Chapter 112: Chapter 112: Pee

The massive mountain the sky wyverns call home rose up from the center of a correspondingly large island. A forest of Gravitas Arbors covered the lower reaches of the island in heavy canopy and climbed half-way up the marble terraces of the wyverns’ mountain home. Yet for all the lush greenery and myriad rills, nothing bigger than a squirrel was to be found. Every critter of substance had found its rest in the bellies of successive generations of sky wyverns.

High on the mountain, the long lost Garuda had carved magnificent caverns into the marble cliffs; homes for themselves and their wyvern companions. While the portions used by the wyverns showed the wear of their long and present occupancy, the abandoned homes of the Garuda had the air of a sepulchre.

In the nests at the core of the mountain relaxes Anemone. She looks down at her quarreling new allies.

“You ruined everything, Alba. How could you!? I thought we were friends!” Quasi shouts, his arms folded and a pout to his lips.

Alba rolls her eyes as she gently pets the [Incinerator Wyvern] who is relaxing next to her.

It’s the same wyvern that Quasi wanted to turn into an undead; a wyvern now dominated by Alba, who has refused to let the thing die, even going so far as to have Jessica heal it back to full health.

As for Jessica, she is resting with her back up against Deros. Mule hovers near the roof of the cavern, right where glowing crystals radiate a soft artificial light.


Quasi groans as he pushes away the dozen baby wyverns who, for some odd reason, are trying to cuddle with the [Necromancer]. “And why are your babies so touchy? This is annoying,” he adds, continuing his efforts while doing his damnedest to make sure that he does not harm them.

Anemone chuckles tiredly. Using too much mana too quickly will tire anyone, including a wyvern as strong as herself.

“Wyvern young have very discerning senses. They believe that you will not threaten them and they know you will protect them. So, they are curious,” Anemone says. She turns towards the [Incinerator Wyvern] that she now feels more comfortable being around. While she has a lenient contract with Alba, the [Incinerator Wyvern] has a master-servant one instead. As for their hierarchy, the [Incinerator Wyvern] is at the bottom. It instinctively knows this and thus is subservient.

After a minute of failed struggles, Quasi sighs and stops pushing away the young. Without his defenses, they quickly dogpile around him, covering his body and restricting his movement. After feeling how warm he is, they lay down and begin to nap.

“Aww, they trust you!” Alba smirks while Quasi’s only reply is a glare.

He sighs once more before looking up at Anemone.

“Where are the Garuda?” Quasi finally asks, “I haven't seen them anywhere. It looks to me as though they simply stopped existing.”

For a moment, the wind gusts lightly from Anemone’s discomfiture before calming down.

“They are all dead, and I was the cause.”

Hearing her words, both Jessica and Alba perk up.

Quasi’s expression turns serious. At least, as serious as someone covered by mewling wyverns can be.

“Explain,” he says.

Anemone reluctantly nods.

“The sky wyverns and the Garuda had been allied for many millennia. We lived together on the western-most side of the floor. We fought threats together and aided each other. Though the sky wyverns were allied with all Garuda, the Garuda were not as unified as us. Two factions sprung up within their species. It was initially peaceful discourse, but after politics got involved, they engaged in a war. A bloody war in which my kind was forced to be a part of. My kind and the Garuda died in droves in these petty struggles for dominance. Eventually, the fighting had become so great that two of my nest sisters, both [Tempest Wyverns] like myself, ended up doing battle against each other. They both died in the clash.”

Anemone growls in anger, but Quasi feels the present sorrow beneath her ancient fury.

“I was enraged at their deaths. As the last of the [Tempest Wyverns], I became the leader. None were at my rank, nor did I have a contract at the time. I blamed the Garuda for the deaths of my sisters and thought it best to eliminate them. I thought that we would be stronger without the Garuda.”

“You committed genocide.”

Anemone nods.

“Yes. I took control of my sisters' flocks, then went and attacked the weakened Garuda. It took some time, but we killed every last one of them. After we had eradicated them all, I roared in triumph, but my satisfaction was short-lived.”

Quasi attempts to cross his arms but cannot. The living weights covering him are too heavy. He attempts to wiggle free, only to have the wyverns snuggle closer and wrap around him even tighter. He gives up once more and then speaks.

“Nyxina explained to me that the sky wyverns are the weakest wyverns. Only once they reach a certain level of strength do they manage to match the others.”

