Chapter 81: Chapter 76 – We need a house

“We need a house.”, was the first thing I said in the early, as Willow listened whilst taking a bite out of a piece of bread casually as ever.

I had just left my room, the girls who had barged in uninvited went back to their rooms, except for Lara and Luna who stubbornly refused to leave my side.

“And why is that a problem now?”, Willow asked with a carefree voice. “Our little… no, our considerably large group needs more space, don’t you think?”

Along with me, Willow, Athena, Azure, Alice, Lara and Luna, we were already seven people, no ordinary adventurers group would exceed this number.

“And not just that, we can’t go on staying at Inns, eventually our budget will decline for the amount of rooms we’ll have to order.”

Although we still had a considerable amount of money thanks to the Tournament, we couldn’t continue on the way we’re living or else it’ll decline quickly.

I received the corresponding amount of money back from the slave trader, it was a large sum of money in my perspective, we could possibly buy a house or two… I think, I haven’t checked the house prices in this world.

Willow nodded, listening to my explanation. “That’s true, and I haven’t forged anything in a while, I’m beginnin’ to miss the scent of metal.”

I nodded in agreement, although missing the scent of metal was questionable. “We also have the problem of food, we can’t keep on living like some ‘Adventurers’ live. Although, it wouldn’t really be a problem, if our group grows any larger, it’ll get harder to keep things in order.”

“So, what do you suggest we do?”, Willow asked, my cheeks began to redden slightly, if you looked closely, you could tell that my pointy ears were red as well. 

“I have no idea.”

Willow raised an eyebrow in confusion. “You don’t know?”

“I’ve never bought a house before…”, I answered with a low voice, due to my embarrassment in lack of knowledge.

I lived with my parents ever since I can remember, they never taught me how buy a house or how to pay bills. Much less school, all we did was repeat the same themes over and over until we reached a limit where our brain would be considered to be deceased… obviously I’m joking.

And on earth, things could be done online or by calling a certain phone number. Seriously, why don’t they teach this stuff at school?

“Hmm.”, Willow put a hand on his chin in deep thought. “Yeah, me neither.”



I looked him in the eye, spelling out ‘you serious?’ all over. 

“Uhm… how do you not know? Didn’t you have your shop back in Dawnwell, that counts as a house, right?”

“Actually, it was sort of given to me.”, Willow scratched his head in slight embarrassment as well. “The previous owners business didn’t go well, so he decided sellin’ the place, I saw an opportunity and took it. And then I had to sing some papers n’ that’s it.”

‘I see, so it’s useless after all…’, I sighed at the conclusion of this meaningless conversation, leading to no avail.

“Other than the need of having a house, we also need to consider clothing.”, I said. “Huh? Didn’t the girls already go out to buy clothes, or are you talking about yourself?”

“I have some clothes that I had to make myself, but my (prototype) armor broke, and along with it my swords as well.”

The two blades I’ve made, out of my own enchantments and mana. Now, it’s just scraps of mythril filled with ‘Dark’ attribute mana. The same thing applied to my armor.

“And the clothes I’ve made are really… well, weird.”

“Weird? In what way?”, Willow asked, curious as to what I referred to. “They’re not really ‘weird’, but more like uncommon.”

The reason why they’re uncommon is due to the way I designed them, I had no reference for other clothing types except for the ones remaining in my memories of earth.

And that’s why most of them ended up looking like clothes from modern earth and a mix of medieval style

“The point is that we need to go buy more clothes, not just for me but for Lara and Luna as well.”

All they had were rags for clothes, hell they might as well as be considered to be walking half naked.

“Oh yeah, those two came from a secluded forest, do they even know how to things go in this world?”, despite the spite between the races, he showed genuine concern towards those two.

“I bet not.”, I responded.

Lara and Luna never left the forest, they’ve lived their lives inside that forest, never set their foot outside and their first experience on the outside world was a bitter one at that.

Having them adapt to the outside world will be a difficult task, especially since they can’t even leave my side. 

