(1st pov - ???)
[ Welcome master ]
I was awaken from what it felt like a very deep slumber to an emotionless robotic voice . The last memory I remember was of me jumping off a cliff to my death and pain so much pain .
Now I felt like I didn't have a body , even though I don't have eyes I can clearly see the screen in front of me . I looked around to see where I am but the only thig I see is endless darkness all around me with only source of light coming from the Screen in front of me .
" Where am I and What are you ? "
I asked the screen in front of me to know my current situation . This scene feels like it came straight out of the fanfictions I used to read a lot of . Even if this is a last minute hallucination because of my impeding death I still want to enjoy it as much as I can .
[ Master I am a system that has been bound to to after your death and the place in where we are now is the void , a space between realities . ]
" …. "
I am truly speechless at the situation I am facing right now . It felt like one second I was dying and now I hear I have a system bound to me and I'm in a void between realities . Though I don't really give a flying fuck about how a fucking system got bound to me in the first place , what I'm concerned about is what this entrails for me from now on . Lets just wing it and see what happens . I was never really good with complicated things anyway .
" I don't know how you got bound to me nor do I care to know about it . I will call you Sara from now on . Change your voice to a female one . I'd rather spend an eternity with a women than a man in my head . "
[ Thank you master for giving me a name . Currently you don't have a body master , it would be in your best interest to check the system interface by simply saying open interface in your mind to start your journey . ]
Sara's voice changed into the voice of a mature female , still a little cold sounding . It feels like I'm taking to a cold mature maid in those fantasy story's . I liked her voice quite a bit even though it sounded cold and emotionless .
" Open interface "
[ Status ] [ Inventory ] [ Map ] [ Workspace ] [ Shop ] [ Record ] [ Travel ] [ Points : 0 ]
[ Master this is going to be a long explanation so please bare with me .
[ Status ] Is the parameters Of your body and soul . It records the statistics of your body and soul in different category's . It also records your { Perks } , { Energies } , { Bloodlines } , and { Abilities } you have ingrained in your essence . It records the statistics of your body and soul in the following category's ,
{ Strength } {Agility} { Physique } { Instinct } { Intelligence } { Wisdom } { Spirit } { Luck }
{ Strength } How much force you can create with your body
{ Agility } How fast you can move your body
{ Physique } Your physical defense and endurance
{ Instinct } Your senses and how much precise control you have over your body
{ Intelligence } How fast you accumulate knowledge and how much power your mind based abilities can produce
You are reading story A Sociopaths Multiverse Travel at novel35.com
{ Wisdom } How much precise control you have over applying your knowledge and mind based abilities
{ Spirit } The strength of your soul and the power as well as the control you have over your soul based abilities
{ Luck } How much luck you have and the charisma you radiate onto the world and people around you .
[ Inventory ] Is an infinite space where you can store any non living items you want . You will also have the materialistic type purchase you do in the shop stored here for you . The work you do in your workspace will be stored here as well . Time inside of it is frozen but you can control it as you see fit for specific items .
[ Map ] Creates a map around you of the reality you are curranty in . You can observe areas as well as the people of that reality . The map can also be used to effect reality in a variety of ways .
[ Workspace ] Can be used to create weapons , potion , accessory's and items that you have learned how to craft , if you have the necessary materials needed to craft it .
[ Shop ] Can be used to bye almost anything that exist in reality with [ Points ]. Master it has a search option if you want to find something specific yourself or you can just ask me to find it for you . It is divided into the according category's ,
{ Perks } { Energies } { Bloodlines } { Abilities } { Treasury } { Miscellaneous }
{ Perks } Are powerful special effects that is ingrained into your own essence that can't be stolen , sealed or destroyed by any means unless you are fully erased from existence
{ Energies } Are quite literally the different special energies that are found in various realities in existence . Divinity , Mana , Aura , Ki , Chakra , Mind , Haki , Hamon , Spiral , are to name a few of them . These energies are integrated in your essence , so you can naturally produce them even if your not in that specific reality the energy belongs to .
{ Bloodlines } Is the biological stricture a creature has from its birth . You can gain various abilities from the almost infinite amount of bloodlines that exist in every reality as well as the abilities they have within them . I recommend master to get the { Integrator } perk as soon as possible , because with it your various bloodline will be engraved in your essence and you can utilize the bloodlines to their fullest potential
{ Abilities } Are basically how good you are at doing something . Abilities are divided in 13 levels from 1-13 , you will have the ability at level 1 when you buy it from the shop or learn the ability yourself . You can upgrade the abilities by training in them or you can use [ Points ] to upgrade them .From then on 3 things can happen , after reaching level 13 the ability can turn into a new { Perk } or upgrade into a more powerful ability starting from level 1 again if it has room for growth and lastly if it doesn't have the potential to improve to a new { Perk } or a more powerful ability it will stay at max level at 13
{ Treasury } Is where you can buy various weapons , magical items , alchemy creations . You can also buy the knowledge in order to make them on your own from here
{ Miscellaneous } Is a section where you can find the rest of the things that exist in reality from foods , cloths , gold , alchemic supplies , magical materials and the list goes on from the most random things to the most priced things you could find in various realities .
[ Record ] Is the record of the reality you enter into . You can view the past , present and future of that reality and its residence you enter , if you do not interfere in it . After each change you make in a reality the record will change accordingly .
[ Travel ] Lets you travel the almost infinite amount of realities that exist in existence . You can simply travel by body , transmigrate into a dead body right after its death or reincarnate into a new fetus right after its formed . The last two options limitation can be removed If you have the perk { Devourer } , you can simply just devour the soul existing inside the victims body or fetus and replace them .
[ Points ] Are the currency you can use to strengthen yourself or buy anything you might need from the [ Shop ] . To earn [ Points ] you need to kill living organisms . The amount of [ point ] vary depended on the organisms strength on both physical and spiritual level .
Thank you master for bearing with me throughout this lengthy explanation . Please say ' Body creation ' to start creating your body master . You can choose 5 [ Perks ] , 3 [ Bloodlines ] and 3 [ Abilities ] From the [ Shop ] . The [ Abilities ] will be half maxed out to make your journey more comfortable . ]
" ….. "
To say my head hurts from all of this information dumped on me would be an understatement . Though I can see Sara tried her best to keep it short , it still is hard to wrap my head around all the things Sara can do . I'll just create my body for now and think about other things later .