Chapter 22: Ch 21: Evictions (Part 1)

This giant wriggling mass of colors looks similar to mana but it behaves differently. I can take my iron grass sphere and move and toss it about through the void. This other uninvited guest does no such thing. I cannot move it or dislodge it from where it sits. There is also a disconcerting feeling that I have due to the colors not being like those of my mana. This is foreign and it has invaded my inner world which if you take the giantess’ outline into consideration, I probably have a parasite of some form.

I’m hesitant to try and take the grass sphere and bash it into this invader. I’ve been unable to grasp or move the giant blob, however, while it was doing its own thing, I see a streamer of mana that is the same color as my own mixed in. It disappears quickly into the mass confusion but I felt a resonance with it. I float and circle around it trying to see it again and I notice a few deep within.

Once I manage to see one get close enough to the outer core of it, I reach out with my will and take hold of it and the entire writhing mass comes to a complete stop.

“Cat got your tail!?” I say into the void as I pull at that strand of mana.

With a huge effort, the mass of colors bulges out as I pull this foreign mana streamer that is of the same color as my own that I can grasp. After a bit of tug-o-war, I finally free the streamer and with it, a torrent of other colored streamers fly at and through me.

I drop the similar color streamer as a wave of emotions or inklings of memories brush across the surface of my consciousness.

Defending my territory from a young welp with more courage than brains. The hot splash of arterial blood hitting the back of my parched throat. I easily kill an injured veteran Guar who was injured while securing a huge trophy, a female will submit with this trophy. I crush and eat the eggs of a rival. I am limping through some tunnels with too many wounds, however, I’ve successfully defended my nest and mate.

A myriad of foggy memories that are not mine, flit through my consciousness as I finally return to the void. Looking around I seem to have misplaced the streamer that I pulled out that caused the minor explosion of colors. The various color streamers that passed through me are slowly drifting off into the void beyond my person, gone as I cannot touch or manipulate them directly. I turn back to the main mass and I see that it is coming apart at the seams, dissolving into individual streamers that are slowly all floating away.

I now see that they are all drifting away from my central magic sphere for void storage. It is the brightest thing here. Possibly with the invader broken up into much smaller pieces, it is shying away from the central brilliant sphere. They are all drifting away into the void beyond. I see a few smaller pieces that are of similar colors to my mana and the initial thread that I used to disassemble the entire blob. I cannot reach them as they are beyond my giant's skin. The brief experience of foreign memories probably took longer than I thought.

Thinking about it, I summon a mana tether. In front of me, a pair of my mana embers shoot over and stretch out into the void beyond. As the twined pair cross the boundary of my giantess’ body, a small shimmer of orange shows as it exits. This shimmer is the size of maybe the smaller iron grass mana sphere. It shows a lot more of the boundary of the void than when I was simply gluing mana embers to their furthest point that they could travel. I can feel a change or pressure in the mana strands as they exit, being suppressed and only able to go so far unless I wish to commit reinforcements.

I stretch this mana tether out and try to corral the escaping memories. My mana tether simply passes through them as though they are ghosts or perhaps it is because they are outside now. I try a few more times and am unsuccessful until I track down one of the memories that are of a similar color to my own. The difference here is that the mana tether just bisected the memory as if it was nothing.

The memories are becoming fainter and fainter as they move into the distance and I can barely perceive them anymore. I use my mana tether much more gently and try to nudge one of the bisected pieces of that memory and I am successful in not destroying it further. I find that I can gently guide it along with my mana tether. I play with it as it slowly escapes, not sure what the significance of this is until I manage to have my tether go through another strand of mana and the guided piece of mana bisects that piece and itself.

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The fragments are too small and far to interact with any more, so I retract my mana tether and try to go through my findings.

“So I cannot touch memories that are not a similar color to my own mana and those memories are able to interact with themselves of any color.”

I look around at my now much more empty mana world. I shoot a glare towards the iron grass sphere.

“You’d best be on your best behavior squatter and pay up rent soon. Else, you’ve seen what happens to other squatters.” I say to the grass sphere, but it still spins and turns in the multiple layers without care to my threat.

I feel the gentle tug at my mana and come back from my journey to the void. Opening my eyes I see Akira move away from Jessica and come to me where he starts to reach out to my face. I try to back away as he approaches, my face reddening, my back is against the tree and I have nowhere to escape as he reaches out and places two fingers on my forehead. I sigh in relief, not understanding why I was trying to avoid him. The ringing in my ears quickly subsides over a second.

The three of you are now healed,” he says in a muffled tone as I see a black mana ember disappear from his palm leaving one left that he stores.

“I STILL CANNOT HEAR VERY WELL.” I try to say to him, not realizing that I am yelling.

Your ears are still blocked with blood, you’ll need to clear that out.” He replies as I reach up to my ear and feel the dried blood flake away as I touch around the area.

WHAT SKILL DID YOU USE TO HEAL WITH!?” I hear Jessica ask her question, yelling as compared to Akira, but still muffled to me.

It is the rampant growth skill that Cara learned this morning. That plus a few support passives if they take effect with so much low mana.

“Wait! So does that mean I can heal people?” I ask, trying to be conscious of my volume as I open my grimoire to take a look at the rampant growth skill.

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