

"What kind of symbol will you use?!"

"The symbol will be announced on the latter day. I still need to decide which one I should use. The association has many talented artists. I have a hard time choosing."

"How many hunters will you accept into your guild?!"

"For now, I will accept five. Before you say something, it was for a good reason. I need to establish a good foundation and five members are good enough for me. This is my first time as a hunter and guild master, you know? So I did not want to rush things."

"Have you got a member?!"

"Yes. One. Anyway, I need to go."

I walk toward the building while the security guard holds back the reporter so they cannot get near me. As I walk inside the building, two people greet me. It was a middle-aged man in his thirties and a young woman in her early twenties. They look rather similar, daughter and father? Maybe.

"Greeting, mister Richard. My name is Yusuf and this is my daughter."


"We will show you to the meeting room."

The three of us walk toward the meeting room, and I can see there are already three people waiting for us. One of them is Hartono.

"Ah! Rick! Come come! Take a seat."

I nod my head and take a seat next to him.

"Let me introduce you to the people in front of me. This is Susanto, the Minister of Defense of Indonesia. Sitting next to him is Agus, the Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces."

"It is nice to meet you."

I shake their hands and get back to my seat.

"They come here to negotiate about you working with the Indonesian government. They even already wrote the contract for you."

I take the piece of paper and read it. Then, after a few seconds of reading, I rip the paper into pieces.

"This is a violation of our agreement. I WILL work WITH you but not for you. I'm not your attack dog. I will go to the dungeon and protect the innocent but I will not do the bidding of the government. If you want me to attack someone? You better make sure you have a good offer and reason for me to attack them."

I flare my Dragon Aura and see them gasping for air. Hartono is the one person who did not gasp for air, but I can see him sweating from the pressure. I take back my aura and see them fall to the table, their sweat pouring out of their skin.

"I'm willing to work with you but in the end, I'm the one who decides if I accept it or not. You cannot order me around, I'm not your servant or tool."

I take a sip of the drink near me and say,

"So, let us talk about what you want."

~Sometimes later~

You are reading story Questionable Trading Company at

At the end of the meeting, I got my Guild Master and S-rank hunter license. They even got me a permanent passport and visa to all Southeast Asia countries. I guess S-rank really has different kinds of privileges than the other hunters.

My guild has also become an international guild that can accept hunters of other nationalities. However, the association wants me to accept the foundation member from Southeast Asia. I have a thousand candidates who want to join my guild.

Urgh. I will think about them later. When I arrive in front of my house, I get out of the car and get inside the house. When I get inside the house, I quickly get inside my pocket dimension by opening a portal to get through it. A second later, I arrive in front of a massive mansion, and behind me is a rainbow bridge that goes to the ocean. At the end of the bridge is a massive portal with a kaleidoscope color.

I did not get inside the mansion, but instead, I walked around the mansion, where I saw a massive clearing where my real body was located. I can control both bodies simultaneously, but I'm not used to it just yet.

It is like seeing two places simultaneously and with different kinds of eyes. My dragon's eyes are more powerful. I can see a small object a few hundred kilometers away. Now imagine if your right eye can do that while your left eye is weaker than your right eye. It is weird, and I need to get used to it.

I shake my head and look at my dragon form with a smile on my face. My dragon form is massive. It was twelve meters tall and thirty meters long from my nose to my tail. What makes me even more excited is that this body can still grow.

The more I train, the more my body gets bigger. Hell, I can spend the rest of my life sleeping in this place, and I can still grow in strength because that is the nature of my current body. Just absorb the mana in the air and get stronger.

But I'm not that kind of person. So I will do that from time to time, but I will not do that for a long time.

I touch my dark purple scale for a few seconds before taking out my company phone. I just remembered that I need to ask Talos about something. So I wait for a few seconds before I hear someone pick up the phone.

"Rick! What's up?"

"Talos, I need to ask about the Waifu."

"Sure. Ask away."

"Can I sell an unnamed waifu from the list? This place did not have that much Waifu and Husbando and the ones on the list are hard to get."

"Of course! However, you need to make sure they are on or above Tier-4 before you can sell them. We are a company that sells Quality products after all."

"Of course. I'm a guild master and I have many people that I can use."

"Ohhhh! Perfect. Then you will take the OC trader?"

"OC Trader What is that?"

"It was a job that let you take an 'original character' that was not on the list as your waifu and sell them. The list on your phone is the characters from anime, cartoons, games, and films in your world. That is why they are on the list. The OC trader on the other hand will capture our merchandise for the greater realm where the people in the list do not exist in their world."

"I see. That is a rather easy job."

"Capturing your target is easy but growing them to Tier-4? That is the hard part. Many agents choose the list because not only does it have more points for each named target, but they also know the general way to capture them."

"I see. They choose a low-tier world and only get a small number of points to buy all the perks they want and by capturing all the named people they can earn the perks they want the move to the other world, more dangerous world."

"Some of them do that, yes, but most of them stay in their first world and become a king of their own making. Well, I did not recommend you do that because the company needs their agent and they have some obligations to fulfill."

Yeah, the obligation of an agent. They are written in the contract on my phone. You need to earn at least three thousand points from the company's seven universes. It looks like they get so comfortable in their current life that they forget they are working in the company.

"I see."

"Yup. Anyway, you can sell an unnamed waifu as long as they are Tier-4 or above."

"Understood. Thank you."

I put away my phone and walked inside the mansion. I need to check the internet and see what kind of world this is. Lucky for me, the internet is connected to all the world I once was. That means I can still access the earth.