Chapter 31: Chapter 17

“How and when did you even get to my castle?” I was starting to get a headache from everything that was happening. Erevyn just told me that she retrieved my arm from the castle. “I posed as a scholar until I could eventually get into the castle. In the end I was able to retrieve your arm. Would you like to see it?” It was then that I felt a few presences appear above us in the shack. 

“That will have to wait. The other members have arrived, and I need a briefing on everything that is going on.” I was still confused about my sudden appearance here, and the fact that Eliah had spoken into my head moments ago. ‘I merely took care of what your useless self could not.’ I think my headache will remain.

It was then that Rela came down the stairs dragging Lucien’s unconscious body along. Ilya and Emma followed right behind her. Rela looked at Erevyn with what I could only describe as a look of hostility. I guess they are not very friendly with each other. I could only sigh mentally at what is to come. Now how do I ask what has happened without sounding like I am completely ignorant?

“What happened master? After you dealt with Lucien I could not track you for a while. Also what should I do with this thing that raised a hand against you?” She said dropping the unconscious Lucien on the floor.

“I had some things that I had to deal with… and now I am host to a dragon… among other things.” I mumbled the last part, and the part about a dragon so she could not hear me.

“Anyways we will need to be leaving this kingdom pretty soon. There will be a lot of heat on us after all.” It was then that Erevyn spoke.

“We could head east to the country of Kilmer. I have my lab there, and that is where I left your arm.” 

“Sure anywhere is better than here right now. I need to sort things out before we head west anyways. I still plan on claiming my castle. It will just have to come a bit later.”

“You plan to claim your castle?” Emma spoke up from behind Ilya. “Of course, however, I need some time before I am able to go through with that plan.”

Just like that I teleported outside waiting for the others to follow. The light of the sun was a little blinding. How long was I out for? I immediately began to summon Kurneer once I was outside. I am going to need a bigger carriage for this guy to pull…

I took all sorts of items out of my storage in a matter of seconds, and using only a thought I made something like a platform instead fitted with comfortable seats. It immediately strapped itself to Kurneer’s back.

You are reading story The Last Progenitor at


In another part of the world inside of a church Durge and his 4 new comrades have just come up with a name for their new team. Their new team was called Requiem for a Vampire. It was a little ironic that their name was in remembrance for their foe, but they all agreed on it despite the irony.

They were all extremely strong warriors. Durge was an orichalcum ranked adventurer, and a skilled katana user. Rigur was a skilled straight sword and round shield user. He would be in the front of the formation. Junath was the only female of the group and she was a skilled assassin similar to Durge, but Durge himself could be a switch. Axcl was a magic bow user, and he along with the mage Indel would bring up the rear. Currently they were all talking about a strategy to potentially bring down “Eliah the Immortal”.

“I think we should find a way to lure her out. Durge has already killed one of her subordinates. If we kill more of her precious followers it will only be a matter of time until we lure out the target.” Junath said to the group. It is good that she can even recognize my achievement. I was quite proud to slay that filthy beastkin afterall.

“Need I remind you that it has only been 2 days since she took out all of those people by herself? If she wishes, then she could probably kill all of us in this room with a mere spell.” Indel the mage is the same coward as always I see.

“Are you saying we should just abandon our sacred mission? That would mean heresy!” Rigur slammed the table with his hands. This is the guy that is ever quick to anger. Father, why have you given me such a group of people? No! I cannot question our sacred mission. I shook the thoughts from my head as I continued to listen.

“I am not saying we should abandon our mission! I am simply saying that she is a more skilled mage than me. Probably by a hundred fold.” 

“I-I think it is best if we ask Durge. He actually killed one after all.” Axcl finally spoke in a quiet voice. He might not have the assassin title, but he was so skilled with a bow that you would never see him coming. At least from the stories I was told. Also, the fact that the old man thinks that Eliah is 100 times stronger than him is a little concerning, being that this man is a court wizard.

“Right, what do you think we should do, Durge?” Junath asked me. “I have personally dealt with one of her followers, as you all know; however, we should not throw caution to the wind. It would be better for us all to take this very seriously. That beastkin was of the lowest ranked of her subordinates, and I won’t lie, she was a tough battle. If we are going to lure her out with her subordinates we need to catch a big fish. Preferably we can catch one that is weaker.” I grinned when I thought of the possibility.

“And who might that be?” Rigur asked while rubbing his long beard. “According to my intel she has a new addition to her followers. Even better, she is just a little girl that will be easy to deal with. Word is she was quite close to Eliah. Her name is Emma Belier.”