‘Now that I think about it, I feel sort of bad for leaving them sleeping right now.’

I slipped away from their arms and let them rest, it may be considered an act of mercy, but to them it might be a sign of betrayal.

‘Or maybe I’m just making up bullsh*t.’, I thought to myself.

“Oh, good morning master.”, Athena came walking down the stairs, her silver hair was messy meaning she had just woken up from bed.

“Good morning. Hey, Athena?”, Athena inclined her head slightly to my greeting.

“Could you go get the others?”




“”Big Brother, where are we going?””, Lara and Luna, still unable to let go of me, asked in sync.

“You’ll see it soon.”, I responded with a vague answer.

Me, Athena, Azure, Alice and Willow along with the twins were making our way to a tailor shop, in order to buy clothes and maybe some other accessories if we need them.

“”…””, the twins clung to me, keeping distance from the people walking by.

Having never seen the outside world, made them fear anything that may be unknown to them. Even now, as they walk, they cling closely to make sure they won’t be left again.

“They sure won’t let go of you, ey?”, Willow commented slightly disturbed by their clinginess.

““…!””, Lara and Luna instinctively put their guard up upon Willows remark.

Elves and Dwarves never had a good relationship between them, even if the two had lived inside a secluded forest their whole life, they still felt the blood of their ancestors calling out to them.

Willow sighed and averted his eyes from them, as a form of consideration. 

“And we’re here.”, I announced our arrival at our destination.

Before us stood a three floor building, a two door entrance and wide windows displaying various of clothings and accessories for both genders as well as some stylish armors. 

“They sure have a lot of cloth chops here in Zeltram, don’t they?”, I hear Alice’s gossip behind me.

“You, Athena and Azure went to buy clothes in a certain cloth shop, are they usually this big?”

Alice shook her head left and right in denial to my question.

On earth cloth shops, were huge or humongous in my perspective. I remember staying hours waiting for my mother to choose the clothes she wanted to buy, just to encounter random friends of hers and then spend another three hours chatting while I’m literally dying just to go back home.

And the interior size of the shops were also quite extensive, there were two floors in that one tailor shop I could remember and the number of clothes seemed to be infinite. I wonder how many hours have been spent making them, I bet the employees must be treated like slaves…

However, now I was in another world with a medieval fantasy isekai culture, so I was expecting the tailor shops to be at least not this large.

“”Amazing…””, the twins awed at the big building before them.

In their village the houses were average sized in medieval terms that is, to them a building like this could not be said to be used as a tailor shop.

“Alright let’s get in.”, I entered the building as carefree as possible, since the others felt a bit tense and overwhelmed by the sheer size of the structure.

“Welcome dear customer, what is it I can do for you today?”, a receptionist came to greet us.

She wore a black suit and glasses to suit her appearance, her elegant black hair matched her eyes and overall appearance. It gave her an air of importance.

“We came here to look for clothes for these two, and maybe the other four behind me.”, I told her, and she nodded.

“We don’t need anything, Master. We already bought clothes back in Ashen.”, Athena humbly rejected the offer.

“Okay, but if you see anything you want then don’t hesitate.”

‘I know how this works, they say they don’t want anything, and then the moment they find something that catches their eye, their personality will do a 180 degree turn.’

“Understood, please follow me.”, the receptionist lead the way.

Our surrounding filled with nothing but clothes as far as the eye could perceive. The scent of cloth filled the air, like freshly woven silk.

We went up stairs and reached a room with clothes for woman, men and children of each gender.

“On the right corner, you can find clothes for kids of three to ten years old. Downstairs you could find clothes that are trending, and on this floor you can find clothes for both genders as well as what I previously mentioned. And on the last floor, you can find clothes for Dwarves and Demi-Humans.”

“If there is anything else you need, please inform either me or any other employee of the store.”, she bowed and went back down to attained other incoming buyers.

“Now let’s—“, before I could react, Alice and Athena were already out of my sight.

