Rela and I reached the edge of the forest quickly. Brin the Puppet was following us, and It was still dark. At least my mind was calm now, and I could think. I realized that I am going to have to change how I think in this world. I’ve been comparing everything to the game, and I just assumed my abilities would be the same. I was a top player even in the game, but the Eliah of this world seemed even more insane. She had spells that I didn’t know about, and she was obviously more calculated. I have only been thinking that the people of this world are incompetent. I still think the same thing, but I haven’t been much better. I should have experimented more with my magical abilities, and I want to ignore the fact that I forgot about appraisal. I would have to be more diligent from now on, which means I will need a concrete plan.
“Master, what do you plan to do with this thing?” Rela pulled me from my thoughts, and I looked over to see her pointing at Brin. Hmm, what should I do with him? I should definitely have him continue to serve as a famous adventurer, but besides that what else could we do with him? Actually, I just came up with an idea.
“We will continue to have him serve as an adventurer, and he will continue taking requests of platinum rank. I plan to head to the capital, so we need to find a reason for Brin to go as well. Since we are probably going to be in the capital for a bit, he will take requests, and we will complete them. I also met someone here that might prove to be unique. For now, have the puppet enter the city before us, and we will enter later.”
She gave our new comrade orders to go ahead, and I started to discuss my plan with Rela. I decided I wouldn’t ask her about other subordinate Npc’s for now because I don’t know if they would still be loyal to me, if they were even alive that is. I am taking a risk by trusting her, but I feel the need to be bold in my decisions. Hell, maybe I should even praise her for deceiving me. If it had been someone who was malicious who knows what would have happened? After telling her my next moves, we ourselves headed back to the inn.
Inside the inn I started taking out several catalysts from my inventory and using shadow appraisal on them. In the game appraisal skills would give you a window with the weapons level, stats, enchantments, etc. When I appraise the items here though, I can get an inkling for the weapons general strength, and the enchantments appear as different colors of different intensity in my vision. Since I know what a lot of the enchantments already do, I can guess what the colors mean.
I pulled out a large black sword staff. It was my favorite weapon to use for most raids. The weapon's name was “Dark Serpents”. I named and created the weapon itself after grinding countless hours for materials. It wasn’t my best catalyst, but it also had exceptional physical prowess. The staff itself was textured with 2 intertwining snakes with their mouths opening towards the top. There was a thick black sword at the end. What was different from the game was that the snakes were releasing a black smoke-like aura from their mouths that was flowing down the staff. Holding the weapon, I thought I could hear it telling me to unleash its power. It was like the weapon was itching for me to use it, but I just quickly put it away.
I need some place where I can practice using magic as well. It will be useful if this city has books on magic, but I doubt I will find very many. I can also ask Rela about some things, but I don’t want to rely on her for everything. Even thinking about doing that makes me feel disgusted. Tomorrow I will go to the library again, but this trip won’t be to learn about magic. I need to talk to Emma again.
When the morning sun came I had expected a headache, but surprisingly the headache couldn’t even be called a headache. It was an extremely faint pain. I don’t really know what this means, but for now I will chalk it up to fulfilling my urge last night. I heard Rela knock on my door. “Enter”, I called out to her.
When she entered she had a stupid grin on her face. I wasn’t sure if she was back to her persona as “Kinna”, or this could have been her default personality. Looking at her dumb face now, no one could guess that she would be able to trick anyone. Honestly, this woman is quite scary. “Master Eliah! I was so lonely in my room without you! Can I have a morning hug?”
“Now is not the time for jokes, Kinna.” She closed the door behind her and prostrated herself, and the stupid grin left her face. Now I was actually a little curious about something, so I decided to ask after using sound proofing magic on the room. “Did I ever let you hug me in the past?” As soon as I asked the question I regretted it. She looked up at me with a lecherous grin on her face, so before she could speak I cut her off by raising my hand. “Actually, I found out that I don’t want to know.”
Either the past Eliah was also a pervert, or this woman really enjoyed teasing me. “We will be meeting up back here later in the evening. Just so we are clear, you will be procuring all of the materials I asked you about, and I will be meeting with a friend today. If I am right, then this person might end up being a new comrade as well as a source of valuable information.”
“I understand, Master, but may I ask a question?” Hm, I wonder what she could be wanting to ask? “I will allow it.”
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“Did you pull out ‘Dark Serpents’ last night?” Huh? How would she even know about that? No wait, it did have an enchantment that I couldn’t discern. Maybe this is in relation to that? She must have noticed my confusion as she spoke again. “That sword staff exerts a pressure on everyone around it, and it gets worse the closer you are to it. Most people are too weak to notice it, but I have seen a grand mage go mad after being next to it. For me it just feels a little uncomfortable.”
Oh, I see I shouldn’t pull out random items in the middle of a city unless I know that it won’t cause a stir. No such effect existed in the game, and it is probably the enchantment that I couldn’t make heads or tails of. “I see, I will be more careful next time, but I don’t think anyone in this inn would have been able to notice it.”
She nodded and after that I dismissed her, and we both headed out to do our assigned tasks. I made my way back to the library. If I am right, then Emma is the daughter of the mayor of this city. If she is then she probably picked up some useful information from her father.
When I stepped inside the library Emma was there sitting at a table. She still had that same book on the table, and when she noticed me she looked up and smiled brightly. I made my way over to the table and sat across from her. She was wearing a similar blue dress as yesterday, and she still had that pink ribbon.
“Eliah! I knew you would show up today! I’ve been waiting for you! I was sad when you had to suddenly go yesterday. I was up late last night thinking about talking to you again! I really want to…” I put my hand up to cut her off. Does this girl have no other friends?
“I want to ask you some questions Emma. I hope you don’t mind.” She shook her head, and had a look indicating she didn’t mind. “First, would you mind telling me who your father is?”
“My father is a viscount, and he is the mayor of this city. Since I am turning 10 in a month he is going to take me to the capital to join the magic academy. A lot of nobles have their children join the magic academy at 10. I am hoping I can learn more about Eliah when I go, since my father won’t allow me to learn more at home.”
I was correct about her father being the mayor of this city, but I also learned some new information from her. There is a magic academy in the capital. That is interesting. I looked back up at her, but she had a bit of a sad look on her face. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s just that when I go to the capital I won’t be able to see you anymore. The thought of it makes me a little sad.” I see, she is sad that she wouldn’t be able to see me. I don’t remember ever becoming so close to her, but apparently she thinks differently. I decided to cheer her up.
“Don’t worry about it. I will be going to the capital soon as well, and we will be able to talk more there.” A bright smile returned to her face when I told her that I would also go to the capital. Actually her going to the capital could make my plans even easier. Especially if she will be joining the magic academy. A sadistic smile found its way back on my face at the realization. Alright I need to ask this next question to see if my inkling about this girl is true.
She answered all of my questions splendidly. By the time I got back to the inn, Rela was there with all of the materials, and the first stage of my plan was ready. Me and Rela would be going out tonight to start our performance. I almost couldn’t contain my excitement, and I found myself grinning from ear to ear.