Ning made his way to the girl that was next on the list. She was a clerk in some clothing store.
He walked into the store and quickly located her.
"Hello, how can I help you?" the girl asked when she saw Ning walk directly towards her.
Ning looked around for the other customers and staff before directly grabbing her hand that was on the table.
The girl was surprised at first, but then her eyes got normal as she looked directly at him.
"Have you killed anyone before?" Ning asked.
"No!" the girl said.
"Eh?" Ning was surprised. "You haven't? Aren't you part of the Shadow Pavillion?"
"Yes I am, Master," the girl spoke.
"So despite being a part of it, you don't kill? What do you do then?" Ning asked.
"I'm an aid, master. I help assassins settle down in the capital when they come here. I make sure to prepare their hotel rooms, keep tabs on their target and any other ways they may need help in the task," she said.
Ning looked at her closely and asked, "so you are an accomplice?"
"Yes, master," the girl said.
"How many people have you helped kill?" Ning asked.
"I don't remember the count, master," the girl said.
"Sigh, that means many, right? Okay, go to the police station and turn yourself in. Answer then every question they ask about your task and the Pavillion," Ning said.
"Okay, Master," the girl said and left the counter. The staff was a little confused when they saw the clerk leave the store.
"Where is she going?" someone asked.
"She quit. Find someone else to be a clerk for now," Ning said and left as well.
He then spent the next 5 or so hours doing the same. He went to every single member on the list and made them all do the same thing. Surrender themselves to the police and confess to their crimes.
The police station was very confused seeing the slew of people coming in to surrender themselves, claiming they were part of the notorious secret assassination group called the Shadow Pavillion.
They thought they were being pranked at first, however as the people started telling them what their crimes were and what sort of people they had killed or been an accomplice for, the police very soon realized that they were telling the truth.
Without hesitation, Inspector Reen once again called Fiona and the others. When she reached the station and saw 25 different people all in an interrogation room, it was like someone had dropped a pie from the heavens.
'He said he would take care of it. Was it really him?' she thought. However, she decided not to think of it for much longer and started interrogating the people.
To her surprise once again, they didn't hide a single piece of information and gave her everything she wanted.
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'What the hell did he do?' Fiona thought as she continued interrogating.
Ning walked back towards the palace. He was a bit tired from having to do all the things today and really wanted something to eat.
'Lisa must be making some bread right now. I will ask her,' he thought.
He thought about what he had learned today along the way. The Shadow Pavillion was a truly mysterious group of people. They weren't like a normal organization where people worked together.
No, they were all different individuals working alone. The job began when someone came to hire an assassin. They would hire them through someone the organization deemed disposable.
They were given no information at all, and all they did was take in the target's name and price and sent it to the higher-ups.
The person would leave the target's information somewhere for the aid to find, while they sent the information and the payment to the headquarters through another middle man.
The aid would then start shadowing the target, learning as much information about them as they could before the headquarters decided on which assassins to send.
Once enough information was gathered, they would then drop that information somewhere where the assassin could find it.
The aids would also register a hotel room for the assassin under a name the organization chose.
From what Ning learned, there were many assassins hired for tomorrow's event to kill the princess. It didn't seem like a new job, but rather the same old job from the train which they failed to do.
He did know that the Shadow Pavillion didn't stop until the job was done.
He reached the palace and went directly to the kitchen. He saw a ton of maids and cooks helping the princess in making the bread. He could also see vegetables being cut, but those were probably going to be cooked tomorrow morning.
"Your highness, how's the work going?" Ning asked. He didn't like to call Lisa by her name in front of everyone as they usually frowned at him and would give him an earful as to why he couldn't call her that.
That was why he only stuck to calling her Lisa when nobody else was around.
"Ah Ning, look at how much bread I've made," Lisa said cheerfully as she showed the stack upon stacks of bread.
"Uhh… that's a lot," Ning said as he looked at the loaves of bread that were stored on one side of the kitchen. That would surely feed a lot of people in the slums tomorrow.
"You seem pretty excited about it all," Ning asked with a chuckle.
"Of course. I haven't made bread in quite a while. Just being in the kitchen helped me calm down a lot," Lisa said.
"And, the emperor hasn't said anything about this right?" Ning asked.
"No, he usually doesn't," Lisa said. "It was only my… mother who did that."
Lisa got sad when she remembered the past.
"Hey, I'm quite hungry. I haven't eaten all day. Can I get something to eat?" Ning asked, trying to distract her.
"Oh, you're hungry? Should have said that earlier.. I'll get you something right away," Lisa went to get some bread from the pack and prepared a meal for Ning.