July 2, 2010.
I woke up at 4 in the morning when everyone was still asleep, even Grandpa.
It looks like the serum has finally stabilized completely. Now, I only need 4 hours of sleep.
It's unpleasant. I love to sleep. And now I can't lie in bed any longer. Well, okay, nothing can be done.
While everyone is asleep, I want to do something. First, I took the Null Void Projector, after which I turned into a Two-Tails and teleported to the laboratory.
I wanted to take it apart and understand how the projector itself works.
After becoming human, I put the projector on the analyzer and did all the necessary research. Apparently, the projector runs on a special crystal, which is impregnated with the energy of Null Void.
When the trigger is pulled, energy is supplied to the crystal, and a portal to another dimension opens. The energy is simple, like in all laser weapons.
In fact, its entire shell is needed only to activate the crystal and create a portal. And the whole point is in this crystal.
I do not have such a crystal, but I can replace it with Taydenite. So, it will even be better and more compact.
Putting the projector back together, I turned into Diamondhead and created a small piece of Taydenite, only a centimeter in size. To make it more beautiful, I also cut it.
After canceling the transformation, I immediately put on my costume and opened a portal to another dimension. Unforgetting to grab the projector itself and a piece of Taydenite, I walked through the gate.
Once in the Null Void, I immediately closed the portal so that no one would enter my world from this side.
After carefully landing on a nearby asteroid, I turned into a Sandman and used the sand to create a dome. By compacting the sand to the maximum, I became a man. So, no one will notice me and I can calmly go about my business.
In order for the Taydenite to absorb the energy of the Null Void, it needs to be spurred on to absorb, so for a couple of minutes I soaked a piece of crystal with my Mana. Then, the crystal itself began to absorb the surrounding energy.
I just had to wait that I was doing after I sat down on the ground and started playing games on my smartphone.
Two hours later, the once turquoise piece of Taydenite turned completely black. This means that everything is ready.
In order to activate the portal, need to supply energy to the crystal itself.
I didn't know if Mana would work, but I decided to check. If I manage to activate the portal with the help of Mana, then everything will become easier.
After submitting Mana for five seconds to the Taydenite, I felt the feeling of teleportation. When I came to, I found myself on the outskirts of Bellwood.
This means that Mana can also be used and everything works.
It seems that I turned out not to be a Projector, but a Teleporter. This is understandable, after all, it's not for nothing that the projector has a lens. Well, that's even more convenient.
Transformed into Two-Tails, I returned to the laboratory. With my equipment, I quickly created a simple ring and firmly attached a tandenite crystal to it, and then slipped it onto my finger.
This time, I put the Projector in my inventory, I'm not an idiot to go to Null Void without a safety net.
Once again, having fed Mana directly into the crystal, after 5 seconds, I was again in the Null Void.
I tested my Null Void Ring about twenty more times, just in case.
What can I say? If I didn't have Two-Tails, then everything would be bad.
A typical projector is static. That is, the open portal remains in one place. And the one who entered it will come out in the same place.
And my ring works differently. I can log in at one place and log out at any other. Even in another country. It all depends on how far I go inside the dimension.
If it hadn't been for the Two-Tails, I would have had to go back all the time with the XLR8 or Jetray. And so all is well.
After making sure that my invention was working, I decided to take a walk around the Null Void. Once again there, I turned into Jetray and flew to investigate.
I flew only an hour, but I flew quite far. I saw the Null Guardians several times, but always flew away from them. I don't want to meet them.
I didn't see anything else of interest, perhaps a couple of Havok Beasts, but that's all. So I decided to go back.
Having transformed into myself, I activated the teleporter and returned to Earth.
Hmm. Looks like I'm in Mexico right now. Well, then I can now teleport here whenever I want.
After standing for a while, I returned to the laboratory. Having taken off my suit, I was already thinking about what to do, when my eyes began to ache sharply.
The pain was not very strong, but unpleasant. In fifteen minutes everything was back to normal and I opened my eyes.
The first thing I saw was a wall. It felt like I was now standing right in front of the wall and almost touching it with my nose. But this is impossible, since the wall was at a distance of at least 50 meters from the place where I stood.
Looks like I have a new ability unlocked. Telescopic Vision. This can be very helpful, but first I need to take control of my new strength.
Trying to get everything back as it was, I focused on my eyes. But instead of all going back, I saw the smallest details of the wall.
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Cool, two abilities at once. Microscopic Vision. Concentrating once more, I discovered another power.
Instead of a wall, I saw the ground behind the wall. There was nothing further, since I am now underground.
It looks like I discovered three abilities at once related to the eyes. I can see at a great distance, zoom in and out the smallest details, and see through walls.
That is, Microscopic, Telescopic and X-Ray Vision.
It took me an hour to get used to the new powers. When everything was back in place, I was able to test my strength normally.
I can see seven kilometers away. Zoom in like a microscope. And again, see through the walls.
So far, I have not found anything through that I cannot see. I even looked at the Omnitrix but saw nothing out of the ordinary. Apparently, after all, there is an expanded space.
It took another hour for me to be able to manage my new abilities to the fullest and so that no incidents would happen again.
Having finished with everything, I decided to have some fun. Transformed into the Two-Tails, I teleported out. And teleported to a height of two kilometers. Then a series of teleportations to the east began.
After 15 minutes I got tired of it and decided to end it and return to earth. Looks like I'm a little off course. I was still over the ocean, but I saw the island.
After landing on it, I became myself and took out my phone. Judging by the map, I'm in Bermuda now. It turned out quite well.
Just at that moment, my phone rang. It looks like everyone is already awake since Gwen called me.
- Yes? - I said, picking up the phone.
- Lex? Where are you? - Gwen's voice came from the phone.
- Now I'm in Bermuda. - I honestly said.
- What? What are you doing over there? - Gwen asked, surprised.
- Checking something. - I answered
- It's clear. Will you come back soon? - Gwen asked.
- Are you leaving soon? - I asked at first.
- Grandpa said that in half an hour. - answered Gwen.
- Good. I have one thing left to do and I'll be back. - I said and hung up.
Having become Two-Tails again, I returned to the laboratory. I need to do a Galvanic IQ test. Abilities don't just appear and I'm sure the new abilities are a consequence of my psionic powers.
When the results came, I realized that I was right. My new IQ is 300. This is most likely the serum's job.
The serum itself has stabilized today, and these are its consequences.
Even though I didn't add Galvanians DNA, the serum strengthened my entire body, including my brain. My brain became physically stronger and was able to accommodate more psionic powers.
It seems like before, I just could not awaken my full potential due to my weak body.
Now I can.
With my psionic powers awakened a bit, I decided to test my telekinesis.
After checking, I came to a disappointing conclusion. My telekinesis has become much stronger, but it seems to have reached the threshold of development.
Now, my telekinesis can lift 15 tons and it works half a kilometer away from me. But that's all.
I am unable to 'reach' the molecules. This means that I will not be able to use cryokinesis or pyrokinesis, and so on.
Apparently I'm missing something.
Telepathy will still need to be tested, but it seems she has become stronger too.
After completing all the work, I teleported to the bus. There was no one inside yet.
While no one saw it, I put the Null Void Projector back in place. Let no one know yet that I took it.
A couple of minutes later, Grandpa got on the bus. Seeing me, he said:
- Lex? You are back. What have you been doing?
- Nothing special. It's just that my telekinesis has become stronger, and I decided to train it a little - I said.
- Yes? Well then, good. Now the girls will come, and we will go on. - Max said.
Nodding at grandfather's words, I waited. A couple of minutes later the girls came and we drove on.