Chapter 13: Chapter 9: Skillful Clothing

Same Day - Supply Tent


Ugh, Seems I will be hating the rain more than I did in my previous life. Stating as I get back into the tent, leaving a trail of mud water behind.

I still remember when my hair became frizzy if the weather got at all humid. It was an infuriating thing to go through.

Especially if I had a meeting with one of the thugs, It took forever to get the hair back to normal.


While having a minor flashback, I wring myself out, trying to feel for any signs of dampness. Then wring further to remove them where I felt the sensations.

Though I was expecting some difficulty, its... surprisingly easy to tighten my body. But I guess since I am just a piece of fabric, my surprise is unwarranted.

I am still a bit hesitant to accept this as my life now, but this is what I have to work with now and I can't just hope this world will give me handouts.


Wandering further into the tent, I avoided the front to prevent being spotted by the skeleton in the big leader tent.

Settling myself onto a large crate, one that is in relatively preserved condition, I call the Status to my view.

Glancing over at my status, I try to see if there is anything more to do besides using the spooky Soul Arts.


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