Chapter 4: Chapter 3

“The gluttony seed is finally ready for the Authority!” I looked at the acid slime that had grown quite large. This slime would be the first ruler of gluttony. “I hope that you and my other seed get along now, but I don’t think you will be compatible.” I cheered on the new gluttony seed as it ate another elf. Then I watched its body morph into a slimy elf like body. 

I looked over at Edna’s corpse. She had taught me so much, and even her death had taught me how basic magic would work. Consuming her blood gave me an inkling into using basic magic. I wanted to test it out immediately. When I left the hut, the people outside smiled at me. A flame appeared in my hand, and their faces turned into concern. “What are you doing with that fire? Did the old hag teach it to you?” A man called out to me. 

“I learned a lot from Edna. She gave me a few parting gifts.” He looked at me with confusion on his face before he walked behind me towards her hut. I let him do as he pleased. I knew with this I would be able to test out the fire on people who would attack me. This time if they didn’t attack me I would let them go. It isn’t like I felt anything for the people. I was envious of the fact that I couldn’t feel anything for them. It was simply because of the dying words of Edna. She told me my life would be full of sorrow, and I wondered what that even meant, so this was an experiment of sorts.

He came out of the tent and immediately tried to attack me with his spear after yelling that I had killed Edna. It was quite easy to dodge compared to when I first fought someone. Every time he would stab at me, I would make the slightest movement to dodge. I wasn’t showing off or anything, I was just curious about my own abilities. When I dodged the next attack this time I sent a fireball at his face. He didn’t have time to avoid it at all as his face was set ablaze. He instantly reacted by dropping his spear and yelling. More people started to lunge at me as I watched the man slap his face with his gloved hands.

Several people lunged at me at once, but I simply created a wall of fire around me. I was quickly learning that magic was unfair in a battle vs spearmen. They were all set ablaze as they lunged into the wall of fire. As the battle kept on, several more people came into the fray. That was when I noticed the two men I had met in the forest. Kirn was looking at me with fury in his eyes. “How could you do this!? What kind of a monster are you!?” 

Several of the houses around us were set ablaze from me trying to learn this fire magic. It was quite easy to grasp, and I was beginning to understand that I could do more than just fire with magic. Fire magic had a certain feel to it, and as I thought of a raging storm tornadoes of wind magic were launched from me. The fires increased in ferocity from the wind. “Kill her! Don’t let her destroy our village!” Kirn called out as he charged at me. I charged back at him as he tried to skewer me with his spear. I nimbly dodged to the side at just the right moment and lunged at his neck. I sank my fangs deep into his neck taking in the blood as people started to surround me once more.

I could tell Kirn was supposed to be a good warrior because he gave me the most knowledge about spear usage out of anyone I had consumed. I took his spear from the ground and started to use it against my new attackers. I was spinning the spear faster than their eyes could keep up. As I decapitated someone, the stone end broke off, and I started using the wood to impale the attackers afterward.

After all of the attackers were dead I looked around to find burning huts and screaming villagers. They were either running for their lives, or they were burning within the huts themselves. I turned away from the screaming villagers and I exited in the opposite direction from which I came. Some villagers were running ahead of me, but I let them go as I walked along the dirt road. 

My name is Forris of the wolfkin tribe, and today I was surrounded by villagers who were all dancing in ceremony. Today I was the center of attention. Our goddess had blessed me. The villagers said I had been rewarded for my kindness. I don’t know how that was possible. Sure I would treat others how I wished they would treat me, but I never particularly saw myself as kind.

When the dancing and ceremony ended I was brought before the chieftain. As I sat in front of the chieftain cross legged, I looked upon all of the wisdom in the world. One could tell just from looking at our chieftain that he held boundless wisdom between his ears. “Why are you making such a face Forris? This is a joyous occasion, is it not?” 

“It is chief; however, I feel my new title is undeserved. What does it mean to hold a virtue?” He simply looked down from his throne made of bones and wood with a smile. “Let me ask you a question, then Forris. When our tribesmen were suffering from hunger, who gave up their own food for the sake of others? When the mood had turned sour, who shared jokes with the rest of the villagers. Who but you is fit for the title of kindness?” I shook my head.

“Anyone would do the same if they were in my position.” He let out a chuckle. “I see, are you aiming for humility now too? If you do that you might become greedy. You should accept the position the goddess has bestowed upon you. I don’t want to hear you put yourself down.” I nodded my head in understanding. Even if I didn’t agree with it, I now had this title. I had no idea what ability would spawn from my kindness, but it was worth testing out if it would benefit the village in some way.

I left the chieftains hut after he had given me a medallion passed down by one of our ancestors who was a sage. The medallion had a strange crest on it that I had never seen before. The crest was the shape of a halfmoon, and the center of the moon had a wolf head in the midst of howling. Our tribe's crest was completely different, so I imagined it must have been what our ancestor tribe had adorned. 

I walked around the village greeting people who were out and about. They were all talking about me for the most part. I had somehow become the talk of the day from the goddess whim. When midnight came and the village started to grow quieter, I resigned myself to learning about this new blessing from the goddess.

I sat in my hut alone on a rug made of bearskin, and I started to look deep within myself as I meditated. “What does it mean to be kind?” Is kindness something you give to people? Simply talking to someone could be considered a kindness, so what does it mean to hold sway over kindness? The more I thought about it, the more stumped I was becoming. Kindness is all around us. It is in the bounties our goddess gives us when we hunt. It is within our very souls. 

Not everything is kind though. The wilderness is unkind and uncaring. I had watched several people die from monsters that lurk within the shadows. If they are the opposite of kindness, then what does that make me? The thought brought a strange feeling with it. Our goddess was a kind one, even though she made the world filled with monsters. She had given me the title of kindness even though I had killed animals with my bare hands. This must mean kindness was something completely different. With that thought something within me shone with power that I had never felt before. I couldn’t describe what it felt like. It was almost no different than the world around me, but it was simply brighter. 

I had finally understood something. Kindness is all around us everyday. It is just that most people fail to see it. Then was I given this power because I saw the kindness in life itself? The question brought with it an understanding like never before, and I felt myself becoming enlightened the more I bathed in this new sensation. The world full of kindness was finally within my grasp.

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