Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Loot and NCR

After walking past Primm, I just had to follow the very bloody long asphalt road that led to the two giant statues made from scraps and junk. People would think that statues that were created to respect the unification of two large organizations in the wasteland would be made from something respectful. 


But no, the New California Republic decided that making it from junk was more than enough. I wondered whether both the rangers from the New California Republic and Desert Rangers of Mojave bore any resentment to their statues made from literal pieces of shits. 


On his right, he saw a police station that looked abandoned. There was nobody in that police station, literally nobody. There might be some abandoned loot inside, but I didn’t remember what this police station was. Well, it wouldn’t hurt just to approach that place, right?


[Location Discovered: Nevada Highway Patrol Station]


The prompt triggered a memory in his mind. This place was the place where gang members usually resided in. To be honest, it would be quite dangerous to stick around there. I crouched on the ground to make sure that no one would hear my footsteps. 


I grabbed my Varmint Rifle from my back and aimed it at the door really slowly. The very slow creaking sound came out from the rusted hinges of the door. No one had opened this door before, I really wondered why. 


The door led me to a room, probably the size of just an ordinary office with some tables. There were several cabinets for files, alongside the smell of dust. Somewhat, the electricity in this place still worked, which gave me a sigh of relief. 


“Would I find something of interest here?” I looked around that office. 


Like it or not, this place was still a police station and there might be a chance that I might find something particularly useful for my journey to Mojave Outpost. I opened the locker using my hand, but it was locked. I didn’t have any bobby pins either. However, could I just forcefully open it with my hands, though?


I put both of my hands on the handle of the locker in that room. I pulled it with my whole strength, the door wouldn’t even budge one bit. I took a deep breath and pulled the handle once again, but it wouldn’t budge a single inch. 

‘Gosh bloody darn it, why the hell the door won’t open?’ I slammed my hand to the locker angrily. There could be some shotguns inside of the locker as far as I was concerned. 


There was another door. I opened it very slowly with the end of my Varmint Rifle aimed at the small opening that I created by opening the door. I then slammed it thoroughly, no one was there, as expected. What greeted me was a jail cell filled with skeletons. I could assume those skeletons were those of prisoners before the great war since it was heavily decomposed. 


However, in one of the bodies, I found something, a knife, hiding between those piles of bones. I walked to the cell door. It was unlocked and slid as smooth as butter. I picked up the knife with my hand. It was sheathed. I put it on the belt of my leather armor as a side weapon. 


I inspected the stats of the weapon I just picked. 


[Combat Knife]


DAM: 15

DPS: 49

You are reading story Fallout: Welcome to Mojave at


It was just a regular knife, nothing more, nothing less. I put the pip-boy away and returned to the first room since there was nothing else in the jail cell. I was hoping that I’d get riot gear at the very least or some basic body armor, but it was too far-fetched, to be entirely honest. 


I searched the room again and stumbled upon something on one of the desks. It was a 9mm pistol modeled after the real-life Hi-Power pistol. There were also three magazines lying right beside it. I picked all of them up and put the 9mm pistol in the pocket of my leather armor. 


[9mm Pistol/Hi-Power has been added to inventory]


[39 9x19 mm (FMJ) have been added to inventory]


I inspected the stats of the pistol that I picked up from the desk as well. It was quite decent, in comparison to my Varmint Rifle which had quite a low damage and low fire rate in comparison to the 9mm pistol to be entirely honest. 


[9mm Pistol/Hi-Power]


DAM: 17

DPS: 60


Knowing that there was not much else for me to scavenge, I left the police station and headed for Mojave Outpost. However, as I got out, a sight shocked me again. I didn’t know why, but every single time there was something not available in the game, it always shocked me. 


In front of me was a convoy of trucks, military trucks, right beside those trucks were soldiers walking side-by-side with the trucks from the New California Republic. I opened my mouth in awe as the truck went past me at slow speed to make sure that they didn’t accidentally hit any abandoned car or any innocent bystander. 


‘Holy…’ The world here was crazy and more realistic. Cars should exist, after all, knowing that the Brotherhood of Steel still was capable of maintaining a fleet of power armor for their usage for more than two centuries. It was a marvelous sight. 


One of the soldiers shouted at me, “CIVILIANS! STAY AWAY FROM THE MILITARY CONVOY OF THE NEW CALIFORNIA REPUBLIC!” Even though I was barely in the range of those soldiers. I couldn’t help but feel certain awe seeing that thing and the power of NCR. 


No wonder the New California Republic was able to expand as far as New Vegas if this was the case. Vehicle was the key to logistics, after all. No way the NCR used brahmin all the way here to carry all of the supplies for the republic. 


I continued my journey towards the Mojave Outpost on foot after the truck went past me. If this was how advanced the New California Republic was, I wondered how the Legion managed to stand toe-to-toe with the NCR during the Second Battle of Hoover Dam if their technological advance was this advanced. 


It was not really the time to think about it, though, I still needed to get the boozes and Chet’s gun from the outpost first. After that, I might be able to ask around about the NCR and how it worked out before the first battle of Hoover Dam.