Chapter 13: Chapter 13 Hephaestus (2)


Who would you guys like to see in the harem?
I have a general idea who I want, but maybe you guys can give some suggestions.
Also did you know that you are almost ten times more likley to die falling down the stairs than in a plane crash.


‘The Best Ass in Heaven.’ were the first thoughts in my head after following the Goddess. She wore tight black leggings that showed off her round ass and smooth thighs. I looked down on my childish hands and for the first time in my new life I truly regretted being young again. Not that I was a Chad on Earth either. I had barely started highschool…

I miss Perry. He was a real homie…

Anyways I filed away the pick up line. “It's no wonder you’re called a Goddess, because that ass is divine.” into the back of my mind where I’ll probably never use it.

“Here it is,” She said, suddenly knocking me out of my contemplation of perfection.

We were in one of the back rooms of the shop where some others were hanging around. They looked at me with interest but were shooed away by Hephaestus.

“This is where we sometimes have our more experienced smiths demonstrate for the younger ones. Though it hasn't been used recently because of all the trouble.”

“Uhm, so what do you want me to make?”

“Just a dagger will do, though try not to take too long, we have a lot of tools prepped here that you can use.”

“Okay, can someone tell my parents that I’ll be here for a while? They’re waiting outside.”

“Aww, how cute.”

I really needed to grow up. She got someone to tell them, but I had already started working.

I prepped my equipment first, checking everything, from the temperature of the forge to the weight of the hammers in my hands.

The small ingots that I could use were varied in material. Of course I wanted to dive right into the foreign stuff, but I was here to show my accumulated skills, not practice with new stuff.

Instead of going for a traditional multi-use knife I decided to go for a stiletto, a long and thin knife used to finish off wounded opponents by stabbing them in the heart. It was also good at delivering poison deep into opponents bodies.

Once everything was ready I began to strip.

“What are you doing?!”

“I am immersing myself into the forging process by being as bare as possible,” I said simply folding my shirt and placing it neatly on the side.

“I see the elven blood hasn’t taken that trait out of you,” She said.

“That and I’ll be ten times sexier if I smith while shirtless.”

“Is that so?”

The door banged open to show Tsubaki, wails from a forgotten name could be heard from behind her.

“Hey! I heard you were-” She saw me standing there about to pick up my ingot.

“Awwwwww!” She said running to me and picking me up in a bear hug. “Look at him, what a cutie!”

Half of my head was swallowed by her breasts as she swung me around, despite her more toned body her breasts were extremely supple and soft.

Maybe being young isn't so bad.

“Tsubaki let him go, he's about to show us his smithing skills.”

No please let me stay! I’m not done carving the memory into my soul.

Unfortunately we were separated, but I refocused on the task at hand.


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The two one-eyed smiths watched the boy as he worked. Hephaestus had to say that the boy was well trained and obviously took time to hone his abilities. He did this weird thing where when he had a free moment while waiting for the metal to heat or brushing off the scales he would do a little dance.

Since starting he hadn’t sent a single look their way, as though they weren't even there.

“What do you think?” Hephaestus asked Tsubaki quietly.

Tsubaki knew that the Goddess wasn’t asking about the weapon.

“Skill, patience, confidence. It's a bit harder to tell but he's also extremely talented. It's almost as though he's playing chess with his hammer, being ten steps ahead with each strike.”

Like Kova was watching the blade take form they were watching him, wondering if he would shape out well.

He wasn’t perfect, there were moments where he would hesitate from a bump in the road, like when the tang was a bit too wide for the handle and he had to shave it down, but he didn’t let it stop him.

“You seem a bit more interested in him then others. Finally found a potential boyfriend?” Tsubaki jokes. “It wasn't as though he was lying when he called you beautiful right?”

Hephaestus covered the lower half of her face with a hand, still not looking away, but also not wanting anyone to see her blush.

“He’s unique, that’s for sure. I can’t say yet because he hasn’t officially joined and it's his personal life, but I can definitely tell why Bast wanted him for herself.”

She could see his talent and skill, despite this being his first time in that particular forge he looked as though he had been working there his entire life. Already knowing where particular tools were and being able to nimbly move between small obstacles.

Now she just needed to make sure he had the drive.

I finished the stiletto and handed it first to the Goddess. A window outside told me it was nearing evening. She nimbly twirled the balanced blade in her fingers looking at every angle.

“Not bad at all.”

She handed it off to Tsubaki who took her turn examining it. Our eyes met for several seconds and a little smirk showed on the Goddess’ face.

“Expecting better praise?” She asked.

“What? No, I want criques to tell me what to do better.”

This was a chance to learn from a God of Forging, there was no way a little thin blade was going to make her call me the best smith under heaven. The whole test was just to make sure I didn’t have some self inflated view on my skills.

Her smirk spread into a pleased smile. So she told me about my mistakes and small adjustments I could make.

Afterwards she brought me to another room, she told me that every new member had to do this.

The inside of the room was barren, nothing on the walls nor was there even a carpet. Just a single stand and a single sword, but it dominated my mind.

A silver longsword that light seemed to ripple off of. The cross guard extended out, showing intricate inlay and geometric shapes were better than any painting. I felt as though I could cut through diamond like butter if I used that sword.

“I made this,” Hephaestus said simply. “No godly powers, no Falna, Skills or Development Abilities. Mortal hands just like yours and all the others in my Familia.”

I had gotten so close I could see my pupil constrict in the sheen of the blade, I dared not touch it though.

“So what you’re saying is… That I can make something like this?”

“That’s not up to me, it's up to you.”

For a moment my pride in my skills made me want to try to make this without a Falna just like she had, but the logic in my brain shattered that idea. I could spend my entire life trying to make something on that level even with a Flana and never succeed. I would need every ounce of help to get on that level, and maybe just maybe, if I could make something on par with that sword.

Then I could make something better too.

“Goddess, I think I fell in love.”