Chapter 7: Chapter 6 – Testing?

"Aki since you are now officially a genin I suggest visiting the Hokage to figure out your team." Iruka turned to me before handing over a Konoha headband. "Thank you Iruka-sensei." ...Is he not responding to me? "Iruka-sensei?"

"Ah... um... well, when did you decide to do a change of clothing?" Oh I almost forgot that I just put on the clothing I went to celebrate with father in a normal girl outfit and I didn't wear my black ninja gear. I was too excited about the sword and headband I completely forgot. "Ah I am wearing my normal clothing I seem to forgot to wear my ninja gear." Touching my face I notice that I also forgot my blindfold.

"I see... anyways make a visit to the Hokage I have already told him about your graduation so he will tell you about your team." Iruka repeated clarifying his previous statement. "Thank you Iruka-sensei! Goodbye! Thank you for taking care of me!" Waving goodbye I run with my arms side to side while clutching my ninja headband.

On my way to the Hokage's building I noticed a weird phenomenon. It seems that people aren't facing my direction as much or looking at me. Using my chakra barrier I confirmed it was true. Why is it that I am receiving less attention? Whatever it probably isn't that important coming up to the Hokage's office I enter the building before walking up the stairs.

Knocking on the door I wait for an answer. "Come in."

Opening the door I go inside. "3rd Hokage um, Iruka-sensei told me that you would help me on what team I would join."

"Hm... oh yes Aki was it? I have been told by Iruka-sensei that you have graduated early." He raises his head from looking down before abruptly coughing. "3rd Hokage are you alright?"

Coughing a bit before clearing his throat "Y-Yes I am fine. Ahem!" He set down his pipe on the desk. "So Aki, what type of ninja are you aiming to be?"

"Ah I have already thought of this I want to be an spy for the village." This is a perfect answer for me I already have good foundation for sensor skills, I am starting on my sneaking skills, and I have started to explore with tiny amounts of nature energy absorbed with my body.

"And why do you want to be a spy?" Hiruzen asks me back.

"Well, I think that my skills are great enough to infiltrate and collect information and because I have good sensor ninja skills so I think that role is fitting for me." Along with the fact I know the future so it makes it easier for me to bluff.

"... Alright then how about this there is a mission that is fitting for this occasion. I want you to join with this team tomorrow morning at the front gate and depending on how well you do I will think on it."

My face beaming I smile wide. "Thank you 3rd Hokage!" Before waving goodbye. 


The next day I showed up at the front gate with a more normal ninja attire chosen by my father saying that it would be better not only on my body but for numerous reasons. When I came to the front gate there was a group waiting for me looking at them it was all adults. "So this is the brat Hokage asked us to take care of?"

"Hey! Don't be so rude. Sorry for his tone." "Eh! I wasn't wrong about it!" The man and women were arguing over his rude tone. "Ah no it's fine I understand but I am here to learn so I can become useful for the village!" The two stopped their bickering looking to my direction then a third voice stepped in. "Alright you know the rules behave now we are doing a special mission to infiltrate and get the information from the nearby village."

"Here kid wear this mask." The third guy with a deep voice spoke before handing over a ceramic mask. Placing it on my face with the strap over the back of my head. "Now that you are ready we will go I will brief on the way to the location."

The three started to run ahead seeing them not stopping I freaked out a bit before following them behind a couple trees keeping them within my chakra barrier. Seeing that they were pulling away from them not wanting to fail from my first test from the 3rd Hokage I increased the chakra I let out to catch up with them.


("Hm the girl is surprisingly staying with us and despite our efforts to best lose her she still can find us despite the blocking of sight. Ha~ Hokage why did you give us this secret mission I was on my day off then you just announced how you want to test a new graduate of the academy who graduated early.")

("We should slow down a bit otherwise it will be too suspicious that we are trying to escape. Signaling to the other two they slow down with me.")


Seeing the others ahead slow down I was able to catch up next to them although a little exhausted I can keep up. Adults are no joke they are really strong.

