“I am right here!” Erevyn hopped out from behind several beastkin. “I can’t believe you would forget about me.” She bounded over from her position wearing a pout. Rela was glaring at her while watching her antics. I sighed at the two before the little beastkin girl that we first saved stepped forward.
“Th-thank you for freeing us, miss.” I smiled at the little girl, and she returned my smile. “You needn’t thank me. I was just doing what the lord here couldn’t.” I looked over to Marqus who started to scratch his cheek awkwardly. Another beastkin stepped forward. He was a wolf beastkin with gray hair and ears with tufts of fur on them. I also noticed his tail was gray as well.
“You are much different than the stories depicted you from our home town. I had different expectations upon seeing you, but if you will truly help us, then we would be honored.” Several other beastkin nodded their heads, but many looked unsure of what they should do.
I stare at the fat visage of the king of this rotten Kingdom of Somber. I hate that I ended up as a slave to such a waste of air. I had to part with my daughter because of this dreadful kingdom. I just hope she is alright. My little angel was the most precious thing in the world to me before they took us and split us apart. They even murdered my husband. Because of what? The only difference between us are the features of animals that have been passed down through our heritage.
“Senna go and fetch my idiot son for me will you? I think he is in the courtyard.” The king commands me as he looks up from the papers at his desk. “Yes, your, majesty.” I perform a curtsy as I step out of the room and head towards the courtyard. When I arrive I notice the figure of the young prince who is swinging his sword. It is all this prince ever does really. He swings his sword everyday no matter the weather. Whether it is raining or bright and sunny, he is always swinging his sword. I think he vies for his father’s attention, but it is none of my business. I am just a lowly slave. As I reach him he glares at me.
“Why have you come to visit me during my swinging practice? I don’t know why father allows a lowly beastkin slave as his servant.” I hold back my urge to kick this little shit in the face as I bow my head. “Your father requires your audience.” As I tell him this he beams a bright smile. “Finally, he must be eager to watch me practice. I see you are actually useful for something, slave.”
He bounds across the courtyard and enters the castle. I quickly follow after the little brat, and we end up back in the king’s office. “Be useful and make us some tea.” The prince quips at me as we enter. “Right away, your highness.” I exit the room and walk down the hallway. Then I enter the servants' kitchen. After boiling the tea, I go back down the hallway and enter the office in the middle of their conversation.
“...You will fetch them boy.” The king finishes whatever he was talking about previously. I quickly give them their tea and make myself small in a corner of the room. “I don’t want to, father. Make the filthy slaves do it. You should come watch me practice instead.”
“This is urgent, or do you not care what happens in this kingdom?” The king chastises his son. “But father…” The king responds by slamming his fist into the desk. “There will be no buts. I shall have that maid go with you, but you will be the one to deliver them here.” He points in my direction, and then the prince glares at me before strutting over to the door. He turns around “Well, slave? Are you going to just look at me?” He exits the room before I can respond. I make my way over to the door and turn around before bowing to the king.
As I exit the room I see the prince tapping his foot restlessly. I have no idea what we are doing, but I follow him nonetheless. I follow him as we make our way out of the castle. We walk down the noble district to a large manor, and after the prince shows up before the guards we are let into the gates of the manor. Of course, I receive disgusted looks from the guards. As we enter the manor I start to hear the conversation of the lord of this manor and another noble. When we enter the living room of the mansion it is clear that they are restless as they continue their conversation.
“I am telling you! She is in this kingdom!” The noble yells at the lord of the mansion before turning to us as we arrive. “Other nobles have already notified our king, and he said he will handle it. Now if you excuse me, it appears we have visitors.” The lord looks over to the prince before addressing him. “What brings his highness to my humble abode?”
“My father says that your attendance in the castle is necessary.”
“Very well, then if you’ll excuse me.” After addressing the other noble he followed us back into the castle. When the lord arrived before the king he bowed, and then their meeting commenced. They were talking about Eliah for whatever reason, but I just tuned most of the meeting out, while I thought of my little girl. I hoped she was okay.
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