Chapter 20: Chapter 13

“Pardon my intrusion”, the half-dragon Ilya said as she stepped through the door and into my room. I met eyes with her, and then I followed her eyes which eventually locked onto a certain point. I realized I was still holding onto Rela’s hands. Hmm, I can easily deal with this scenario. Before I could say anything Ilya kneeled on the spot. She didn’t seem concerned at all, so I just released Rela’s hands and stood before Ilya.

“What is it, Ilya? Where is Emma?” I looked around and realized that it was dark outside as the moonlight filtered through the window. 

“Emma, is asleep in her room, and I have a letter from the King. Apparently, he would like to meet you tomorrow. I have also received a detailed explanation from Rela about our circumstances; although…” She paused and looked up at me. It was clear she still had something to say. “Well, don’t hold out on me. I permit you to speak what’s on your mind.” I say to the troubled Ilya.

“Yes, my queen, I was just thinking, is there a reason why you didn’t just warp to your old castle? Or surely if it is you, couldn’t you just force your way into the castle no matter what? Isn’t that Leo guy long dead now?” This girl is a muscle brain through and through. 

Well, I did think of warping, but the truth is I don’t remember ever being in my castle in this world. Obviously, I can’t just tell her that, and also even if I could warp, I still wouldn’t do it. “I don’t have any information about the state of the castle. There could be innumerable traps and countermeasures for warp, and it consumes too much mana.”

She had a look of shock on her face, which I attributed to her realizing that her plan was idiotic, but apparently it was different. “My queen, is there something wrong with your mana?”

My mana? I looked over to Rela and she just nodded. Why the fuck am I the only one that doesn’t understand whats going on? I stared at Rela and she had a look of realization on her face.

“Master, forgive me. I hadn’t realized that you had forgotten even this. The truth is your mana pool has greatly weakened from 1 thousand years ago; in fact, currently you have a little less mana than me.” I see apparently this was a setting now, but in the game this much mana was normal at the level I was.

Rela went on to explain that my current mana pool was only 5 percent of the original. There was a lot I still had to learn while I was here which is one of the reasons for Emma. She will attend the magic academy and tell me about the basic knowledge of magic within this kingdom. As an aside, Rela will start to reteach me magic in the near future, but first I have to deal with meeting the king tomorrow somehow.

The next day arrived pretty quickly and we were all able to get into the castle. I wasn’t the happiest with Ilya and Emma coming along as well, but they insisted on coming. Rela also mentioned to me that it would be better for them to be with us to keep them under control, and I would have to agree. If Ilya was alone she could cause a disturbance in the city that we wouldn’t be there for.

We were led into the capital, and the maid that led us around told us that we would meet Prince Eren today. I wanted to retort that this wasn’t in the letter, but I decided I would like to meet this prince anyway. Afterall his name was contained in the dying words of my now loyal cabby.

I asked the plump carriage driver before we got to this capital what kind of man the prince was, and apparently he was the type that was bad to get on his bad side. The kingdom described him as a genius who has routed several criminal gangs and organizations. We were eventually led to a room where he awaited us.

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He wasn’t your stereotypical blonde haired prince. Instead he had black hair and sharp black eyes that would try to discern even the devil if he looked upon him. The room was a large study with 2 rows of bookshelf against either wall, and in the center were 2 couches facing each other with a table in the middle. At the end of the room was a large window covered with red curtains, and in front of the window was presumably his desk. The prince was standing in front of one of the couches. Once we entered he started to speak.

“Nice to meet you Eliah the Immortal. I am Prince Eren Van Allaral. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Please have a seat.” This bastard actually emphasized the immortal. It is clear he is just trying to provoke me. It didn’t really work on me, but I looked over to Ilya and it was clear she was being provoked. She looked ready to transform from her human disguise any second. Emma was also angry. Dammit this guy already made his move. The only normal one besides me was Rela if she wasn’t a pervert. I must return the greeting and dispel the mood somehow.

“Pleased to make your acquaintance. Please don’t lump me together with that personage. People have been doing that all my life, but the truth is my father was a bit eccentric, and he was also a fan… This one to my left is Kinna, and this one to my right is… Korra. I am sure you already know Emma.” I said as I took a seat on the couch in front of him. Rela and Emma sat next to me, but Ilya (Korra) remained standing. 

“Yes, I understand…” He looked over towards Emma then he smirked and continued. “I am well acquainted with Viscount Belier. What happened to his wife was a real tragedy. My father was good friends with her.” His smile grew even wider when Emma's eye started to twitch. Ilya started to reach for the decoratory sword on her waist.

Fuck this guy… Fuck this guy… Fuck this guy. He is purposefully leading my subordinates on. Is this guy even sane? Doesn’t he know that I can take his head instantly? Why the hell would he try to provoke me? No, I need to calm down. I am playing into his hands, but he wouldn’t relent as he spoke again.

“Hmm, it is interesting that you were able to get that stubborn platinum ranked adventurer Brin to follow you here. That guy could never be bothered to accept any escort requests befo…” before he could finish I slammed my fist into the table causing it to shatter.

“What the fuck do you want!? What are you trying to make me out to be?” Shouldn’t this guy be scared if I really was that Eliah? This guy is doing the opposite of what any rational human being should do. I could just kill him. In fact I should just kill him.

“My, my that is a scary look on your face, but fear not. I just wanted to know if you were the real deal. If you really are then I would like to make you a proposition. A deal if you will? You see my father is incompetent…”

He went on to explain the circumstances of the kingdom as well as the recent happenings in a certain village where the commander was killed. His proposition was that I would take control of my subordinate, and in return he would grant me anything within his power. He would also keep my secret. I told him I would think about it and left the castle.

I told the group I would ponder this alone and left them at the inn. Now I found myself back in the forest. There was only one reason that I found myself here. Indeed, I need to let loose my anger that is threatening to explode.