"I will start our briefing our location of interest is an unnamed village from our borders to the Sunagakure borders it seems that a rogue ninja is hiding within that unnamed village and it is our job to capture our target. The descriptions of the target is as follows; Male, has a large scar on the back of his right hand, and seen using earth style ninjutsu's."

Nodding along with the man within a few hours of running we come up to the location of interest. There is the village up ahead sitting in the clearing ahead of us. "Okay Aki now you will lead us to the man we are here to follow you, should you fail then we will take care of it but that means you aren't ready and will go back to the academy do you understand?"

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("Hiruzen why did you allow her on a B-ranked mission genin are supposed to be on D-ranked missions! Do you just enjoy me suffering?")

"Yes sir!" Not wanting to be made fun of I unleash all the chakra within me with the help of hand signs I expand my unique chakra barrier covering the whole entire village. How I did this? Well I downgraded the visuals so that I could achieve this. In other simpler terms I lowered the quality of the image from clean crisp detailed lines to blob masses.

After years of observation I noticed that chakra tends to have a gimmick that gives it away. Fire seemed to be more gaseous form of chakra, Water seemed to flow like a liquid as chakra, Wind was similar to fire but it was not in one direction but every direction, Lightning took the characteristics of that, and Earth was slow moving and clumpy.

This is how I saw things of course they each have their own differences and this was years of observations on top of the already unique chakra signatures each person has. 

All humans have chakra but I also found out another difference. Ninja's chakra is more smooth flowing able to easily enter and exit the body so when you can see them breathing and the energy flows freely within that shows they are trained in chakra usage or more than the civilians who hardly use it.

Another give away would be the quantity and quality of the chakra size is sometimes dead giveaway but when ninja's are low on it I didn't notice about it unless hearing others speak about their status.

Spreading my chakra barrier over the entire village I quickly search backwards by eliminating those who do not fit our target's description. That being the young, the female, the elderly, those who are shorter, and those who's chakra was untrained. After a few minutes I located four hits, one man in the alley way, one man eating at an restaurant, one man chopping wood, and one man who is walking within the crowd.

"I have found four matching targets to the description." Telling the team leader of my findings he waves to the other two as they travel to the village.

"I will go check out the one in the east quadrant you will go to the south quadrant. No go!" "Yes sir!" Having been trusted I go to my location Taking a deeper look I focus more on my target lowering the quality of anything else to gain a higher understanding of this man. Watching his body's reaction I secretly sneak up upon him.

Deliberately making a sound and showing my presense I watch his reactions. Immediately his chakra flares in response his stable chakra starts to move from his center to his upper body. Knowing that he was preparing to attack I throw a few shuriken. As it flew towards him a wall of mud blocks my attacks.

Seeing his movements he launches a clone to jump to the right while his real body burrows into the ground. Following his burrowing self ignoring his clone he digs over to a quiet part of the village waiting silently under the ground before slowly exiting. Standing still I wait watching him.

He comes out the ground before he fully exits I throw a restraining tag to paralyze and stop his chakra flow. Taking a closer look with my chakra I probe that he has been caught taking a look at his features. There is a some sort of scar on his right back hand. I think I caught the one in question.


With a poof three people come next to me it's my teammates. "Well done you have caught our target."

"I did?"

"Yes you did but can you let go of the man this was a test."

"A test?"

"Yes, you passed the secret test now let go of the man." Wait this line is suspicious taking a look with my chakra I found that I was caught in a Genjutsu. Placing my hands in a sign I release my chakra to get me out of the genjutsu.

As I exited the genjutsu a kunai was flying to my face before it was deflected hitting the ground. I got over confident thinking it would be easy. "Are you alright?"

"Ah, yes I am fine." Feeling the dread and shock I steady myself before looking at the target in question he caught me in a genjutsu.

"Do you understand what you did wrong?"

"I revealed my presense."

"Correct. Don't take it too hard but you made a fatal mistake."

"yes, sir." Feeling down I look at the already caught enemy ninja as we carried him back to the village it was a quiet way back without any small talk during this time I kept replaying the image over and over again thinking about what I did wrong and what I should do to fix it. Heading back to the village with a heavy heart.

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