“My daughter is correct. I was young, arrogant, and so very stupid. My decision has cost us much in turn, lowering our numbers and weakening my kind. And now, with the fire wyverns more numerous and aggressive, we are being pushed back. There are few of us left that can fight.”

“Right. Well, I’m heading to the tenth floor to conquer this dungeon and escape back into the outside world. If the sky wyverns serve me, I can take your kind with me.”

Anemone stares at the [Hero] curiously. None have claimed to attempt such a thing, but none have been able to defeat an [Incinerator Wyvern] with such ease.

“If you can promise the survival of my kind, then that is acceptable.”

Quasi smiles and nods, not giving either answer. He wiggles a little, and then rolls his eyes.

“Okay, these little tykes are really…” He tries to think of a word that wouldn’t be insulting. “cumbersome. Whatever. Where’s the entrance to the next floor?” he asks.

“It is to the east, where the majority of the fire wyverns live. The islands there are prosperous, but also the most dangerous due to the presence of the boss. Though, I have no idea what has happened to that monster. It would normally kill anything that comes near. Even the [Incinerator Wyverns] should have been deemed a threat.”

“Right. Fire wyvern army. I don't suppose the other wyvern species would be willing to assist us?”

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Anemone shuffles in place, stretching similarly to a cat while the wings on her back flap slightly. She subsequently lays down.

Quasi watches the movement, his thoughts momentarily on dragons and wyverns. The [Wind Wyverns] and [Gale Wyverns] have their wings and arms on the same limb, similar to a bat. For those after their second evolution, [Cyclone Wyverns] like Nyxia, their wings separate from the arms at the elbow. Only Anemone has her wings fully detached from her arms and connected to her back. Her appearance is that of an actual dragon, or at least an impressive mimicry of one.

“The ice wyverns are too prideful to ever take orders from anyone not of their kind, even though they would be the best allies to have against the fire wyverns. As for the earth wyverns, they are lazy but territorial. It may be possible to enlist their help, but they primarily excel in defense.”

Quasi nods as a plan begins forming in his mind. The destruction of the Garuda is sad, but par for the course. It is not the first time that the [Hero] had seen a genocide; he had even been a participant in a few. For the moment, Anemone’s regret is enough to placate any righteous anger he might have had, of which he has none. After all, he has yet to see a Garuda.

“Alright then. First things first, we need to get stronger. So, send me wyverns and I’ll make pacts. If they can get the same abilities that I gave Nyxina, then this battle should be easy.”

“That will not work. Unless you have a class that supports more pacts like [Beastmistress] Alba, then only one pact is possible. Both Nyxina and Deros are lucky to have even gained any skills from their pacts.”


Quasi looks to the [Cyclone Wyvern] next to Jessica and uses [Advanced Analyse].


Companion Skills:


Companion: Jessica

Quasi stares at the wyvern, noticing the change in stats. To him, it seems that the male wyverns are more physically able while the females are more magically powerful.

The [Hero] chuckles at the window as he turns his head to look at Jessica. He mouths the word “tyrant,” but Jessica only gives him a confused look. She doesn't actually know what skills she gave the wyvern.

“Well, that's annoying. It looks like Alba is going to get herself a large army of wyverns and I’m gonna need to train them in dogfighting and organization. I’m also going to need to make an army of undead. Oh, and I’m gonna need to see if the earth wyverns are willing to help. Goddamn, I have a lot of work.”

He groans, much to the amusement of both Alba and Jessica.

“Grea, grooaa grrr gara,” A gutteral sound of growling is heard as Nyxina takes that moment to enter with the Gejan right behind her.

Uh… Oh shit. Forgot about that.

“Good. I hope your flight was safe.” Anemone says in her guttural growling language.

“It was, Mother,” Nyxina replies.

Quasi’s eyes widen at the realization that they have their own language. It’s a crude way of speaking made up of grunts and growls that would be impossible for any human to naturally learn. Of course, certain skills can make such a process very simple.

So, the great [Hero], with his great knowledge and insight, opens his mouth to speak the ancient tongue of dragons, a language never, ever uttered by a human.

“I need to PEEEEEE!” Quasi yells.

The young surrounding Quasi listen and hear their language. Unfortunately, they’re too young to understand what it means. However, that doesn't mean they can’t speak.





The younglings begin to yell the last word spoken, copying Quasi and screaming the word “pee” into his ear as loud as they possibly can.

Quasi groans, but can't stop the smile forming on his face.