I am currently sitting in the fancy room of the inn. It is only one day before we are due for departure. Nothing of note happened these last few days. Mostly I have been observing enchantments placed on items within my inventory. I thought about summoning another monster, but I decided against it. I will take things as they come, and when I get to the capital I will see more of what people in this world know about monsters.
Rela is currently standing in front of me with a letter from the viscount in her hand. It is pretty obvious what the letter will say, but I decided to speak anyway “Kowalski, analysis!”
“Master, I am afraid I don’t know who…” Before she could finish I cut her off by yanking the letter out of her hand. It was a bad joke anyway. It would have worked better had my character been a penguin. I quickly opened the letter, and started reading it.
“Dear Countess Eliah, First, I would like to thank you for your visit to my city. Even though your stay was brief, I hope you have enjoyed your stay in the city of Arbuk. I hope you don’t mind, but I have already sent a messenger to the capital to notify them that you will be arriving. About whether or not my daughter shall be allowed to accompany you, I have determined to accept your proposal. I will be leaving her in your care on the day you are set to leave. You need only pick her up from in front of my mansion prior to your departure. I pray that you have a safe journey to the capital, and that you visit my city again on the way back to your country. Best regards, Viscount Belier.”
“Master Eliah, he accepted your proposal just as you said he would. Now Emma will be allowed to ride with us to the capital. Isn’t that amazing!?” Of course he would accept the proposal that man hates his daughter. He would probably pawn her off to a demon lord if there is such a thing. Is there? As long as the summoned heroes and demon lords don’t get in my way if they do exist; I suppose, I won’t care one way or the other.
“We will pick her up tomorrow morning before we set out. It should only take us at most 6 hours to reach the capital since it is only 20 km to the west, so after we leave in the morning it should only be evening by the time we arrive.” If I take the average speed of a horse drawn carriage then my calculation is on the safe side unless something delays us. I could get there much faster with one of my mounts or on foot for that matter, but I will be utilizing the carriage for now.
The next morning came, and after our carriage with our fat “Blood Puppet” driver pulled up, Rela, me, and Brin boarded the carriage. We headed to the mayor’s mansion, and upon arrival the butler, the viscount, and Emma were standing out front. Emma had on her usual blue dress with a pink ribbon. Only Rela exited the carriage holding the door open. After Viscount Belier whispered something into Emma’s ear which caused her to frown, Emma was let go.
She excitedly boarded the carriage and took a seat next to me at the back. Rela closed the door, and after she was seated the carriage took off to the western gate of the city. People were standing on the side of the road watching the carriage depart the city. Finally we were exiting Arbuk, the first city which I arrived at.
Exiting the city there were more grassy plains, and off to the right I could see a mountain range that looked to be pretty expansive. I changed into a more comfortable red top with a black skirt from my inventory which obviously caused my transformation. I was now back in my natural form, which felt more comfortable. I looked over to Emma, and she was looking up at me with sparkling eyes. Her legs were swinging from the edge of the seat, and she was smiling at me happily. “What are you so happy about, Emma?”
“I am going to be spending so much time with my goddess! Plus, looking at you like this makes me really happy! Everytime I see you in this form, I am reminded that the book was never able to capture your true beauty!” I looked over towards Rela, and she was nodding in agreement.
We were traveling along the road for about 2 hours before the carriage finally stopped. I looked out in front of the carriage, and there were 6 hooded figures wearing priest robes. I didn’t miss the twin serpents that were stitched onto the shoulders of the robes. I did remember Rela telling me about cultists who worshiped me, so I bet these people are the very same. Rela spoke and confirmed my suspicions.
“Master, these are the cultists I told you about. Shall I dispose of them?” I shook my head. I wanted to see what these cultists were about first. “Let us go and greet them.”
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Rela stepped down from the carriage, and the central figure among them, presumably their representative, started to speak. “No, no, no, no, no, no no… No, this simply will not do. You who’s carriage wears that crest… No, this simply won’t do. You who pretends to be exalted… Yes, our leader will be quite outraged. This will need to be corrected. This will need to be…”
He stopped speaking as soon as my figure showed up next to Rela. He immediately took a kneeling position, when he looked up at me I could make out his face. The left half of his face was that of an unassuming man in his 30's. His eyes were brown, and it was clear he was bald; however, the right half of his face was completely different. It was disgusting and overly wrinkled like it had been burnt to a crisp previously. His right eye was also white and glazed over. Upon seeing me his lips contorted into a smile, and tears started to form under his eyes. Every action this man took caused me to be more and more disgusted; nonetheless, he started to speak again.
“Oh, to gaze… to gaze upon your figure. I am very, very, so very blessed! It has been our life’s dream to gaze upon your very flesh. I’m happy! So happy! I simply cannot explain in words how happy I am! I am ecstatic! I am overjoyed! I simply cannot contain my excitement…”
The more this man spoke the more I was feeling completely disgusted. I was amazed at myself that I hadn’t simply taken off his head, but the idea of a cult sprouting up with humans that worshiped me, had me a little curious. I was also curious who led this cult. It was then I heard a loud booming sound echoing from the mountain to my right. I looked over to see a figure approaching from the far away mountain.
As the figure gained speed I heard another boom, and I could guess that the figure had broken the sound barrier. It didn’t take long for the dot to grow and as she passed over the rightmost cultist his head came off. My vision sped up, and I was able to process what happened.
A woman in black armor had taken the cultist's head off with her right arm as she passed over him. His head was clutched within her right hand which was the only part of her body that was transformed. Her right hand was unlike her left; in that, it had become the large claw of a dragon.
Gripping his head in her claw she landed on the other side of the road making a crater. As she landed she smashed the head into the ground causing it to explode brain matter onto her claw, but she wasn’t phased. Instead, she sprang back into action. All of the cultists behind the kneeling one were stunned, and couldn’t even move before what happened next.
She immediately dashed to the 2 cultists on the left, ripping them in half with her now 2 dragon claws. Before their bodies even hit the floor she already arrived at the last 2 cultists on the right who weren’t kneeling. Using her 2 arms she clotheslined them and after a loud crack their heads came off, and their bodies fell to the floor limp. After their bodies hit the floor the newcomer spoke in a deep voice for a woman.
“Know Your Place Trash! Disgusting Filth Like You Must Prostrate Yourself Before Her Magnificence!” Once she finished, she prostrated herself before me with her head bowed. In front of me was finally another figure which I recognized from the game.
She was a half-dragon, and she was adorned with black draconic armor. The chest plate of the armor had a familiar sword staff with intertwining serpents coiled around it. She had a dignified beauty like that of a knight. Her hair was black and in a ponytail. She had toned muscles fitting for her position as a knight. At the end of her arms were draconic claws that were still transformed. This time it was me who spoke up.
“Ilya, raise your head.” As the half-dragon woman raised her head I could make out her eyes. The irises were black, and at the center of her eyes she had red slitted pupils. I was preparing for the unexpected to happen, but this caught me a little off guard. It seems like things will get even more interesting from here.