From the gate I entered the part of the city in front of me that appeared to be a housing district for commoners. There were several small houses lining either side of the street as well as an inn I could see in the distance. The road remained cobble, but turned white stone in the distance. There seemed to be a few businesses even in this district though.
At the end of the cobble road I could see several signs for different businesses. There was a medium sized building with a mug sign out front. This building would definitely be a tavern across from that building was an even larger building that sported a sign which had a shield and 2 diagonal swords going across as well as a wand that crossed horizontally between those. That building would definitely be the adventurers guild. “Ah yes, the fantasy staple.”
There were other businesses surrounding the adventurers guild such as a blacksmith, a magic shop, an alchemy shop, etc. None of this was strange as it had been the same in most major cities in the game. What was strange were the people. I couldn’t glimpse any sort of variety within the races. From what I could see most if not all the people of this city were human. There would have been a variety of different races if this was still the game.
Their outfits were also not very unique from one another. Besides for the people who were obviously adventurers sporting different sets of armor, the other humans were adorned with more plain clothes.
I continued to walk up the road towards the adventurers guild as I should be able to gather some more useful information from inside. Looking more closely at the guild, it had a stone foundation. The rest of it consisted of both stone and wood. It was 3 stories tall, and the entrance consisted of wooden doors that one would push to open. There were several people entering and leaving. I waited until no one was coming in or out to enter myself.
The inside had several tables and chairs with a small bar off to the right. Off to the left was a staircase which would lead to the next floor. In the center was a long receptionist counter. There was a bulletin board to the right of the receptionist counter with several papers nailed on. These were obviously quests. The quests had designated ranks attached at the bottom.
Breaking out of my thoughts I noticed most people were staring at me, even people that were in line for a receptionist. Normally I would feel nervous with this many people staring at me, but again I felt nothing. Instead I walked confidently to the receptionist whose line just emptied.
The receptionist herself couldn’t really be described as exceptionally beautiful. She was more average looking with brown hair and eyes of the same. I was again broken from my thoughts as she spoke. “Miss, are you looking to put in a request with the guild? The fee is…”
“No, I am looking to join the guild.” I quickly cut her off, and from behind me I could hear several murmurs. “Right, the fee is… wait. Excuse me, did you say you wanted to join the guild?” Honestly the murmurs and this woman were starting to annoy me, so I sighed and said “that is correct.”
Following that I heard a few people laugh, and with my enhanced hearing I heard someone say “Daddy must’a told her to get a job, and booted her out of the house.” Ah, I wonder if I should just kill everyone here and blow up the guild. Wait, why am I thinking like this? I need to calm down.
“R-right, we just don’t get many people of your stature joining the guild. Give me one moment.” My stature? Come to think of it, the guard said the same thing. Oh, I am an idiot to not realize it sooner. These people definitely think I am a noble. I thought I wouldn’t look strange, but that was only from my skewed perception from playing the game. I might need to reevaluate myself.
The receptionist finished reaching under the counter and placed a stone tablet on top. “You will need to place your hand on top, and the tablet will produce a metal plate with the proper rank. Since you are just joining you will start out as an iron rank. Any questions?”
I shook my head and placed my palm on top of the tablet. There was a faint glow before the tablet produced an iron plate. The receptionist took the plate and looked it over. She had a look of surprise before she spoke again. “E-eliah, do you need me to explain about how the requests work?”
I just shook my head and took the iron plate. I honestly just wanted her to stop talking. The plate itself was just an iron plate that had my name written on it, and the symbol for the adventurers guild. I ignored the receptionist thanking me for joining the guild and walked to the bulletin board. There was only another girl at the board.
You are reading story The Last Progenitor at
She was quite a bit taller than me, but then again who wasn’t. I was short after all. She was quite beautiful, and had long black hair and eyes. The only thing that would hinder her beauty was a scar on her left cheek. She was adorned with leather armor and had several daggers around her waist. I could also see an Iron plate hanging from her neck, and her chest was probably a C…no definitely a D. She was watching me as I came up to the board.
“Ah, another newcomer, I am Kinna.” She spoke with a slightly raspy and curious voice. “I am Eliah.” I myself responded with a bored tone. Why is this person talking to me? She seemed to take amusement with my tone as she chuckled, which only served to further annoy me. Should I just kill her right here?
“As you can see I am also a newcomer.” She said while pointing at the iron plate on her chest. I only responded with a look of confusion. Why do I care about whether or not you are a newcomer? She probably noticed my confusion as she spoke again.
“I would like to join your adventuring party.” She wants to join my party? I don’t know why this person thinks I would want them in my party. I mean how would I benefit from having them join my party? I guess I should at least hear them out. Maybe this person could provide me with some useful info.
“What merit is there in having you in my party, and why would you approach me of all people?” She simply smiled at my blunt question and said “I might not look it but I am a level 9 rogue, so I could be useful to you. Plus we would be able to take some bronze subjugation quests. I grow tired of picking flowers. As for your other question because us newbies gotta stick together!” She finished pumping her fist in the air.
Level 9 rogue? Is that supposed to be impressive? I looked around at the people watching our exchange and they seemed impressed; moreover, I heard someone say “Newcomers at level 9 already are pretty rare.” I decided that I will just let this person join my party because she could provide me with knowledge, and if they try something I will simply kill them. That thought brought a sadistic smile to my face. I was growing even more aware that something inside me was changing.
“Very well, I will allow you to join my party.” She definitely mistook my smile as she replied with a beaming smile of her own. “I will be in your care!” She responded joyfully.
After that we accepted a bronze forest wolf subjugation quest worth 2 silvers and left the guild. The quest was to subjugate at least 4 forest wolves and the guild would pay for any extra. I didn’t know what to think about my changing identity, but deep inside I had a feeling of anticipation. It was like I was waiting for something fun to happen.
We didn’t say anything to each other on our way out of the city, but leaving the gates Kinna spoke. “Didn’t you need to buy equipment. I don’t see any weapons on you.”
“Ah, I am a mage, so I didn’t need to buy anything.” She sighed and put a hand up to her head while murmuring “..Just what have I gotten myself into?” She then looked at me and said “don’t you need a wand or a staff? Or some form of catalyst?” To which I just shook my head.
“Most mages use some form of catalyst. It is very rare to find a talented mage that does not use one.” Oh, I see that is some useful information. Apparently the people of this world are even less competent than I thought. A lot of players would use catalysts, and even I have some in my shadow inventory. It is weird for mages to decline so much. Just how long was I dead?
Going with the idea of being a noble I decided I would just lie to her. “My father hired a very talented magic instructor, and I have been training since I was little.” Hopefully that would quell some of her questions. I looked up at her and she just nodded.
We were arriving at the edge of the forest that I resurrected in. I decided I would see what a level 9 rogue could do. “Forest Wolves are generally only active at night, and are holed up in their dens during the day. Just leave finding a den to me!” She yelled out joyfully. “Alright time to see what you can do.”