“Incredible, the texture of this cloth must be of such high quality! I’ve never felt this level of softness before!”, Alice began inspecting and appraising the clothes presented before her.

“Oh—“. Athena looked through pretty clothes like a young girl.

‘I knew this was going to happen, after all I was there when it was written.’, the sight before me reminded me of a nostalgic yet not so memorable memory.

“Eh? Why are they so excited about clothes?”, Azure inclined her head in confusion. “Don’t ask me, I don’t understand ‘women’.”

Willow sighed at this typical scenario, the twins on the other hand seemed rather interested on the apparel in front of them, although they seemed to not let go of me yet.

“Is there anything that catches your eye?”, I asked the two, they suddenly realized that they were staring hardly at a set of clothes in the distance.

“That one looks really pretty.”, Luna conjured the courage to point towards a piece of a frilled white dress, with a short skirt.

“I like that one.”, Lara pointed to a frilly black dress with a short skirt. 

“Would you like to try them out?”, I asked them, they looked at me with sparkles in their eyes.

I picked up the dresses and gave it to them. “Do you know how to put them on?”, I asked them.

You are reading story I got reincarnated into another world, but I didn’t even reincarnate properly?! at

The two of them pouted in displeasure. “Of course we know, we’re not children!” Luna said. “Yeah, we can do this on our own!”

‘Did I hit a nerve?’, I thought as they quickly picked up some other accessories and found the changing rooms by themselves.

Know that I thought about it, I don’t even know their age. ‘I really have to do something about this, these are things that need to be addressed!’

Even back on earth, I didn’t know my parents age or date of birth. Thank god I knew their names though, because that could’ve been much worse.

The twins came out of the changing rooms, now in their beautiful black and white dresses.

“”What do you think Big Brother?””

‘My eyes are bleeding, I’ve seen enough, I can rest in peace now.’

The black and white contrast matched well with their white hair and ruby colored eyes. The frills increased the cuteness by a huge plus, it was like I was appreciating a piece of art.

Lara wore the black dress along with jet black stockings that reached halfway her leg, thus almost giving her a more mature look.

On the other hand, Luna wore the simple white frilled dress, along with a hair clip shaped of a white flower, thus giving her a innocent appeal.

“”Big Brother?””, the two said still waiting for my answer.

I snapped out of it. “T-t-they look great on you two, it makes you two look really cute.”

Lara and Luna blushed by my praising.

I felt a sudden chill run down my spine, as I felt a ice cold gaze penetrating my back.

Looking back it was Athena, albeit she was smiling innocently, her eyes said otherwise.

Athena quickly ventured into the changing room, with some clothes on her hands.

And quickly came out wearing something different.

“What do you think, Master?!”

‘So, bright…!’

One word to describe her apparel, it would be ‘holy’.  She wore a one piece dress that reached all the way to the floor like the ones of a princess. There were gaps on her shoulders and sides of her waist revealing her light skin, it gave off a indecent air about her, yet the ones of ‘Royalty’ the same time.

On her hair, was a silver hair clip matching her hair on top of her bangs, and a flower shaped one on each end of her strands of hair.

“I-it-its….”, my mind shutdown, the stimulation was too much for me to handle.

But, I refused to give up.

“It looks really good on you…”, I refused to go into too much detail due to my exceeding amount of embarrassment.

Athena seemed satisfied by my simple answer, and returned to the cabin, her ears slightly bathed in deep red.

‘I can’t handle this any further…’, just this was enough to make my heart(?) beat at the speed of light!

As I felt my heart jump out from my mouth, I felt a gaze piercing my back. Unlike Athenas, this one seemed to ooze out a pressure of curiosity.

I saw Alice looking at me, then turning back to look at a piece of clothing and then back to me.

“Is there something wrong?”, recomposing myself, I approached Alice who seemed to be deeply infatuated with the clothes before her.

“Hmm, I just thought this would fit you.”, Alice responded without averting her gaze from the article of clothing. 

“Ah really? Would you show it to me—“

I instantly regretted asking, as for what she was looking at was woman’s clothes.

