Chapter 45: Durge: 3

The carriage followed the road to Solus, and by the time we were a kilometer away from the city we told the carriage driver to let us off. It was the dark of the night, and we could see the city walls from here on the plain. Axcl was the one who proposed stopping here. “What is your plan to have us stop so far away?” He said he had a way to get Emma if she was out in the open and not inside of a building.

“Just wait and see.” The bastard smirked at me. “Indel can you sense the residue of Emma within the city?” Axcl asked Indel. “I can try, just give me a moment there are too many signatures.” 

He started to channel his magic into the city to sense for Emma. He had learned of her signature while we were in Ender. We were allowed to go into the viscount’s manor. There we went into her room, and Indel was able to sense the faintest of her magical signatures. When Indel started to search the city ahead with his magic, he put on a worried expression.

“Eliah’s magical signature is there. I think perhaps we should go back to the church and get reinforcements. I don’t feel too good about this…” This guy was forever a coward. “Just find the little girl!” I yelled at him. He was already trying my patience. He closed his eyes and began to use more of his search magic. Meanwhile, Axcl was pulling out a green arrow from his sheath. 

“What do you think that will do?” I asked the magic bowman. “Just wait and see…” Indel finished his search. Then he looked over to Axcl who had begun to ready the bow with the green arrow. “She is currently walking just outside the slave warehouse. What do you plan to do with that thing?” He gestured to Axcl who had completely readied his arrow. “Why, shoot her of course.”

Before anyone could stop him he raised the bow to the sky in the direction of the city. Then he let the arrow loose. “Hey ya bastard! Whatcha’ think you are doin’?” Rigur yelled at him then began to grab his collar. “You will see once the arrow finds its mark. My arrows always find their mark.” 

Rigur begrudgingly let him go while I was watching the exchange. When we saw the arrow go over the walls into the city we all turned to look at Axcl. “So…? What did that do?” Junath asked him, but after a moment Axcl’s bow lit up green. Then he yelled out. “Success!” 

“Success, in what exactly?” Junath asked him.

“You see, we already have Emma. She is here.” He pointed to his bow, but all this bastard was doing was confusing everyone. “What the hell do you mean she is in there?” 

“This here…” He pointed to another green arrow in his sheath. “Is an arrow of sealing. It can seal anyone with weaker magical powers than my bow, so what I mean to say is that she is currently in my bow.” We all looked at him in shock. It was that easy? Our whole plan was going to be this easy?I looked to Indel, and he was staring at the bow.

“It is true, I can sense her magical signature in there.” Axcl smirked like this was some game at his words. I wanted to punch the little bastard, but I had to admit he did save us a lot of trouble. We finished the first part of our plan easily. Now we just need to wait for Eliah’s reaction.

“We need to run away from here.” Indel suddenly said, but he didn’t even need to tell me. I could sense that much magical power even without sensing abilities. There was a vast magical power spreading throughout the city. “Follow me, I have the perfect location.” Axcl said before he took off running. 

I hated that the little bastard was just doing everything himself. “I will wait for her here.” I told the group. 

“Don’t be stupid! You have a death wish!?” Indel yelled at me, but I didn’t care. I was itching for a fight. “I will wait here too.” Rigur said from beside me. Indel huffed before running after Axcl. I didn’t care if the cowards ran away. Even Junath took off running. “I will slay her, don’t worry!” I yelled after the group. Axcl just gave me a thumbs up without turning his head.

When the group was gone, me and Rigur were the only ones left. “You know you could have left with them? It would probably be safer.” 

“Ha! I wouldn’t want ya to have all the fun!” I smiled at the drunken bastard. “Well, suit yourself! Don’t blame me if you die a fool's death.” I was finally able to see the finality of this escapade, and I was grinning like a little girl.

Finally, I could fight the only person who could still hold a candle to me. I would be able to see with my own eyes and my own sword. Through combat, I could see what Eliah really was. Lightning was starting to crack inside of my mouth, and my sword started spewing arc’s of lightning. Then I felt it, the magical signature that was there imposing disappeared for a moment. 

Then an even larger signature came in waves shaking my entire being. I wasn’t scared though. “It is coming.” I told Rigur then I looked to the sky above the city, and there it was. “Now what do you have in store for me, Eliah?” 

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