I don’t know what is happening to me. I don’t know if I am turning into the person I always was or if I am changing due to the influence of this body. Maybe “Eliah the Immortal” knew this would happen, and I was being played with just like a “Blood Puppet”. With this thought I could not contain my laughter. “Aha…aha…hahahahaha!” I started laughing out loud. The 2 girls in front of me spoke in unison. “M-master?” “G-goddess?” Their concern was visible. Ignoring them I continued laughing despite myself.
“Yes, Yes! I see, I see now! But you can’t take me away. When all is said and done, I will remain. Even if this was your plan, I would still remain; in fact, I created you. I will play evil if I must, but when all is said and done, I will not be broken. For I can only be me.” I clenched my fist with newfound vigor. Rela and Emma were visibly confused. It was obvious they weren’t sure what I was rambling about. If someone other than them were to look at me they might think I was a madwoman, especially since I was doing this while there was a corpse in front of us; however, I am no such madwoman, my eyes are open.
Emma looked up at Rela with concern. It looked like she wanted to ask Rela what I was going on about, but Rela shook her head. I was grinning from ear to ear. Seeing me like this, Rela smiled at me. “Master, what are you so happy about? Don’t get me wrong, Master is the cutest when she is smiling, but I am a little confused. Did you remember something?”
“Ah, yes you can say I did remember something, and now I couldn’t be happier. Everything is clear now!” When I saw Rela’s face brighten, I realized she probably thought I remembered something from the past. Realizing this, I shook my head. She looked a little sad for a moment, but her face brightened up again. Emma looked sad about being left out, so I decided to change the subject. I looked over to the fresh corpse and addressed Rela again. “Clean this up.”
“Understood!” After bowing she began to turn the fat man’s corpse into a Blood Puppet. I gestured for Emma to come over to me, and when she reached me I spoke to her. “Let me see your hands.”
She lifted her hands, and I started inspecting them. There was a copious amount of blood covering her hands, so I decided that I would clean them off for her. I used a low tier spell “Water Vortex”. A vortex of water surrounded her hands and started spinning rapidly. It didn’t take long for the blood on her hands to be removed, and her hands were now without a single splotch of blood. She still had on my cloak of shadow which had repelled blood from staining the fabric.
I started to take the cloak from her, but she grasped it tightly. It looked like she didn’t want to let it go. I could easily just take it from her, but I found her antics kind of endearing. No, this little girl is not what she seems. I must not be swayed by those upturned eyes. “Don’t you want to give me my cloak back?” She rapidly shook her head.
“It is a cloak from my goddess! Can I have it?” Oh no, don’t look at me like that. I felt a wave of calm suddenly wash over me, and my expression returned to the usual bored expression. “I see, if you don’t want to give it to me, then I could always forgo my previous plans. If I do that… I’m afraid we won’t be able to speak anymore.”
Her expression turned into one of panic, and she rapidly handed me the cloak. I took the cloak and stashed it back into my inventory. Her face looked as if she was about to cry. I guess I might have gone overboard. No, in the first place this was a test to see if she would be obedient to me. I don’t need to cater to her. I will not be manipulated by a psychotic little girl.
“Listen, Emma, you would do well to listen to me. I can understand your feeling of wanting to be closer to me, but if you cannot follow a simple order then I would have no use for you.” She started nodding as tears threatened to flow from her eyes. I moved her in closer, and started to pat her head. “There, there.”
As she calmed down the smile soon returned to her face. I was a little surprised this scene didn’t get a reaction from Rela, but I decided it was for the better. I didn’t want to owe this pervert any more hugs. I was already dreading the thought of allowing her to hug me even once.
We left Rela at that house so she could finish up with the first part of the plan, and Emma and I mounted my resummoned Kurneer once we left the small village. Rela had her own means to get back, so I didn’t need to worry about her. Day would be coming soon, and I needed to get Emma back before then. It was also clear that Emma was worn out as she had passed out leaning on my back, and I could hear the rhythmic beating of her heart.
You are reading story The Last Progenitor at novel35.com
Once we arrived at the forest edge I unsummoned Kurneer, and took Emma upon my back. It was still dark, and the sun had still not risen by the time I placed Emma in her bed inside the mansion. I would begin the next part of my plan the following morning. I snuck my way back outside of the mansion, and by the time I reached my room at the inn, Rela was already there.
I couldn’t even fake being surprised that she was already there, but now that she was here I needed to test something. This was something very important for my future. She was currently kneeling waiting for me to speak. I told her to rise, and as she did I hugged her from the front. It was awkward since my face only went up to her chest, and I could make out a pleasant smell. Indeed, this was very important! I needed to judge her reaction. I decided to look up and she was blushing profusely and fidgeting.
“M-m-m-master!” I see, I guess this is my win. She was definitely not actually expecting me to follow up on my word. It is all too clear now that she was all talk, and she had been teasing me the whole time. This was something I had to do though. It was imperative to know whether or not the old Eliah was a pervert like Rela. It was now clear to me that Rela and the previous Eliah never actually did anything. I decided to let go of her, and as I did she looked like she would feint.
“I was just making good on my word. No need to be so alarmed. You are the fool who brought this upon herself. Now, I need to think about some things, so you may head to your room.” It took her a moment to regain her composure, but as she stood up to leave I noticed she had what looked like a demonic smile on her face. I was hoping that what I saw was just an illusion or my imagination, but I think I might have just awoken something that should never see the light of day. It was at this moment that I vowed never to touch that thing again.
When the sun rose over the horizon I waited for the adventurers guild to open. I would be heading to the guild today, but not to take a request myself. This time I would be putting in a request. Rela was not with me, as she had her own task to take care of at Darna Village. Entering the guild there was the usual bustle of the guild in the morning as people were lining up to take requests.
I found people would still occasionally stare at me while I waited in line. I am just glad people seemed to be put off by my perceived status to approach me for conversation. I wasn’t sure my morning headache could take another stupid adventurer trying to spark up a conversation with me. I would probably have that familiar urge come back if they did. When I finally arrived at the front of the line I handed the receptionist a piece of parchment. “I am putting in a request with the guild.”
The receptionist started to read over the sheet. “Ah yes, the safe escort of Countess Eliah…” She paused and looked up at me. “A countess? W-wait you are a countess?” I could not hide the annoyance on my face, and I again had the urge to kill this receptionist. She noticed my annoyance and became flustered but continued reading.
“The safe escort of Countess Eliah from Arbuk to the capital city of Weedle. The payment will be 200 gold coins, and only an adventurer of platinum rank or higher shall be allowed to accompany.” At the bottom of the parchment the departure date was set for 5 days from now. I ignored the stupid whispers coming from behind me that I could hear with my enhanced hearing, and I nodded to the receptionist.
I knew this would cause a stir, and it was likely that the rumors would spread to the city's mayor, however, this was my aim. The one who would accept the request would be none other than our puppet Brin. I had set it to 5 days from now to give enough time for the chaos to play out. Word would also get out that the mayor’s daughter was talking to a countess at the library. When this happened I could only guess the reaction that someone of higher rank than the mayor was visiting this city from another country.
It would take them too long to figure out that I am not actually a noble, but before that happened the king would already probably be notified about this event. Rela was already preparing my carriage for departure. That fat puppet would be the driver, and Brin would be my escort. This will probably end up with me having a meeting with the viscount.
The receptionist finished processing my request, and I quickly left the guild hall. As soon as I left I listened to the guildhall explode into an uproar. I can’t wait for the next event to start. I found myself grinning again in anticipation.