Chapter 657: Summoning Circle

"Summon it again? Is that even possible to choose what I can or cannot summon without seeing them?" Ning thought.

He took the hyena's head and returned back to his room in the tavern. Once there, he started looking more into what the snake had just told him.

After a bit of searching through his mind, Ning found the information he was looking for.

In fact, he found more than he was looking for.

First of all, it was possible to tell which beast was what in the darkness while summoning if you had once already summoned it before.

Of course, the beast would have to be available for you to summon, but it did make it easy that you could clearly tell which beast you were close to if you had already bonded with it before.

Ning closed his eyes and used his spiritual energy to go back into the darkness. Once there, he looked through the bright stars and tried to find the beasts that he had already brought forth before.

It took him a while but he found the turtle he had summoned this afternoon.

It was a bit hard to tell at first, but once he was close, he could feel that it was the turtle.

Next, he found the snake again as well. For some reason, the snake felt excited to come with him again.

Finally, Ning found the flaming horse as well. Once he realized he could in fact clearly tell which beast was which after summoning them once, he let go of the darkness and was back on the bed.

"That is convenient," Ning thought. He continued reading and learned a little more about summoning than what he had learned.

Apparently, you could summon a beast if you drew a summoning circle that was the exact same as the summoning circle that would appear when the beast came through.

Of course, even then the beast would have to accept your offer and create a bond, but just being able to summon exactly what you wanted without having ever seen the beast before was already good enough.

As he read that, Ning went on a tangent and read about the summoning circles. From what he learned, summoning circles could not just be used to bring forth a certain beast, but also any beast from a specific group of beasts.

If you had enough knowledge about the summoning circle, you could draw one to summon a beast exactly to your needs.

If you wanted a beast that was physically strong, you could draw a summoning circle that only summoned beasts with amazing physical strength

If you wanted a beast that could use fire, you could draw a summoning circle that only summoned beasts that could use fire.

As long as you knew enough about the circles and were talented enough to know exactly what to draw, you could get any sort of beasts you wanted.

Ning bought some information on the summoning circles, but there was too much information on it and it was already too late at night.

So, he decided to stop learning and went to sleep.

He woke up early in the morning and freshened up before going to Saphandra's and Taron's room.

Taron wasn't in his room, and Saphandra still wanted to sleep. Apparently, she had spent the entire night reading the book he had given her and only fell asleep at dawn.

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"Alright, keep sleeping," Ning said and went down to get some food. Taron was in the tavern eating already, so Ning grabbed a seat and started eating as well.

Taron asked a bunch of questions about this galaxy, and Ning was forced to give his AI the bulk of the information directly. That way, he would learn about it all without having to bother Ning.

While eating his meal, Ning looked around in the room and saw a bunch of people walking around with bags strapped to their backs.

"What are you looking at?" Taron asked after seeing Ning look at the people.

"Their bags," Ning said. "They don't have a storage item, unfortunately."

"I don't blame them," Taron said. "We barely created one only a few decades ago on my planet. That too after we learned how from alien technology."

"Well, I guess I will have to get a bag to put the hyena's head in," Ning said and created a cloth bag before taking out the horse-sized hyena's head and putting it in the bag."

"Dammit! Can you not take that out here? I'm trying to eat," Taron said with an annoyed voice.

"Right, sorry," Ning said. "I'll see you later."

He left the tavern and walked through the streets while looking at everyone. He saw quite a bit of people with red hair and wondered if they could have possibly dyed it.

After all, it was enough of a problem for even people with red hair to go through a washing test to see if they had dyed it or not.

'I wonder when my own hair will change color,' he wondered. He had already done 3 summonings, but his hair had yet to change color.

'Maybe I'm making the bonds wrong?' he wondered.

It didn't take him long to reach the building where he took the quest and walked inside with the bag behind his back.

He waited for a few minutes in line until his turn finally came around.

"Here!" He slammed the head of the hyena on the desk and scared the clerk.

"What's that?" she asked as she opened it to see a dead beast. Contrary to what Ning thought would happen, the clerk didn't even flinch when she saw the dead beast's eyes stare right into her.

"Oh, the hyena," she said as she remembered Ning from yesterday. "You already killed it?"

"Yes," Ning said.

"Alright, give me your card," she said. Ning handed her his Summoner's card and waited for her to do her thing.

"Done," she said. "Would you like the reward in full Pearls or dull Pearls?"

Ning thought for a moment and said, "Full Pearls please."