“Uhm, Alice are you sure this would fit ‘me’?”, I asked her, full of uncertainty of her answer. “No, not really. I just thought it might look cute on you.”

“Hey, I’m a guy. There’s no way woman’s clothes could look ‘cute’ on me.”

“But I thought about it, this would fit you. Would you mind putting it on?”, Alice asked full of seriousness, although I could feel a tinge of tease in her voice.

“Hell no, there’s no way I could!”, I flat out refused, as Azure approached to what the commotion was about. 

“Oh~, this looks really lewd! I would like to see Master in this.”, Azure seemed to have rather risen an interest in this as well.

‘Not you too!’

“”We would like to see Big Brother in this too.””, Lara and Luna joined in, observing the pice of clothing on her hand.

Their eyes seemed to sparkle at the idea of me wearing ‘this’ set of clothes.

‘Oh no…’ 

“”Please Big Brother, put this on.””, the sisters requested with begging eyes. 

“No, no I can’t do this.”, I refused. “Come on Master, it’ll look really cute on you!”, Azure seemed to truly want to see me in this ‘thing’.

The four kept on insisting, as I heard Athena come out from the changing room. 

“Athena, please tell them I won’t wear that! I just can’t do it!”, I begged Athena, my last line of hope.

She quickly stole a glance at what they were feuding about, her cheeks began to redden as she averted her gaze from me.

And then, a soft voice came from her lips.

“… I would like to see Master in those clothes…”




“Come on Madtwr, don’t resist! You got to see them in other clothes too!”, Azure began getting physical by placing her hand on my shirt and began stripping me.

“Hey hey, this is sexual assault! Stop it please!”, resisting was futile, as for the twins joined in too. 

“”Come on, pretty please!””

I was glad that Alice seemed to rather be reluctant about stripping me naked, but her gaze seemed not to flinch from me.

‘The damn shut-in is a voyeur!’, I felt Athena from behind me, grabbing my arms to restrain me from moving or resisting.

“Wait, wait please, please wait!”, however they didn’t listen to me, they kept on pushing my shirt off.

I could feel Athena flinching a little bit, the embarrassment reaching her mind. However, the desire to see me in woman’s clothing made her determination exceed all reason.

“Okay! I’ll do it! Just get your hands off me!”, I gave up, resisting and they let go of me, and handed over the clothing set.

All five of them, including Willow looking in the distance watched me enter the cabin. 

‘Seriously, they don’t show any mercy. Why do they even want to see me in thi—‘






What the hell is this?!

Although I was able to tell it was womanly attire, now on a closer look it seemed like something a exhibitionist would wear.

There was barely any cloth covering my whole upper body, it seemed like a bra and panties suit. 

“I don’t even know how to wear this…”, I sighed.

I was uncertain if this was some sort of spite aimed towards me, or something else that Alice might’ve had for me.

All I know is that, I’ll make sure she’ll pay for this!

‘Well, the worst thing that can happen is getting humiliated… and losing what little man pride I have left.’

I put on the extremely revealing clothes, I could feel my face heating up and my ears reddening. Although my expression remained the same, you could tell by my ears that I was blushing.

“Goodbye to my man pride, it was good meeting you.”, I swallowed everything and exited the cabin.

“”Wow, Big Brother looks like a big sister now!””, the twins exclaimed.

“It looks unexpectedly well on you, and I went on a gut feeling that it would look good…”, Alice commented, her cheeks slightly red.

“…………..”, Athena stared deeply onto me, her eyes fixed on the gaps revealing my skin and overly appearance. Her cheeks were beet read, but her reason had already been lone gone.

“Pfffft, HAHAHA!”, Willow was the only one who laughed.

The clothes I wore revealed my stomach along with  my small navel and slight curves, my white skin contrasted well with the variety of colors on the clothing covering my upper chest.

My clothes were something to be used in summer, it revealed a lot of skin, I even tried to hide the area between my legs because the cloth seemed to be unable to cover everything.

‘Why, just why…’