I dashed away, turning from corner to corner trying to lose the trail of three top class adventurers. The boom from my Sticky Bomb echoed out. It wasn’t all that dangerous unless the person injested some of it, so I wasn’t worried about the girl.
I constantly switched alley ways as I headed for one of the main streets. I was hoping that a large crowd would dissuade any kidnapping from the first class adventurers. A glance behind me showed that I had barely slown down them at all. Finn turned around the same corner that I just had.
I tossed a second Sticky Bomb at him, and he pulled his spear out in front of him. I was happy for a moment thinking he would swat it away or slice it in half, which would have made it burst and slow him down.
What he did instead blew my mind.
Intercepting the bomb with the flat of his blade he let it roll across smoothly then flicked his spear upwards shooting the Sticky Bomb into the sky. It burst connecting the buildings together like a bunch of clothing lines.
I turned back to see a blur in front of me, the high elf Riveria had circled around to cut me off. She pushed an arm out and I collided with it. Despite her slender frame it felt like smashing head first into a stone wall.
Her hand clenched on my shirt holding me in place.
“Never Broken.”
I was going to use a massive increase in weight to throw the woman off balance, no matter how powerful a Status made someone it doesn't change their weight so it would just be simple physics.
The tip of her staff rested just below my jaw, a magic crystal ready to poke into my throat should I do anything more. I stopped from finishing the cast and wrestled down the magic in my body so I didn’t Ignis Fatuus.
The chase hadn’t even lasted two minutes. Four levels of difference went a long way apparently.
“We aren't going to hurt you,” Riviera said.
“I’m sorry, are you Chelsea? Be a dear and help a blind man back to his home. I decided to jog, but took a wrong turn and ran into a wall just now,” I said, forcing my eyes to go unfocused, flailing my arms as though looking for something.
“Stop pretending to be blind, and don’t talk like an old man while doing it,” she said, sighing.
“Young man can you come back with us to our home?” Finn asked walked around to stand next to his companion.
So you can butcher me and stuff me six feet under in your garden? No I can’t. Oh not to mention that there is a Deity there, you know Loki the God of trickery and shit.
“Look can’t you just go along with the blind thing.”
“Get these damn things off me,” A voice growled.
Gareth walked around the corner, carrying the unconscious girl in her arms, all along his back were lines of orange stick bomb tendrils, he was dragging a few crates and barrels that it had stuck to.
A hand landed on my shoulder.
“Come on, we promise to be gentle.”
You are reading story My Life in Danmachi at novel35.com
The three first class adventurers gave me an odd look, and as silence answered my plea I remembered an article that I had read once saying that people often didn’t respond to those things, but it had also told me what they did respond to.
This time a door opened down the alley, and a little girl no older than four peeked her head out, seeing the group of people with weapons she slammed it shut. A few moments later three people emerged from another alley, Gareth twisted his body to hide the unconscious girl and Finn clenched my shoulder tightly, not so much for me to cry out, but enough to warn me.
“We got it guys, just a kid playing a prank.”
The people recognized the three first class adventurers and nodded with admiration in their eyes before leaving as well.
The weight of the bag of presents in my hand vanished and like a snake crawling through my clothes I felt the knives and other weapons I had hidden be taken away in a flash. I hadn’t even registered it before I was weaponless.
“Hey! You know I’m not getting a good impression of the Loki Familia, first you kidnap a girl then you rob a different kid and take him hostage?”
“We just don’t want you to try anything dangerous. Honestly you’d be more likely to hurt yourself then you would have a chance at hurting us,” Finn said.
Damn that was harsh. Anyways I refused to be taken into their Familia home, Loki was rumored to be a pervert of some kind, but still a good Goddess. But as the God of Trickery she could be putting on a false face, hell it was said that she had no real feminine features so it was possible she was actually a dude cross dressing so she would be able to go into women's baths.
“My Goddess wouldn’t be happy with you guys taking me away.”
I had to bank on the Hephaestus name and that these three were actually decent people. If it didn’t work then they would slit my throat and bury me somewhere, but I got a pretty good vibe from them overall. Even Gareth that was covered from the Sticky Bomb explosion didn’t seem actually angry.
“Who is your Goddess?”
“Hephaestus, the most beautiful Goddess on the planet,” I said proudly.
Without warning a warm hand slid into my shirt and fished out my necklace with Uncle Tesh’s seed. I had kept it because it had an odd soothing effect on me, either from emotional attachment or some magical aspect.
I looked over to see that Aiz had groggily woken up and for some reason knew and pulled out my necklace.
Did the kid have brain damage?
Heyo I'm back
Did you know that mantis shrimp can punch so hard it creates a bubble underwater and sometimes even light? Its called sonoluminescence