I looked over all of the beastkin standing before me. There were many of different ages. There were some mothers and fathers. There were some children who were now smiling next to their parents. There weren’t many elderly, and the ones that lived were not too old judging by their features. The more I looked around the more the smile left my face. All of them were malnourished, and some of them looked dead inside. They were all wearing rags.
As they all looked at me, I began to project my voice over all of them. “From the elderly to the children, I know you have all struggled. I can’t imagine what your captors have put you through. The road must have been hard, and I can’t blame anyone for just wanting to be put out of their misery. Should anyone wish for it, I will be the end of your life. I wouldn’t recommend it though, dying is not honorable in any sense of the word. It is cruel, and anyone who dies shall eventually be forgotten, or else they will be lost.”
Marqus Solus was looking at me in disbelief. My companions were looking at me like I just passed on the gospel. Several beastkin stepped forward when I gave my proposition, most of them had dead eyes. Other beastkin tried to stop them, but they stopped when I glared at them. When they got in front of me, I counted 11 beastkin who wanted nothing more than to die.
“Do you truly wish to die?” The beastkin nodded and one of them, who was an elderly, started to speak. “We have lost everything, I wish for nothing more than to be with my granddaughters, who were taken from me, in the afterlife.” When he finished I addressed the rest of them. “Do any of you have any parting words?” They all shook their heads. It was like the elderly man had spoken all of their truths. I felt nothing at the thought of putting them out of their misery. Eliah’s voice had been quiet for a while now. To me, this was something that needed to be done. If their hearts are broken, and their families are gone, who am I to deny them this? I would only be a hypocrite preaching ideals. I would be exactly like the church. The thought made me shiver.
“I will make your deaths as painless as possible.” Marqus looked like he wanted to say something, but a glare from Ilya silenced him. I knew there was a spell in my arsenal to numb pain. It was a shadow magic that confused the brain, and it would make them feel pleasure. Their last moments will be filled with joy. “Kneel!” My voice caused them to kneel, and as they were on their knees I casted my spell “Joyful Darkness”. Their previously dead eyes shot open, and they all started to grin. Some even started giggling before I severed all of their heads with an obsidian sword summoned from my shadow.
Audible gasps came from several beastkin, and some started to sob. I wouldn’t apologize for what I had done though. I immediately stored them into my shadow. When I did, one beastkin from the group called out. “What are you going to do with their bodies?” I smiled at the wolfkin man. “They will find rest in a proper place.” The reality of it was that I would do something with them when the time required it. I stored them faster than their souls could leave their bodies, and now they should be seeing happy dreams.
“Now then…” I looked over to the beastkin that was still alive. There were probably over 150 beastkin here. “Anyone who wants to destroy this kingdom come join me and this pathetic lord Marqus in redemption. Don’t look at me like that, you are all equally weak. If you weren’t you wouldn’t have been captured in the first place. Anyone who wants to go home is welcome too. I shall have a powerful ally join you in the journey, and anyone who wants to take back their dignity against these humans who have wronged both you and I. We shall crush this very capital. If you don’t believe me, I urge you to look for any guards in this city. I urge you to look at me, ‘Eliah the Immortal’, and tell me I am wrong. We will give the humans a taste of their own medicine. Many of you may die, but you will die fighting for not just your friends and families. You will also die protecting what your ancestors had built. I will see to it that my words aren’t lies. I will turn every lie and every possibility into the truth. I will cleanse this world of all that I find repulsive. That is my very purpose. And so, I ask again, who will join me?”
All of the remaining beastkin looked at each other with a glance of uncertainty, but I could see a fire was lit in their eyes. The fire grew even more with the words of the little girl beastkin. “I will join you! They took my mother! I will take her back!”
“We won’t be outdone by a little girl!”
“My father would turn over in his grave if I let myself be bested by a little girl!”
I smiled as the beastkin turned to cheers. So far, none have said they wanted to go home. I was glad they would rather fight, but it was mostly because I would get to see carnage. There was a part of my being that just wanted to see the carnage that would ensue due to the rebellion. I had also caused a great calamity in the Ender capital. The leaders of this world would not stay silent, and I knew that something big was coming.
Instead of being down because of it, I found myself grinning. I wanted them to come and try to kill me. I wanted to make them regret the decision to go against me. This very world will remember me. I will have them bow down before me, or I will destroy their kingdoms. I am tired of inaction. I will claim both my arm and my castle. No one will take a part from me ever again.
The beastkin finished their cheers, and afterwards I summoned clothes from my inventory that were better for them. I also summoned several hundred apples of rejuvenation. The people who were under me would not starve. I will make sure of this.
After all of the beastkin received food and drink. They were smiling more brightly than before. The next thing I had to do was make certain of something. The beastkin needed shelter, and I might have had a solution. I don’t think that Marqus’ manor would be able to house all of these beastkin.
“The first order of business would be real estate. My first thought was having us procure houses in the lord's city, but I think the lord would be against that. My next idea is to summon some real estate.”
“What do you mean to summon real estate? People just don’t summon houses, you know?” Marqus quipped back from the side of me. “Just move out of the way. Actually all of you need to move as well.” I pointed to a group of several beastkin. Then I put my hand to the ground and summoned a giant purple magic circle over the large area. I would be summoning an old pet. From the circle appeared the floating figure of a giant turtle. They were called “Shell Leviathan” in the game, and now that very creature was floating in front of me.
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